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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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labor, drawing, perhaps this will allow young people to be interested in working in the production sector, and thereby avoid a shortage of highly qualified specialists in the future, i already said, just now, that work on early career guidance is needed, what you they said, this is really such a positive experience since the times of the soviet union, but in my opinion.
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so that approximately 47-48, 50% of schoolchildren of this age, from the sixth to the eleventh grade, will undergo a preliminary preliminary, so that it will be carried out with them this is the preliminary work on early career guidance, i really hope that they will come to the enterprise, get acquainted with these enterprises, including such as your enterprise and others, so that the guys look and choose their future in profession, because this is generally one of the key issues in life, in order to be a successful, happy person, you need to find yourself in the profession, and of course we are doing this, i just said what we did, what we will do now, i repeat, this should cover all 38,000 schools of the russian federation, well, we will gradually increase it, because it’s probably
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difficult to do all this at once, right at the click of all schools, all schoolchildren will be included in this work, but in the near future at least up to 50% , well, 47%, that’s more than eight million people, we will carry out this work, on such a scale, thank you, yeah. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is ivan baryshev, i am a fourth- year student at the faculty of energy at south ural state university, excuse me, please, you know, yesterday i was at the enterprises here nearby in yekaterinburg, in nizhny tagil, one girl there says: we have a good, good museum, in this museum, the museum is an enterprise, it is located outside the perimeter of the enterprise itself , and the kids from school come. even so
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, there can be a lot of forms of early career guidance, you just need to approach it creatively, use all these directions, this is also one of the forms of early career guidance, these are the museums that are located and other sites of similar kind of what the work collectives are proud of, so we need to develop them and attract guys, attract guys, there’s a lot you can do... you can think of everything, the main thing is to think about it, the main thing is that those who are interested in solving this problem think about it, yes, i'm sorry, please, but it's okay, my name is ivan baryshev, i am a fourth-year student at the faculty of energy at south ural state university, i would like to thank you for the state project to create advanced engineering schools, we have one in chelyabinsk there is also, it’s called the heart of the urals, our school is focused on...
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we created 30 such sites, then added 20 more, resulting in 50 promising advanced engineering schools, and about 160 of our large ones are now participating in this work.
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innovative enterprises, we plan that in the twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth year until the twenty-sixth year, the decision has already been made to extend - no less than 250 of our large , good high-tech industries will take part in this work, and the total amount of co-financing will be somewhere in around 60 billion rubles, this is decent money for these sites that i mentioned, but you are absolutely right, this is in demand, in fact, we started from this with the fact that personnel are needed, and not just highly qualified ones. i recruited the head of an enterprise there, 14,000, and were immediately faced with the fact that people need to be trained, well, thank god, they are building this system there, but it is definitely absolutely clear that we must work in this area broadly and specifically, understanding where and what is
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in demand today and what will be in demand tomorrow, and by the way, we have decided to forecast the labor market for the next... 250 enterprises will attract co-financing of 60 billion, but all this should be aimed at the end result, and the end result is an increase in labor productivity and compliance
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we will absolutely support the needs that exist in the economy in the labor market, you said engineering schools, student engineering schools, also one of the forms of work in this area, and we will extend the program, thank you. hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is amina akhmadulina, i am a fourth-year student at the law institute of yuzhnoura state university. i practice a sport called chessboxing. i am also the first che chessboxer. yes, right. it's a hybrid sport in which competitors, uh, compete in alternating rounds of boxing chess. so you can win? do you also practice boxing? yes, sure. here i am the first world champion in chessboxing from russia, that is, this sport requires a high level of development as intellectual and physical skills. last year, on the basis of south urai state university, with the support of the conor company, the world's first student chessboxing center called
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shah and round was created. at the opening of the center, valery vyacheslavovich told us that as a student he was involved in boxing, and this helped him become a good engineer and plant director. i think that if everyone is in favor... success, because such fighting qualities are needed in order to go forward, well, check, check boxing, yes, check boxing, chessboxing, interesting, yes, when apparently, when a person is sitting at chess, playing, playing, excuse me, when something
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is twisting there, he goes to the ring, boom, everything falls into place, or vice versa, when in the ring something flew away somewhere, then he sat down to play chess. everything lined up as it should in my head, well, in any case, it ’s interesting, right now in kazan we will have such a comprehensive large sports event, just for the sports that young people are actively interested in, these sports are developing all over the world, they combine traditional sports and innovative ones.
