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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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this country is 17 million km, how can the russians want to expand their territory, and what did the thoughtless denunciation of the russians and refusal to think about their motives bring to the ukrainians? the collapse of the ukrainian nation, which the west is preparing to abandon, the western unanimously accepted discourse, with its ideological and moral prescriptions, leads to disaster, but... and this is true. remember the words of the president who said what we need. we also talked about this. remember in the past besogon. this crazy drug addict zelensky, having killed a huge number of his people, his fellow citizens, he repeats the words like a mantra: when russia defeats ukraine, it will attack europe. and no one has a thought, why? why we don’t have what we have in
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europe, why do we need this war with europe, well, it’s a simple question: i go there and bomb it for this, because i need this, and what do i need in poland, what do i need in belgium , what do i need in england, what do we not have, what is there somewhere, why do we need this, this question is not raised at all,
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right after the protest, she goes home to a certain nikita odishchev. i don’t have any dark thoughts, why, how, what kind of personal relationships, this is absolutely not what we’re talking about. the simple fact is that nikita odishchev, he is an oppositionist, a novalist, he appeared in the smart voting project, worked in organizations as agents and donated to these structures. it turns out. yeah, nikita odische to some extent oversees the work of these groups, including this movement home, and we understand perfectly well, we have already dealt with the organization of mothers, we have already discussed in detail studied how it works and how it is possible to direct the activities of these women exactly in the direction where odishev needs and with him, or here is another example, the wife of one of the mobilized...
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conditions that give rise to lies means demanding that on an unpaved street there was no dirt when it rained, wonderfully accurate words, this, this is so relevant today, today it is pointless to demand the truth from the civilized world, which is almost entirely built on total lies. this truth must be conquered,
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in fact, what we do is we conquer the truth, and not only for ourselves. this is true for everyone, i recently gave an interview to tas, and the liberal public, of course, branded me for my words related to the definition of the fifth column, that’s what i said, i think that everything will end when the fifth column in russia is revealed, the fifth column is neutralized, here it's not about blaming someone, it's about the sabotage that exists and that subversive work. which is carried out within the country, such as, for example, what happened in dagestan, this is a siege at the airport or in bashkiria, where they hit the most painful points, where migrations are directed from there, i don’t understand where such pagan horror from
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the phrase fifth column comes from, the fifth column is generally an idiom, that was the name of the fascist agents, general franco, during the civil war in spain-thirty . years for us the fifth column, for me, at least, these are precisely those people who, willingly or unwillingly, by their own conviction or for money, are trying to oppose the national interests of the country, and this is very simple and this very clearly, this does not mean that you cannot have your own opinion, this does not mean that we should all walk to the line, dress in the same clothes, march and give. this is not what we are talking about, this is about the fact that in one way or another they are trying to destroy the foundations that cement the nation, country, state, people, in the end, it may
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sound pretentious, but this, in my opinion, is so . well, of course, here the expected shit-throwing began, so to speak, for example, a certain anatoly nesmeyan. answering me he writes: “destroy some, others will immediately appear, who will be ordered to be called enemies of the state." the fifth column is not a goal , it is a process. the fifth column is the justification for terror and nothing more, what kind of terror, what kind of terror? what kind of terror are you talking about, anatoly, did you put someone against the wall, or terror - this is what was excommunicated from the state trough, i think, for the time of participants in a naked party, or what is being tried over a murderer, over a terrorist, or awarding someone the title of foreign agent, by the way , copied from american laws, what kind of terror if deputy director of the yeltsin center for
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scientific part, mr. nikita sokolov was recognized as an agent on the eighth attempt, on the eighth, despite the fact that it was possible to recognize him... as an agent on the first try and for a long time, we showed him in our besogons, listen, they were not rehabilitated, for the most part units, almost never, those people who really fought against the soviet regime, these are dissidents of the forties, dissidents of the thirties, who, but there were really real militant groups, they were not rehabilitated, although they did nothing, and these are... vlasovites, it's a big public problem. to recognize mr. sokolov as a foreign agent while he works at the yeltsin center is, as it were, not a camelpho, but not very good, yes, somehow, considering who is defending the elsin center.
