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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm MSK

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typical messages on other feeds, well, next sunday again only our program will show you more than others. thank you, pavel, as usual, i say goodbye to you for the week. fsb officers killed an sbu agent who was preparing a terrorist attack against one of the politicians in the zaporozhye region. the criminal resisted and was neutralized by retaliatory actions. in ovdeevka, russian troops completely liberated the coke plant. the military continues to systematically destroy enemy fortifications. mine clearance has begun in the city itself. first in kazan launches of games of the future in multimedia.
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over 2,000 athletes from more than 100 countries will take part in the competition. sharp warming is expected in the regions of central russia, freezing rains will come to moscow, a river has overflowed in the lugansk republic, and dozens of houses have been flooded. fsb officers killed an sbu agent who was preparing a terrorist attack before the elections against one of the politicians, za. according to the russian intelligence service, the crime was planned with the use of an improvised explosive device, the activities were coordinated by security officers ukraine. when trying to arrest the criminal , he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by retaliatory actions. there were no civilian casualties among the security forces. a makarov pistol, cartridges and spent cartridges were found at the scene.
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the russian military completely liberated the avdeevka coke plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the ukrainian armed forces unit continues to retreat from the city, leaving behind a large amount of equipment. the withdrawing ukrainian troops mined the city, however, according to russian sappers, they did this in in a hurry. demining is now underway. over 200 booby traps and ammunition were neutralized in avdievka during the day. let me remind you that on february 17, the division of the group of russian troops in the center was completely. meanwhile, in avdeevka itself, sappers began to clear mines from roads and buildings; the enemy left behind many traps, many of which were very difficult to eliminate. a separate group of military engineers is inspecting the surviving houses and courtyards. pavel prokopenko visited a city where residents can for the first time in a long time. they are afraid
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of nationalists. entrance to ovdeevka, literally after 100 m, behind that bridge the city begins, and this, among other things, the road was also mined until recently. there is barbed wire, steel beams, hedgehogs and other obstacles all around; the enemy tried to complicate the advance of our forces as much as possible. the roads at the entrance were mined, the ditches were equipped with anti-tank ones. we drive into ovdeevka in an armored car, this is the surest, safest way. that movement, and the road we are currently driving on is the only one cleared of mines in the city. our escort has the radar reacted to the appearance of an fpv drone, although the enemy was knocked out of the city, drones are still flying here. possibly fpvshka. this is one of the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, the destroyed factory workshops are gaping with holes in brick and concrete, turned into dust. there are jivelins lying on the ground, these are abandoned weapons of the ukrainian armed forces. the sappers are in the group. center there
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is a lot of work here, the real work of the sapper group, so meter by meter avdeevka is being liberated, the guys are walking along the road and really don’t know what awaits them ahead, they are walking here for the first time, and we are together with with them, they are feeling the roadsides, here special attention is paid to the roadsides, any hill, any, any crater, a shell explosion, all this can be mined, everything that attracts attention, old soviet -made mines, nato weapons are also present. there are a lot of them, there are also, so to speak, traps , the enemy is very clever in this regard, so we work carefully, so step by step our sappers reached a small bridge, an experienced demolition worker knows that it is an ideal object for mining, and so it is, they mined the bridge in order to blow up the equipment in the event of an attack by our troops, the sappers carefully removed the explosives from the supports of the bridge and moved them to a place where they can be destroyed, now there should be...
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a timer has been installed at the planting site, this is such remote work, demining the bridge . another one rises next to the smoke after the explosion. pillar, our equipment is working, the fighters, having already taken positions in the city, are pushing the enemy away from avdeevka, we meet a couple of attack aircraft, the sweeps are returning, tired, taciturn, but then they seem to be rolling in into dialogue, joy and experiences, i want to share, we provide assistance to civilians, there are a lot of elderly people who need medical care, well, if possible, help was provided, we are asked and... follow the trail and do not step aside, absolutely true warning. with these red markers , sappers indicate a planted projectile, that is , it has been detected, it is here, apparently somewhere under the wheel, but this is not paramount for mine clearance, there are more serious significant objects, this one can wait, it’s just here
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so marked, it is better not to come close. in just today, more than 27 km of roads were inspected, this is both from the city limits and from... the city itself, more than 200 dangerous objects were destroyed, special attention, special attention, this is, of course, an object of vital activity. the sappers of the central military district have a lot of work ahead, they not only clear mines, but often save lives. it was decided to take this cat into custody so that he doesn’t wander where he shouldn’t, he now has new owners and a new safe home. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, conducted by avdeev.
