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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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let's vote for russia. next on our air is the author's program of nikita mikhalkov besagon tv called chronicle of diminishing fertility. watch right after the commercial. divide in half. prices on yandex market. discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card. if you don’t have a card, order
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7:05 pm
i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the author’s tv program, it will be called a chronicle of diminishing fertility. i hope you will understand why we named our program that way, but as usual, i still want to report that our previous program was on the russia 24 channel, on the russia channel. in rubles, in telegram, in other platforms, i watched about 12 millions of people, so i can react to the blocking of our channel on youtube
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with the words of my hero from the film, state councilor, and you can put your conclusions in your wallet. i want to start our program with the words said by our president vladimir putin at the forum, everything is for victory, listen, liberalism is not some kind of curse, there are also many different directions, but still, people of this direction have long pasted such patriotism into the general category - this a haven for scoundrels, why?
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the phrase is: patriotism is the last refuge even for a scoundrel. look, a small word, four letters, how does the meaning change? it was this changed meaning that was picked up
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by the liberal community, so to speak, at all times. i love my homeland, but patriotism is slavery, enslavement, whatever it is. fanaticism and so on and so forth, i have a question, in general, how is love for the homeland separated from patriotism? isn’t love for one’s homeland really patriotism? isn’t it, on the other hand, what kind of love for the homeland is it in general? what kind of patriotism can we talk about, say, in case with the granddaughter of the wonderful front-line poet evgeniy dalmatovsky. author of the famous song: beloved city, you can sleep peacefully. not only was he a front-line poet, he went through the front, he was also present in 1945 at the signing of the act of surrender of germany. so his granddaughter
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tatyana dolmatovskaya, who lives in london and has all copyright rights to her grandfather’s work, she prohibits it. to perform in russia, say, his song: the road to berlin, or, for example, the great-granddaughter of nikita sergeevich khrushchev, my aunt, nina khrushchev, she is a professor at one of the universities in the united states of america, she moved there more than 20 years ago, from where she hopes that western sanctions will completely destroy the economy of our country, which supports the bombing.
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illegal actions of russia, thus protecting democratic values, the values ​​of europe. well, okay , let’s say that maybe, so to speak, there is a genetic resentment in her for her great-grandfather, who at one time was rather rudely dismissed from his post, although on the other hand he was also good, the civil prosecutor’s office added at stalin's parties, having come to power, he debunked stalin at the twentieth congress, branding him for the repressions in which... there, by the way, he took part, thereby cutting the ground from under the feet of millions of people
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who fought the great patriotic war a war with the name of stalin on the lips, well, it was so, it ’s true, in addition, in order to gain weight and significance in the eyes of his fellow tribesmen, that is, immigrants from ukraine, of whom there were a lot in the government. into such an inescapable hatred of russia and russians in general, well, even of everything with
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crimea gave the lordly shoulder to the ukrainian republic, or remember, for example, the legendary test pilot, an amazing person, valery chkalov, his 120th anniversary was recently celebrated in nizhny novgorod, where there is a monument to him, who for the first time in the history of mankind made a non-stop flight. from moscow to vancouver via the north pole, where he was received in the united states as a real hero, just as cosmonaut gagarin was received many years later. here is his great-granddaughter, daria bogdanova, she lives in belgium and raises money for apu. she approves of the demolition of the monument to her great-grandfather in kiev, and what’s more, she pays for the opportunity to write her name. on those shells that fly to the donbass,
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in addition, he is very happy for moscow to be bombed with nuclear weapons. i know that it is impossible to do without this, and i see from again, from history there, if we take japan, if we take germany, yes, that if this regime cannot be destroyed otherwise, i, by the way, am not saying that ukraine will definitely do this. yes, if there is a civil war in russia, this will also have to be done, if you have to shoot at the kremlin, at all our favorite buildings there, i, of course , prefer that they fuck up the lubyanka and end there, yes, but let’s say, okay , let’s say, i mean, of course, that first of all you need to destroy these centers of acceptance decisions, yes, everything else , there are peaceful people there and so on, i will be very sorry for them, but for... some kind of normalization of the processes in their heads, it doesn’t hurt muscovites to hear the air raid siren,
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where does such conscious hatred come from? and it seems to me that one way or another we are still we are running into those very years of the nineties and eighties, when our education ... began to allow these gaps, through which one could get exactly this charge of dislike and disrespect for one’s country. for example, state duma deputy yana lantratova says the following: i want to draw attention to the all-russian olympiad for schoolchildren, one of the important goals of the all-russian olympiad. is to search for talented children who in the future can become the intellectual support of our
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society, but there is concern the semantic content of olympiads in humanitarian subjects, especially social studies. in fact, to successfully complete assignments for the olympics and social studies, schoolchildren only need to study the classics of western and european thought, but a priceless treasure is often left behind. russian thought in the process of preparation, our talented smart guys, as a rule, come across popular, promoted western thinkers, which is certainly important, but as a result they know from... in the works of spengler and toenby, much more than about the legacy of nicholas yakovlevich danilevsky or konstantin nikolaevich leontyev, and then a false image of the secondary nature of russian thought, of some kind of catching-up development, is formed in the minds of young people. i believe that
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it is not possible to talk about cultivating patriotism of historical memory among our, our intellectually gifted youth in such conditions. here is an analysis of the texts.
