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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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from the participation of more than 2.0 athletes from more than 100 countries. sharp warming is expected in the regions of central russia , freezing rains will occur in moscow, a river has overflowed in the lugansk republic, and dozens of houses have been flooded. russian troops are building on their success in avdeevka, liberated from neo-nazis. our units completely cleared the factory of militants. sokhim. the ministry of defense reported this today. the soldiers deployed on the trecolora buildings. the military also systematically destroys enemy fortifications with air and artillery strikes. in footage coming from in avdiivka you can see military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces abandoned everywhere. the enemy abandoned her during a chaotic flight. under constant shelling by our troops , only a separate scattered formation of militants managed to leave the city. meanwhile, in avdeevka itself , sappers began to clear the roads of the publication.
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this is one of the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, the destroyed factory workshops are gaping with holes, brick and concrete have been turned into dust, javelins are lying on the ground, these are abandoned weapons of the armed forces of ukraine, the sappers of the center's group of troops have a lot of work here. real work as a sapper groups, so meter by meter ovdeevka is cleared, the guys walk along the road and really don’t know what awaits them ahead, they are walking here for the first time, and we are with them, they are feeling the roadsides, here on... special attention, any hill, any, any crater, a shell explosion, all this can be mined, everything that attracts attention, mines of old soviet production, is also present, nato weapons, a lot, is present, there are also, so to speak, traps, the enemy is very clever in this plan, so we work carefully, step by step our sappers reached a small bridge, an experienced demolition worker knows that it is an ideal object for mining, and so it is.
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they mined the bridge in order to undermine the equipment in the event of an attack by our troops. sappers carefully removed the explosives from the bridge supports and moved them to a place where they could be destroyed. now we should be at the laying site, a timer should be set, this is some kind of remote work, clearing the bridge. next to the smoke after the explosion , another pillar rises, our equipment is working, the soldiers are already having taken up positions in the city ... medical assistance, well, if possible, help was provided, we are asked to follow the trail and not step to the side, an absolutely correct warning:
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the sappers use these red markers to indicate a planted shell, that is , it was discovered, it is here, apparently somewhere under the wheel, but this is not paramount for demining, there are more serious significant objects, this one can wait, it’s just marked like that, it’s better not to come close. in total , over 27 km of roads were inspected today, both within the city limits and within in the city itself, more than 200 hazardous items were destroyed. special attention, special attention, these are, of course , vital objects, the sappers of the central military district have a lot of work ahead, they not only clear mines, but often save lives, it was decided to take this cat into custody so that he doesn’t walk where he shouldn’t, he now has a new owners and a new safe home. pavel prikopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bandarenko, news, avdeevka, donetsk people's republic.
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russian gas and the economy of the european union countries are deprived of competitive advantages. against this background, the industry of our country receives additional opportunities. the president of russia stated this in an interview with the author and host of the moscow program. kremlin putin, pavel zarubin, konstantin churikov knows the details, konstantin, hello, what did vladimir putin say about the possibility of gas supplies to europe? hello, vera, the president said that if the germans wanted, it would be possible to use the surviving line of nord stream two, this question could be solved in principle decide in a week. european industry is becoming uncompetitive due to the lack of russian gas; our economy , on the contrary, is receiving a new impetus for development. the president of russia stated this in an interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin putin program pavel zarubin. according to the head of state, the prosperity of the european economy was built on relatively cheap russian gas. without this advantage, eu countries could seriously harm themselves. we are talking primarily about germany.
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it is quite obvious that today's policies of the current authorities cause colossal damage to the future. why the german economy is able to exist and develop for a long time and there will be no catastrophe here, the fundamental foundations of the german, european economy are very serious, very solid and deep, they are simply being lost or have already lost their competitiveness due to the fact that it was built on a relatively, i want to emphasize this, on relatively cheap russian energy resources, although even... when they were relatively cheap, everything we also said that it was too expensive, we all fought with different means, and with means of a global nature, we fought to further reduce the cost of our energy resources, they came up with all sorts of environmental taxes, whatever
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they came up with, now it’s more than 300 dollars per thousand cubic meters moreover, everything would be completely different if european consumers continued to receive russian gas. in full, but this is not yet possible, as technically, nord stream 1 and partial nord stream 2 have been completely destroyed, so politically. ukraine continues to refuse to pump gas along the southern route, and poland has closed its part of the yamal-europe gas pipeline. well, nevertheless, there is a solution: european customers could resume part of the supplies from russia, as vladimir putin said, in the case of the surviving nord stream 2 line, this issue could be resolved in a week.
