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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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is to comment on this plane crash , we have seen reports about this, we are trying to get more information, but it would be imprudent on my part to speculate further than this, i simply cannot confirm the authenticity of these reports, precisely because the foundation of all this is a global lie that we and we are fighting, do the ukrainian people need liberation, so to speak, from the nazis? he says, very eloquently, by the way, he writes about this, you know, the newspaper is so serious and not such a friend of ours, hardy. this article was published on february 2 about what is happening in the prisons of ukraine in relation to those who sympathized or , as it were, who were reported that he sympathized with the russians, look, one of the prisoners had an org tattooed on his forehead, a thirty-year-old resident... she was thrown into prison for
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15 hours years with her two-year-old daughter, she waits in horror for her daughter to be 3 years old, because then she will be taken away from her, and other stories are the same, all these people in prisons dream of only one thing, to be exchanged, to get to russia, although many never of them weren’t in it, isn’t that true? and now a little more about the fifth column, about migration... policy, which we have talked about quite a lot of times, here are all sorts of emotions, let’s discard only the facts: look, in yekaterinburg they detained a group of people who arranged fictitious marriages to obtain russian citizenship, they worked right in the building of the regional migration service department, obtaining citizenship cost 70,000 rubles. here are the statistics for just 2023.
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it means that someone is protecting them, he wrote about this scheme of trading in russian citizenship, returning from a military operation , city duma deputy, timofey zhukov, now pay attention , another deputy, deputy of the regional assembly, vyacheslav wegner, reacted to his words, he wrote: a comrade, that is , a deputy from the regional assembly, will end badly on information that... another city deputy duma
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, who spoke about the sale of illegal citizenship migration, wrote, summed up, comrade will end badly, what does this mean, and is it not possible to assume that mr. wegner himself is taking part in this scheme, since he is so openly warns how this could end for his colleague, and...
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i would say, convincing arguments, one cannot but agree with them, and so on and so on and so on and so on, but very interesting information comes across to me. this is what the governor of the amur region, vasily orlov, says, listen, despite the closeness with china, 5 years ago, from the moment our team began working, the use of foreign labor was prohibited, i emphasize this not only chinese citizens, but anyone in general foreign labor, in including citizens of the cis, for example, in agriculture in gold mining, that’s why we made this decision, it was painful for many farmers, because it literally sounded like it wouldn’t... work in the village, people drank themselves to death, nevertheless we agreed to it the decision was taken quite harshly, in the end , every year we harvest more and more harvests every year, it turns out that if you pay a normal salary, then there are people in the villages and they work, they are quite successful and can operate equipment, listen, how easy it is
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if you pay our citizen is fine, he will work with pleasure, and there will be no need to replace him... with a migrant, and there will be no need for these schemes with fictitious marriages, there will be no need for illegal immigrants, these terrible showdowns, i have a question, maybe i should still adopt or try to adopt the experience vasily orlov , try to interest your citizen in work, paying him decent money , probably... losing something, probably cutting yourself off in some way, but if you play the long game, as our western colleagues do, maybe it makes sense to think about this, about the future, and it’s not about earning money now, and then
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leaving with what you’ve earned, and even though the grass won’t grow , no, i’m used to it, they write to us, well, how can this be, you talk about this, about this, about this, nothing happens, nothing is done, so in the online store you can easily buy books by boris akunin, who sponsors the armed forces of ukraine, or in the store you can buy notebooks with makarevich, who also sponsors the armed forces of ukraine, well, to put an end to attempts to explain what the fifth column is, and i just want to give you a little summary of what... say our foreign agents, having succumbed to the prank of our wonderful comrades , pranker and lexus, who pretended to be either ermak, or zelensky himself, or someone else, listen to what they
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say, without fear of being spotted, maybe you you send part of the fees there and try to send them to ukraine for help, that’s about it. you won’t give away television in any case, firstly, i have a tattoo, here i got one for myself, and this is our trizuk, and a portrait of bandera, i’m going to get another one for myself one tattoo, bandera is generally very like that , i, as a creative person, look at him,
