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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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wants to exchange russian mi-171 helicopters for the new american blackhawk. in turn , the states did not hide their intention to transfer the received vehicles to kiev. now the ecuadorian leadership reports that it does not intend to transfer weapons to the conflict zone. and now a short advertisement, and then watch the international review program. the west suspects russia of militarizing space. europe is preparing for the arrival of trump, how to live if america leaves nato. and also weave towards the israeli dead end. they were looking for a way out in valdai conferences. about this not only in a few minutes, temperature, take effervescent paracetamoleneval, effervescent tablet of acetyl solicylic acid renival, we trust renival, we choose renival, every day we arrange a small holiday for your loved one , happy monday, please your loved ones any february with discounts on orders from restaurants in yandex food for the petrovs there are holidays ahead,
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name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months passed my business by. but this year everything is different. i connected to the megamarket in advance. and it has already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week. the sales season is starting. don't miss it. join the megamarket. megamarket - hello, international review is on air, fyodor lukyanov is in the studio, today on the international review program. events
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of the week. chronicle, facts, comments. the swords clink like the clink of a glass. europe is arming itself again. discussion at the munich conference. what to do with the palestinians? the middle east conflict is at a dead end. materials of our program. the president's condition in detail. it turns out that biden is out. i fell ill, where did the unhealthy interest come from? the annual security conference in munich, the main political forum of the atlantic block, the event is very high-status, there is no need to expect intellectual revelations, the conference fulfills its role as an indicator of the atmosphere in a very influential community . this year , the shadow of donald trump once again hovers over the august gathering, just a sigh.
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marian kamensky does not reduce the intensity of the struggle; the drawing is called dominator trump. this is the character on the left, on the right is the figure of olaf scholz and his 2% of gdp in nato's bottomless piggy bank. bart van luveen from holland. unsuccessful marriage. on the left is trump. and on the right she is getting married nato. the priest asks: are you ready to marry? trump interrupts, no. emat. hajash from jordan on the essence of trump's claims to the north atlantic alliance. the drawing is called a trump atm. it is made in the form of an alliance symbol, on the screen it is written: thank you for using our services. the controversial and provocative german artist
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burchart mohr has an alarming moment with his work. the black spot is the european union. the pig is a nato piggy bank pushed by a trump-like character. europe is hearing exclamations, oh god, not this again. michael ramirez continues the theme. on the warship it is written: nato. the sailors argue that it is not russian smart missiles and bombs that are bothering us. on the contrary, those who are stupid are dangerous. the rocket on the right says: trump. fears are accelerating at an accelerated pace. there's a commotion in washington. intelligence has identified a new serious threat to national security. congressmen were notified at a closed briefing. then, however, the tone was lowered; there is no immediate threat yet. and the topic is space anti-satellite weapons, which developed by russia. on january 27, 1967, the united states,
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great britain and the soviet union signed the outer space treaty, which... became the basis of international space law, later ratified by more than 100 states, it prohibits the placement of any weapons of mass destruction in earth orbit, on the moon or on a station in outer space, but the ban does not apply to conventional weapons. in 1983, the reagan administration launched its strategic defense initiative known as the soybean program. anti-missile defense. with space- based elements, even today it looks somewhat fantastic. laser beams redirected by space mirrors shoot down ballistic missiles. in response to this, a space assets department was created in the ussr ministry of defense, because in addition to
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soybeans there was a space shuttle or space shuttle. the program started back in '69. there were fears in the soviet leadership that at some point. legs with a nuclear bomb on board will dive from space into the earth's atmosphere and drop its cargo on the kremlin. there were others more realistic scenarios. for example, the size of the cargo compartment of the return ship allowed it to remove a soviet satellite or even a small ship, or maybe a station, from orbit. on one of them, salyut 3, for experimental purposes, they even installed an automatic cannon with a caliber of 14.5 mm, which could... fire in a vacuum. the barrel was directed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the apparatus. guidance was carried out by turning the station itself. it was tested in 1975 when the station left orbit. but the real answer to the american shuttle was the soviet one
