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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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that is, ideas and our budget money are flowing to the west to our enemies. what do you think of this scheme? why is there another country for this medal? remember, in our besagons we talked about cognitive warriors, about the fight against these wars, about propaganda, about what was happening in sevastopol at moscow state university, thank god, now at the level of the federation council. have returned to this issue; it is no secret that today they are increasingly saying that the collective west has launched a hybrid war against the russian federation and modern information wars are one of the most dangerous components of modern hybrid warfare. the goal of information warfare completely coincides with the goal of traditional war, which is to ensure the military defeat of the enemy. this slide presents the technology of how crv6
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today creates agent networks, including sleeper cells and those networks where agents are specifically introduced to settle in the territory; from recent practice, there was a case when they announced an open competition for two to fill two vacancies in the mi apparatus -6, that's it for those who are ready to participate in the competition, they were required... a detailed questionnaire, the results of checks, there is information about themselves, and a lot of people, at the same time, responded to this proposal, passed these checks, established initial contact with him, and then said that well, unfortunately, you didn’t get these positions, but we wouldn’t want to lose touch with you, we’d like to be friends with you, and thus people, having passed this interview, returned back to their countries and regions, and in fact with operational intelligence contacts
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m6. and even at the level of the chairman of the federation council, valentin ivanna matvienko , words were heard about the need to create such a real, serious, opposing cognitive front. listen. andrey, first of all, thank you for responding to our invitation, but there will be consequences from this invitation. i propose to simply give instructions to the committee. for the defense committee on education to consider the proposal made for the creation of a state personnel training system - this is the area we are talking about now, look at what we already have, what we need, so we are late, yes we are late, the fact that the information struggle will continue, will increase, will not go away, that’s for sure. to
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effectively, professionally counteract it, to work proactively, of course, we need trained personnel, of course. well, there will still be a continuation of the besagon tv program, now there are also urgent messages, they concern, of course, avdeevka, which has completely come under the control of the russian army. ministry of defense posted a network with a telegram from the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation. putin, colonel general bordovichev. so, today the center group of troops, developing the offensive, completely captured the city of avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. in the battles for avdeevka, formations and military units distinguished themselves. thirtieth separate motorized rifle brigade of the second army, thirty- fifth separate motorized rifle brigade, fifty-fifth separate motorized rifle brigade mountain, seventy-fourth separate motorized rifle brigade of the forty-first army.
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first separate motorized rifle brigade, ninth separate motorized rifle brigade , 114 separate motorized rifle brigade, 1454 motorized rifle regiment, tenth tank regiment of the first army corps, sixth tank regiment, eightieth tank regiment, 239 tank regiment, ninetieth tank division, for excellent military operations, i express gratitude to everyone to the troops you lead...
