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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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and exchanged new technologies and , looking at each other, improved their skills, special attention to diving underwater technical work; at training mines, teams demonstrated diving with various equipment, for example , using a rapid deployment diving station, the leader of the descents is immediately visible, he is always in touch with the diver and controls everything that happens under the ice, as if you can hear it now, it’s the diver breathing, right in my hands, we are now working on the bank version, which means bsbr-3, with the equipment is very convenient , good, you see, in winter it works without failure, it can stay under water and work for up to 6 hours, the cylinder allows us, the air supply allows us, and this is a rescue team from cherepovets, in addition to modern diving suits, they showed how to work with equipment 19 century, this is the legendary three-bolt, as rescuers call three-bolt ventilated diving equipment.
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because the helmet is connected to a copper shirt-front with three bolts, the suit weighs 80 kg, of which 18 helmets of 16 kg each complete the load brutal look, a pair of lead boots weighing 201 kg. not everyone can withstand immersion in icy water to a depth of 100 m; the work of divers in arctic conditions is only for strong-willed rescuers with good health and diving experience. this is a search for some objects, but... who have recovered and raised people , each diver in the diving station has permission, according to medicine, according to qualifications, training diving descents are also held at our base, many have thousands of hours of work under water under their belts, while the next dive is like a new adventure, it’s the unpredictability that’s the whole romance of the work, every dive is like the first time, so this is an unforgettable experience. every descent, even in a well
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-tested place, has some certain unknown factor, but we call this a justified professional risk. meanwhile, on the ice along snow-covered roads , winter motor vehicles are ready to rush to the rescue at any moment; dozens of units of domestic special equipment were presented at the conference. in the harsh russian winter, snowmobiles are necessary equipment for search and rescue operations, powerful, reliable, and off-road capable. tell me what speed it accelerates to.
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they move on unbroken ice, even if your all-terrain vehicle falls under the ice, it will not sink, but it will float, and after that the all-terrain vehicle is able to go out on the ice, here in front of us is a white all-terrain vehicle, for example, it just recently returned from an expedition that passes through throughout russia, they are used as an office, as a staff vehicle, as well as an emergency vehicle, and also for transporting search engines in difficult conditions. one of the largest all-terrain vehicles. presented by vologda manufacturers. this colossus is capable of driving through extreme off-road conditions and sailing with a load of up to one and a half tons. and this is a completely new development, it is just being tested, they called it hercules. and because he is large, powerful, and heavy-duty, the next one will be even bigger - hercules. this time, russian ice brought together more than 400 industry specialists. this is the third such conference since 2016. and it was decided to hold them more often, once at 2 years old. complex. the security
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of the russian arctic zone is becoming an increasingly important task. marina pavlova, egor gerasimov, andrey litvin, senate program. 20 billion rubles will be used to provide preferential loans by agrarian. this is one of the instruments of state support for the agro-industrial complex. this solution will allow the implementation of large investment projects. where can borrowed funds be sent, what is the state of the defense industry today. we’ll talk about this and more with senator alexander dvoinykh. he is our guest today studios. alexander vladimirovich , last year was especially successful for russian farmers, there were record harvests, and, accordingly , record revenue for agricultural products, tell us why and what the current situation is, due to which revenue records appear, firstly, due to a fairly diversified structure our exports, it is based not only on grain, for which prices change, we have record ones...
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but in fact up to 45, that is, a thirty-fold increase, these are serious results, this is work our farmers, these are our flagships, these are small forms of farming, but if we talk about the main reasons, then from my point of view this is of course fateful for... the agricultural industry , the decision that was made in the fourteenth year, the difficult decision that the president made to limit imports a number of product groups from unfriendly countries, this was taken as a symmetrical retaliatory measure, and many experts predicted a serious
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shortage on domestic shelves, they said that there would be problems, rising prices, and we saw what an impetus this gave to the development... of the agricultural industry, while an important decision was also made to increase the amount of support for our farmers so that production volumes would grow, new enterprises would appear, old ones would be modernized, and today we are leaders not only in the implementation of the doctrine of food security and self-sufficiency our country, but the largest player in the international market, once again we the russians could feel it themselves by going into any store, for example, even the same apples used to be there.
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in order to increase our potential, today we already have a completely different and self-sufficiency, and we have completely new enterprises, not only in terms of their profitability, in terms of manufacturability, in terms of their competitive prices, including, as we see on world markets . well, you said that last year was also a record year for fish, but nevertheless, here’s how to solve the issue of fish availability.
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quite affordable, it’s in the european part that we have serious work ahead of us, but there is one more indicator that we cannot be satisfied, this is the volume of consumption of fish products per capita, we have a norm recommended by the ministry of health, it is about 28 kg per year, so far we have reached the figure of only 22 kilograms per person, and here it is very important to popularize.
