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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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accomplices witnesses. this is probably not the last arrest in a high-profile criminal case. olga zhurenkova, sergey soldatov, dmitry maslennikov, maria bukata, dmitry manushev. news, duty department, kursk region. this week there was a continuation of the scandalous story involving a former waxed employee of the federal customs service, who staged a drunken brawl during a business trip. a criminal case has been initiated against general oleg zovgorodniy. this instruction was given by the chairman of the investigative committee russia. the reason was a conflict in one of the hotels. in kaliningrad, in order to calm zavgorodniy, the hotel staff called the russian guard. when suppressing the illegal actions of the defendant, the latter expressed himself with rude obscene language addressed to the national guard, and also, being taken to the police department to clarify the circumstances, kicked a representative of the authorities. as soon as it became known about the exit from ovgorodny, the general ceased to hold the position of head of the military technical cooperation support, he wrote a letter of resignation on his own desire. about other legal events. a week of
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high-profile trials and incidents in the review of denis novozhilov. on monday in moscow, a verdict was passed against the administrator and authors of the telegram channel lights out, who extorted 11 million rubles from a businessman. the accomplices demanded money for the so-called negative block. they promised not to post compromising posts about the businessman. but the security forces quickly figured out and detained those involved in the blackmail. by decision of the khamovnichesky district court of the capital, kirill sukhanov. went to a maximum security colony for 7.5 years, arian kuzmin romanovsky and tamerlan begaev received 7 years in prison. marathons in isolation wards continue. on tuesday, the court extended the arrest of the queen of the empire of deception, elena blinovskaya, who is accused of tax evasion and money laundering. coach ayas shabuddinov, a defendant in a criminal case of fraud, also remained in custody. both bloggers sold all kinds of courses and webinars. promised
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to make subscribers rich and successful, now they will only be able to teach their cellmates. wednesday evening in the center moscow, an armed mixed martial arts fighter, rasul ochaev, opened indiscriminate fire at his opponent near the traffic police unit. the conflict occurred during the registration of a minor accident. the police quickly threw the conflict participants into the snow and handcuffed them. investigators opened a criminal case of hooliganism. experts recovered several shell casings, rubber bullets and a traumatic pistol from the scene. the court sent rasul ochaev to pre-trial detention. on thursday , police detained two participants in the shootout, which occurred at the beginning of january in tyumen. then six thugs attacked the driver of a foreign car. while one of them was clutching an object that looked like a pistol in his hand, the other was piercing the rear wheel of the victim’s car with something. more criminals have been put on a federal wanted list. on friday it became
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known about the detention of the self-appointed tsar in the ulyanovsk region. the probable organizer of the sect, a former criminal, urged his followers to burn passports, not pay taxes and lead a reclusive lifestyle, as well as commit other illegal actions. in during the search in the so-called community of adherents, investigators seized clothes, non-canonical religious... literature, laptops, phones worth more than 300 thousand rubles. denis novozhilov, andrey ivlev, conductor, duty department. he did not attack, but defended himself. this week in the ivanovo region, a court acquitted a businessman who shot an uninvited guest. alexander krasnov had to take up his gun when more than two dozen armed thugs were rushing to his home. it was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully. why is every story about possible exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense causes a wide public outcry. here
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, galina khangureeva understands that those who were forced to defend themselves are not always on the side. the aroma of hot coffee and rustling candy wrappers in the hands of an adored grandson. it would seem that an idyll always reigned in this house in the city of kokhma, ivanovo region, but just a few days ago the head of the family, alexander krasnov, could have ended up in a colony for a long time. for 3 years, the family attended court every week, until finally there was no acquittal. shakes everything. well, it seems to me that we still don’t even understand that i need to go to court there. the deceptive provincial serenity is revealed by the damage to the walls of the krasnovs’ house. there are holes in the siding from stones, scratches from the fittings on the iron gates. this remained as a keepsake from the aggressive thugs who visited the family in the summer of 2021. at least 25 people, armed with traumatic pistols, bats and bricks, came to the house. then it was full of guests. the krasnovs saw off their son to the army. already
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at that moment it was as if i couldn’t control myself, everything in my head was that one thing, that they had come here to kill us, to maim us, we had to defend ourselves, everything, to defend our family, relatives, well... there were guests, children, random witnesses captured the beginning of a hostile campaign at the entrance of a five-story building, then on the road , at some point the crowd was stopped by police officers, after a short conversation they were released, in these frames, taken already at the scene of the massacre, gunshots and screams are clearly audible, chaos is happening, an attempt at peaceful negotiations failed, comrade alexander red's nose was broken, his jaw and collarbone were broken, the... businessman himself was wounded in the stomach with a traumatic pistol, the phrase "my home, my fortress" lost its meaning, an aggressive crowd began to storm private property and, out of despair, the head of the family opened fire from a saiga carbine, i thought they were shooting towards the trees, but wounded two of the attackers, one mortally.