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deliver, 2017, 7 years ago, a three-month course that is simply directly for schoolchildren are aimed at identifying
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at first glance their enemy, who, the russian, and we continue this struggle for what is necessary and... and not necessary, thank god that now, it has finally become clear that it is impossible without this, we must defend ourselves, moreover, we must defend ourselves by attacking , and we must be able to do this, and we must learn this, in order to determine the enemy narrative, as said, you don’t need much, for example, a story with a wonderful actor, my very good friend, who filmed in russia for the first time, in my film, sunstroke by a serb, milos bikovich, who became a star of our cinema, who was approved for a role in an american series by a company, a very powerful hbo, the series was called white lotus,
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according to slander, at the request of the ukrainian authorities, he was deprived of this role, for what? for what he thinks, how he thinks, for... that he is an orthodox person, for the fact that he accepted russian citizenship, for this, here is the enemy narrative, this is absolutely enough, that is, not talent, not popularity, not his appearance, not his internal dignity, and none of this matters, he is an enemy narrative, no, well, not everything is so bad, there in the civilized world there is... emmanuel todd. by the way, in 1976 he predicted the collapse of the soviet union in
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1976. here's what he writes: i perfectly understand the shock that the outbreak of large-scale military action causes. yes, russia entered the battle then, but... you can drink into the battle when it’s already underway. i understand that people only see that first day of russia's active introduction of hostilities, since the sudden the outbreak of military violence with its dramatic scenes obscures from us the overall dynamics of the two rival systems. the real instability is at the heart of the western system. when a demographer sees that russia's population hardly exceeds. the number of japanese, he cannot succumb to general madness and talk about some kind of expansion , the area of ​​this country is 17 million km, how can the russians want to expand their
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territory, and what did the thoughtless denunciation of the russians and refusal to think about their motives bring to the ukrainians, the collapse of the ukrainian nation , which the west is preparing to abandon, “western, unanimously accepted discourse with its ideological and moral prescriptions leads to disaster, but this is really so, remember the words of the president who said that we need, we also talked about this, remember, in the last besogon, this crazy drug addict zelensky, who killed a huge number of his people , his fellow citizens, they repeat the words like a mantra, when russia defeats ukraine, it will attack europe, and no one has any idea why, why we don’t have what we have in europe, why do we need this war with europe, well, it’s a simple question, i go there and bomb
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it for this, because i need this, and what do i need in poland, what do i need in belgium, what do i need in england? what, what do we not have, what is there somewhere, why do we need it? this question is not raised at all, the cognitive war with the desire to convince the world that russia... is going on inside our country, is in full swing. here is an example, there is such a project: the way home, as if uniting the wives of mobilized soldiers who want them to return home as soon as possible. look, the leader of the group is on her way home, maria andreeva, waiting for her husband svvo, who actually serves there as a nurse, although he does not take part in active hostilities. right after the protest, she goes home to her. nikita odishchev, i don’t have any dark thoughts, why, how, what kind of personal
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relationships, this is absolutely not what we’re talking about, the simple fact is that nikita odishchev, he is an oppositionist, a navalist, he appeared in the smart voting project, worked in organizations for agents and donated this structure, it turns out that nikita odishchi in supervises to some extent. the work of these groups , including this movement, the way home, and we understand perfectly well, we have already dealt with organizations of mothers, we have already studied in detail how it works and how we can direct the activities of these women exactly in the direction where they need to go him and with him, or here’s another example, the wife of one of the mobilized participants in this group... home, published a post in which she condemned the terrorist attack against vladlin tatarsky wrote: i personally
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communicated with vladlen, i have his books, this loss is still in my heart, the only correct punishment , lifelong, is not given to women , unfortunately, literally 2 hours after this post, the way home disowned its participant, paulina is not the press secretary of the way home movement, “we we do not share many of the views broadcast on our behalf, that is, it turns out that for the project the way home, the murder of a tatar is not such a terrible crime, so to speak , but why is this so, but because this kind of condemnation does not fit into the tasks that put before this organization, those to whom they are important, for absolutely other purposes, i am very precise about this.
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today it is pointless for us to demand truth from the civilized world, which is entirely, almost entirely, built on total lies ; this truth must be conquered.