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it is important to create a normal storage infrastructure and transport infrastructure so that products are not only produced on the territory of the russian federation, but are distributed evenly from... and it seems to me that we have much greater potential here, and here it is simply important that
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work should not be left in large cities, in large agglomerations, where a large number of people live, specifically to popularize this type of product. organic products have now become popular in russia. what support measures are needed for this type of agricultural product in order for them to become more popular or more accessible. the most important measure and we take it. were able to provide legislatively, this is actually such a protected sign, that is , today the legislative framework has already been created, and an enterprise that does not produce organic products cannot be labeled as eco, bio ecological , biological, thereby misleading the consumer, this must be a protected mark, this is world practice, and here it is very important that we, together with the ministry of agriculture, with roskachestvo, have legally regulated this issue, first, second, in order to develop this sub-sector, and it
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has very good potential not only within the country, but also for export, uh, it is important that a strategy emerges, and i want to remind you, largely thanks to the position of the federation council, such a strategy was developed, the prime minister approved it, and, uh, a plan for its implementation was recently approved. there are quantitative indicators there, that is, what volume of revenue we plan to achieve by 2030, what volume of land should be allocated for organic products, now we are discussing with markets with large retail chains what preferences organic products can receive, because this is a common practice that these producers need preferences, their production costs are higher, this is constant. complexity and challenge that producers of organic products face, but also good
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potential, we see that in countries where economies are growing, in the gulf countries , in asian countries, there is a serious demand for domestically produced russian organic products, the potential here is very serious, therefore the strategy should resolve issues not only of domestic consumption, but again of increasing export revenues; today our country exports much more food products than what is imported, this is important for precisely increasing foreign exchange excerpts, so that our citizens feel protected in terms of food security. well, if we talk about the agricultural industry as a whole, what support measures are needed now, what do they want, what do they need? a whole series of new ones. there are challenges, farmers are waiting for high-quality domestic equipment,
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because there are some restrictions on supplies from western countries, personnel is becoming a serious issue today, we , together with the agricultural enterprise, with the menobor of science , have understood how much personnel the industry needs, we are now developing mechanisms for how to train these personnel to remain in the industry. the agro-industrial sector needs digitalization, but if we talk about the flag. about the issue of pesticides and agrochemicals, our committee is working on this today, but
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, of course, we have serious potential in small forms of farming, our large agricultural holdings have already achieved such serious results, but small forms of farming, farmers, personal subsidiary plots should receive serious support for the marketing of your products to get an incentive to increase production, our committee together with a colleague. from the state duma has developed a bill, it has already passed the first reading, which will significantly increase sales volumes for our farmers and thereby stimulate them to increase production, we traditionally see how large enterprises work, but i would like to remind you that about 50% of gross agricultural the product is produced in small forms, and here the potential is huge, so we will have to take this set of measures, it is also important to note that we are not cutting the budget
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support, despite good results in achieving the parameters of food security doctrines, working on the budget. and there is an important line on the integrated development of rural areas , because it is important for us not only to create competitive enterprises, it is important that life in the countryside, social infrastructure, roads, communications, medicine are of high quality, so that we can benefit our farmers and people who work at agricultural enterprises hold the countryside, so the challenges on the one hand are great, but speaking of results over the past 24 years... we are now looking at the dynamics since 2000, they are simply fantastic, i would like to once again thank all those who had a hand in this, but first of all, of course, the people who work on the land and forge our food security. family support, motherhood and childhood are becoming an absolute priority of state policy. the issue of demography has been a serious issue in the country for many years now, so
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comprehensive work is needed to improve measures to support families with children. a full-fledged family is in essence, the key to further development. senators are currently actively working to formulate proposals to improve legislation regarding strengthening the institution of the family. and today our guest is elena permenova, chairman of the committee on social policy of the federation council. elena alekseevna, hello. good afternoon. every year there are more and more programs aimed at supporting families with children, and the natural number of benefit payments is growing. are all the obligations to...
