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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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we decided to get to know abdulmazhid abdulmazhidov himself, this mysterious man about whom there has been so much talk lately, we went to the village of tarumovka, here is his house, the owner greets us unfriendly. good morning, good morning, i say, you have such a kingdom of cats here, it’s okay , let me be, cats don’t interfere, i don’t know how much you have, in short, put away the camera and i don’t want to give you comments either, leave me alone , yes, in general, we don’t bother you, to be honest, well, i don’t know, you’re bothering us in the morning they came early, no, we just came, we are from moscow, so we actually came from moscow, i didn’t call you, why, i, i don’t have any problems.
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in this pond we managed to catch one carp, one mirror carp, several silverfish and crucian carp. the convicted businessman abdulmazhid abdulmazhidov really doesn’t look much like an oligarch, a house of inexpensive cars that is typical for the north of dagestan, but... let’s
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take a look, for example, at the home of one of the entrepreneur’s sons. village tarumovka, tarumovskogo district, republic of dagestan. this house belonged to gazim agomedovich naisaev, the former head of the kedlyar district department. according to our information, abdulmazhidov’s eldest son, abdulmazhidov, now lives in this house. then the fish brings money, brings enough food, looking at this house, we understand that in order to live in such a house. by the way, the former head of the kizlyar district department of internal affairs, gaz isaev, was detained in november 2020 . the colonel is accused of very serious charges. according to the investigation, he conveyed and reported to terrorists information about upcoming special operations. work of the police department.
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in addition, he repeatedly personally transported terrorist leaders across the territory of the republic, and also delivered one of the suicide bombers in 2010. to the bus station, from where she headed to moscow, then as a result of explosions at the lubyanka station and the cultural park , 41 people were killed, about 100 were seriously injured, by the way, the house of the arrested person. village of tarumovka, here it is, this palace, the assumption that gazi isaev, and
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sergei inozemtsev, and abdulmazhid abdulmazhidov they not only knew each other, but were also connected by their dark deeds, the employee confirmed to us. yes, of course, it was the head of the kizlyar rvd, which means he was a very famous person, one might say, he was the eminence grise of the north, all the issues that the north caspian, you mean, yes, yes, the north caspian - these are all these areas , just the torumovsky district, the kizlyar district, it was all under his strict leadership. well, as far as i know, he was a foreigner - it was his right hand, they served with him, well , abdulmazhit, by the way, it was his, let's say, close, one of his close friends , that is, there is only one chain here, it came from him, i understand correctly that isaev, of course, knew
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about poaching, and in the north of the caspian sea , he probably didn’t just know it, of course, he didn’t just know, there was concrete evidence of that there was no claim that he was the patron of poachers. but without his knowledge, not a single boat, not a single vessel, not a single one would have been able to get out, including all the businesses that were located on the territory of the northern, northern caspian sea. and we move on. to the village of novoterichnoe. the film crew is met by the head of the department, said nuraliev. the officer shows us the canoes and special equipment seized from poachers. when were the last
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violators, the last poachers, detained? just yesterday, these were violators of border regulations and environmental legislation. they did the reset. aquatic biological resources of the russian sturgeon into the sea during an inspection by our border motor boats. the officer invites us to look at the fish seized by poachers. it is stored in in a neighboring village, in the refrigerators of a local fish factory. you bring fish here every day, it turns out, almost every day. yes, this fish is here, in the refrigeration room there are a total of 4 tons. fish of the setter species seized by the department forces of the interacting units. our program has been talking about the fight against poaching in the caspian sea for a long time. and if just a few years ago in such freezers you could see a beluga
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or sturgeon weighing 50 kg more, now all seized specimens do not exceed fifteen. experts are sure, all the grains. built at the federal state budgetary institution of heads in 2017, in the eighteenth year it was put into operation . over the next three years, we carry out the release of juvenile russian sturgeon in the amount of 200,000 pieces annually as part of the state task. this is our
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pride. the oldest individuals at this hatchery are 11 years old; they are raised to produce caviar and fry; tiny fish are released into the caspian sea. there is a belief among fish farmers: before being released into the sea, you need to put small sturgeon in a bath launch a pike, this is a kind of natural selection, whoever survives will find his home in the sea.
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we are moving to the astrakhan region. in terms of illegal sturgeon production, it is not much different from dagestan. more than 180 tons of fish products were confiscated from us. we are filming on december 1, 2021.
