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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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who is inciting information wars and what tools are they using? declassified documents of ukrainian centers of information and psychological operations in andrei medvedev's documentary film immediately after the advertisement. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. alyon, let me help, thank you, but
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yes, i wish you good health, major chernobay to the operational headquarters. have you been informed about your son already about artyom? what did they report? oh, you don’t know what you said yet? i don’t know anything that i arrived 15 minutes ago information that during a combat mission he received injuries incompatible with life, he died, our condolences, how right? so, unfortunately, we can’t, unfortunately, we can’t deliver the body, why, why, how did he call me today, he called me today, he was, yes, after that
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they were sent, sent to pick up, which means the wounded, it was necessary help, and there the entire column was covered with missiles from bayraktarar, you can take him home. listen, listen, don’t restrain yourself, it will become easier for you, i’m a military psychologist, now you don’t have a baby, he won’t come back, he won’t hug you , he won’t say, mom, i’ve arrived, understand, there ’s the most left of him, but a mayonnaise jar of leftovers, he’ll be cleaned like a missing person, and we won’t be able to pay you compensation, he’s not unknown, unknown, unknown, if you didn’t want your son and grandson to die, you should have exposed him. leg, he had to cut off his index finger so that he couldn’t shoot, you didn’t do it, you didn’t do it, you let him go, you didn’t stop him from going to war, that’s right, that’s right, that’s it, no major chernobaev exists, this is one of the many pseudonyms of the ukrainian prankster valny, the real name of the scumbag
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kuvikov, in russia he was convicted in absentia and put on the wanted list, there are many such characters, their work is intimidation and emotional terror... of the inhabitants of russia. they look for weak points and begin to constantly launch systematic attacks at these points. we are not talking about considerations of honor, conscience, and so on. we are saying that this technology must work. she works for them. modern confrontations are not limited to battlefields by checkpoints. the main goal today is you and me.
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but to ideologically knock him off his ideological positions, to bring confusion and confusion into his soul, this is the surest path to victory in the war. on october 28, 23 , messages appeared in several telegram channels in dagestan: refugees from israel are flying to the north caucasus. call: meet them like an adult. every other day , hundreds of people gather near whitage international airport. a rally begins, anti-israeli
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slogans are heard, the police urge residents not to fight on provocation. a regular flight from tel aviv arrives in makhachkala. the crowd storms the airport building, destroys the halls, breaks through the take-off runway and heads towards the plane. aboard, quickly, all aboard, aboard, quickly, all aboard! the airport is closed for a day, the police and amon are stopping the chaos, 200 people are detained, the damage is 285 million rubles. it's easy to spark. when you look at suffering, bloody children, and your fists clench, tears well up in your eyes, it seems to me that this is the reaction of any normal person, but we, of course, must perceive all these events taking place with a clear head, understand where the root
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of evil is, we know that people who live abroad, including those in ukraine, have sent messages through social networks, i am surprised by the position these overseas figures, yes, they seem to be under... the jews of israel, and with the help of their agents from ukraine they are trying to organize jewish pogroms in our country, well, just incredible disgusting. they have been trying to ignite the caucasus for a long time; they are constantly looking for points of tension to shake up the residents of the national republics. when mobilization began, this morning the dagestan channel was created, we go out into the streets, we make sure to take old people and children with us so that they don’t shoot at you, don’t beat you, they allegedly sweep everyone away, take away all the students, the russians won’t go to die, they’ll send the yakuts.
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nearby, a computer at home at work, in the hands of the means of information influence, always a mobile phone, every person, the target is a potential victim of information. the average person must have a clear understanding and awareness that he is now living on the territory of the russian federation, which is conducting military operations, and the enemy comes running as...
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the eastern part of bucha is completely under the control of russian troops, no, the eastern part of bucha was under the control of ukrainian troops, and
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the corpses of all civilians were in the gray zone between russian and ukrainian troops, there is a difference between the targeted execution of civilians and the death of civilians leaf in the combat zone . but our propaganda then said that it was correct, we control the entire barrel. so they did it well, it’s the russians who are to blame for the execution of civilians, just like other fakes that were sculpted according to buchiya and irpen. the world was made to understand that ukraine urgently needs help, money, weapons, equipment. butch has become a convenient excuse for manipulating mass consciousness. the first world war, it is also called the great war. geography of the conflict: all of europe, the middle east, parts of africa and asia, 38 countries.
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in battles, the latest developments in weapons and equipment and new instruments of influence are used, both on the enemy and on one’s own population. great britain needed an influx of volunteers and ground troops. they relied on the navy, here the fighting was on land. the british government, the british media, have undertaken simply colossal work.
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during the battle of ypres on april 24, german soldiers captured and crucified a soldier from the canadian corps. the story received a huge public response from... they achieved that in britain and france such hatred arose towards the german people, towards the german army, that the number of volunteers
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was off the charts and in britain, almost 2 million people came as volunteers. land troops. the news of the crucified canadian soldier continued to be reprinted. world publications replicated the fiction in a variety of interpretations. the english sculptor created the monument to golgotha-canada. in 1918, with a large crowd of public and press, it was exhibited in london. a few months later it was quietly removed. not a single piece of evidence of cruelty. the investigation did not find entry, the practice of all military, political conflicts, economic takeovers, starting from the end of the second world war, is associated with the fact that through competent targeted and impact on the population, on citizens was inexpensive, but a certain effect was achieved.