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buran. he made his first and only flight in 1988 in fully automatic mode, including landing at the airfield in the traditional way. this event happened. to test the nuclear tug zeus, they are going to use it for flights to the moon and the planets of the solar system, but zeus can also be used for combat missions, it can illuminate air targets from orbit, and also disable the spacecraft
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of a potential enemy using a laser. our old friend dmitry stefanovich, an expert and connoisseur of all strategic hardware. dim, hi, there’s all this hype around the russian threat from outer space, which swelled up and then somehow fell away, what is it, are these just tricks and... or is there something behind it and what’s going on in general? this area. as you know, since the twenty-second year , the russian side has been declaring on all official platforms that, including civilian space infrastructure, which is used to help the ukrainian side during a special military operation, can become a legitimate target. next question: what are you will you do it? do you have a pistol? yes. accordingly, work is probably underway on this pistol. they have always been carried out, they were carried out in soviet times, they were already carried out in new russia. have we reached a point where something will actually be put into orbit? while there is no reliable evidence,
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the americans themselves, at the official level , say that not yet, don’t be afraid, there is nothing there yet. another thing is that they are very fond of mutually exclusive paragraphs; on the one hand they say that there is nothing yet, on the other hand on the other hand, that russia is about to violate the outer space treaty. accordingly, while it is reliable to say what will appear difficult there, my own opinion is that most likely it is something for the so-called non -kinetic lesion or functional lesion. satellites, and the nuclear factor appeared here as a source of energy, and not a source of radiation, i remember the talk about the arms race in space from my komsomol youth, then they were scared in the early eighties, and maybe we have, in general, come to this it's finally science fiction has become reality, americans, including official people, sometimes in uniform from public platforms say that let's completely forget about racing in space...
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potential is being created, moreover, it is very important to emphasize that the military dimension of space projects has always been there, that is, no one canceled it from the very beginning, but in general in military planning , as far as we can judge from open sources, the role of the space factor is growing, it is growing rapidly, in fact, it is now very difficult to imagine the conduct of modern combat actions without space, even those countries that do not have their own space...
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american nuclear weapons appeared in europe in the mid-fifties and were placed in the path of the likely advance of soviet troops in germany, the netherlands and belgium. in turkey, nato's southern flank was covered by medium-range missiles, and a possible soviet offensive through the balkans was held back by nuclear forces deployed in greece and italy. the number of nuclear bombs in europe and turkey is not known with certainty; it is believed that their number
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ranges from 150 to 200 units. they located in the same place as before, in underground storage facilities, at air bases in germany, italy, belgium, the netherlands and turkey. f-15 and f-16 fighter-bombers, as well as tornado gr4 fighter-bombers from the us air force and other countries, can be used to deliver them. europe. to train its use not only by the american military, but also by nato aircraft , special exercises were conducted. paris also has its own nuclear weapons in europe. and london. france has about 290 warheads. delivery means - mirage-2000n bombers, super etandar aircraft based on the deck of the aircraft carrier charles degaulle, as well as four nuclear submarines. in 2021, great britain announced an increase in the threshold of its nuclear
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warheads from 180 to 260 warheads. they can be used on four. they were leased from the usa. well, the question here is what exactly is holding back, how important is the quantitative factor here, because in principle everything is in order with the qualitative factor, there is france, which has quite advanced submarines, missiles, warheads, aviation. component with very advanced superzukov cruise missiles, another question is that france is unlikely to want to transfer its sovereign rights to use nuclear weapons somewhere to national authorities. fundamentally , if i’m not mistaken, in 1920, france stated that they considered the defense of europe as their most important, as their most important