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fifth column in russia, this is not about blaming someone, it’s about the sabotage that exists and the subversive work that is being carried out within the country, such as, for example, what happened in dagestan, this is a riot at the airport or in bashkiria , where they hit the hardest painful points where migrations are directed from there, i don’t understand where such pagan horror comes from the phrase fifth column, fifth column is generally... an idiom, that was the name of the fascist general franco’s agents during the spanish civil war in
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306-37. for us, the fifth column, for me at least, these are precisely those people who, freely or unwillingly, by their own conviction or for money, are trying to oppose the national interests of the country. and it's very simple, and it's very clear. is not means what. you can’t have your own opinion, this doesn’t mean that we should all follow a line, dress in the same clothes, march and give, this is not what we’re talking about, this is about the fact that
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others will immediately appear in them, who will be ordered to be called enemies of the state. the fifth column is not a goal, it is a process. the fifth column is the justification for terror, and nothing more, what kind of terror, what kind of terror? what kind of terror are you talking about, anatoly, did you put someone against the wall? or is terror something that has been weaned off the state trough, uh, i think, on naked party time. or the fact that a murderer, a terrorist is being tried, or someone is awarded the title of foreign agent, by the way, copied from american laws, what kind of terror if the deputy director of the yeltsin center for scientific affairs, mr. nikita sokolov, is recognized as a foreign agent on the eighth
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attempt, on the eighth , despite the fact that it was possible to recognize him as a foreign agent on the first try and... for a long time, we showed him in our besogons, listen, for the most part, almost never, those people who they really fought against the soviet regime, these were the dissidents of the forties, the dissidents of the thirties, who, but there were really real militant groups, they were not rehabilitated, although they did nothing, these are the vlasovites, this is a large public one. problem, recognizing mr. sokolov as a foreign agent while he works in the yeltsin center is, as it were, not a camelpho, not really, but somehow, considering who is defending the elsin center. in 22, mr. sokolov resigned, and eight times after that, this powerful lobby
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dissuades him from the opportunity to be recognized. a foreign agent, this only happened for the eighth time, can you imagine what power this is, can you imagine what influence this has? i still can’t help but draw your attention , listen to a few quotes from his networks: the outbreak of russia’s war against ukraine is a shame, we do not believe that the ukrainian people are under the rule of the nazis and need to be liberated, these are the people who signed like this... they didn’t see the torchlight processions, they didn’t see the executions of our prisoners, and they didn’t see the chevrons, they didn’t see the azov men zigging, they didn’t see swastikas, tattoos, fascists, they didn’t see all this, but how to treat the words of a woman who serves in the ranks of the ssu, alina sornatskaya, this is what she
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says: the fewer civilians in ukraine die at the hands of the russians, the less we will... be written by foreign media, the less citizens of other countries will know, the less help will be available, that is, well, the person writes, yes, the person thinks so, and he writes what that means, that means, he calls on russia as you can kill more civilians, like they do this in order to have more written about them and in order to receive military, financial, and so on and so forth.
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journalists, american press secretaries of one or another organization give them, they answer that they don’t have reliable ones, why? we simply don't have enough information to comment on this, this plane crash, we saw the report about it, we are trying to get more information, but it would be imprudent for me to speculate beyond that, i simply cannot confirm the authenticity of these reports, precisely because... that the foundation of all this is a global lie, which we are fighting against. do the ukrainian people need liberation, so to speak , on... tsyskova and very eloquently, by the way, writes about this, you know, the newspaper is so serious and not such a friend of ours, hardy.
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on february 2, this article was published about what was happening in the prisons of ukraine in relation to those who sympathized or, as it were, who were reported that he sympathized with the russians, look, one of the prisoners had an org tattooed on his forehead, and... a resident of the clock yara was thrown into prison for 15 years with her two-year-old daughter, she is waiting in horror for her daughter to turn 3 years old, because then she will be taken away from her, and other stories are the same, all these people in prisons dream of only one thing, to be exchanged, to go to russia, although many of them we’ve never been there, well, isn’t that true, and now a little more about the fifth column about... migration policy, which we ’ve talked about quite a few times, let’s put aside all sorts of emotions, just the facts: look, in yekaterinburg a group of people were detained who issued fictitious
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marriages to obtain russian citizenship, they worked right in the building of the district migration service department, obtaining citizenship cost 70 thousand rubles. but here are the statistics for just 2023. in yekaterinburg , 288 thousand migrants registered for migration, this is 18.7% of the city’s total population. two questions arise: how many of them have passed the legal procedure? first question. and the second question: if they are close to the federal migration service, it means that someone is protecting them.