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and local loyalties, political discussion, they argue, is constantly derailed by fanatical attachments to their circus troupe, in quotation marks, or nation. only by connecting ourselves with the world community of justice and reason will we be able to avoid these dangers, that is, it turns out that... who does the world community of justice and reason consist of? it does not consist of nations, not of peoples, not of the history of peoples, not of the culture of peoples, not of languages, no, it is something so sterile, something divorced from everything that connects a person with dad, with mom, with grandfather, with great-grandfather, with
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great-great-great-great-grandfather, with the history of the country, with the geography of the country and so on, it’s amazing, but is the mind justice is not derived from the historical development of humanity , from the historical development of cultures, peoples, isn’t it derivative, that is, in order, just think about it, in order to become a fair, happy, rational being, you must renounce everything that made you who you have become. who you were born by, who you were raised by, it’s amazing, isn’t this a global genocide, isn’t it, this work by martenus bauun is the basis for reflection and discussion of our best students at the olympics, how it is laid and
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the attention of our young people is focused... this is all a bird of a feather, and i must tell you, and many can confirm this, that you will never see such an influence on me either at oxford or at harvard, and, moreover, look at how it fosters dependence,
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namely addiction, remember, i want to remind you... postscript to our program the devil is in the details of the twenty -first year, do you want me to tell you how the russian higher education system is being held in check directly by hands from london. a round table was held in the public chamber, at to which representatives of the leadership of the country's leading universities openly declared that they were under external control, bypassing the ministry of science and higher education. participants. the round table noted that it is the humanities faculties and departments that suffer the most from this, the scheme is simple and reliable, in order to grow in ratings, you need...
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your ideas in foreign journals, they do it exclusively for money, they themselves pay the journal up to 250-300 thousand rubles for an article, then the state university pays the teacher a bonus, most of the bonuses are money received by the university from the state budget, since both the ratings of the university itself and its funding from the state depend on the number of such articles... that is
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, ideas and budget money are flowing to the west to our enemies, our money, how do you like this scheme, why there is another country of this medal, remember, in our besogons we talked about cognitive warriors, about the fight against these warriors, about propaganda, about what happened in sevastopol at moscow state university. thank god, now at the level of the federation council they have returned to this issue. it's no secret that today, more and more often, they say that the collective west has launched a hybrid war against the russian federation and modern information wars are one of the most dangerous components of a modern hybrid war. the purpose of the information war is completely identical. the purpose of traditional war is to ensure the military defeat of the enemy. this slide presents technologies such as
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tsrumi6 today that create agent networks, including sleeper cells and those networks where agents are specifically introduced to settle on territories. from recent practice, there was a case when they announced an open competition for two, to fill two vacancies in the apparatus. and thus people, having passed this interview, returned back to their countries and regions, in fact already operational contacts of m6 intelligence. and even at the level
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of the chairman of the federation council, valentin ivanov matvienko, words were heard about the need to create such a real, serious, opposing cognitive front. listen. that you responded to our invitation, but the consequences of this there will be invitations, i propose to simply instruct the defense committee to the education committee to consider the proposals made on the creation of a state personnel training system, in the area we are talking about now, to look at what we already have, what is needed, here we are we are late, but we are late, the fact that the information... struggle has been launched will continue, will increase, will not go away, that’s for sure, in order to effectively, professionally counteract it,
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work ahead of the curve. of course we need trained personnel, of course, and this is a big victory, because again , returning to the research of deputy lantratova, who was involved in this, she writes that back in 2017, the british launched a three-month course in ukrainian schools , recognize and stop, to isolate enemy narratives, this is a quote , recognize. and stop for isolating enemy narratives. 45,000 schoolchildren completed this training, 95% of them could identify the kremlin narrative the first time. that's all, no, you compare it. 2017, 7 years
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ago, three months ago. courses that are simply aimed directly at schoolchildren at identifying at first glance their enemy, who, the russian, and we continue this struggle for what is needed or not needed, thank god that now, it has finally become clear that without this we can't, we have to defend ourselves.
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narrative, this is absolutely enough , that is, not talent , not popularity, not his appearance, not his inner virtues, and none of this matters, he is an enemy narrative, no, well, not everything is so bad, there are uh in the civilized world really talented, intelligent and sighted people, so i want
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to give you the words of the french from... historian, anthropologist, emmanuel todd. by the way, in 1976 he predicted the collapse of the soviet union in 1976. here's what he writes: i perfectly understand the shock that the outbreak of large-scale military action causes. yes, russia entered the battle then, but you can enter the battle when it is already underway. i understand that people only see that first day of active administration. russia's fighting as the sudden surge in military violence with its dramatic the pictures obscure from us the general dynamics of the two competing systems. the real instability is at the heart of the western system. when a demographer sees that the population of russia hardly exceeds the number of the japanese, he cannot succumb to the general madness and chatter
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about some kind of thing. pansion, the area of ​​this country is 17 million square kilometers, how can the russians want to expand their territory, and what did the thoughtless denunciation of the russians and refusal to think about their motives bring to the ukrainians, the collapse of the ukrainian nation, which the west is preparing to abandon, western unanimously accepted discourse with its ideological and moral prescriptions leads to... a huge number of its people, their fellow citizens, repeat the words like a mantra, when russia defeats ukraine, it will attack
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europe and no one has any idea. thoughts, why?


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