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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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after the advertisement, watch the documentary film metezhe war, information dumps, telephone terrorism, bank card fraud, all this is part of the information war. who, and why, is igniting it. declassified documents of ukrainian centers of information and psychological operations in the new project of andrei medvedev, in a few minutes. alyon, let me help
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life is spent among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, of the pluses, there is miramestin, it is logical to have one in the first aid kit. yes, hello, major chernobay to the operational headquarters, you were informed about your son, already about artyom, that they were informed, oh, you don’t know yet, they were informed, i don’t know anything, that... that during the execution of a combat mission he was he received injuries incompatible with life, he died, our condolences , unfortunately we can’t unfortunately
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we can’t deliver the body why why how you did you call me? he called me today, he was not yes, after that they were sent , they were sent to pick up, which means the wounded, it was necessary to help, and there the entire column was covered with missiles from bayraktarar, you can take him home, listen, listen, don’t restrain yourself, you will become it’s easier, i’m a military psychologist, now you don’t have a child, he won’t come back, wo n’t hug you, won’t say, mom, i’ve arrived, understand. there is most of him left, but a mayonnaise jar of leftovers, he will be listed as missing, and we will not be able to pay you compensation, he is not obscurity, obscurity, obscurity, if you didn’t want your son and grandson to die, you should have shot him in the leg, you should have cut off his index finger so that he couldn’t shoot,
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you didn’t do it, you didn’t do it, you let him go , you didn’t stop him from going to war, right, right, well , that’s it, there is no major chernobaev, this is one of... we are talking about the fact that this technology, it should work, it works in them. when you need to drive up, they will send you a story, modern confrontations are not limited to battlefields by checkpoints. the main goal today is you and me. the war is being waged for the minds and feelings of ordinary people. back in
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the sixties of the 20th century, russian military theorist evgeny eduardovich mesner. he was the main colonel of the imperial general staff. proposed his concept of wars in the near future. evgeniy mesner called the book “the world war of rebellion.” then, 60 years ago, mesner’s thoughts seemed very , very controversial to many. this is what he wrote: in future conflicts, the most important thing will be the conquest of the souls of the enemy. main the task is to capture the enemy people not physically, but ideologically to knock them down from their ideological positions, to bring them into their soul.
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the airport is closed for a day, the police and amon are suppressing the chaos, 200 people are detained, the damage is 285 million rubles. it’s easy to throw a spark when you look at suffering, bloody children,
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your fists clench, tears well up in your eyes . this seems to me to be the reaction of any normal person, but we, of course, must with a clear head... perceive all these events taking place, understand where the root of evil is, we know through social networks were thrown out by people who live abroad, including those in ukraine, i am surprised by the position, the channel, we go out into the streets, we make sure to take old people and children with us, so that
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they don’t shoot at you, don’t beat you, supposedly they sweep everyone away, take everyone away students, the russians will not go to die, they will send the yakuts and venkovs, because the russians believe that this means a secondary people, it is clear that the americans or the british invented all this, because they are racists, and for them it is all very natural, they got burned several times , not hidden ip addresses. person, target, potential victim of information. the average person must have a clear
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understanding and awareness that he now lives on the territory of the russian federation, which is conducting military operations, and the enemy is resorting to all methods and measures in order to denigrate the russian federation and sow panic. all day long the discussion of the terrible bloodthirsty crimes that ukrainians and the world saw in the suburbs of kiev has not ceased. russian monsters killed dozens of civilians when they fled from there. genocide, massacre, horror, exactly these words are used by journalists from world publications. images of atrocities in ukraine shocked the world. when we carried out the investigation, we came across the fact that everyone accused the ukrainian side of the fact that this was a staged act, it was not. stop, there really were corpses there, the corpses
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were stored in a certain way, but there is an important nuance, how these corpses appeared there, everyone said that the eastern part of bucha was completely under the control of russian troops, no, the eastern part of bucha was under the control of ukrainian troops, corpses all civilians were in gray zone between russian and ukrainian troops, the difference between the targeted shooting of civilians and the death of civilians in a combat zone. but our propaganda then said that it was correct, we control the entire bocha, so we did it well and beautifully, it is the russians who are to blame for the execution of civilians, just like other fakes that were sculpted by the bocha and the irpin. the world was made to understand: ukraine urgently needs help, money, weapons. the first world war, it
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is also called the great war, the geography of the conflict, all of europe, the middle east, parts africa and asia, 38 countries. in battles, the latest developments in weapons and equipment and new instruments of influence are used, both on the enemy and on one’s own population. great britain. an influx of volunteers into the ground forces, they relied on the navy, there were military
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operations on land, the british government, the british media launched a colossal effort to create the image of the germans as barbarians, bloodthirsty killers. the war propaganda bureau at the british foreign office hired artists, writers, journalists. the hero of cartoons, posters and leaflets was the inhuman, terrible german. on may 10, 1915 , an article was published in the times newspaper. the story received a huge public response, overshadowing the news of the lusitania being sunk 3 days earlier by the german submarine and the death of more than a thousand
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passengers. achieved that in britain and france such hatred arose towards the german people, towards the german army, that the number of volunteers was off the charts and britain had almost 2 million volunteers came to the ground forces. the news of the crucified canadian soldier continued to be reprinted. world publications replicated the fiction in a variety of interpretations.