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immediately after this news comes that mr. wegner has left the country, fled as they say to azerbaijan, which, in principle, can
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indirectly confirm that he really took part in this scheme, but does n’t this suggest such an argument? very often we were told, when we started talking about emigration, that it is impossible to do without emigration , that these are working hands, very... i would say, convincing arguments, one cannot but agree with them, and so on and so on and so on and so on, but very interesting information does not come to mind, this is said by the governor of the amur region, vasily orlov, listen, despite the closeness with china, 5 years ago, from the moment we started working , our team was prohibited from using foreign labor, and that’s not only it. chinese citizens, but in general any foreign labor force, including citizens of the cis, for example, in agriculture in gold mining, so we made this decision, it was painful for many farmers, because it literally sounded that there would be no one
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to work in the village, people got drunk, nevertheless we took this decision quite harshly, in in the end, every year we collect more and more crops every year, it turns out that if you pay a normal salary, then there are people in the villages and they work quite successfully and can operate the equipment. listen, how simple it is, if you pay our citizen normally, he will work with pleasure, and there will be no need to replace him with a migrant, and these schemes with fictitious marriages will not be needed , illegal immigrants will not be needed, these terrible showdowns, i have a question, maybe should i still adopt it or try to adopt it? experience vasily orlov try to interest his citizen in work by paying
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him decent money for... probably losing something, probably cutting himself off in some way, but if you play the long game, as our western colleagues do, maybe it makes sense to think about this, about the future, and not about earning money now, and then leaving with the earnings and even though the grass won’t grow, no, i’m used to it, they write to us, well, how can it be, you talk about this, about this, about this, but nothing nothing is happening, nothing is being done, but you can easily buy books in the online store sponsoring the armed forces of ukraine boris akunin, easily , or in the bukvaet store you can buy notebooks with makarevich, also, who sponsors the armed forces of ukraine, well, suddenly , to put an end to attempts to explain what a fifth column is, and i just want to make you such
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a small cut of that.. what do our foreign agents say, having succumbed to the prank of our wonderful comrades pranksters vavan and lexus, who pretended to be either yarmak, or zelensky himself, or someone else, listen to what they say without fear publicity, maybe you are sending part of the fees there, trying to send them to ukraine for help, that’s about... this is periodic, firstly, i do this periodically, secondly, i periodically organize collections, my fees go to ukraine, of course, when russians are killed, i am offended, but i have no complaints against you, just as i have no complaints against israel regarding gaza, but in general i am very proud that i can be useful to you in some way, if you published a book , we would spend the entire fee on drones, i hope you are
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talking about this conversation... on russian television you won’t give it back in any case, firstly , i have a tattoo, i got one here , and this is our trizuk, yes, yes, and a portrait of bandera, i’m going to get myself another tattoo, bandera is generally very like that, i as a creative person, i look at him , he is so very sexy, so i have some of my own views, amazing, this is my hero, the point is that we raised money specifically for weapons, primarily for drones , in general, everything that was needed, we collected money specifically for the needs of a specific detachment, everything i can do for you, i ’m happy to do, i don’t even know who needs it more, that’s why i’m as open as possible and ready for anything, as they say, that’s what awaits us
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if people with light win? listen, there will never be forgiveness for those who rejoiced after the events in bucha and declared them american fakes, no, and there will be no forgiveness either during life or after death, for those who rejoiced after mariupol, for those who went there and said, there will be a new theater here, i will head it, to those who sculpted zeds on their facades,
12:00 am
stalin once said this catchphrase : cadres decide everything, that’s what you think the bzhons or soldiers who are fighting in the donbass or their relatives might think when, for example, they see such a picture as, for example, the head of the main department of the logistics ensuring the federal customs service, this is the federal... customs service, lieutenant general oleg zavgorodniy arranges a drunken brawl in kaliningrad in the five-star crystal house hotel in a room costing 250,000 rubles per day, and after that he continues the same brawl at the police station, threatening employees during execution, connect what is happening there and what is happening in...


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