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western countries against ukraine, that is , they are placing long-range missiles and weapons to fire at our populated areas, but this is something else, this is still not artillery, these are not the extended multiple missile defense systems, from which literally every day the enemy launched
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attacks on our cities and regions , so this is very seriously very significant in terms of security. the houthis have confirmed that they attacked another british ship in the red sea. as stated in motion, the vessel received serious damage, it is possible that it may sink. earlier, the british maritime trade coordination center reported that the attack occurred near the yemen port of almoha. according to the command, the crew was evacuated. the israeli army storms palestinian refugee camps in the west bank. jordan, the palestinian agency wafa reports. to the south of jenin, residential buildings were bombarded with house bombs. in several cities at once, idf forces damaged residential infrastructure and destroyed transport facilities. at least three civilians were arrested . meanwhile, in the gaza strip , the palestinian movement is suffering defeats in
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strategic areas. more than 70 palestinians were killed in israeli airstrikes in the south. the idf military has completely occupied nasr hospital, where they... are walking into the armored vehicles that hamas fighters allegedly used in the october 7 attack. the israeli defense minister said that the brigade in khan yunisi has already been completely destroyed, and there is no palestinian leadership on the ground in the southern part of gaza. according to him, hamas no longer trusts its commanders, and leadership abroad is already looking for replacements. all flights at anadar airport have been cancelled, and the crossing across anadarsky is also closed in the region. a strong snowstorm arrived at the checkpoint with visibility deteriorating to 500 m. north wind gusts reached 30 m/s. some municipalities experienced power outages. report by vladimir nikichenko. a storm warning has been announced in the capital of chukotka:
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wind gusts reach 30 m/s. getting around the city has become difficult. to get to work or on business - a real test. bad weather has arrived in chukotka again. a strong wind arose in the district capital. back on sunday, on monday it only intensified. in the morning gusts reached 32 m/s. the school canceled classes for primary school students. at lunchtime, an active day was announced in all educational institutions. the region's main airport is not operational. due to weather conditions, all flights have been cancelled. the federal ice crossing across the zanadorsky estuary is also closed. the decyclone affects the urban district of anadari, anador municipal district, igakinot urban district and providensky urban district. the forecast is currently justified in the territory of municipalities. onadar municipal district and the city of onadar. also , the chukovsky state migration service received a storm warning with a duration of 18 hours in the city. with wind gusts up to 25-30 m/s. overturned garbage
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containers, flying bags and boxes, fallen road signs, toppled street lights, torn off roofs. part of the roof on odka street was blown off, the covering was scattered in the yard like as soon as the wind subsides, the city hall will assess the damage caused. pedestrians face a real quest today: gusts of wind literally pick up people, making it almost impossible to stand on their feet. this is the first such severe snowstorm since the beginning of the year, and it is already having consequences. due to adverse weather conditions. a short-term disruption of power supply was recorded, due to the overlap of wires on the overhead lines of the village of enmelen, providensky urban district, the village of ugolnaya kopiy, anador municipal district. i note that in onador graders and backhoe loaders work on the city streets all day long. they clear central roads and courtyard areas. the main directorate of the regional ministry of emergency situations recommended that the population not leave their homes unnecessarily, not travel outside populated areas and not leave children unattended . vladimir nikichenko, alexander kuzmi. on defender of the fatherland day, the russian guard
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fulfilled the dream of a novgorod schoolchild. alexander utoshev wanted to get to know the heroes of the russian guard better even after he wrote a letter to the head of the department, viktor zolotov, and was invited to the st. petersburg institute of national guard troops. eleventh-graders were given a tour of this cart and were shown the barracks, classrooms and laboratories. alexander tested his skills in fire training and practiced. i tested an armored personnel carrier simulator with drones. the leadership of the military institute of the russian guard supported the young man’s decision to become a cadet at this university and devote his life to the troops of law and order. i liked everything when a person has a goal and he dreams, he will be very happy about this, to hear it, to see it. and what i liked most, for example, was the meeting with the commander. we just talked to him, he told me about his achievements, exploits,