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after the incident, the businessman himself surrendered to the police and became a defendant in a criminal case of murder. one of the main arguments of the prosecution in court was the fact that in the moment of the fatal shot, the aggressive crowd on... was at a distance of 12 m from this gate and allegedly did not plan to attack, however, it has been proven that there were only three attempts to attack the territory where women and children were located, in such a stressful state it is quite difficult to calculate the distance from aggressive people to the territory of the house. during the investigation, it turned out that the cause of the armed clash was a domestic conflict between krasny’s ​​son artyom and davud ostanakulov, he was among the attackers, both had relatives’ wives sisters, girls allegedly quarreled over... but what happened was that we left and we weren’t able to go and sign papers , insults started, it turned out to be a fight, after the fight everyone left and came here with stones and sticks, according to some sources, krasnov jr. gained the upper hand in a fight with stanakulov, from which
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the latter harbored a grudge and decided to take revenge, that ’s how he threatened his opponent not long before the attack, it doesn’t matter to me where you are or not, i’ll come to you, what are you saying? at ivanovo state university as an economist, lived in a student dormitory, but was expelled for poor academic performance, both were tried for hooliganism and sentenced to five and four years in a general regime colony, the remaining participants in the attack are still being sought, as for businessman alexander krasnov, he spent 7 months in a pre-trial detention center on charges of
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murder until the case was transferred to the central office of the investigative committee of russia. state duma deputy vladimir sepyagin has been following this story from the very beginning. everyone was talking about how this would happen. put under cloth, in the end alexander krasnov, as the defender of the family and home , will end up in prison, but this should not have happened, these materials were received by the court, but they were received by the court with a clearly substantiated position of the investigation, which showed that the person was defending myself. in 2022, investigators reclassified krasny’s ​​actions as murder committed when the limits of necessary defense were exceeded. our situation here is delicate; our legislation is still based on the balance that defense must be comparable to the severity of the attack, and how such protection of your home in our country does not mean that you can use any violence , including causing death. the topic of exceeding the limits of necessary defense is always hotly discussed in society; sometimes it is too difficult to find the line when defense ends
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and attack begins. it is worth remembering the story of alexander zabenkov from the tver region. for the fact that a man in his own area fought back four attackers and fatally wounded three of them. did not face 18 years in a maximum security colony, but the court found that zabenkov acted within the framework of the necessary defense and acquitted him. investigators did not find any corpus delicti in the actions of submariner from the chelyabinsk region alexander grigoriev. his story was told in detail by our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigative program. on new year's day , five people in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication broke into grigoriev's house. a man defending his family shot four. he faced a life sentence, but the case was closed. russia, although not a country.