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value, most important task, and accordingly, using the very words that describe the tasks of their nuclear weapons. but this is the task of france, this is not the task of europe. in europe, in principle, there were military programs, military nuclear programs, not to mention nazi germany, there were projects in sweden, switzerland and romania. in romania, yes, absolutely, and it seemed to surface after all the events of the eighties and nineties . in romania they were at a time when romania in the tens they wanted to have their own laser devices, yes, yes, they are not very good. switzerland also had very deeply developed approaches; moreover, switzerland ratified it quite late agreement on the country of nuclear weapons, that is , they considered where to conduct tests on intranational territory, what to deploy on, how much uranium, how much plutonium will be needed, that is, it seems that
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there is enough scientific potential in europe, there are no questions, will there be enough political and military - this another question, because of course. engaged in secret development of nuclear weapons, not strategic for strike across the ocean, only tactical charges that would be carried by aircraft, for example sap-32. at the same time , the swedes decided to save money and tried to buy american technology or even ready-made shells, but president esenhower demanded joining nato and renouncing neutrality,
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which was then unacceptable for sweden. by the sixty-fifth year. everything was ready to create a bomb, but the mood in society changed, people began to advocate the abandonment of weapons of mass destruction. by the seventies, sweden had finally closed its program, but there is another version: when washington realized that the swedes were close to creating a bomb, they secretly agreed to take the only non-nato country under its nuclear umbrella. there is also indirect evidence of this, for example, the expansion of runways. air force air bases, so that strategic bombers could land on them, the nozzles of swedish tankers were converted to nato standards. italy also launched its nuclear program in the mid-sixties. not far from pisa, a center for the military use of nuclear energy was built, in which the
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5 mw galileo galilei reactor operated. there were also nuclear warhead carriers, lockhead f104 aircraft. starfiter. in the seventies by order the italian navy company aire italia has developed the alpha medium-range bullet missile. it could deliver a nuclear warhead at a distance of 1,600 km, which is enough to destroy targets on the territory of the ussr when launched from the adriatic sea. but despite successful tests, the missile was not put into service. from about the mid-fifties. nato begins to place nuclear weapons in member countries of the alliance in the path of soviet advance. such joint missions were called divisions nuclear liability. or nuklar sharing. the weapons were stored in european countries, but the armed forces and the united states were responsible for them. in case of war, they were installed on aircraft of the
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country where they were stored, but the decision to use them came from washington. this program reached its peak in the seventies, at which time italy's nuclear program ended. the country has acceded to the non-proliferation treaty but is still participating in the program. is it possible that countries that were not previously considered in this context for political reasons are now in fact, this taboo will be lifted, i
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do not exclude that this could happen, because in general the issue of nuclear non-proliferation, it is in a very sad state now, now everyone is talking more about nuclear deterrence, rather than proliferation and not to mention disarmament, it’s generally bracketed somewhere, very interesting processes are happening in japan, they, as you know, have a huge amount of plutonium, which doesn’t seem to be weapons grade, but in general, if necessary, you can make bombs from it, they have excellent rocket space program, which , moreover, is based on these technologies , which are quite easy to adapt for military purposes, but about how their isminites, with a deft movement of the hand , turn into aircraft carriers, this is not even a joke, but with germany a little bit more complicated, that is, the german war machine is in the broadest sense of the word, it is something very strange and dysfunctional. that is , there is a complete feeling that a significant number of decision-makers in germany do not want to do this at all, that is, let us it’s better to give someone money
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, that’s the last joke, i apologize, this is when , of course, they spent a lot of money on the purchase of an israeli missile defense system, which, in general, doesn’t fit into any strategic documents and so on, well, it’s beautiful, dear, let’s show how we will comply with the 2% of nato, this german dysfunctionality seems to me to be having an impact... including on the pan-european situation, that is, by and large, the target task is to prevent the americans from leaving, yeah, that’s it the south koreans, for example, to some extent, with their reasoning about the possibility of nuclear weapons, received the washington memorandum, received a new level of cooperation with the americans, perhaps in europe they are trying to turn something similar around, but in poland they started talking about how - to integrate more deeply into this system. poland, by the way, is also looking very carefully at south korea, and let’s just say, i haven’t seen any reliable traces of this, but as they say, they also want to sign something special with washington when they