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he is so very he is very sexy, i have some amazing views of my own, this is my hero, the point is that we were collecting money for armament, first of all, drones, in general, everything that is needed, and we collected money specifically for the needs of a certain detachment, everything that i can do for you, i am happy to do, i don’t even know who needs it more, that’s why i’m as open as possible and ready for anything, so to speak, what awaits us if people with bright faces win? this is what the writer dmitry bykov zerbeltrud predicts for us, listen, there will never be forgiveness for those who rejoiced after the events in bucha and declared them american fakes, no, and there will be no forgiveness either during life or after death, for those who
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rejoiced after mariupol, to those who went there and said, there will be a new theater here, i will head it, to those who sculpted zeds on their facades, no and will not... forgiveness will be a stigma and i will never sit with these people at the same round table and says: well we were they were wrong, but they lied to us a lot, you wanted my family... to be publicly hanged on red square, not me, to hell with me, my family, my children were hanged on red square, it didn’t work out for you, i took them away, there is no forgiveness from me, and there never will be, and my literature will not build bridges with crap, stalin once said such a catchphrase: personnel decide everything, that’s what you think, what might the jaune think? or soldiers who are fighting in donbass or their relatives, when,
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for example, they see such a picture, as, for example, the head of the main department logistics support of the federal customs service, this is the federal customs service, lieutenant general oleg zavgorodniy, organizes a drunken brawl in kaliningrad, the five-star crystalhouse hotel in a room worth 250,000 rubles. for a day, and after that he continues the same debauchery at the police station, threatening employees during execution, combine what is happening there and what is happening in the rear, and not with the homeless, with migrants, no, with the corresponding people, as a result the general zavgorodny was dismissed from service, right? absolutely, well what do you think, if this story had not
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received such national publicity, he would have been dismissed from service, i don’t know, i don’t think, but how many cases when this publicity does not happen, does that make it a disgusting act? ceases to be vile, no, he is simply swept under the rug, why am i saying this , this is not about revenge, this is not about punishment, this is about an inner sense of dignity, this is about how much a person understands how responsible he is for what happening in the country, in person.
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this is not a may day, this is not a name day for the heart misix. and tell me, that’s all, what we just talked about is really... not part of that very fifth column that we are talking about, but now another, it seems to me, very important and subtle thought, these very people we are talking about, they understand the degree of degradation of those with whom they are in one way or another connected, or who do they
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work for anyway, don't we see that these civilized people are wearing ties? in large offices they turned into absolute puppets, deprived of the right to vote, unable to keep their word, saying one thing and doing another thing, isn’t this so, isn’t this the same diminishing fertility of the civilized world. here is what andrei ilnitsky, advisor to the minister of defense of the russian federation, writes about this. look, this is very interesting, and it is very accurate to the ruling elites. acted not in national, but in the interests of globalists, for about three or four decades the process of degradation of elites has been induced by imitation of democratic procedures. tomorrow's dream world of the global hegemon is a world of total irresponsibility, where people not only
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they won’t be able to, but after a while they won’t want to. influence the authorities to participate in it, all these macrons, scholz, berbocks and other lizas play the role of puppets in the liquidation commission established by the deep state - a deep state for nation states. the western world and its nation-states, having undermined the christian foundations of their civilization, became a city on the sand. sliding under the pressure of the mud flow of neoliberal values ​​into the historical abyss, the french historian who once predicted the collapse of the ussr, about whom we said that manael is predicting the collapse of the western world today, i don’t know how this will happen, but we
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see how this whole house of cards is already beginning to shake. look, biden, trump , the national debt of the united states, the economy of europe, and so on and so on and so on, lack of hope, complete confusion in the brain, a feeling of hopelessness and the search for an enemy in order to somehow explain that emptiness, in which the civilized lives today.