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creativity so that they can study in their chosen specialty, engage in sports, art, all this together could... 25 modern campuses throughout the russian federation, 17 projects have already been selected, we will continue this work in the near future, here we are everything should be combined, harmonized and offered for young people... so that they use it all, but not only for these higher educational institutions themselves, this
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planned, conceived in such a way that people living, let’s say, in the vicinity of this campus, also in compliance with the requirements of safety rules, of course, all this can be done with modern means, can take advantage of these - the advantages that should clearly arise on these campuses, there are other ways. support for innovative sports or such unusual unusual ones as you said and in sports in general , we have a whole program of support for student sports now we will do this further, of course, your desire to also stimulate our enterprises that are interested in getting well. trained specialists, of course, this is easier than issuing money from the budget, so
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we will, of course, stimulate them, especially, you know, that, well, i think you also see, here are our companies, yes, that have collided, i i already started with this, with certain problems and restrictions with these sanctions and so on, but at the same time, having received a market for the sale of my products inside ... from my own side, which was freed up from a significant , significant number of western brands , they, of course, are interested in ensuring that work on all components, including personnel, we are practically just discussing this now, proceeds in the best possible way, and they are not greedy, enterprises are investing in this work, but we will talk to them about this topic, so that not only... education, but during the holidays they also
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invest more in sports, i am sure that this will happen, thank you, yes, please, hello vladimir vladimirovich, me name is kasyanov maxim, i am an employee of the chelyabinsk forging and press plant, as well as a student at south ural state university, studying by correspondence, yes, yes, well, in order to combine work and study, and this is the question now. enterprises are recruiting personnel , including people who have received citizenship under the resettlement program for compatriots, but how will they receive pensions if they have experience abroad in the russian federation, how old are you? 21, well done, a promising employee, because he thinks at least 30 years ahead, great, how about you name, excuse me again, maxim? maxim, we had certain
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agreements in place, agreements, or rather, with the cis countries, then russia announced them, well , due to the fact that the situation has changed dramatically since 1991, but we have practically regulated relations with all our main partners , bilateral agreements have been signed, except, in my opinion, three. countries, uzbekistan, ukraine and turkmenistan, but for these, for the citizens of these countries , a single rule applies, it is they, if they these citizens permanently reside on the territory of the russian federation or have acquired russian citizenship or a residence permit, then this is valid. general rules, both for citizens of the russian federation, 15 years of experience are needed
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, a certain age is needed, and either a person has become disabled, or the loss of a breadwinner has occurred, then circumstances arise in which a person has the right to receive an insurance pension, but with these the countries i mentioned so far... there are no signed and worked out intergovernmental agreements, but this is in effect the rule, which i have now also outlined, as essentially for citizens of the russian federation. mm, well, everything is settled with all other states, which side did you move from? from here, i’m local, and local , what’s bothering you so much, i don’t even understand, or do you have a girlfriend, maybe if you moved in with this one , you’re already thinking about her pension, no, the enterprise has collectively prepared questions, that is, it’s like well, yes, well, in general, in this way
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, in my opinion, i told almost everything, here ... there is one more circumstance that is extremely important for us from a social point of view, from an internal political point of view, this is the situation of people living in the territories of the lugansk people's republic, donetsk people's republic, zaporozhye, kherson regions, so we need to regulate everything that concerns their pensions. right, now this work is being carried out, by the state duma , including, i think, counting on it to be completed in the shortest possible time, these decisions will not be easy, well, they have already done this in the crimea, it will be necessary to read, count and internship, which people received work
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in the territories when they were part of ukraine, well, this is a special question, i... i don’t see any great difficulties in solving it, thank you very much, please, hello, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is lupo andrey, i’m a student south ural state university higher school of electronics and computer science, i am currently studying in the second year of a master’s degree in instrument engineering, i plan to continue my studies in graduate school, and collectively we are talking and communicating with students, now the following arises: the question about further continuation, that is , what about going to graduate school or going to work directly at an enterprise, and earlier in their time in the soviet union there were such so-called so-called scientific research institutes that did production small, yes, that is, from the beginning of development to the stage of certification and
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small mass production, which were then integrated into the business as an offer to consider the possibility. i don’t know how to combine this with graduate school. we need to think about it, but graduate school is, first of all, something that is designed to attract people inclined to research work, to research activities, inclined to scientific activity, you can probably combine this with production, especially since
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, as a rule, as a rule, if we are dealing with applied... science, then it is designed for use in production, this needs to be looked at, calculated, maybe even made some adjustments in the future, future activities of graduate students, where we are talking about fundamental science , that's one thing, but where we are talking about applied science, this is different, there a connection with production must be ensured, well, yes, we will do that, thank you very much, yes please. hello, dear vladimir vladimirovich, my name is veldanov denis, i am a fourth-year student at the miass mechanical engineering college, and also a supervisor of mechanical assembly work at the ural automobile plant. i am a native of mias and mias is a small town, but with a very developed industry. how many kilometers is it? 100 km from here. by the way, it
