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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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on the cycl rf website. the russian military has improved its position in all four areas of the special operation. this was reported to the ministry of defense. during the day, the losses of the ukrainian army exceeded 650 people. the air defense system intercepted seven missiles, as well as three harm and three '' missiles.
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we fired 12 shells, this was reported by the joint control and coordination center, and earlier the ssu struck the village of pantelemonovka in the dpr, killing four civilians, injuring six more, and among the dead victims were children. shells got into a residential apartment building early in the morning, when people were sleeping, half of the building collapsed and a fire started; while clearing the rubble, rescuers managed to save three people. the states don't have a plan. b in the event of a reduction in western support for ukraine, the vice president announced this at the munich security conference. according to haris, washington is determined to continue military assistance to kiev, but the european allies will also have to work. about calls anton dadykin. at the munich conference everything is as always, there is no unity or agreement. nato secretary general even irritably besieged politicians who are calling for the eu to create its own nuclear arsenal.
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and a prosperous state in the world. these alliances have prevented war, protected freedom , and maintained stability from europe to the indo-pacific. however, the benign atmosphere that...
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germany has already spent almost 18 billion euros on equipping the armed forces of ukraine, the rest are evading, and the german chancellor in munich with resentment called on the eu countries to increase their share of spending on ukraine, but even berlin is afraid of unpredictable consequences of pumping kyiv up with weapons. this is how scholz avoided answering the question of when the sslu will receive long-range taurus missiles from germany. taurus missiles were not included in the security agreement.
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this is what a politician says. the germans still gave vladimir zelensky the opportunity to admire the fighters, which he is actively asking for, but will not receive. typhoons accompanied the plane of the president of ukraine, although the head of the kiev regime was not threatened in the airspace of the european union. meanwhile, everyone in the eu wants to make money from the conflict. greece, cyprus and france blocked the purchase of european drones for the ukrainian armed forces. as well as contracts for the production
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of shells outside the european union. paris does not want to deprive its own arms companies of profits, and the finns are trying to prevent financing of the turkish military-industrial complex. no one is going to take it either, but promises to think about it in the future are still given out willingly. ukraine cannot become a nato member while the conflict continues. this is bad news. the good news is that we can use the experience of the european union. there are intermediate steps in the eu. it is necessary to establish work with zelensky’s team to study what similar steps are possible. the prime minister of the netherlands, mark ruete, who said this, can lead.
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the european commission will present a strategy for our defense industry in 3 weeks. we need to spend more, and this is already happening. over the year there is an increase of 20%, but this is not enough. we should place more joint orders. against the backdrop of belligerent statements by western representatives, china confirmed at the munich conference that only a peaceful solution to the ukrainian conflict is possible. china is working tirelessly to advance peace talks until the right conditions arise. as long as such hope remains, we will not weaken our efforts. china has already taken many constructive steps and will continue to play a positive role. calls for peace were heard on the streets of munich. hundreds of people demonstrated against the militaristic attitude of western politicians at this security conference. anton
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dadykin, matvey popov, lead. right now, watch dari gonieva’s special report about how the ukrainian military, with the participation of the sbu, sells western weapons. here are heavy missiles, what you see is predominantly western weapons, sales of western -style weapons by ukrainian armed forces, including abroad, this is just the tip of the iceberg, weapons that the west previously transferred to ukraine were discovered this summer in syria by local... services, in my film i showed that in the province of idlib there is such a virtual, one might say play-market, where you can buy everything, from carpets to javlilin itself.
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this is a primary indication that the weapons were transferred from ukraine, from the ukrainian black market. i really want people in the west to realize that the weapons they are supplying to ukraine. may ultimately kill them themselves. vasily prozorov, a former lieutenant colonel of the sbu, worked at the headquarters of the ato, the war that ukraine unleashed against its own citizens in the donbass, but being a russian native, berdyanskaya did not accept the idea of ​​euromaidan and began collaborating with the russian special services, and then. created the investigation center ukrliks, where it publishes secret materials he received during his years of service. in 2022, i repeatedly went to positions abandoned by ukrainian troops. when the battles for severodonetsk and rubezhnoe were going on, i worked in these cities and personally saw many
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examples of western weapons, from hand grenades to stinger man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems. prozorov's new investigation into how much weapons the west supplies to ukraine is leaking. completely different countries and in what ways? i think that no one knows the real scale of weapons leakage; we can judge indirectly, for example, here are the prisoners we talked to in ukraine, from the ukrainian armed forces there, the national guard, they said that there were cases when there were 10 units of western weapons in the state, there was jevelin, there was lau, stinger, in reality it was 1:2, oh that paid for by taxpayers in europe and america. may not reach the line of combat contact in ukraine, they started talking almost immediately with the start of the northern military district. the american research organization coton institute warned in march 2022 what large-scale arms supplies to kiev could lead to. here's a quote.
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according to the 2021 global organized crime index, ukraine has one of europe's largest markets for illegal weapons, especially guns. and ammunition. between 2013 and 2015, there were approximately 300,000 cases of small arms lost or stolen, of which only slightly more were recovered.
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weapons, they sold us a lot of weapons, because many of us are now helping ukraine, where, according to the militant, he bought western october 2022, scandal in finland, local media reported that in the hands kinsky... criminals turn out to have weapons from ukraine. at the beginning of december 2022 , nigerian president muhammadu buhari made a loud statement. according to him, western assistance for ukraine surfaced in armed conflicts in africa. on may 31, 2023 , the mexican tv channel millenio shows a video showing a militant from one of the drug cartels carrying a swedish-made at4 grenade behind his back. about western weapons.