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in the twenty-second year, mr. sokolov fired. and eight times, after this, this most powerful lobby from...
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will die at the hands of the russians, the less foreign media will write about us, the less citizens of other countries will know, the less help will be available, that is... what exactly from for these reasons , a patriot of the ukrainian junta was shot down by an american missile
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an il-76 plane with ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange, why? why doesn't anyone want to figure this out? and why , when asked by journalists to the american press secretaries of one or another organization, they answer that they have no reliable ones, why? we simply don't have enough information to comment on this, this plane crash, we've seen reports of it, we're trying to get more information, but it would be imprudent for me to speculate beyond that, i just can't confirm the authenticity of these messages, precisely because the foundation of all this is a global lie, which we are fighting against. or the ukrainian people from the liberation, so to speak, of the nazi yoke, very eloquently, by the way, writes
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about this, you know, the newspaper is so serious and not so our friend, the guardia, on february 2 this was published, an article about what is happening in prisons ukraine in relation to those who sympathized with or were reported to have sympathized with the russians, look, one of the prisoners was tattooed.
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in total, in 2023 , 288,000 migrants registered for migration in yekaterinburg, which is 18.7% of the city’s total population. two questions arise: how many of them have passed the legal procedure? first question. and the second question, if they are close to the federal migration service? that means someone is protecting them, that means someone is protecting them
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, a city duma deputy, timofey zhukov, who returned from a military operation, wrote about this scheme of trading in russian citizenship, now pay attention, another deputy of the regional legislative assembly, vyacheslav wegner, responded to his words, he wrote “comrade will end badly”, then there is... deputy zak of the assembly on the information given by another deputy of the city duma, who said that there is a sale of illegal citizenship to migration, wrote, summarized, comrade will end badly, what does this mean, and is it possible to assume that mr. wegner himself takes part in this scheme, since he so... openly warns how this could end for his colleague, immediately after this
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the news comes that mr. wegner has left the country, fled, as they say, to azerbaijan, which, in principle, can indirectly confirm that he really took part in this scheme, but doesn’t this suggest such an argument? very often we were told when we started talking about immigration that we couldn’t live without immigration. get by with the fact that these are working hands, very, i would say, convincing arguments, one cannot but agree with them, and so on and so on and so on and so on, but... does not catch the eye, very interesting information, it says governor of the amur region, vasily orlov, listen, despite the closeness with china, it’s been 5 years since our team started working team, the use of foreign labor was prohibited, i emphasize this not only chinese citizens, but any foreign labor in general, including
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cis citizens, for example, in agriculture and gold mining, so we made this decision, it was painful for many. he will work with pleasure, and there will be no need to replace him with a migrant, and there will be no need for these schemes, fake marriages, there will be no need for illegal immigrants, these terrible showdowns, i have a question, maybe i should still adopt or try to adopt the experience of vasily orlov ,
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try to interest your citizen in work. paying him decent money and , probably, losing something, probably cutting himself off in some way, but if you play the long game, as our western colleagues do, maybe it makes sense to think about this, about the future, and not about that to earn money now, and then leave with the earnings and even though the grass doesn’t grow, no, i’m used to it, they write to us: well, how come you talk about this, about this, about this, but nothing happens, nothing is done, here in the flowerpot in the online store you can easily buy books by boris okunin, who sponsors the armed forces of ukraine, easily, or in the store you can buy notebooks with makarevich , who also sponsors the armed forces of ukraine, well, to
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put an end to it, attempts to explain what a fifth column is, and i just want to make you such a small cut what our foreign agents say, having succumbed to the prank of our wonderful comrades, the pranksters vavan and lexus, who posed as ermak, also as zelensky himself, or as someone else, listen to what they say without fear hey, maybe you send part of your royalties there. you are trying to send people to ukraine for help, this is something we talk about periodically, firstly , i do this periodically, secondly, i periodically organize training camps, my fees go to ukraine, of course, when russians are killed, i am offended, but i have a complaint against you i’m not here, just as i have no complaints against israel about gas, but in general i’m very proud that i
