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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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he believed that there would be a transfer of money, there is such a resident of the village of torumovka, an entrepreneur , he deals with fish, carp, all alive, in short , put away the camera, most of the population works for him, for this jew, yes, i am the biggest oligarch of dagestan, famous throughout the world astrakhan asitras are in danger of extinction, there are many reasons for this, including the construction of a hydroelectric power station. stations on the volga and oil developments, and of course, poachers. we have learned to cope with the latter. border guards now have powerful boats capable of catching up with any poaching boat - baidu, and the police carry out operational measures almost every day and prevent the main bank of the volga from being robbed. over the past few years, hundreds of smugglers have been detained in the caspian region. true
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, they caused colossal damage, now even for a poacher to get sturgeon is considered a great success, despite this, in moscow you can easily buy not only sturgeon or beluga, but also the main delicacy - black caviar, how the illegal market of caspian delicacies works, where hundreds of kilograms of sturgeon appear in moscow retail outlets caviar, and what do astrakhan people do? and dagestan poachers, we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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here they sell delicacies all year round; gourmet products are not for everyone, for example, the price for beluga caviar reaches almost 100,000 rubles per kilogram. caviar is literally worth its weight in gold. it was no coincidence that employees of the moscow department of economic security and anti-corruption stopped at this counter. trades here.
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make no mistake, law enforcement officers invite a highly specialized specialist to such raids, employee of the federal fisheries agency, it’s not only less fatty, its fat is so orange, if you look at aquaculture, it’s such an acidic, acidic color in nature, well, it doesn’t just come from anywhere, it’s even a completely different fish in consistency, they feed it aquaculture, it is soft, and natural accordingly, well, it is a good fish. a policeman seizes a suspicious
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product, the fish will be sent for examination, and if it turns out that asyotor is a poacher, the seller and the owner of the outlet will be may initiate criminal proceedings. and we move on. here is the danilovsky market, the pavilion is called wild fish and caviar astrakhan. we approach the seller. hello, what is your name? konstantin. konstantin, you now have oepc employees. jars of black caviar, but they are not marked, what is it? is this black caviar, that is, is it poached black caviar? no, no, well, look, here’s a jar, there’s nothing on it, there’s simply nothing on it, well, they fell off, i took them on purpose, yes, in order to return them today - well, they should come to pick them up today, that is, here so many jars on each jar, that’s all gone, yes, yes, this happens, yes, dubious jars are also confiscated, and we again turn to a specialist, at the moment this is a violation, as it were at the moment... the products are impersonal, he has
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there are documents that say that this is russian aquaculture caviar, if there is caviar of a non-russian setra, let's say, there are stellate sturgeon, there is beluga, perhaps there is kaluga, respectively... it will be recognized as barconier, a few years ago, assitrine and black caviar could be bought as legally, under the counter in any moscow market, even the smallest one. now trade is carried out only on large ones, central, leningradsky, danilovsky and dorogomilovsky. the caspian delicacy has become significantly smaller after all. once there is demand, supply will not keep you waiting. we will tell you about the results of the special event of the moscow police a little later. now let’s go to the caspian sea, where the illegal delicacy is supposedly mined. our film crew visited
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two regions, the republic of dagestan in ostrakhan region. we watched how border guards and police officers fight poachers. dmitry nekrasov, an employee of the border department of the fsb of russia in the republic of dagestan, is a legendary person.
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the city came out slowly from the port. “the naval officer served in many parts of russia, more than once entered into battles with smugglers, now he is in the caspian sea, poachers know him well, when nikrasov’s groups work on the water, it is better not to meddle in the sea, they will definitely catch up. how does caspi differ from those places , where you served before, what are the features of the caspian sea? this means that the peculiarity, of course, here is the local mentality, there is such a strong difference, gentlemen, don’t escalate, let’s disperse
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, hey, don’t shoot, stop, well, in principle, poachers in the far east and here are practically no different, everyone wants to make money, and at the same time will not be held accountable for their actions. today, together with nikrasov’s group, we went out on patrol; the powerful border boat mongoose cuts the waves at all pores and rushes along the coastline several kilometers south of the village. baidu is such a long boat with a powerful motor, which poachers love. nikrasov, without hesitation, orders her to be detained.