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there is something, now it becomes clear, it’s not for nothing that our president tells us this , the guys go to war, risk their lives , they finally tried to understand who is who and what their health is, some do not return from the war, it is from this category of our citizens, especially young citizens, and there they are mostly young , and today i met with... students who interrupted their studies, many of them went to the combat zone, it is from these people that we must form the country’s elite in the future. once upon a time our sworn friend, the brilliant politician winston churchill, said: “the difference between government
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the difference between a politician and a politician is that politics is oriented." the next elections, and the statesman for the next generations thinks about the future of the country, which is why it is so important for all of us now to be on the right side of this conflict. well, at the end, i want to give you a gift, you remember, in one of the besagons we had a song by a wonderful young singer, nastya ivanova, she sent us her new song, it’s called warrior of the spirit, i really want you to listen to it, because i’m completely convinced that this song is just for those who stands on our side of the barricans,
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the snow covers up what i dreamed of, the wind flips through, my thoughts are in silence, the starry sky is velvety. wouldn’t i like to weave my pattern there, i’ll spit out bright colors onto the mobed, to revive the strength and add light in quiet prayer in the temple, the soul will soar again, in the old window frame , i’ll lean against breathing, only the saving light
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will call me, there’s no fear, i’ll straighten it out in flight, battle, spirit, sphere on the lips. he will cover the earth, he will raise hopes, the flag, even if it has fallen, and i have no strength to go further, and you live among the rocks, don’t look, you won’t meet me on the way, be behind you, the bridges are burning brightly.
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they will cover the earth, they will raise hope. now on our channel there is a live broadcast from vdnkh. 31 years ago, in 1993, a joint stock company was created. gazprom society and our company were entrusted with ensuring reliable operation of the progressive development of the unified
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gas supply system of the russian federation and gazprom reliably copes with this responsible mission. we supply gas uninterruptedly. gazprom is a guarantor of energy security and ensures the growth of technological sovereignty of russia and in today is a holiday , the president of russia congratulates us.
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dear friends, today one of the flagships of the russian economy, gazprom , turns 31 years old, i am glad to have the opportunity to congratulate the veterans. indicators, you work in the interests of the country’s development, ensuring its energy security, the creation of gazprom made it possible to maintain the unity of the domestic
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gas industry complex. over the past years, we have been convinced more than once of the validity and accuracy of the decision taken then. today gazprom sets itself the most ambitious goals, despite all external challenges, it is developing promising global markets and confirming its reputation as a reliable supplier. the position of one of the world leaders in the gas industry opens new gas production and high-tech centers. production for deep processing of raw materials, and of course, i would especially note the great work of gazprom in gasifying russian regions, in converting residential buildings, industrial enterprises and social facilities to environmentally friendly, efficient fuel. together we have to increase the pace and scale of such programs. exclusively gazprom’s contribution to strengthening
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russia’s technological sovereignty is important. this is the goal of the company’s partnership projects with research teams, with enterprises in power engineering, metallurgy, construction, and many other industries. i will add that gazprom always works for the long term for a strategic perspective, with an understanding of state interests. an example of this is the company’s participation in the renovation of settlements in northern arctic cities and the construction of unique ones.
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every year of gazprom's work is celebrated unique projects and record performance, because gazprom is one of the leaders in the global energy market, is the world leader in volumes of natural gas reserves, and the world leader in volumes of gas production and supplies to consumers. natural gas
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is a unique energy resource that ensures the dynamic development of our economy, and the enormous potential of gazprom allows it to serve for the benefit of russia for many, many centuries in the future.
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we have significantly improved the technology of the oil industry and made a significant contribution to modernization of domestic energy. and on behalf of the president of the russian federation , vladimir vladimirovich putin, we are implementing a large-scale program of gas supply and gasification to the country’s regions. gazprom. builds powerful processing plants, provides science and industry with orders, and implements an ambitious project of connecting gas infrastructure in the west of the country with gas infrastructure in the east of the country, during all these 31 years gazprom... unchanged.


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