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i’m telling you, there is another route through poland, well, finally, in the end, everything depends only on the decision of the german government, nord stream 2, one line was preserved despite the terrorist attack, nord stream 1 was destroyed, one thread, in my opinion, of nord stream 2 was damaged, but one
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is working, here you don’t have to ask anyone, beg, humiliate yourself or extend your hands, oh well, they closed it, why- then they can’t agree among themselves, okay, but... countries, including the usa, where more favorable conditions have been created and where energy resources turned out to be cheaper, because of course they need to be liquefied, then transported across the ocean, then degasified again, all this increases the cost . and completely opposite
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trends in our country, the president noted the growth of non-resource exports, this is the data the government provided a few days ago, it is clear that the share of products not related to hydrocarbons is growing. in general, as vladimir putin noted, completely different mechanisms have come into play in russia. thank god we are coping. and with us, we are different. sent, if it is spoken abroad, we are starting to work more on our own gasification, on the use of these energy resources to solve internal economic problems not only in the housing and communal services system, but also for the economy , for industry, of course, when we sold, we received more money, well, maybe it was more fun, but, on the other hand, the less we depend on energy, the better, because we do not have energy part of the economy. is growing at a much faster rate than before, it’s always when you just receive money, then dependence arises, when
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you need to think, then other mechanisms come into play, they have worked for us. as the president said, we will do without europe. in russia we have our own energy resources, in fact, this is a huge base for the development of the country, taking into account the positive dynamics in the manufacturing sector and even more ambitious tasks, these valuable resources have somewhere to direct. thus, the deindustrialization of europe for our country means industrial growth. faith. yes, konstantin, thank you. konstantin churikov spoke about vladimir putin’s economic statements. the first multi-sport games of the future start in kazan today. the competition will be held in a unique format at the intersection of sports and computer technology. athletes will show their talents both in the real and virtual world. he will fight for victory. participants from different countries, which events promise to be especially spectacular and how
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the champions of the future are greeted will be told by ainur valiakhmetov. tatar motifs sound throughout the airport, the hospitable region greets everyone with a real show, an ensemble with harmony, dancing in national costumes and of course honey chakchak. i think we'll have a great time in kazan in russia, 65 physical athletes from 10 countries have arrived this morning, that's hockey players and cyber athletes of the computer game dota 2, the first fijtal competition tournament in the history. at the intersection of sports and digital technologies. this is a very good tournament, it combines intellectual and physical
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activity, it is good for health and develops mental abilities. kazan international airport now receives several flights with e-sportsmen every day; in total , teams from more than 100 countries, over twenty innovative disciplines, where more than 260 teams have entered, will arrive in the capital of tatarstan. many stadiums in kazan had to rebuild the home ice arena of the hockey club. today the first participants will fight here. a football arena was built inside a large exhibition complex. in classical types of figital disciplines, the site is divided into several zones. competitors first compete in front of computers on this big screen. the game takes place in the 2x2 format, then goes to the football arena, and artificial turf was specially laid here, but the game already takes place in the 5x5 format. there are no longer tickets for many disciplines. the brightest battle robots, tank competitions, battles, lasers , we are still trying to get to the roots, that
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very olympic charter, these are games without borders of political barriers, this is how we positioned it, we do not want any political influence from any forces on a normal, honest , a fair fight on the sports grounds of those athletes who are not engaged by any political forces, this is the strength and beauty of this tournament, there are no national teams, teams with... what was so lacking in the sports world. ainur valyakhmetov, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzaents, maria dobroratnykh, ilya yaponchin. news: kazan. she will appear now. let's! well, what's there? a card that earns itself.
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a very close settlement to donetsk, to kisinovataya, to makeya.
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taking into account the supply of long-range missiles, weapons from western countries to ukraine , that is, shelling our populated areas, but this is something else, this is still not artillery, these are not the extended multiple rocket launchers, which literally every day the enemy attacked our cities and areas are under shelling, so this is very serious and very significant in terms of security. but at the same time we understand that the enemy needs to be pushed back further, so that in principle there would be no possibility at all to carry out attacks on civilian targets and cause harm. at the moment, what is the situation with prisoners, wounded and refugees?