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kind of small. i border the senior officer of the federal security service, there is a third here, the fleeing boat is huddling closer to the shore, where in the shallows the powerful heavy boat mongoose cannot approach, but nikrasov is completely unperturbed, a protocol on an administrative offense will be drawn up for not stopping, not obeying the border guard . the commander’s calmness, as it turned out, was not accidental. paired with mongoose in that several light border boats, master, worked throughout the day. their crews detained the troublemakers and brought them ashore. we are also heading there, at the mouth of the sulak river. two detainees. these are local people.
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maradzhuev and his nephew saifuddin. did you see your boat coming? there were three or four kater, yes. and what signals were given? no, i didn’t see it, i didn’t hear it. everything is clear, there was movement there too, they didn’t hear or see the standard excuses of local fishermen, many of them, like this detained couple, officially work in the fishery, catching bream, mullet, pike, carp, asp and pike perch, and then they hand over to the reception center, but it is impossible to find out how many assitser are caught in their net? and it is possible that morat dzhumagishiyev and his nephew saipuddin did not stop at
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the request of the border guards, since there was a red book fish in the boat, please show the catch. two boxes of asp, he has 34 kg of asp and 8 kg. does asyotor get caught? asyotor, he comes across, we let him go, naturally there is always habitation. how many were released today? about two copies. two sisters. together with dmitry nekrasov we are going up the river sulak, on both sides there are improvised piers, many boats of all calibers. the houses on the banks are very different, from rickety , dilapidated shacks to very substantial buildings. if the house is better, then we immediately understand that it was illegal mining. everything is correct, everything is correct, sturgeon, black caviar - it all flowed from here - to the regions
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of russia in large, large quantities. in every house there is such a small trichal, good, bad, but now it exists, they always stand in boats, so... yamaha motors, yes, yes, yes, can you imagine how much a yamaha motor costs for a person who says that he can’t do anything, well, look, apparently they are also unemployed, but here it’s just a palace, yes, these are the unemployed people in our life, the mouth of the sulak river is corroded by a powerful metal cable, if it is not raised above the water, it is impossible to go out to sea and return back, this... a simple device was installed by border guards so that poachers could not
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hide in the upper reaches of the sulak without inspection. can bayda jump over this rope? no, nevermind cannot jump over, well, although there are cases when they try to do this, well, the canoe gets damaged. they tried to come to an agreement with the border guards, they say there is a sergeant, lower the cable for 5 minutes, well, here they are trying to come to an agreement everywhere, they once tried to come to an agreement. with dmitry nikrasov. in 2020, he, a border guard officer, headed the control unit in the field of protection of marine biological resources. particular attention, of course, was paid to the ositrovs, but recently they have seriously taken up the private soldiers. our information. chestfish, commercial name of the group fish, adopted mainly in the fishing areas of russia and the countries of the former ussr adjacent to the caspian, aral, azov and black seas. the name itself appeared in connection with catching certain types of fish, the so-called particulate,
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fine-mesh net. small fish include pike, pike perch, catfish, carp, crucian carp and sabrefish. one of the serious producers of carp in the north of dagestan in recent years was a resident of the village of tarumovka, abdulmazhid abdulmazhidov. he headed two enterprises: mts agricultural equipment and truzheni kaspiya, as well. had his own peasant farm, he was one of the largest employers in the torumovsky district and had unquestioned authority, especially among fishermen. border guards paid attention to abdul mazhidov in 2020, when 80 tons of carp were found in the warehouse of his enterprise. the entrepreneur counted everything down to the last kilogram. judging by the papers, the fish were not caught in the sea, but in a pond that abdulmazhidov rented to
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grow fish. provided relevant reports about this to the ministry nature of the republic of dagestan, uh, everything looked quite plausible. but the border guards' doubts remained. then examinations were appointed, which clearly stated that such a quantity could be caught. fish from a pond with an area of ​​25 hectares is simply impossible, interesting figures, for 2019 and 20s abdumazhidov reports on production... 150 tons and 770 tons, respectively, of carp in his pond. this led us to the idea that probably abdulmazhidov is the fish that he claims he catches not in this pond, but somewhere else. fish, carp, all alive. it
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was physically possible to catch such volumes of fish only in the waters, only in the caspian sea. the fundamental importance was that the fish that are in... the enterprises, everyone answered as if it were a carbon copy, the people who worked for him said, we are engaged in growing fish in a pond, then we catch it, not a word about work in the caspian sea. then the businessmen decided to carry out searches in the house. the entrepreneur was charged with illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources on an especially large scale. judging by these frames, abdulmashidov i took what was happening completely calmly. i
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won't do that. we found leaflets with instructions for fishermen on how to behave during detention and how to answer questions, here about everything, about fuel and lubricants.