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and i told him about my small exploits. the newest machine tool for the russian aviation industry is being prepared for shipment in kolomna, moscow region. the equipment is unique, the designers created a completely domestic press in a short time. he became the first in the country of this class, a giant weighing 650 tons, will be engaged in the production long parts for aircraft. and... khakhanov saw a new product. work is in full swing in the assembly shops of the stan holding enterprise in kolomna, moscow region. rostec specialists manufacture equipment for the aviation industry. this press is the size of a small house, the first domestic development of its class created in russia, and can create long aluminum parts for civil aircraft and fuel tanks for life support systems. the company's employees call this press a real giant. its weight is 650 tons height above the floor level together with the foundation more than 8
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m, power 800 kw. behind the massive appearance and laconic name of the p-5220 lies high performance, reliability and high accuracy. special software helps the operator in his work. this machine will soon be delivered to one of the factories of the united aircraft corporation. other businesses across the country are next in line. possible difficulties in operating this equipment, we provide training for maintenance personnel and people operating this equipment, we provide any technological support. for the rapidly developing domestic industry, such equipment is extremely necessary; it will ensure the production of reliable and high-quality components for aviation. due to sanctions , it is now impossible to buy machines in western countries, but experts emphasize the rich experience of russian science and a good technological base. helps designers adequately meet modern challenges. after the introduction of sanctions, we found ourselves cut off from many
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foreign components. and uniqueness this press also has the fact that all the main units and components were developed and manufactured in russia. the equipment here is quite unique and therefore had to be developed independently, because there are no analogues even in china. unique equipment for...
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ross is the largest engineering company. the country unites over 800 scientific and production organizations in sixty regions and is actively developing high-tech production in industries that are extremely important for russia. igor pikhanov, viktor denisov, alexander azarubov, lead. the first multi-sport games of the future start in kazan today. the competition will be held in a unique format at the intersection of sports and computer technology. athletes will show their talents both in the real and virtual world. more than 2,000 participants from different countries will compete for victory, we will find out the details from my colleague stas radikulets, he is connected, stas greets. what happens on the first competition day in kazan? yes, vera, greetings, but the games of the future have already started in the dota-2 discipline, an ultra-popular game. i must say that this discipline is in great demand among
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spectators and the first soldier out, all tickets have been sold, the competition will be sold out. e-sportsmen in the dota-2 discipline, the group stages have now begun in the morning and, accordingly, the finals and semi-finals have already sold out all tickets, but we are now located in the main center for games of the future in kazan-expo, the city of games of the future is being built here, more than twenty different stands, everything is very informative, everything is very interesting and... exciting not only in real space, but in cyberspace, including including you can try yourself in various gaming disciplines, also today we looked at the site of one of the most interesting and technologically advanced games of the future, this is a basketball court for physical basketball, first the basketball players play in a computer simulator, and then they go out onto an ultra-technological, not even parquet floor, and this is
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essentially a screen where... with the help of technology , very beautiful and visually pleasing effects for the viewer are implemented, including the spectators will even know what the players’ pulse is at the moment of the match, well, we talked to one of the participants in the games of the future, with roman derevyankin, a basketball player of the ural basket team, let's listen, i even improved a lot on the floor, that is, at the first games when we arrived, we played on a regular floor, on which they play 5:5. the ring was a little crooked, but still the level of organization at that time impressed us, we were all in great shock, but over the course of these two years, from the first games , i watched football, hockey, how they organized everything, the level grew with each competitions, that's what i saw in october, september-october at these beautiful figital basketball competitions, i
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was delighted with the kind of playground they made, these lead screens, everything was superb. the first in the history of the games of the future is hosted by kazan , the city is famous for its traditions of hosting large -scale sporting events, at the airport the participants of the games of the future were greeted with traditional tatar treats, music, in general, a very warm welcome was organized here, well, in the end , the world aquatics football championship was held here sports universiade, all these the facilities are of course also involved for the games of the future, i note that - from february 21 , the opening ceremony will take place, and the 22nd city of igor of the future will be available to absolutely all spectators, even for those who do not have tickets, in general it will be possible to come here and it will be great it’s an interesting time to spend, 21 disciplines will be represented in the game program of more than 260 teams from more than 100 countries, five challenges are sports, tactics,