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winter has come, but this is not a barrier for poachers. and the police know this well. we , together with employees of the department for combating crimes in the field of circulation of water and biological resources, are going out onto the water. the film crew participates in the raid. behind several hours passed along and across. shumakhinsky canal, no poachers were encountered. over the past 10-15 years, poachers have decreased significantly, but so has sturgeon. absolutely right, yes, because at present the sanctions in our children's legislation are already high. and those poachers or persons who are trying to break the law, yes, to proceed , let’s say, the letter of the law, know that the fine for one individual sturgeon, sturgeon fish, based on its size and weight, is about 138 thousand rubles and so on, therefore now it's not
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everyone benefits, as in dagestan astrakhan poachers switched to private poachers, in the canals and channels of the volga illegal immigrants chose the so-called wintering pits, these are the deepest places where fish wait out frosts. in most cases, fishing in such places is prohibited. when we were already completely frozen and were preparing to go ashore, we received a message that tourists from the krasnodar territory victor and sergei had been detained at a wintering pit on the kirov canal. the local huntsman, zahir and menbaev took them fishing, they were all taken from red-handed. victor, please open the box and the fish have been caught, the fish have been caught.
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they were taken to the police department, subsequently issued a large fine, the fishermen were lucky, if the red book sturgeon had been among the fish caught, they would hardly have been able to avoid criminal punishment and a real sentence.
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and we go further to the most famous astrakhan fish market, selensky isady. once upon a time, all the poachers' prey flocked here, and a person with a video camera could easily be thrown out. today the situation is different: constant police checks and...
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children, when our film crew returned to moscow and began editing the program, shocking news came from the building: employees of the regional fsb department were detained by the personal head of the obipk, police colonel denis. it is his subordinates who are directly involved in the fish topic, our program also recorded an interview with the policeman and he seemed to us to be a very demanding leader who delved into every detail about his work, lazarev spoke clearly, openly and without hesitation, almost
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every day to the employees of our department those carrying out the activities are detained. employee's service contract for service in the internal affairs bodies expires in december 2021, he demanded that he transfer 1 million rubles. for its extension, having received parts of the required funds in the form of cash in the form of 500,000 rubles, as well as the remaining part of the fish products, the suspect stole. in february 2022
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, the case of denis lazarev was transferred to the kirovsky district court of astrakhan. the former policeman immediately admitted guilt and repented of his actions, taking into account these circumstances, and as well as numerous awards for lazarev's exceptionally positive characteristics, the court decided not to send him to a colony. as a result, denis lazarev was found guilty of committing fraud and was sentenced to a fine of 500,000 rubles. let us remind you that our film crew took part in an operational event by employees of the capital’s department for economic security and anti-corruption at the danilovsky market. the police seized several jars of black sturgeon caviar, presumably obtained from the caspian barconers. now the owners of outlets
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selling poached delicacies will have to answer according to the law. the issue of initiating a criminal case is now being decided. and we are going to the moscow region to an unusual warehouse. caviar confiscated from unscrupulous fish traders and couriers is stored here. all this is just for 2021. this is a forty-ton refrigerator container. the seized products are located here. here we see such a sturgeon. a big fish, she’s 15 years old, well, about 15 years old, and she weighs about the same. 20 kg, here we see the russian sturgeon, as they say experts, this asiter is three or four, well, maybe a maximum of 5 years old, it is caught from the caspian sea, so it does not have time to reach sexual maturity and reproduce, there is a huge amount of black caviar, but eating it, again, according to experts, is simply dangerous for health. home
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-made in this caviar, there are all sorts of bacteria, e. coli, and aureus, that is, there is a very high content of toxic substances, i think that, well, it’s possible, again this is my personal opinion, it’s possible not to die you will die, but you can get very serious poisoning. how to distinguish black sturgeon caviar grown in aquaculture and what a conscientious buyer should do if he runs into a poached product. well, if we are talking about a consumer who came to a store or market to buy caviar, then of course, first of all, according to the labeling, that is, it
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should be a jar indicating the manufacturer, the batch of the product where it was produced, the expiration date, for the average person this is , as it were, the main criterion for the spring season in the caspian sea.
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but as for black caviar, asitrina, well i believe that in fact it has long ceased to be, at least for us, certainly a symbol of our country, but for foreigners. yes, for our citizens, this is certainly not a symbol of our country, because just look at the price of a jar of caviar, and well, everyone understands that maybe for some it is a symbol, but certainly not for us.
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every year there are fewer and fewer sturgeon species, but small gangs still carry out raids in the tributaries of the volga, this is what we saw in the fight against... poachers in the caspi, this was our investigation from dagestan and astrakhan region, conclusions of cases only for you, see you on the russia 24 tv channel
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invece rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, russia has a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? he got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
8:00 am
vladimir putin congratulated the russian military on the liberation of avdiivka, which ukrainian neo-nazis considered their impregnable fortress. the minister reported that the city had come under the control of our fighters. defense sergei shaigu. egor
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grigoriev has all the details.


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