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to a businessman from the ivanovo region, rather in all, the court's decision was influenced by the decision of the plenum of the supreme court. in 2022 , the limits of permissible defense were expanded. acquittal of alexander krasnov family. greeted with applause, it coincided that on that very day the couple celebrated their twenty-fifth anniversary of marriage. galina hungureeva, maria bukata dmitry groshev, vesti duty unit, ivanovo region. after several performances of our program, the authorities of the vladimir region intend to streamline the movement of carriages and sleighs along the streets of ancient suzdyl. this week the situation with stubborn drivers who drive around the city uncontrollably knock people down, commented the governor of the region, alexander avdeev. for solutions. problem, officials are determined to turn to federal colleagues for help; for their part, regional
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authorities are ready to determine permitted places for horses to park and develop safe routes for excursions. the requirements for horse-drawn carriages are not clearly stated in our legislation, federal legislation. and the question of responsibility, since let’s say the driver is translating there people, transports people, then the question is, who insures the people? what age can someone who drives a horse-drawn cart be? yes, he must know some rules, for example, but traffic rules or at least just safety standards, this is not written down. experts say that it is high time to take control of this area, as an option to identify a single operator who will handle legal trips and sell tickets through the box office. this will bring business out of the shadows and make tourists’ holidays safe. loud scandal with illegal hunting of kasul, the temporary acting minister of health
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of the tambov region alexey ovchinnikov may be involved in it. in the trunk of the car in which he was traveling, the police found fragments of carcasses, roe deer and a carbine. why did the now former influential official suddenly end up in the hospital ? was he really trying to avoid interrogation in this way? sultan ziganov went to the tambuv region and uncovered an underground empire of illegal animal hunting. executive office. duties of the minister health care in the tambov region is empty. it is symbolic that after the scandal associated with illegal hunting, alexey obchinnikov never took the stuffed wolf with him, like many other personal belongings. a well-known and respected physician in the region, alexey ovchinnikov, came to the attention of law enforcement officers a few days ago. traffic police officers stopped the car in which he was a passenger. the inspectors decided to check the driver's documents. the one who was still active at that time immediately joined the conversation.
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carbine, which ovchinikov even banned touch. a little deeper there was a container with a cut up roe deer carcass, the hunting season for which ended in january, these were ribs, shoulder blades and fillets in a bag. on the territory of the pervomaisky district, employees of a separate specialized battalion of the road patrol service of the state traffic inspectorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the tambov region stopped two cars, in the interior of which multiple fragments of roe deer carcasses were found, as well as tools for them... in addition, a carcass was found in the car. a hunting rifle belonging to a passenger was seized. inspectors
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an investigative team was called to the scene to seize the find for further examination. ovchinnikov himself was taken for a medical examination, but according to our source, he escaped from the hospital by jumping out of a first-floor window. the next day, the police went to a hunting base near the village of lychnoye, followed by our film crew. now we are. on the territory of the hunting base, where the acting minister of health of the tambob region, alexey, came, so to speak, to shoot ovchinnikov, there is everything here, a hunting lodge, a barbecue area, a well, and now pay attention, that building there is green, apparently there is something like a cutting station there, judging by these photographs, roe deer are being exterminated en masse here, heads are scattered in the snow and dozens of hooves, according to preliminary estimates, 25 animals were illegally hunted at this base, investigators from the regional department of the ministry of internal affairs opened
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a criminal case for illegal hunting. a complex of investigative and operational measures is currently being carried out, aimed at consolidating the evidence base to identify those involved in this crime. law enforcement officers may have questions not only about alexey ovchinnikov, but also about the owner of the land in the territory where poachers are likely operating. all these forests and lands with an area of ​​more than 50,000 hectares. the chairman of the pervomaiskoe society has already been summoned to the police department to testify. meanwhile , guests continue to arrive at the hunting base where the police found fragments of kasul carcasses. not only on cars with tambov, but with lipetsk and moscow numbers. mysterious men in a white suv keep order here. during the filming of the report, they
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closely watched us. what's happened? what's happened? yes, close my door. are you the owner of this database? that i’m not, and what are you doing here, now i’m here, you look, when the cameras aren’t filming, you make a scandal, i came to feed the dogs, who else took part in the illegal hunting and how many animals were killed, we planned to ask now former head of the ministry of health tambov region alexey ovchinnikov, but he chose to hide, no one has seen him at home for a long time, the personal car in which he was caught by the police is in the parking lot, and apparently, the car has been parked for a long time. it was covered with snow, a few days after the scandal, alexey ovchinnikov unexpectedly appeared on the internet, posted an apology to the police on the telegram channel of the regional ministry of health, and stated that he had nothing to do with poaching. i really went hunting, but the hunting itself there was no, i did not fire a single shot from my personal gun during
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the period attributed to me. but it was too late to apologize; as soon as these images were made public, the scandalous story immediately drew attention.
