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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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20 minutes, and here are some other topics we’ll touch on. russia plans to launch nuclear weapons into space. a fake that spread like an atomic explosion. and who was this information bomb intended for? the machinations of baba yaga and the technical wilderness of kamikaze are already over. trench turnips against a million drones of the ukrainian armed forces. it will be a glorious hunt. a new x-class flare, and before that an anomalous mass ejection. there's definitely nothing wrong with our sun. you are watching the main weather program. i'm vadim zavodchenkov. hello. russian cities are still digging out from under the snow after the visit of powerful cyclones, the invasion of stormy whirlwinds on the russian plain will not end there. we'll tell you what we're preparing for in the coming days right after reviewing the main... crises of the week.
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rains. after heavy snowfalls, moscow week on the russian plain began with ice that began to look like a layer cake. a half-meter layer of snow was covered with an ice glaze four meters thick. look right at the skating rink, my car is standing, the second one, really like a skating rink after the rain, in many regions of central russia it was so slippery that it was only possible to move safely on the streets on all fours, as a resident of the city of borisoglebsk, voronezh region did in the video, the first days of the week turned out to be difficult for traumatologists in kaluga, orel and especially voronezh. ice rains caused an accident on power lines ; tens of thousands of people were left without electricity in the rostov region for some time; power engineers worked around the clock; wire breaks often occurred in hard-to-reach areas, and it was difficult to get to them even with all-terrain vehicles.
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after a short lull in the atmosphere, which has not been observed in... the capital since the last century, by friday morning the height of snow cover at the vdnkh reference weather station for the first time since the beginning of this winter reached 62 cm. the consequences of the invasion of the russian plain by the atmospheric front turned out to be even more significant than the recent visit of cyclone olga. the whirlwind brought precipitation. on average a third more, and the height of the snowdrifts, for example, at moscow weather stations increased by 12-13 cm. this rarely happens at the end of the calendar winter; in the spring the sun usually it takes more time to melt
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such a layer of snow, and in general the past bad weather in the capital is a clear manifestation of the microclimate of the metropolis. huge emissions of heat into the atmosphere intensified the condensation process. water vapor, as a result, snowfalls in the city increased, for example, weather stations near moscow recorded an average of 6-8 mm per day, one and a half to two times more snow fell on the territory of moscow, but the anomaly of atmospheric processes was influenced by external factors, such as the beginning of this winter was marked by another global record, average temperature for the first time in a century and a half. now this extreme trend continues and the surface temperature of the central atlantic is 4-5° above normal. in such a situation, cyclones originating over the ocean
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carry more humid and warm air masses deeper into eurasia than usual. as a result , the temperature pendulum in european russia is swinging with greater amplitude. and the region is increasingly faced with powerful snowstorms and freezing rain. in the following days the weather on the russian plain remained will have a fever. so at the beginning of the new week , the cyclone, which has warmed the region , will rush off to the arctic over the weekend, and the thunder of the cold anticyclone will stretch into the middle latitude of european russia. well, this cooling will be short-lived and on wednesday a center of high pressure will begin to crowd out the next atlantic one. a whirlwind, so there will be snow in central russia over the weekend, quite heavy in places on sunday, freezing rain is possible in some areas, daytime temperatures in moscow will rise to zero, but from monday the weather will improve it will immediately get colder, during the day no higher than -4-5, and from
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wednesday snow clouds will again begin to gather over the megalopolis, bringing warming temperatures. on other topics, in the usa they came up with a new horror story for ordinary people. the russian threat is rapidly spreading beyond the earth's atmosphere. the american media is spreading the news that russia allegedly wants to place a nuclear bomb in space. are there really not enough fantastic plans for russia's invasion of nato countries? why scare people with nuclear weapons in orbit, let’s ask evgeniy tishkovets. then his words were picked up by the media. mike turner heads the us house intelligence committee, which makes his statement sound even