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the scheme for the sale of western weapons directly involves military personnel of the ukrainian army and the national guard under cover military counterintelligence of the sbu, as well as foreigners who are on the territory of ukraine. there was also written confirmation of this. in june 2022, prozurov took part in an inspection of the sbu headquarters in mariupol. a huge number of secret and top secret documents were discovered there, including this folder. there are two intelligence reports. sbu agent pseudonym ataturk, in which, in the first, specifically, he
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talks about how he met two servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, specifically the fifty-sixth motorized infantry brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which was stationed in mariupol, another certificate, the meeting took place back in november 2021, and during the meeting, i will even allow myself to quote, the military personnel specifically told the agent, you are turak. what do you need, do you want, we’ll sell you a javelin, our brigade is just receiving new ones, but there is no accounting for them, already fulfilling an order from the sbu, he specifically decided to buy a javelin, the military personnel said that in principle this is possible, then i will allow myself to quote immediately translating into russian, because the certificate is naturally written in ukrainian, that they can sell a javelin and even a stinker, but such systems are found... registered with the command and military counterintelligence, so during the sale they will have to share money with
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the management, so the price for such weapons will be very high. what we can conclude here is that such systems actually go to the side under the control of the command of the military unit and the military counterintelligence of the sbu. it was then that prozorovaya’s assumption became stronger that weapons from ukraine were supplied primarily to the middle east. it was only confirmed by work. another investigator, american john dugan, who interviewed the unknown aiden eslin, a british mercenary who was captured at azovstal and sentenced to death in the dpr until the republic joined russia. of course, we are aware of these rumors, but you never know what the truth is, but usually when you hear a lot of rumors from various sources, there is some truth in it, when i interviewed oyden eslina, i was very surprised, that... he specifically touched on this point, he said that his handlers in ukraine
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they asked about contacts in syria, where he had previously fought on the side of the kurds with the aim of possibly selling weapons to the kurds. i am absolutely sure that he was from the sbu, because it is unlikely that any other unit would have dealt with this. later i contacted my contact and asked what this guy wanted to talk to you about? and he answered me that he just wanted to sell. all the supplies you might have heard about are this. jivelins, yes, and javilins, we missed a lot of things from this.
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police officer spoke out against the justice system in the united states, created a network of sites for officers who dared to challenge the authorities ended up being persecuted by the fbi and asked for political asylum in russia. he recently published a book of betrayal of truth, about the geopolitical causes of the conflict in ukraine, about what he saw with his own eyes in the donbass. i had another interview with a ukrainian commander named michael nyman.
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i played in this story less as a journalist and more as a cop. and although this source is not very reliable, both dugan and prozorov admit this; he also pointed to the middle east. the question remained of how
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the weapons were transported in this case; vasily prozorov searched for the answer for many months. during this investigation, i turned to one of my former colleagues, an employee of the sbu , who was actually involved in purely commodity smuggling, he worked in this area all his life, and he highlighted the story, well, not the story, but let’s say, one of the possible routes of smuggling , with the help of which these weapons leave ukraine just for the middle east, this is the ukrainian-romanian border in area of ​​responsibility.
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exclusive video of how they intercepted one delivery of such weapons from turkey, through and law enforcement officers provided us with a truck with a cache in idlip province, on the territory of syria, containing really heavy western- style weapons systems. here's a car we discovered carrying oil. next to the driver was the terrorist jephat annusri. the car was loaded with cans of oil, here is comrade colonel, heavy missiles, all of this was disguised with oil on top. and tell me, please, where does all this stuff come from? the weapons
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you see in this room were confiscated by us. several smuggling groups, they are engaged in the illegal transfer of weapons between government-controlled areas and areas held by militants. it was seized from militants in the province of latakia. what you see is predominantly western weapons. terrorist groups use smugglers to transport it across the contact line. they transfer it, use it and sell it on black. in one of seized complexes, the syrians, when they seized it, they found instructions in ukrainian, there under the battery.
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a banned organization, and the only thing is that he gave up criminal activities and went over to the side of the assad government, for
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which he received an amnesty, but this is a man who was directly responsible for one of the sections of the smuggling route from turkey to the border with lebanon. a former militant of a banned terrorist group, egil abuhuseyfa , said that they used to smuggle soviet-style weapons, but then everything changed.
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divisions that, say, profess some kind of aggressive islamic faith, this is , for example, the same battalion named after sheikh mansur, one of the battalions that has been fighting since 1914; militants of the banned isis, there jephat nusra, regularly fight in its composition , they come to ukraine to gain combat experience to purchase weapons and so on, this former... he, for example, told us how weapons are ordered on the territory of syria by this particular syrian armed
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the opposition, relatively speaking, leaders, commanders of combat units, field commanders, once a week gather with the leader there, jephat nusra, and submit requests for how much they need, say, weapons for the next week, for example, there is one ja. he did not succeed, and after conversations with foreign journalists, he completely got the impression that everyone already knows about the problem, but deliberately turns a blind eye to it. i couldn't
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find it in germany at all. slow action, because some kind of stinger that the united states delivered to ukraine, the ukrainian corrupt military sold it somewhere to syria or lebanon, and this stinger will then be used to shoot down an israeli or american plane there. the supply of western weapons to ukraine does not at all bring the end of the conflict any closer; it only leads to an increase in crime and increases the risk of local hostilities around the world. this
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