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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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the analysis of this filter generally takes place in the international data center in the city of veno. the snow white device collects aerosol particles from the ground layers of the atmosphere , allowing us to conclude that nuclear weapons have been tested and to learn about the onset of a cataclysm. an example of fokusim in the eleventh year these elements of the iodine group were identified and caught. that is, you already knew about it here, what was happening there. yes, i really like kamchatka.
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what determines russia's openness to the world regarding nuclear testing? all-encompassing the nuclear test ban imposed only two main obligations on participants: not to conduct nuclear tests and not to encourage others to do so. to date , 187 countries have signed this agreement, but not all have ratified it, and russia , even despite...
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its climax: israeli troops clear the city of rafah on the egyptian border. there is global indignation that can already be felt even in the white house. israel ignores and is in a hurry to solve military problems.
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the fatah movement and the radical hamas movement in 2005-2006 became one of the reasons that led to today's events: is the palestinian national authority, which leads fadh on the west bank of jordan, ready for reconciliation with hamas. yes, sure. we are now financing gas and transferring $140 million to it every month; these are salaries for employees, education and healthcare. gaza is part of the palestinian state, we want to return to gaza and govern it by decision of the un, and not by the permission of the israeli occupiers. gaza is an integral
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part of the palestinian state, there can be no solution to the palestinian problem by separating the west bank from gaza, they are inseparable from each other. with un resolutions. without a doubt, i am confident that right now it is possible to overcome the split and achieve complete reconciliation. the fate of the palestinian people and their political future are being decided. the hamas leadership has been given a historic chance to revise its ideological guidelines, charter and program, so that they no longer contradict the positions of the world community of arab countries, and, of course, the charter and program of the palestine liberation organization. the sole legitimate representative of the palestinian people. as we see, even in this conciliatory remark, there is almost an ultimatum. in israel they do not believe in the unification of palestinians. hamas perceives itself not as fatah's partner in the leadership of palestine, but as its replacement. the ultimate goal is
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to gain full power, including over fatah and the palestine liberation organization. hamas is not part of the plo, and one of its demands is to get five there. everything to prolong the war, the palestinian national authority will also have new
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leadership, a change of generations is taking place, the process cannot be stopped, finally hamas will have new leaders, more responsible than now, the current ones themselves must leave, i think their friends abroad will tell them this , we are not we are going to punish them, i personally want them to become part of the future united political movement of palestine, then we will approach netanyahu and will try to present this departure as his political victory. he wants to leave gas and create a buffer zone there, but it won’t work, he’ll have to leave completely. according to the most rough estimates, there are now more than 25 million palestinians of their descendants all over the world, six of them. live in different arab countries, 2 million in israel itself are
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its citizens and another 5 million on the west bank jordan river in the gaza strip. half the population of the arab territories of israel are refugees, soldiers of forty-eight and sixty-seven. among politicians, the most famous palestinian in the world remains yasser arafat, an engineer who graduated from cairo university and is a successful businessman. already in 1957 he had his own construction business in kuwait. in sixty-four, rafat created the palestine liberation organization, which considered armed struggle, including acts of terror , to be the main means. it was her that 10 years later he recognized as the only legal representative palestinian people. the current queen of jordan, rania al-yessin, has palestinian roots. she was born in kuwait to... a family of palestinian refugees who moved to oman and made a successful career.
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the world's most famous palestinian writer was the poet mahmoud darwish. he was born in a village near the israeli city of acre. in '48, his family fled to lebanon. in the sixties, dervish was already the editor of a political weekly. in seventy-three he joined the palestine liberation organization, but left it 20 years later. straightaway. after the conclusion of the first palestinian-israeli peace agreement. in the us, the most famous palestinian intellectual was the writer, pianist and social activist, edward said. he was born in jerusalem, into a wealthy arab family, but in 1948 his family fled to cairo, and he studied in the usa. professor at columbia university, author of the famous book orientalism, in which he harshly criticized the western view of the east and accused.
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ceasefire in the gaza strip. at the middle east conference of the valdai club, my colleague andrey murtazin was right there talked with palestinian participants. the question was raised several times: let's just recognize a palestinian state at the un level and present israel with a fait accompli. reasonably followed the counter, but what will this give, besides a sticker, what problem will it solve? meanwhile, like this. the idea may have more promise than it seems, we spoke to veteran middle eastern expert
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zeid and ya'adat, director of the center for strategic studies at the university of jordan. he is confident that what is happening goes far beyond the palestinian issue and for good reason. in all respects, this is a regional conflict, the origins of which are regional. europe to india via the middle east. the essence of everything together is the integration of israel into the middle eastern community, a direct connection between europe and south asia, relying on israeli-saudi interaction with the involvement of the levant. this would change the entire balance of power, primarily
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iran’s calculations and china’s plans. the main loser would be iran, and iran has ways to influence. we had it. information about meetings in beirut, for example, with the participation of representatives of iran, hamas, hezbollah and so on, this, of course, is not the only reason, but a very significant one, you may ask why, by the way, hamas would suddenly organize such a thing for the sake of iran, not for the sake of it, they have their own reason. the big reconstruction plan included strengthening the palestinian national authority and providing additional political and financial resources. ideally, the pna will return to control in gas instead.