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more ominous. in addition, he refers to certain intelligence agencies. i call on president biden to declassify all information related to this national threat. danger so that congress, the administration and our allies can openly discuss the necessary response. initially, it was reported that russia was allegedly planning to place nuclear weapons in space. on abc news. then a large article was published on this topic in the new york times. its authors in some at least they reassured readers that no one would drop nuclear bombs from orbit to earth. however, in their opinion, russia, as well as china , are moving towards greater militarization of space. both countries are developing weapons to blind other satellites. a new story about a space threat is puzzling even the americans themselves. and in the evening shows they joke: russia is building a star. death, in general, no one ran to the bomb shelter, so questions arose for the white house. the threat to national
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security from russia appears to be so dire that our own the government cannot tell us what it is. at the same time, the americans themselves are well aware of the consequences of using nuclear weapons in space. the united states organized an entire program of nuclear tests in orbit. after an experiment ... codenamed starfish prime in the summer of 1962, radio communications disappeared across a vast area of ​​the pacific ocean. the glow caused by lithium ionization of the atmosphere by beta particles lasted for several days, and the resulting radiation train was brought out of building five american satellites, one british and another soviet satellite. the effects of a nuclear explosion at very high altitudes within the earth's atmosphere are different. in space, where there is a vacuum, there is a blast wave. is not formed, but a powerful electromagnetic pulse occurs. a cosmic explosion
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is a short, bright flash, no fireball or mushroom mushroom, just a flash. almost all the energy is lost in the form of electromagnetic radiation, mainly x-rays and gamma radiation, which is destructive for all types of electronics. theoretically, one thermonuclear explosion, one and a half to two megatons, can disable up to 90% of the world's satellite constellation. alone. a powerful bomb detonated at an altitude of 350 km, for example, over the central united states, could blanket the entire country with electromagnetic pulses strong enough to damage computers, communications systems and other electronic devices. the explosion would also affect satellites used for military communications and intelligence, leading to world war iii. what can it do here? it is very difficult to say whether it will be a benefit for russia. most importantly, there can be no talk of any selectivity here. that is, in space we still have quite a lot of satellites, a variety of government affiliations, and
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to leave, let’s say, without satellites, not only your enemy, but including partners, to be left without satellite orbits, this is, in general, well, dubious task, but it’s easy to answer another question: why was it necessary to spread the fake news about a russian nuclear bomb in space? obviously, that this is an attempt by the senate and the us administration to put pressure on the chamber. representatives who do not want to pass the bill on financial assistance to ukraine. here, by the way, the personality of turner himself, who launched the information wave, is also noteworthy. although he is a republican, he strongly supports the kiev regime, and even personally met with zelensky. be that as it may, it was not possible to take the congressmen to the gun, or rather to the bomb. the house of representatives went on break until february 28, leaving the kiev junta without another financial injection. the kyiv regime dreams of
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million drones, due to a lack of ammunition amid funding problems, the armed forces of ukraine are relying on attack drones, well, the other day the minister of defense of latvia promised to get that same million drones and transfer them to kiev, how the russian army responds to these challenges, we will tell you in our story .
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protection systems against small uavs, the ukrainians complain that trench rap turns the drone from a hunter into a prey, our soldiers are now trying to let the drone get closer, and then turn on the jammer, it works in two or three positions, because we are close, so so, out of alarm, i now went to jam this drone, but the harpoon does not jam our nose
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antenna. that is, while the harpoon is operating, we can track drones. whenever possible, specialists of the russian armed forces try not to destroy an enemy drone, but to obtain it as a trophy. the intercepted drones are then carefully studied for non-standard technical solutions. for example, recently an unusual specimen with four slots for suspended magnetic grenades fell into the hands of our military. we also managed to delve into the filling drone baba yaga. now they are trying.
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there are more cases of defeat of such agrodrones, almost daily we receive feedback from fighters about the successfully planted new bobega, they constantly send at least photographs, at a maximum electronics from drones, we are constantly studying. a russian fighter from tyumen with the call sign dobry has learned to penetrate the brains of enemy drones. he developed and put into practice technology that allows you to connect to a drone and see the situation through the eyes of the enemy. well studied.