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looks like nizhny tagil, where you recently were. here we have two large city-forming enterprises, our ural automobile plant and the state missile center named after makeev, and so in terms of infrastructure development it lags significantly behind chelyabinsk and similar large cities, i would like to draw your attention to the fact that i want such small industrial cities like mias them really grew and developed, i would like to ask you, is it possible to single out one? support for the development of such promising cities, because i want not only to work interestingly, but to really live in such cities, thank you, vladimir vladimirovich, well, look, well, we
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have 160,000 inhabitants, in nizhny tagil, in my opinion, 3000, because it’s twice as many, and we we made two programs for the development of nizhny novgorod, nizhny tagil, which means... one program began to be implemented last year, and then a few years ago we made another program in connection with preparations for the 300th anniversary of the city, yesterday i met with plant workers there at the enterprise , they told me about the fact that they really see the changes that are happening in their city and thank god, although i think that this is not enough, people there are quite modest. this means that no big questions were asked during the conversation, but i know that additional and not small efforts still need to be made there for the development
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of this city, mias deserves no less attention, meaning not only because there are such large and important enterprises for the country’s economy there are those you said, well, 160,000 people live there too, so we have a development program. especially an industrial city, well , let’s talk to the governor, we’ll talk, but there is an existing program, and an ongoing program that is aimed at
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improving the territory, as far as i understand, and people are involved, by the way, in the implementation of these programs, it is going very well for us in general, on the side, we are talking about small settlements, about historical cities, the month, in my opinion, too... is the recipient of these funds somewhere over the last 5 years, how many somewhere in my opinion 500 million received and vladimir vladimovich with nineteen nineteen twenty twenty-first twenty-second twenty-third, in my opinion, 500 half a billion in aid , and there is a competition for the development of small towns, which was held last year, mias won with a very interesting project for the development of the embankment in the region, serious funds.
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we talked about this, good afternoon, vladimir vladimirovich, my name is valeria bobrovskaya , i am a design engineer at this industrial site, i have a question, you designed this when i was little, my parents prepared me for i will grow up and become an engineer, it so happened, now i have a five-year-old daughter growing up and... i would like to know where to send a child, what specialties will be relevant in 10-20 years, well, look, i just
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said, well, here are a few minutes 15-20 ago that we set ourselves the task of constantly updating the labor market for the next 3-5 years, this is constantly changing, but... now we were just talking about robotics, everyone has heard of artificial intelligence, the sphere big data, genetics, and a lot of other areas, you know, you need it, you are a young mother, you have a small child, you need, in my opinion, to help the child navigate a huge space in
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a huge flow of information. look, there are modern techniques that enable adults and parents to identify children’s abilities, identify their inclinations for a certain type of activity and then help the child navigate this endless space and endless flow of information, this is such a difficult job, it is no less difficult work than this is industrial design, i want to wish you success, but i don’t even want to try to give you any advice, you must do this yourself , together with your loved ones, with your grandparents, with your husband, just to... promote
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such a multifaceted, multifaceted development of a little man, create from him a full-fledged personality to help make this choice himself, we will try, thank you very much, there are methods, methods for identifying talents in young children, these methods are being developed quite well abroad... it is becoming more and more energetic in our country popular , this is the sirius site already known to the country, where they work with gifted children from all over the country, they have a separate job, identifying the cognitive abilities of a child, look at the methods , they will tell you, hello,
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vladimirovich, my name is evgeniy klyuchnikov, i i represent the chelyabinsk urban electric transport plant, here is the head of the workshop, we are sina city cars, we make trolleybuses, i use them yesterday, i saw them yesterday, it’s super, such beautiful equipment, and it’s just amazing, i congratulate you, that’s it great, taking this opportunity from the whole team, we want you to... visit our site, look at the production processes, how we started from scratch, uh, metal comes in, and a trolleybus leaves, look at the whole thing, i saw the end result, it’s already great, yes , how it all happens in the process, from scratch to this product, so beautiful and necessary,
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well, i’ll try, thank you very much. yesterday at this moment i had a question: have you ever sat behind the wheel of a trolleybus, yesterday it happened, today i had to correct the question, that’s what you think is the relevance of industrial tourism, yes, very interesting, in our country it can be for yes, yes, yes, very interesting and useful, this is industrial tourism, yes, very interesting, especially for young people , as we said at the beginning of the conversation, in order to help people in time to navigate their future profession, well, it’s very interesting, and you know, when you look, here are the robots we saw today, uh, domestic russian production, you look, like here production was developing, so valery showed, but from scratch they were just killed, just sites were killed, and then - pictures from
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today, well, listen, this is impressive, i don’t know, for any person, if he is engaged in some kind of creative work, creative, to me it seems that this is the greatest satisfaction in life , brings, to see the results of your work, so you, your enterprise, have the people who work there, but yesterday i looked at this trolleybus, a toy, but... doesn't mean that you can and should calm down about this, not at all, why? because there is something to work on, it looks good, uh, that means the driver’s seat is perfectly made, comfortable for passengers, moreover, it can not just follow an electric line, yes, but where it needs to move, using batteries from one area movement to another area, but the batteries need to be worked on. agreement needs to
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be worked.


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