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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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there was a constant exchange of experience so that other ministries and departments were involved, and here at this festival and conference the participants are the ministry of defense, the russian national guard, rosatom, and a number of other federal ministries and departments. it is very important that there is interaction between all these security forces to ensure comprehensive security in the arctic zone. we expect that the ministry of emergency situations will create new technologies and new ones will appear.
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extreme north, but this is the north, the center is located on the shores of a unique lake, with high depths of up to 130 m depth of the lake, large-scale well, firstly, this is still the north, this is not a lake, there are very strong storms here, there are strong winds, so everything here contributes to the training of a specialist to work in the far north, in addition, the center is located at the point where all the important ones connect...
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our film crew observed the exercises of specialists in conditions close to the arctic. marina pavlova learned how rescue and diving work is carried out. neither frost, nor blizzard, nor ice will stop their work. the best teams of the ministry of emergency situations from different regions of our country, as well as kazakhstan, azerbaijan and belarus , met on lake onega to show what they are capable of in emergency situations in conditions of extremely low temperatures. this scientific and practical conference is primarily intended for our specialists. exchanged experiences, exchanged new technologies, and looking at each other improved their skills, with special attention to diving underwater technical work. on training in the mines, the teams demonstrated diving with various equipment, for example, using a rapid deployment diving station. the leader of the descent is immediately visible, he is always in touch with the diver and controls everything that happens under the ice. as if you could hear it now, it’s a diver breathing, right in my hands. we are working now. on
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the hose version, that means bsbr-3, the equipment is very convenient, good, you see, it works flawlessly in the winter, here we can stay under water, work for up to 6 hours, the cylinder allows us, the air supply allows us allows, and this is a rescue team from cherepovets, in addition to modern diving suits, they showed work with equipment from the 19th century. this is the legendary three-bolt, as rescuers call it three-bolt, ventilated. diving equipment, because the helmet is connected to a copper shirt-front with three bolts, the suit weighs 80 kg, of which 18 helmets weighing 16 kg each complete the brutal image, a pair of lead boots weighing 21 kg. not everyone can withstand immersion in icy water to a depth of 100 m; the work of divers in arctic conditions is only for the strong spirit of rescuers with good health diving experience. this includes... the search for some
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sunken objects and the recovery of people, each diver in the diving station has access, according to medical qualifications, and training diving descents are also conducted at our base. many people have thousands of hours of work underwater under their belts, and yet another dive is like a new adventure for them; the unpredictability is where the romance of the job lies. every dive is like the first time, so here... unforgettable the impression is that every descent, even in a well -tested place, there is some certain factor of uncertainty, but we call this a justified professional risk. meanwhile, on the ice on snow-covered roads , winter motor vehicles are ready to help at any moment. dozens of domestic special equipment were presented at the conference. in the harsh russian winter , snowmobiles are essential equipment for search and rescue operations, powerful, reliable, and off-road capable. tell.
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what speed does it accelerate to? good afternoon, see you 100 km/h. let's try, let's. such snowmobiles are supplied to rescuers in regions of russia where climatic conditions are difficult. wide caterpillar, here on this snowmobile. that is, it is considered the largest to date, which is supplied, atvs are all-wheel drive, they can start at -50, and this is a less fast, but no less reliable transport, in the off-season , tracked and wheeled all-terrain vehicles are on guard, the developments of russian specialists have been tested on land on water. the presented boats move on fragile ice, even if your all-terrain vehicle will fall under the ice, it will not sink, but it will float, and after that the all-terrain vehicle will be able to go out onto the ice. here in front of us is a white all-terrain vehicle, for example, which recently returned from an expedition that takes place throughout russia; they are used as an office, as a headquarters vehicle, as well as an emergency vehicle, and also for transporting search engines in difficult conditions. one
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of the largest all-terrain vehicles was presented by vologda manufacturers. this colossus is capable of driving through extreme off-road conditions and will float with a load of up to one and a half tons, and this is a completely new development, they just call it testing it. zones of russia is becoming an increasingly important task. 2 years. integrated security of the arctic industry, since 2016 this is the third such conference, it was decided to hold them more often, once in marina pavlova, egor gerasimov, andrey litvin, senate program. 20 billion rubles will be allocated. this is one of the instruments of state support for the agro-industrial complex. this solution will allow the implementation of large investment projects. where can the borrowed funds be sent? what is the state of the agro-industrial complex today? we’ll talk about this and more with senator alexander dvoinykh. he is our studio guest today.