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strategy, technology and speed, in general we are looking forward to a grandiose sports festival. which de facto has already started. vera, stas, thank you, our correspondent stas radikultsev was in direct contact with the studio from kazan. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable. alpha profitable: good afternoon, my name is victor and i am an entrepreneur. last year i did not have time to connect to the megamarket during the sales season. and these months have passed me by. business, this year everything is different, i connected to the megamarket in advance and have already broken the monthly record sales in just one week, the sales season is starting, don't miss it,
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combat, obstacle racing, sports programming and all-around competitions in grozny is the first technosport festival. teams from thirty-nine russian regions came to participate in the competition. to the rules. arthur sorted out the new festival mustaev. the first technost festival in the history of russia brought together about 600 participants from all over the country. the grozden volleyball palace was chosen to host competitions of this scale, where real cyber battles in various disciplines unfolded on one site. the laser tag tournament is one of the most vibrant and dynamic: opponents hit each other with weapons with an infrared pulse emitter, a military sports game in which dexterity, accuracy and teamwork win. pass, pass, pass, and the arena of sports programming has unfolded here, participants solve algorithmic problems at speed, and tension reigns here no less than on other
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sites. in fact, this is a unique event today, because for the first time on such a scale we are trying this discipline, sports programming is included in the games of the future, in the games of friendship, which take place in september. within 2 days, 45 teams from 39 regions of russia. we do not compete by creating new sports competitions, we are creating a system of challenges, such challenges when guys, young people all over the country in a single format can carry out some set of mandatory actions, which are prepared for them by the largest federations, including. in new technological forms, so here we are trying these new hybrid formats, like competitions, ramzan
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kadyrov met with the organizers of the festival, in a relaxed atmosphere the chapters
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intensified a lot and the temperature became as it should be on this day in february, but this will not last long, it will soon overwhelm us atlantic warmth, it complicates the situation with snow, of which there are a lot in the center of the country, in the caucasus, in the far east. in the beginning , shocking footage from sakhalin island. in the city of dolinsk, several avalanches occurred from roofs; one of them was recorded by a video recorder. a thaw has come to sakhalin. in dollinsk the day before it was +5, with more than 130 cm of snow on the rooftops of the streets. in primorye, after the thaw
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, winter has already begun to return. in nakhodka it was +5 in the morning and it was raining. at the same time , in the vicinity of asuureysk, where the day before it was almost +8, the air cooled to -4. it began to snow and a blizzard began. in other areas a sharp drop in temperature led to a transport blockade due to severe black ice. well, in front of the old class, what’s going on, the road is ice, no one can leave. it's hard to get up, so... there is no need to go today yet. in the capital region, like on sakhalin, emergencies are observed due to large amounts of snow on the roofs. some roofs simply cannot support its weight. these shots are from novogorsk. in moscow today another daily record for the height of snow cover was recorded, the height of a snowdrift in the capital was 66 cm. at the same time, in the regions of siberia due to frost schoolchildren are sent to remote learning , ski resorts are closed, and reservoirs
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begin to steam. on ... today, anticyclones dominate over russia, one over the european part of the country, the most extensive covers yurala, siberia of the far east, well, the third is in the north of yakutia, and the cyclone has no choice but to move along the periphery of the region. high pressure, a vortex with a center near the new land carries snow, a blizzard strong wind over a vast territory from the kola peninsula to taimyr, and its frontal sections are compressed between anticyclones, snow continues to fall along the volga, but the intensity of precipitation will decrease. in the far east, atmospheric processes are more active, continental frosts and warm ocean air are encountered here, but the siberian anticyclone expands to the east and pushes the warm eddies away from the seaside, here spring warmth is replaced by...
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winter frosts, accompanied by intense precipitation and strong winds. in primorye it is literally getting colder before our eyes. positive temperature anomalies still remain on the coast, here in the west of the region, where yesterday it was +10, now it’s almost -10. severe frosts remain in the south of siberia, well, on the russian plain, although it has gotten colder, the temperature has only returned to climatic limits. in the coming days , atlantic warmth will arrive here; the whirlwinds are still accumulating strength in the north of europe. at night during the day the temperature stayed within +5 -6°, but the cooling has already begun, by the end of the night it will freeze to -1, the rain will turn into snow, a blizzard will swirl in places, gusts of the north wind will be 10-15 m/s, by the morning it will become very slippery. until the end of the week, night frosts will gradually intensify, reaching -20-25 degrees.


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