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iraq, 2003, a flimsy pretext about the presence of weapons of mass destruction. the country is terrorist. contrary to the decision of the un security council, us, british and allied troops invade iraq and overthrow saddam hussein. as a result, the anglo-saxons gain control of iraqi resources. no weapons of mass destruction were found. he wasn't there. everywhere the handwriting is the same: a bad country is declared a terrorist, or accused of mass genocide of its own citizens by ethnicity. "afghanistan supports terrorism, while,
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of course, no one remembers that the taliban movement and osama bin laden are in the past." china, india, and central asia, which means there is an opportunity to conduct electronic and radio-technical reconnaissance, control your geopolitical opponents, and, as a bonus, also control the global heroin business. who invented this? this is roosevelt, not
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the roosevelt who is the president, but his brother, cousin, he was a cia employee. in one country he just used this kind of technologies. in 1951, the iranian majlis by a majority vote elected prime minister mohammad masaddeq, a supporter of progressive reforms and the nationalization of the entire oil industry of the country, which had long been under the control of england. iran breaks diplomatic relations with great britain. the latter is losing significant income from oil concessions. even worse, massadek starts. carefully make friends with moscow. in order to overthrow the replacement of an inconvenient leader, the cia developed operation ajax, led by kermet roosevelt, a career cia officer, grandson president theodore roosevelt. the cia agent was bribed by members of the majlis, media representatives and local crime bosses. publications in the press discredited
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massadyk. descation is destroying the country's economy and wants to sell iran to the communists. "we love massadeq and communism. the persian capital was gripped by unrest. the press accused the prime minister of failing to control the situation in the city and ensure the safety of the civilian population. moreover, some mysterious snipers were shooting at civilians. the military supported bribed by the tsarushniks. and the americans also helped the new ruler
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of iran, shah pahlavi, create the secret police savak, where fugitive nazi criminals became instructors. this secret police dealt with dissidents so brutally that they were nicknamed the gestapa in the east. by and large, this was the first color revolution in history. cia, the first maidan, more precisely, the persilian maidan. the information war is waged by the military, it is waged by diplomats, the press, politicians, it specialists, they are all parts of a very complex large mechanism psychological warfare, it is even approximately impossible to calculate how many thousands of highly qualified specialists are involved in this process. we are talking about network cooperation of a huge number of organizations that are permeated with both horizontal and vertical connections. for the last 20 years, every
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year the pentagon has published an announcement that it is recruiting people to work as virtual fighters, under legends, maybe to manage not one, but five accounts there. ukraine is a very highly educated country. they had good universities in kharkov and kyiv. those specialists who seemed at all promising to the western curator, they tried to drag them into some kind of exchange programs, they joined various pr structures, which gradually lined up into a kind of network-centric structure, on top of which bodies of information and psychological influence were formed, namely the military . many of them came here to us at conferences from the beginning of the 2000s on internet marketing, on search engines, they were all russian-speaking. none of they didn’t pretend to be big ukrainians; many didn’t really speak ukrainian, especially from kharkov. all these people have changed their skills, now they all work for tsypso. tsypso is the center
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of information and psychological operations. the first one was founded back in 2004. in 2016, full-fledged special operations forces based on the nato model were created in ukraine. it also included four centers of information and psychological operations, located in different...
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humanitarian aid, brochures were brought there slowly, they gradually organized doctors there they began to persuade the population of several areas there, so to speak, to side with nato forces, but then one brave american marine urinated on the koran, filmed it on his phone and posted it on twitter, all the work of the nato unit in afghanistan went smart.
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foreign journalists found out that this missile was ukrainian, that’s all at once, they completely forgot. in 2021, the american army left
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afghanistan. in 1975, the american army left vietnam, well, that is, as it left or left, both times it resembled not leaving, not retreat, but a shameful hasty flight, and billions of people around the world wondered how it was that, on the one hand, america is the most powerful industrial and financial power, on the other hand, in one case, the taliban in slippers are on their feet, in another case, not the strongest , not the most armed. the nam army, even if it was backed by the soviet union. everyone still remembers these shots of the evacuation, when the last helicopters take off from the roof of the american embassy in saigon. evgeniy local explained this quite simply: outdated formula for war you need money, money and money, because war requires nerves, nerves and more nerves. not a single war in recent history has stopped due to lack of money. the most important task in the survey
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, you must submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or at government services and you can vote at the chosen polling station. russian president vladimir putin has launched a major military operation against ukraine. what happened to us on 24, 25, february 26, 27, social networks, calls, sending messages, creating fake news, television, russian troops are approaching the capital, no to war, stop the bloodshed, go to a rally, who can prevent this.


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