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alexander vladimirovich, last year was especially successful for russian farmers, there was a record harvest, and, accordingly, record revenue for agricultural products. tell me. due to what and what is the current state? what accounts for revenue records? firstly, due to the fairly diversified structure of our exports, it is based not only on grain, for which prices vary, record volumes of exports of fishery products, very good results for oilseeds, all this gives systematic but serious results, if you look at it.
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the quality of fish, well, not only in those regions that directly catch it, but throughout russia in general, the price of fish products is still not very low, an important issue for our... citizens, because on the one hand we have according to the doctrine , the threshold for self-sufficiency is almost twice exceeded , we spend twice as much as we need on the internal market, but the availability of fish in the european part of russia is a topical topic, there was a record poutine this year, we have very good results for salmon, but in fact these are the results of the far east, and here , of course, we need to pay attention to something.
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this is the volume of consumption of fish products per capita, we have
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a norm recommended by the ministry of health, it is about 28 kg per year, so far we have reached only 22 kg per person, and here it is very important to popularize this type of product, taking into account the fact that it is not only domestic, he has excellent gastronomic characteristics from the point of view of nutritional balance, it is very important, and it seems important to me. you raise the topic because when we consider the doctrine of threshold values, we look at it for the country as a whole. it is important that today the government is already starting to look at prices directly in the regions and do not measure the average temperature, they look at the availability of certain products for each region, for this it is important to create a normal storage infrastructure , transport infrastructure in order the products were not only produced on the territory of the russian federation, but also had...
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an enlightening function in this regard, and it seems to me that we have much greater potential here, and here it is important simply not to leave this work in large cities, in large agglomerations, where a large number of people live in order to popularize this type of product. organic products have also become popular in russia now, what support measures are needed for this type of rural products in order for them to become more popular or more accessible. the most important measure and we were able to provide it legislatively - this is actually such a protected
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mark, that is, today the legislative framework has already been created, and an enterprise that does not produce organic products cannot label the name eco, bio, ecological, biological, thereby misleading the consumer , this must be a protected sign, this is world practice, and here it is very important that we work together with '. quantitative indicators, that is, what
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volume of revenue we plan to reach by 2030, the plan for its implementation is laid down there what volume of land should be allocated for organic products, we are now discussing with markets, with large retail chains, what preferences organic products can receive, because it is a common practice that these producers need preferences, their costs are higher. this is, well, now new footage from chelyabinsk. we are a working region, we are working. well, questions that require special attention, as we say, come on, dear vladimirovich, first of all i would like to thank you for your visit to chelyabinsk region, for the attention that you pay to the development of our region, we have wonderful people, beautiful nature,
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yuzhnoural has always lived with great government goals, we have three cities, chelyabinsk, zlatovst and... magnitogorsk bears the title of the city of labor valor, well and we are now working for victory, today we have already discussed this, i will dwell on the key indicators that characterize the region, our work, first of all, this is an indicator of the well-being of citizens, this is life expectancy based on the results of the twenty-third year in in the chelyabinsk region , the average life expectancy was 73.6 years, this is... the highest historical value of all time, we have practically reached the average level for the country, and despite the fact that we were far behind - the birth rate is also important to note that since the nineteenth year we have maintained a stability in terms of the birth rate, here on my slide it
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is presented as 1.48 and 1.47, here is 1.48 in the nineteenth year, 47, now the figure is currently higher than in the country, well, the mortality rate is also based on the results of the twenty-third year, the mortality rate in the chelyabinsk region reached the lowest values ​​in the last 30 years, by your decision the twenty -fourth year was declared the year of the family, for us this is an absolute priority, support for families with children, by the way, in the photo, the kovalev family from chelyabinsk. over the past 5 years, the volume of social support in the region has exceeded 100 billion rubles from all sources and on behalf of all residents of the region, and i would like to personally thank you for your attention to the issue of
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supporting families, we feel it, i just recently met with families... families opened the year and our families asked you to thank you for the attention and care you provide, we must say that now the number of families with third and third children is growing, and this is a very good trend, we are very happy about this, we have a number of our own unique benefits, for example, we have - for the second child, a monthly payment throughout the year, and we are constantly increasing it, and as for the support of svo participants, special attention today for us and their families, yes, i myself regularly hold meetings with for the families of participants and those who died, our
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soldiers, we have regional payments.