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the center of all regional politics, but this does not necessarily mean that what is happening will lead to the outcome desired by the palestinians. in this is the main problem. the palestinian issue, of course, cannot be ignored. by the way, he was not ignored during the negotiations between israel and saudi arabia, but they were not at the center of the discussion on the abraham accords. and the lesson today is that
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something needs to be given to the palestinians. what exactly? the arab peace initiative of 2002, which was promoted exactly. the saudis, in principle , fixed as a condition a palestinian state within the borders of june 1967, the return of refugees, in exchange for this, recognition of israel by all arab countries and general normalization, but nothing like that will definitely happen, the palestinian issue will be discussed, but the solution options at best are the actual proclamation of some kind of palestinian state, it will be smaller than the border of 6 seventh year and smaller than...
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being far away, passion and genuine emotions are often combined with calculating pragmatism on the verge of cynicism, such specificity, however, is it only there. flew to russia and i was near the mausoleum, cheerful soldiers, the soldiers there, i thought, needed
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a good laugh, so since i can't speak their language, so i made leonid brezhny for them. jim carrey, the famous comedian and brilliant parodist, makes fun of leonid ilyich brezhnev. i remembered that whoever didn’t laugh at the soviet gerantocrats in the states and here, but now the americans have no time for laughter. not only will biden, who will turn 82 immediately after the election, and trump, who turns 78 in june, apparently be fighting for the white house . moreover, the current president, in the midst of a campaign , is demonstrating such rapid senility, that the conversations about whether he could master it turned into practical matters. flat, american commentators are speculating who will replace biden and how this could be done. the oil wagon was fueled by the conclusion of the special counsel
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of the department of justice, robert hare. he studied the circumstances of how secret documents from the period of his vice presidency came to biden’s home. the verdict is positive: biden will not be held accountable, unlike, by the way, trump, who was charged under the same article. the scandal caused a justification: biden has serious memory problems, no need to pursue him, grandfather is old, in short, the white house and the democrats are furious, accusing the department of political provocation, the rest seized on the conclusions, it’s an official document after all. in the last years of his life, as the leader of the country, vladimir ilyich suffered from severe headaches , similar to lenin’s condition. the serious injury received in august of the eighteenth and nervous overload also took their toll. the leader continued to work even after a stroke, partial paralysis and temporary loss of speech.
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the leadership of the bolshevik party, trying to protect the leader, prepared special news reports for him, and prepared an individual release of truth. in 1924, the founder of the soviet state passed away. an autopsy showed atherosclerosis. damage to the blood vessels of the brain, incompatible with life. in 1968, portuguese prime minister antonio de oliveera salazar was left half- paralyzed by a massive stroke. dictators with 40 years of experience were removed from government affairs, but the news was hidden. ministers continued regularly report to him as if salazar was still head of the government. moreover, separate ones were specially printed for him. i believe that positivity will help him recover faster. salazar died in 1970
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without ever learning of his resignation. us president ronald reagan, at that time the oldest in history to hold this post, suffered from various diseases and underwent several operations during his presidency. in 1994, 5 years later. after his retirement, he was diagnosed with alzheimer's disease, which progressed rapidly 10 years before his death. subsequently, there were reports that the first manifestations of dementia occurred during regan’s time in the white house in the second half of the eighties. in 2011 , the presidents of latin american countries were struck by a cancer epidemic, which conspiracy theorists blamed on the united states. the leader of brazil was then diagnosed with throat cancer. luissa ignacio lula da silva, and his successor dilme roussev after the inauguration of breast cancer. in 2012 , argentine president nester kirchner died of
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intestinal cancer, and a year later his widow cristina fernandez de kirchner, who became president, was diagnosed with thyroid carcinoma. in 2013, the president of paraguay, fernando luga , was diagnosed with lymphoma, and the indian president of bolivia, eva morali. nasal cancer; in 2016 , cuban leader fidel castro died from stomach cancer; three years earlier, the head of venezuela, huga chavis, died from the effects of cancer. venezuelan president nicolas maduro hinted that the americans were to blame. in 2019 , zimbabwean president robert mugabe died of advanced cancer at the age of 95. at the time of his removal from power in 2017, he was. the oldest government leader in the world, having been in office for 35 years. mugaby categorically did not want to leave. in early february, buckingen palace announced
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that king charles. the third a cancerous tumor was discovered and that his majesty began treatment. doctors advised him to postpone public duties for a while. 4 years ago, joe biden repeatedly told supporters that he considered it his mission to prevent trump from being re-elected, that he himself did not intend to run for a second term, that his strength was not the same, and in general it was time for the young. what or who made him change his plans, perhaps we’ll find out from someone’s memoirs, a popular genre in america. for now, let’s observe the paradoxes of democracy in the context of a fundamental transformation of the world. the more everything changes around, the scarier it is to change something inside, although somewhere there is an itching thought that later it may turn out to be even more traumatic, but it is still safer to postpone it.
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hey! no, this is my business, i actually have a plan, this is a detailed proposal on how to do something and achieve something, if i am elected, i promise you, i will not post any one tweet because i just don’t know how. jim carrey knows not only brezhnev, but also biden, he is very similar and equally talented, the circle is closed, is this symbolic or not? you watched the international review, see you later. hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg skepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future
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in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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come here, i’m sure, i’m sure, gorin, stand there, our muscovites are mutilating them. coconut cappuccino bring it to him, don’t move, star, lie down, stand, i’m lying on a crack, ice three.
11:00 am
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