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what they are talking about, such amounts in planned in the budget, of course, they are all being fulfilled, these are the social obligations of the state, they are calculated, if it suddenly turns out that more is needed than planned in the budget, of course this money is there, plus we should also note that we also have maternity capital, which is paid is also a large sum, and if you look at the current year’s budget, then for the twenty-fourth year
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about 500 billion rubles are provided for the payment of maternity capital, in general the so-called children’s budget... even great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers who will take care of their great-grandchildren will receive a fixed amount towards the insurance pension , you see what we said earlier, that this is allowed to parents, guardians, grandparents, due to the fact that we have a life expectancy of the country is increasing, such a need and necessity has arisen that even great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers can receive such a fixed
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supplement to their pension, we will consider this bill in the near future, plus, of course, we have a lot of work to do. more bills which also relate to maternity capital, that is, improvement, here i would note that the correctness of purchasing housing at the expense of maternity capital, the so-called dilapidated housing, so that just such housing is not purchased, so we are considering amendments here, or it is legislatively everything will be settled, either by regulations, and of course a lot, i hope we will also have amendments to laws concerning families with children, especially since our president declared this year the year families. if we talk about the year of the family and the recent presidential decree about large families, what is this decree about in the first place? of course, you are right, january 23rd. this year, the president signed a decree on large families, we were waiting for this regulatory act, this presidential decree, we had an old presidential decree in force, but
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this decree in modern conditions was very much expected, it regulates specifically what will be done, what should be done, what powers do federal authorities and regional authorities actually have? many such support measures for large families are very specifically spelled out there, but the most important thing is first fixed. the status of a large family, but because it is no secret that in different regions of the russian federation we had different conditions regarding which families were classified as large families, well, for example, in moscow, a family with three children under the age of 16 was considered large, in in some regions they are 18 years old and so on, but now the decree states that a family with three children under the age of 18 is already considered to have many children, well, if there is only one child studies full-time, then until the age of 23, this is such a family. is already considered a large family, of course , a lot of support is provided for such families, for the children in these families, well, i’ll start from the beginning, you know, with the obligations
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that the constituent entities of the russian federation will fulfill, it’s very clearly and a lot spelled out there, but in -firstly, we are already accustomed to the fact that our children receive free hot meals in schools from first to fourth grade, but now children of all large families, starting up to eleventh grade inclusive, yes... will have to receive such food, this should be organized, of course, by the regions, plus it is necessary to provide school sports uniforms for children from large families, then free travel on public transport, this will also be a very important expense item, and in fact this will help make the lives of large families easier, and so on. another very significant support is a thirty percent discount on all utilities and housing services for large families like this. but now this is the most important thing for every subject of the russian the federation should compile a register of such large families so that later they can all receive, and in the near future
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, a certificate that they are a large family, and so the federal authorities should develop a single model of such a certificate to issue to all our large families. and at the federal level, such support measures have already been provided, mainly affecting parents. that is, mothers who gave birth to three or more children have the right to retire 3 years earlier than we have established legislation, in addition , parents of large families, they have the right under the labor code to work part-time, naturally their employer cannot just fire them from work, they have the right to receive leave at a time convenient for them, these are approximately the benefits prescribed in this decree , more than 20 million citizens. have already received the first increased social benefits payments this year. from february 1, they were indexed to the inflation rate for the previous year. payments to parents are also indexed annually, increased in 2024, and this
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year of the family, including maternity capital. this is just one of the measures to support families with children. svetlana temerbulatova will talk about what child benefits exist in russia, how they can be applied for, and who is entitled to them. yes, i’ll tell you about everything, but first let me remind you that the amount of the benefit and... its payment depends on the number of children in the family, whether the citizen is employed, and also the level of material well-being of the family. so, child benefit in russia is assigned and paid, as a rule, to the child’s mother, in some cases the father, but opicunnu can be prescribed, as well as any person who raises the child, looks after him, and cares for him. and now more about the main payments. one-time benefit for the birth of a child. it is paid only once, and in this case it does not matter whether it works. mother or not, its size is fixed, does not depend on the applicant’s income and is 24,604 rubles 30 kopecks. this does not take into account the increasing regional
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coefficient. maternity benefit, it is assigned to officially working women on the basis of an electronic form disability. the amount of the benefit depends on average earnings over the last 2 years, length of service and the amount of maternity leave. the maximum amount of payment for maternity leave for a standard 140 days is 565.62 rubles. a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, it is paid to working parents and some categories of non-workers, for example, full-time students, citizens dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization or termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur during maternity leave. the maximum payment amount has increased from 33.00 to 49. parents will retain the right to a monthly child care allowance, even if they leave maternity leave before the child reaches age. previously , benefit payments stopped if the mother returned to work full-time. unified benefit for children and pregnant women. the amount of the benefit is determined based on
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the subsistence level. established in each region for a child or able-bodied adult. in 2024, the benefit amount increased and the average in russia ranged from 7,500 to 15,000 rubles. today in russia there are many measures to support families; for pregnant women, the single benefit will be increased, a little more on average will be from 8,400 rubles. up to 16,800 rub. per month. maternal capital. its size has increased. for your first child you can get almost 631 rubles. for the second child, if the payment was not assigned for the first, almost 834,000, and the additional payment for the second child, if the family already received matrimonial capital for the first, will be almost 203,000 rubles. payment from maternal capital for up to 3 years; to receive it, the average per capita income must be no more than two subsistence levels minimums, the amount of payments has increased and amounts to an average of 15,000 rubles per month in the country. so, how to apply for child benefits? to do this, you need to provide the necessary package
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of documents, this is a passport, a child’s birth certificate, a document confirming income for the two previous years, as well as details of the account to which the benefit will be transferred. to apply for most benefits, working women need to contact the accounting department at their place of employment, and not those working at the social protection authorities. on the next this week, senators will consider a range of issues related to the preparation of the presidential elections in the russian federation. the topic of improving approaches to the prevention and treatment of non-infectious diseases will be touched upon. diseases, will discuss the need to expand the use of turkey meat in the organized nutrition of children and adults. see you in a week. see you on the senate program.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we
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often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear, clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, shook your head and went, is russia ready to change in any structure is happening evolution.
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impossible, vladimir putin said this during a meeting with students and industry workers in the chelyabinsk region. the president was shown the plant where robots are produced and told how personnel are trained. the head of state noted that to start preparation is needed almost from school . in all schools, i think there are 38,000 of them, work on early career guidance is beginning.


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