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in general, we pay a lot of attention to this area, from all sources , over the last 5 years, our funding has increased 15 times during the pandemic, this helped us, now it helps us a lot, and for us it’s not that important either, by the way, we are in third place in last year, they took fifth place in the number of projects in the country that were supported by the presidential grants fund in terms of the number of supported grants from the presidential grants fund. culture, and well we believe that this area is also very important, and we are one of the leaders, i especially dwell on the topic of healthcare; over the course of 5
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years, we have overhauled 204 medical institutions within the framework of the federal program for the first life expectancy , including, yes, in the nineteenth year we set ourselves the task of building at least 100 faps, we have already built 109 faps and... we continue this work, we built an infectious diseases hospital in a pandemic in 74 days, and thank you very much, with your support we are now starting a large-scale pediatric surgery project, i’ll tell you more about this project, national projects, we, based on the results of the twenty- third year, had fantastic execution of national projects 99.2% and of the important events we last year.
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they introduced 61 kindergartens over the past 5 years, these are again records, if we take the soviet era, they probably did only so much , 15 schools were built, 67 were renovated on your instructions, that’s all 15 new ones, yes , yes, 15 new ones, that’s all record-breaking figures and , of course, thanks primarily to your support, the next... important topic, this means that you always pay special attention to this, the income of citizens is also such a resulting indicator for all of us, we have positive dynamics, we ended last year with an increase in wages of 16.6%, and real wages of 10.1%, this is a good indicator, so to speak, well, above the national average, as for per capita income, there was also an increase over the past year of 12.4%.
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well, another achievement, i think, is that we are reducing the number of our citizens who live below the poverty line, we also constantly have positive results here on the slide dynamics, well, by more than 2% points. we expect 10.8%, we expect based on the final calculation, this is up to november last year, that is, if the country as a whole is 3.5%, you will have over 10, yes,
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a very important area of ​​this investment, this year we expect growth of 15%, well, more precisely , the third year in relation to you, 15% growth, yes, and separate control over the implementation of environmental programs, achieving the level of emissions that are provided for by presidential decrees, in chelyabinsk, magnitogorsk we are fulfilling these tasks, here on the slides,
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large investment projects have been presented, i would like literally just a few of them, maybe, understandably, there is metallurgy, some of our traditional industries there, but i wanted to say a few projects, but interesting ones, we have such an enterprise modlass, we are in last year we launched a project there, this is the production of architectural double-glazed windows, now they reach a height of 12 m and a width of up to 3.3 me, well, essentially it’s a glass wall, all our major projects , the ochtacenter, now the olympic one, recently they supplied a new one to baumanka campus and so on, these are so unique even on a global scale, we are already working on the museum and cultural class, definitely yes, and we are now working on the next goal - eighteen meters, i think that probably by the end of next year we will solve this problem, but about the sinara and we talked a lot about the opening of the production of trolleybuses and electric buses, i won’t dwell on it.
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the next project is a first-order breeding reproducer, where we will develop domestic selection of chicken eggs up to 3 million eggs from the parent flock, you know, shift nine is the so-called, our genetic material is mainly imported , this is the kind of import substitution, and we are a large agro-industrial region, and well , i occupy key positions there, well, first for example in pasta, here is third, fourth in eggs, well... other directions, therefore, it is also a project that is supported by the ministry of agriculture and it is very important and necessary for our entire country, but 4 years ago we started in the ranking of attractiveness there from twenty-fifth place, now the ninth dash is eleventh place - this has also made serious progress, we are creating a free economic zone, and, in fact, key infrastructure projects, thanks to
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your support. which we are implementing , well, here are several projects, on the next slide they are listed in more detail, now transport opportunities are also developing between yekaterinburg and chelyabinsk, and they are very good, thanks to you, we people can now move on a four-lane road with a different quality and speed, we have very promising agglomeration, which means i have in i mean chelyabinsk yekaterinburg yes. only moscow and st. petersburg are larger, and 200 km, 2 megacities nearby, we launched the orlan train, and yesterday you were at the production of the fenist seminary, here we are on march 19 launching fenis between chelyabinsk and yekaterinburg, but you were also told about this yesterday, plus, according to your decision, we completed the four-lane road, last year you opened this road,
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we are building between. this is on the campus site, so this is what we discussed today, and the metro tram is a separate big story, which means, thanks to you, we have revived the old dream of chelyabinsk residents about the metro, we modified it into a metro tram, keeping in mind that special trams will go underground, we practically started this project. the metro is shallow, well , we have one station that’s quite deep, it’s a little over 30 meters long, there’s a shopping center, it ’s just been done historically, but it’s like we didn’t start from scratch, and well, actually, yes and uh, these are security issues , uh, because well, we had to deal with what we dug up once, we had to decide on it and move on further, we are implementing the project, the project is unique in many ways, well, on a global scale.


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