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there are quite a large number of prisoners, more accurate information , if necessary, will be published by the ministry of defense, they are in charge, but in general terms i can say that the enemy was forced to surrender in order to save his life, otherwise there is information that he does not have. quite a considerable number, as regards the civilian population, as regards those people who remained there in avdeevka, and some of them still remain, still in avdeevka, our guys are literally taken to the temporary temporary detention center every day and provide all the necessary assistance to the civilian population, and we already know very well from the testimonies of those people who are in relative... danger in pvrah, what did they have to go through, especially in the last days, the last weeks, when the enemy was very angry towards the civilian
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population, a lot, war crimes against civilians were recorded, everything is documented, that is this is very important for subsequent and subsequent establishment, that is, liability. for all these crimes, but what these people managed to survive, of course, in some places it really just causes a shock, the ukrainian regime has never taken into account the interests of the positions of the civilian population, that is , especially the people who support donbass, who support russia, and of course it was obvious to them, that is, if people did not disagree. that
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russia would come and of course they were waiting for russia, and of course, the attitude of the armed formations of ukraine towards them was appropriate. what importance do you attach to the return of the donetsk filtration station to dpr control, what needs to be done there? ira, this is one of them. important infrastructure facilities in terms of providing water, but this is also a question about the future, of course, as soon as there is an opportunity for a specialist to come out and evaluate it, and most likely restoration work will need to begin here in advance, but this is one of the facilities that will allow in the future, after liberation of the entire territory of the donetsk people's republic up to slavyansk, restore that canal. which will be able to fully provide the donetsk people's republic with water, i'm talking about seversky donetsk, and so the filtration station,
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of course, is important, that is, work there will have to be done according to the information according to the data, which there is a lot, but it is better to start in advance, before the remaining part of the channel is being liberated, well, within the framework of the republic, but i would like to continue the conversation with the next topic, what do you think? that is why his support was so high, despite his assurances, despite some kind of election mood, he did the radical opposite and, of course
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, led the country, well, i believe, to irreparable consequences, of course, now, accordingly, his rating has collapsed, this is especially connected with a number of recent steps related to resignation. zaluzhny, including, and of course, fears are too great that zelensky will not be able to be re-elected, so this extension of martial law, as it were legitimizes the non-holding of the upcoming elections, accordingly, this is exactly what needs to be connected with this, how closely did you follow the ramstein meeting and zelensky’s last european tour, including to the munich conference, what are you...
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and the line on the front line is the most important for me, but certainly peripheral vision, of course i observed the processes taking place, what can be said, but in comparison with past similar events we saw the absence, complete absence of some specifics, well, supposedly there will be some kind of weapons, supposedly there will be... some kind of coalitions there, drones there, air defense coalitions , there were even supposedly agreements concluded there on general security there with germany, with france, but they are so vague, they are so without any some specifics, but such rather mocking formulations that after the next invasion of the russian federation there, in a day we will hold
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consultations, well, honestly. there is also a message that the united states is supplying ukraine with smart, so-called glsdb long-range projectiles are written in telegram channels that they are even already being used, what do you know about this? and honestly, there is not much information, but the fact that our systems, our air defense systems will be able to cope with this, and specialists in this regard are working and preparing, according to some
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information even already... but forcing forces us to prepare for such events, well, that is , to counteract this, well, i tell you that we can cope with this, of course, it’s better that these supplies don’t exist and it’s better, of course , to work proactively here, well let’s figure it out, denis vladimirovich, in general, the amount of economic damage to the donetsk people’s republic from the actions of ukraine, according to preliminary data, exceeds 420 billion rubles, a member of the human rights council and a deputy spoke about this.
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this is the destruction of housing, this is compensation of various kinds, which i would like to see provided, that is, but we will see how the situation develops , whether anyone will be compensated, because it is not entirely clear what will remain, excuse the tattoo from the remaining part ukraine, in view of how events are developing, and here
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- we need to enter at least approximate calculations, but it doesn’t seem possible to talk about any final amounts, because right now, literally at this very moment, the amount of damage is changing taking into account the liberation of our populated areas, and of course we see there is a lot of destruction , but the most important thing here is irreparable, which is not valued in any money, this is, of course, the death of our... people, and the death of the civilian population, and the death of the military , including, of course, this is what no no it will be possible to return it, there will be no way to compensate with any financial resources, this is the most difficult thing, and another question is how the preparations for the presidential elections are going, as far as one can understand,


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