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units for control in the field of protection of marine biological resources, and one day the former deputy head of the special forces department of the north caucasus district of the russian guard, sergei inozemtsev, appeared on the threshold of dmitry nekrasov’s office. he just retired from the police. inozemtsev came to ask for abdulmazhidov. and suggested money to hush up the matter, yes, he wrote 3 million rubles on a napkin, explained that it would be for you, yes, of course, he showed that he would thank me, so he drew gratitude on a napkin 3 million, 3 million rubles, well, you agreed, i told him right away said that this would end badly, said that we were officers, and thanks to this, let’s say, i didn’t see
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what you wrote, but nevertheless, he didn’t understand, he left the office... the camera, the meeting itself took place under close attention of officers of the own security service. border guards the foreigners were sent by his old acquaintance, a former district inspector, omar gadzhi sharipov. that's how it was. it is clear that the conversation is taking shape. the border guard officer offers the guest an antiseptic wipe.
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the coronavirus does not sleep and neither does tea. he told me, pavlovich, i’m leaving. the conversation continues for a few more minutes. well, employees of the internal security unit appear on the doorstep.
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hello, personal security officer, uh-huh, you find something prohibited in this office, this folder is unclear, where did it come from, open it, please, like this. on my folder, please open it, open it completely, open it completely, how can you explain the location of these funds, this is my money, yes omar haji sharipov was offered to make a sincere confession. but he refused, the court arrested him and sent him to jail. soon sergei inozemtsev was also detained. the investigation into his case turned out to be fleeting.
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on may 24, 2021, the makhachkala garrison military court sentenced former colonel inozemtsev to eight years in prison for attempting to give a bribe on an especially large scale. in addition, foreigners were deprived of their military rank. just have a heart-to-heart talk with him, like officer to officer. aren't you ashamed? no, he doesn’t, doesn’t perceive it, he even says more that it was abdulmazhidov’s money, it’s not money, he offered, in general, by any means, he didn’t even repent, let’s say, so it’s very difficult to consider him an officer after that , in december 2021, omar gadzhi sharipov was sentenced to seven years in prison with... let us recall that his people illegally caught
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carp in the caspian sea, handed over the fish as grown in an artificial reservoir. the fish tycoon’s case was heard in the tarumovsky district court of the republic of dagestan. sentence, 2 years imprisonment, suspended, payment of claim, gigantic, 330 million rubles. he has two companies, there and through these companies all the fishermen, so they were openly engaged in poaching, well , the fact that abdumazhidov has some kind of patrons and so on, i honestly say, this is the first time for this person, although it’s already been 20 years, i’ve already soon i will work here as a judge, for the first time...
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money stolen from the state, from its citizens, from the caspian sea, and from them themselves. what
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as for local officials, now after the verdict, the majority speak about abdul mazhidov extremely carefully, they say, we know that there is such a person, he worked, it seems that something was connected with fish, well, what can i do? to say, yes, he came to the meeting when we were discussing quotas for fish production, people were working, but i can’t say how many, because they can’t count for us, maybe there are 100 people, maybe 50 people, maybe 10 people , i can’t say, i can’t answer this question, give gifts with free credit card with 20% cashback on everything and 200 days without interest. when buying a car, you can do without a car service if
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we decided to get acquainted with abdulmazhid abdulmazhidov himself, with this mysterious man about whom there has been so much talk lately, we went to the village of tarumovka, this is his home. the owner greets us unfriendly. good morning, good morning, i say, you have a kingdom of cats here, it’s okay , let me be, cats don’t bother you, i don’t know how long you have, in short, put away the camera and i don’t want you give a comment too, leave me alone, but in general we’re not bothering you, to be honest, well, i don’t know, i’m worried that in the morning...


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