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what kind of education do you have? what about economic? so i was thinking, you never know, maybe you don’t have any technical equipment, i have to learn everything here, my brothers help, those who have a technical education give me advice, our army has once again shown a non-trivial approach to solving combat missions, in other words, russian ingenuity, and the ability to adapt to any conditions is the key to success in battle. scientists, climatologists, are again frightening about the stoppage of the gulf stream. recent studies show the global heat transfer system in the atlantic is on the verge of collapse, and it will happen maybe almost next year. my colleague, pavel toropov, studied the latest scientific publications on this topic. pavel, after the gulf stream stops, we are waiting for a new glacial
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front. vadim, there will be global cooling. the question is when? in a few. millennia or still in the foreseeable future? let's figure it out. why is everyone watching the gulf stream so closely? yes, because it warms the whole of europe, and if the flow stops, the european continent will plunge into a long, harsh winter. to answer the question of whether the gulf stream will stop or not, first you need to understand how the global ocean conveyor, of which this current is a part, works. the dynamics of the world's oceans are determined by wind energy, as well as contrasts in temperature and... salinity of sea water, the combined influence of westerly winds and the effect of the rotation of the earth leads to the fact that powerful northward currents, the gulf stream and curacio, arise in the northern part of the atlantic and the pacific ocean . they carry huge masses of warm salty water. as the salt water cools, it becomes very heavy and slowly sinks to the seabed . due to the law of conservation of mass at
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enormous ocean depths, a reverse flow of water is formed, directed to the south. through this one. a set of global currents, all the oceans of the earth are connected into a single system, but the operation of the conveyor may change, for example, due to the melting of glaciers. the influx of meltwater causes desalination of the north atlantic. to this factor is added the overheating of surface waters, as a result the conveyor breaks down, and the gulf stream begins to slow down. fast a weakening of the north atlantic current could lead to catastrophic consequences. in this case, we can forget about global warming. on the planet. there will be a rollback to a colder climate, with particularly severe cold likely to hit the eastern regions of north america and europe. if the gulf stream pauses, winter air temperatures will change greatly in the area. iceland, northern europe, in winter, january and february - up to -40°. but what's most important about this study is that this study, uh, is based on good
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a climate model, a model of the ocean and the atmosphere, the interaction of the ocean and the atmosphere, however, this study is rather the opposite, this is a model that was launched for 2,000 years, that is, this is a forecast for 2,000 years, into which decompression on the surface was artificially added. but what has been done here is an unrealistic scenario, this is some kind of abstract, abstract thing. recently, a team of european scientists published model calculations of how the north atlantic might respond to rapid ice melt. the results are alarming. according to model estimates, the ocean conveyor is already on the verge of collapse. the most negative forecast predicts a stop of the gulf stream as early as 2025 . regarding the long term, the model is also unwavering. in 2.0 years we will experience an ice age. by the way, such a scenario has already been realized in the earth’s climatic past. and quite recently, only
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10-16 thousand years ago. the end of the last ice age was accompanied by the catastrophically rapid melting of the laurentian ice sheet, which covered canada. melt water entered the north atlantic in huge quantities, desalinating it. one of the most common hypotheses. the temporary return to the ice age, approximately 12.00 years ago, is precisely the failure of the ocean conveyor, it is quite possible that history is now repeating itself. and at the end of the issue is our traditional section: a space weather forecast, which we compile jointly with our colleagues from the institute of space research. the sun was raging in earnest, coronagraph. record the strongest flares, but large emissions of solar matter miraculously fly past the earth, but
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in extreme cases they touch our planet tangentially, so in the middle of the week there was a disturbance in the magnetosphere, they led to a series of auroras in high latitudes, a bright green glow, for example, was observed in the night sky over vorkuta and naryanmar, while since the beginning of the year, three most powerful flares of this cycle have occurred on the sun, their strength reached the highest score x, at the end of the week some world space weather centers alarmed the public with a message about a large ejection that was about to cover our planet, but the alarm turned out to be false, such an event took place right in the middle of the week, that is, there was a large ejection of the sun, enormous power, directly below the earth along the line of the sun. even part of the agency simply reported that a giant cloud of plasma was flying towards us, causing panic, but it turned out that no, it turned out that this emission was exactly in the line of the sun, the earth, but on the opposite side, some
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huge active region is now present on on the other side of the sun, we don't see her, she produces an explosion, an explosion of enormous force , but they are directed from the ground, that is , the ejection flies, but we even see it, since it is wider than the sun, it seems to go beyond the edges of the sun, we observe it, but it flies away from us, despite the general terrible figures for the growth of activity, at the moment experts are predicting a slight lull in sunspots, the sun has become a little smaller, in addition, the active centers that we observe are located on the western edge of the solar disk, that is, they go to the far side, in a couple of days there will be no more of them there won't be sunshine, but the centers that are moving towards us from the east are still weak, so the general forecast for the coming week is favorable, the situation. the sphere will be more or less calm , as far as possible, in a year of active sun, minor disturbances are likely in the first days of the week, at the end of the week a weak magnetic
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storm is expected, but according to experts, the respite from the sun will be short-lived, that’s all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye! pentalging extragel against pain in muscles and joints, it has the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and inflammation in muscles and joints. convenient packaging at an affordable price. the bank rate has changed. if you are looking for where to invest your money, stop looking. open your first deposit with a rate on financial services now.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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the russian ministry of defense published new footage of the disorderly flight of units of the ukrainian armed forces and zavdievka. under the fire of the russian army , only a few scattered formations of ukrainian militants were able to leave the city. roadsides.


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