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they say: guys, you’re in nato in general, what else do you need? they say, no, well, nato is nato, we should have something of our own; there’s also been talk about the deployment of american nuclear weapons in poland for quite a long time, but before they were perceived as pressure on the germans, who were talking about withdrawing their american nuclear weapons. responsibility emerges, aside from the curses that trump spews, is there any sign that the united states might actually consider abandoning
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these very guarantees to europe, nuclear ones. i think that both what donald trump says and what the current administration is doing, in principle, are not aimed at abandoning guarantees, but at increasing fees for these guarantees , and accordingly we are now seeing. thank you very much, dmitry sevanovitch was our guest, some are throwing nuclear weapons,
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others are looking for an umbrella. to take cover, and still others record what is happening, so my colleague sofya sergieva went to them, literally to the ends of the earth, to kamchatka, where there is an international station monitoring nuclear tests. snow in the face, romance of the roads, driving a snowmobile like this, msn station operator tatyana maksimova. twice a week they go to service remote seismic and infrasound recording points to make sure everything is under control and working properly. basically , all male representatives are seen in this position, and here i appeared, i thought that i would only work here for 2 years, but it turned out that i fell in love with kamchatka and have stayed here for 13 years to get to the seismic sound station we had to change transport in the warm weather,
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because otherwise there was simply no way to get there. now tatyana and i will go, oh, that’s it, i’m ready, we can’t be late, in case of a malfunction at the station, the report is expected not only in moscow, but in vienna, where the headquarters of the comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization is located. specialists always go to remote registration points in pairs, just in case the snowmobile gets stuck or uninvited guests come to visit. it came to me once. sit on a radio tower for 2 hours while the bear cub produced maintenance of the site, and the bear was sitting nearby in the bushes, but you couldn’t find her right away, she was completely covered in snow. in this concrete dugout in the middle of the far eastern taiga there is equipment that looks inconspicuous at first glance, but the main thing here is not what is outside, but what is inside, or rather, deep underground. this is
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actually a seismic sensor. is located at a depth of 60 m, picks up seismic vibrations, and later, in the international data center, when analyzing these vibrations according to their specific form, a possible nuclear explosion. in 2017, a similar device recorded nuclear tests in north korea, but even during nuclear silence the system operates uninterruptedly; here, in the most co-active zone of russia, it allows one to detect an earthquake or volcanic eruption. one of which we simply could not help but visit, it smokes all the time, there is a cloud above it, it is an active volcano and you can always see steam coming from it, this place is called a lava mouth, when the ovachinsky volcano erupted, lava from it flowed like a river, formed these furrows, scars, a whole canyon, you see, i still have frozen magma behind me, this place is considered one of the most dangerous in the region, because no one knows when the vachin volcano will wake up again, and how high the snowdrifts are here, the last
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time? that is, this fence was covered in snow , there was no need to dig, but as soon as you crossed the threshold of the station, the system reacted instantly, it’s impossible to pass here unnoticed, 1 2 3, under this heavy iron cover there is a brain center that picks up sounds inaccessible to human hearing , microbarometer, it receives infrasound signals from the system. wind noise suppression , which is located throughout this entire site, the seismic method is the most sensitive, that is, our station can detect nuclear explosions anywhere in the world, but if infrasound and seismic detect nuclear explosions at the primary stage, then the radionuclide station does this with 100% accuracy. what kind of spacecraft is this, through a filter, the air is pumped through everything that is in the air, settles on the filter, analysis, analysis
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in general, this filter... takes place in the international data center in the city of veno. the snow white device collects aerosol particles from the ground layers of the atmosphere , allowing us to conclude that nuclear weapons have been tested and to learn about the onset of a cataclysm. an example of fokusim in the eleventh year these elements of the iodine group were identified and caught. that is, you already knew about it here, what was happening there. i really like kamchatka. i had the opportunity to leave here, but i... dismissed it. igor pitetsky monitors the work of msm stations daily, on for almost 20 years now. the main task is to protect the earth from nuclear disasters. kamchatka stations ensure a continuous flow of data to the international data center with the required parameters, at least 95% of authenticated data from the radionuclide station, at least 98%.


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