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can be useful to you in some way, if you published a book, we’d spend the entire fee... on drones , i hope you are this you won’t give the conversation to russian television in any case, first of all, i have a tattoo, here i got it for myself, and this is our trizuk, and a portrait of bandera, i ’m going to get myself another tattoo , bandera is generally very like that, i, as a creative person, look at him, he is so very he is very sexy, i have... i have some of my own views, amazing, this is my hero, the point is that we collected money specifically for arts, in the first place the queue for drones is basically everything you need, and that’s what we collected money for for the needs of a certain detachment, everything that i can do for you, i will gladly do, i don’t even know who needs it more, that’s
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why i’m as open as possible and ready for anything, as they say, that’s... what awaits us in the event the victory of people with bright faces, the writer dmitry bykov zerbeltrut predicts this to us, listen, there will never be forgiveness for those who rejoiced after the events in bucha and declared them american fakes, no, and there will be no forgiveness either during life or after death for those who rejoiced after mariupol, those who went there and said, there will be a new theater here, i will head it, to those who sculpted... grandfathers on their facades and there is no and will not be forgiven, a stigma and i will never sit with these people at the same round table, says: well, we were wrong. but they lied to us a lot, you wanted my family to be publicly hanged on red square, not me, to hell with me, my family, my children were hanged on
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red square, you didn’t succeed, i took them away, i have no forgiveness for you and it won’t, and my literature won’t build bridges with shit, stalin once said this catchphrase: cadres decide everything, that’s how... do you think what the assholes or soldiers who are fighting in the donbass or their relatives might think when, for example, they see such a picture as, for example, the head of the main department of logistics support of the federal customs service, this federal customs service, lieutenant general oleg zavgorodniy organizes a drunken brawl in kaliningrad at the five-star crystalhouse hotel.
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dismissed from service, rightly, absolutely, but what do you think, if this story had not received such national publicity, he would have been is he fired from service? i don’t know, i don’t think so, but how many cases are there when this publicity doesn’t happen? does this make a vile act cease to be vile, no, it is simply swept under the rug, why am i saying this,
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this is not revenge, this is not about punishment, this is about an inner sense of dignity, this is about how much a person understands how he... "i understand everything, there are personal circumstances, you need to understand them, but you cannot use what the state gave you in order
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to be irresponsible in relation to this state. once a genius writer, satirist mikhail evgrafovich, soltykov shchedrin, wrote: “there is.” legions of tomboys , who have the state on their tongue, a pie with government filling on their minds, and you don’t have to go far, here’s another example, dmitry ovsyanikov, he was a federal inspector for the udmur republic, one of the most important regions for the military-industrial complex, then he was deputy director llc, the pervsky motor plant, which makes engines for aviation, then there was
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yes, news appears that he was detained in his london home by the british police. a what does it mean? and this means that he is now in the hands of british intelligence, with all the secrets, with all the information, with everything that he has dealt with over the past years, working in the most responsible positions at ... the said enterprises, but this is not a may day , not the birthday of the heart for mi-6, tell me?
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that's all, what we were talking about just now is not part of that very fifth column that we are talking about, and now another, it seems to me, very important and subtle thought, these people themselves that we are talking about, they understand the degree of degradation of those with whom they are in one way or another connected, or for whom they work in one way or another, do they?...
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interesting, this is very accurate, so that the ruling elites act not in the national, in the interests of globalists, for about three or four decades, a process of degradation of elites induced by imitation of democratic procedures was induced. tomorrow's dream world of the global hegemon is a world of total irresponsibility, where people not only cannot do anything.
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so that we can finally wake up, so that we can finally try to understand who is who and what is what? now it’s becoming clear, it’s not for nothing that our president tells us this, the guys go to war, risk their lives and health, some don’t come back with you, it’s because of this category of our citizens,
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especially... the next elections, and the statesman the next generation is thinking about the future of the country, from the politician that politics is oriented , which is why it is so important for all of us now to be on the right side of this conflict, well, at the end i want to give you a gift, do you remember?


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