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with thermals and look out, track, drive up and shoot even just from the car. game wardens regularly conduct raids and catch poachers. here is one of the latest cases in the sosnovy district of the tambob region. they sheath their weapons, you can be sure. state hunting inspectors had to go in pursuit after the poachers, but even when they drove the green field to a dead end, the daring hunters continued to resist. it's none of your business. despite the threats, inspectors managed to examine the contents of the trunk. there was a bag with a carcass, roe deer inside. another dead animal was also found on the hunting grounds. employees of the investigative committee opened a criminal case. each attack by the barconiers, which becomes known to the public, causes a wide resonance. people condemn hunters who behave
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brutally. many have not yet forgotten about a shocking incident in the yaroslavl region, where... as for the story involving the former acting minister of health of the tambov region alexei ovchinnikov, it has already been noticed in the russian state duma. we have tightened the legislation on hunting, in all areas, that is, in a wide range, from hunting for rare red book species to... we were unable to interrogate alexey ovchinnikov, he unexpectedly fell ill, is now allegedly in the hospital on a drip, but sooner or later
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he will recover, then you still have to answer to uncomfortable questions, more and more every day. more. sultan zeganov, igor stepanov, mikhail yunusov, mikhail zhilin, denis novozhilov. news journal part. tambov region. more than 10 tons of red caviar fish were seized from illegal trafficking in moscow. the legacy of the illegal traders was the capital's police officers and officers of the russian fsb. according to investigators, the dealers bought products of unknown origin from poachers, and then prepared them for sale and packaged them in warehouses in unsanitary conditions. investigators found thousands of fish carcasses, including krasnok. moscow from the astrakhan region, where the fight against poachers has been going on for many years, our colleagues from the program will talk about this. the investigation of eduard petrov , the film caspian patrol, will continue to broadcast legal rights on the russia 24 tv channel
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. that’s all we have, follow legal news, even on weekends in telegram channels, an honest detective will be on duty, bright fragments of our broadcasts and the best investigations on the platform , let's see, see you later. well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a loan, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to a loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with a loan. good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season, and these months passed me by. business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance, i have already broken the record for monthly sales in just one week, the sales season is starting,
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come here, i’m sure, i’m sure, the gorins are standing, our moscows are there. i'm ugly, coconut cappuccino, bring him, don't move, star, lie down, stop, i'm lying on the couch, ice three. next, eduard petrov’s investigation
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into how border guards and police fight poachers in the caspian sea, who destroy the tasetrovys, and how illegal products still end up on moscow markets, watch about it right now. caviar with fire. astrakhan and dagestan police and border guards defeated gangs of caspian poachers, but despite this, the world's largest freshwater lake, the caspian sea, continues to attract unscrupulous businessmen. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. it's huge here
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the amount of black caviar, in homemade caviar, in this caviar, there are all sorts of bacteria, and e. coli, and stephalococtus aureus, just look at the price of a jar of caviar, well, look, here’s a jar, there’s nothing on it, there’s simply nothing on it, well they fell away, yes it happens, yes, yes, stop the engine, this is our pride, the pride of the caspian sea, you have the beluga. that is, looking at this house, we understand that the fish brings money, it brings enough, the fish that is in the caspian sea, it is in property of the state, two boxes of asp , very much, but the setor comes across, comes across, we let him go, siren, we tried to come to an agreement with the border guards, well, here they are trying to come to an agreement everywhere, that i am misinformation, in the opinion of our border guard, he believed that
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there would be a transfer of money. there is such a resident of the village of tarumovka, an entrepreneur, he is engaged in fish, carp, all living, in short, remove the camera, most of the population works for him, for this jew, yes, i am the biggest oligarch of dagestan, the world famous astrakhan asitras are in danger of disappearing, there are many reasons for this, including the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the volga, oil developments, and, of course, poachers. they have learned to deal with the latter, the border guards have powerful boats capable of catching up with any poaching boat , and the police carry out operational activities almost every day and prevent the main bank of the volga from being robbed. over the past few years, hundreds of smugglers have been detained in the caspian region, although...


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