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through competent, targeted and inexpensive influence on the population, on citizens, ah, a certain effect was achieved. iraq, 2003, a flimsy pretext about the presence of weapons of mass destruction, a terrorist country. contrary to the decision of the un security council, us, british and allied troops invade iraq and overthrow saddam hussein. as a result, the anglo-saxons gain control of iraqi resources. weapons of mass destruction were not found, there were none, the same handwriting is everywhere: a bad country is declared terrorists or accused of mass genocide of its own citizens on ethnic grounds or mass repressions against the opposition, well, then everything is like in hollywood, good guys go to punish the bad guys . and...
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behind the slogan of the fight against international evil, the forces of light, that is, the united states, hid a pragmatic goal: to obtain the key to eurasia. due to its geographical location, it has always been considered afghanistan, nearby china, india and central asia.
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this means that it is possible to conduct radio-electronic and radio-technical reconnaissance. the entire oil industry of the country, which for a long time was under the control of england. iran breaks diplomatic relations with great britain. the latter is losing significant income from oil concessions. even worse, massadyk begins to carefully make friends with moscow. in order to overthrow the replacement of an inconvenient leader, the cia developed operation ajax, led by kermet roosevelt, a career
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cia officer, grandson of president theodore roosevelt. crru agent bribed members majlis, media representatives and local crime bosses. publications in the press discredited massadyk. descation is destroying the country's economy and wants to sell iran to the communists. organized gangs appeared on the streets of tehran as if out of nowhere. they beat passers-by, smashed shop windows, smashed mosques and chanted, “we love massadyk and communism.” the persian capital was gripped by excitement. accused the prime minister of failing to control the situation in the city and ensure the safety of civilians . moreover, in peaceful people some mysterious snipers were shooting.
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structure, at the top of which organs of information and psychological influence were formed, namely the military, many of them came here to us at conferences from the beginning
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of the 2000s on internet marketing, on search engines, they were all russian-speaking, none of them pretended to be big ukrainians , many did not really speak ukrainian, especially from kharkov, all these people asked again, now they all work for tsypso. tsypso is an information and psychological center. operations, the first was founded back in 2004; in 2016, full-fledged special operations forces based on the nato model were created in ukraine, which also included four centers of information and psychological operations located in different cities: kiev, lvov, odessa and zhitomir. the seventy-second center, it is now the main center of the ipso, it used to be in sevastopol.
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but then one brave american marine urinated on his knee, filmed it on his phone and posted it on twitter, all the work of nato dog units in afghanistan went to waste
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smart on the contrary, you can win everything with one information dump. and so they, talking about their exploits in afghanistan , taught ukrainian specialists how to work against. for a long time with some information that soon it will be very bad in kramatorsk, then they say that an evacuation train has been launched, they gather a crowd in the square, and then they drop their own point there, just imagine how many corpses there are at the station.
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in 2021, the american army left afghanistan; in 1975, the american army left vietnam, that is, as it left or left? both times it resembled not a departure, not a retreat, but a shameful hasty flight.
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nerves and again nerves, not a single war in recent history has stopped due to a lack of money, the most important task in fighting a war is to unite one’s people and win over part of the people of the warring state to one’s side. what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. download the app from bp, link your bank account and
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