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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the anticyclone expands to the east and pushes warm eddies out of the coastal area. here , spring warmth is replaced by winter frosts, accompanied by intense precipitation and strong winds. in primorye it is literally getting colder before our eyes. the positive temperature anomaly still remains on the coast; in the west of the region, where yesterday it was +10, now it is almost -10. severe frosts remain in the south of siberia, well , on the russian plain, although it has gotten colder, the temperature has only returned to climatic limits. in the coming days , atlantic warmth will come here, while the vortices are accumulating strength for northern europe. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, last night and during the day the temperature remained within +5-6°, but cooling has already begun. by the end of the night it will freeze to -1, the rain will turn to snow, a blizzard will swirl in places, gusts of the north wind will be 10-15 m/s. by morning it will become very slippery. until the end of the week, night frosts will gradually increase, reaching -20-25. by the weekend, and during the day in the city
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it’s about -10° with short-term snow showers. in omsk last night it was -35, now it’s about -26. thirty-degree frosts will recede from region only at the end of the week. the coming night is expected to be as frosty as the previous ones, about -35. in the first half of the week , the maximum temperature will be -20-22° starting on thursday, in the daytime it will already be -16-18. today during the day it will not be higher than -3-5, at night the temperature will drop to 10-12 below zero, tomorrow during the day it will be about -6, but thanks to the anticyclone there will be fewer clouds. starting from tuesday, the wind will change direction to the south, and the anticyclone will give way to an atlantic whirlwind, the frosts will begin to recede, it will snow again, on wednesday there will be +1 slight thaw in moscow will remain until the end of the week. what are the forecasts for this minute?
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia, whether russian industry is capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources. in general , how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, does evolution occur in any structure?
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sasha, turn on the morning playlist, turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? stay warm and get some zones. sasha, what time is my meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go tomorrow? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, how best to sing. i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this yourself,
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the khoroshovsky court of moscow sentenced two members of the russian-kyrgyz group for the sale of counterfeit dollars. they received seven or more than 8.5 years in prison. previously a special operation. their detention was carried out by employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb of russia, as well as the state committee for national security of kyrgyzstan. according to investigators , two russians, through the mediation of a kyrgyz citizen, purchased counterfeit dollars, allegedly produced abroad, one of the attackers transported the money to moscow, and the other sold it in several batches for a total amount of about $40,000. during searches, samples were confiscated from detainees counterfeit currency. of various types and denominations, communication means, bank cards and other items of evidentiary value, the preliminary investigation was completed in february last year, and the verdict was recently announced, one of the group members was sentenced to imprisonment for 7 years, another 8 years and 6
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months. next, news from the central asian region in a review by robert frantsov. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. today in the program bishkek unsubscribed from the state department, details. very diplomatic correspondence in kazakhstan carried out a rite of purification from lgbt people and 35 years since the withdrawal of soviet troops from afghanistan, why this country is once again becoming the site of the clash of civilization and some eastern wisdom on why it is so important to watch your words. i am writing to you, what else? president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov called on the united states and other countries not to interfere in the internal affairs of the republic. a request, or more precisely. say he formulated the demands in a letter addressed to anthony blinken. previously, it was the secretary of state
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the united states began this correspondence when, in his message to the head of kyrgyzstan, he expressed serious concern about what laws they were yet to adopt there. thief ’s hat is on fire, so much is the american official concerned that in kyrgyzstan, which is thousands of kilometers across the ocean from washington, they are going to pass a bill limiting the hostile actions of foreign states within the country. this is a media law and a law on non-governmental organizations. japarov, in his response to blinkin, diplomatically suggested that he not interfere in your own business. i am forced to note with regret that the content of your letter has signs of interference in the internal affairs of our state. the kyrgyz state, as it is entitled to by its status, intends to control where money comes from for these non-governmental, non-profit organizations, by whom, how, for what purposes they are... sold, that is, the very law that worries the american and european so much, by the
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way , officials, essentially simply demands financial transparency from the organization, from where money comes in, including from abroad, what is it spent on in kyrgyzstan itself? zhapparov noted that there are currently more than 10,000 non-governmental organizations operating in kyrgyzstan, despite the fact that the entire population of kyrgyzstan is just over 7 million. people don’t call these same ngos anything other than grant eaters. and most often, according to sadyr japarov himself, all this foreign money is simply stolen, but is often used for openly anti-state activities, from manipulating public opinion to attempts to organize a coup. at the end of the letter, zhapparov reminded blinkin that the kyrgyz bill is a conceptual copy of the american law on foreign agents and reasonably asks a rhetorical question: if you can, then why can’t we? kazakhstan is also struggling with excessively intrusive attention from the west.
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a public gathering was held in almaat on independence square. they demanded that the state take an active position in the fight against lgbt and other rainbow trends. to be convincing, they even carried out a ritual of cleansing the square with odorospan, they smoked out the lgbt aura, and god protects the best, because a little earlier lgbt activists held their rally in this very place. well, that's necessary. to say that the fears of traditional society in kazakhstan are not groundless, for example, lgbt literature, even children’s literature, can be bought in any bookstore, not so long ago the first thematic website for teenagers appeared, it was, however, quickly blocked after numerous requests from parents, but judging by the activity in the media space, someone seriously has their eye on kazakhstan, so it's really worth being on the lookout. kazakhstan was called average, and that’s good. for the first time, the republic became one of the so-called middle powers, german
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researchers came to this conclusion. they classified kazakhstan as a country playing an important role in world politics and economics. middle powers also include, for example, india, israel and turkey. the report notes such advantages of kazakhstan as a favorable location, rich resource base and commitment to international law. we will discuss what such an assessment means for kazakhstan with political scientist adil seifulin. hello! adil, it is obvious that these types of assessment lists are not compiled simply to mark the achievements of a particular country. in your opinion, what signal does the eu send to kazakhstan? well, you need to understand that kazakhstan was included in this list a very long time ago, by experts, both international and domestic, kazakh experts, but there were a number of, let’s say, requirements, in addition to economic requirements, there are also political ones, of what nature, this is firstly , balanced international agenda, the country's policy is its reasonable diplomacy,
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its neutrality in many processes. in your opinion, what dividends in the future can kazakhstan derive from its status as a middle power, and maybe there is a need to be careful somewhere. of course, kazakhstan has no illusions, yes, we always act solely out of national interests, as president ukaev said the year before last. conveyed information to the west that russia must be taken into account, and it was then that president tukaev said exactly this quote that the era of reasonable diplomacy is coming. now we see, yes, from the news , from the statements of european and american politicians, that this awareness is coming, yes , but as for us, here we will act exclusively in the interests of our country, you know, here we only have a pro-kazakh agenda, so no
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let’s just say that we have no obligations for being included in this list. what else do you remember about the past week in asia? kasym martakayev made his first official state visit to qatar, where a meeting took place the kazakh delegation with sheikh tamim benhamad altani, as well as representatives of large businesses and financial institutions. as a result of the trip, many investment agreements were signed; for example, doha is ready to invest in joint gas processing plants in koshagan. in bishke. an embassy of the united arab emirates will appear, which intend to develop and deepen bilateral cooperation with kyrgyzstan. such statements were made at negotiations in dubai between sadyr japarov and the vice president and prime minister ooe, muhammad bin rashid al-maktoum. the parties noted the intensification of trade and economic interaction, but agreed that they need to strive for
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more. the president of turkmenistan presented a prize of one million dollars to the authorities of the best etrap, that is, the municipality. country theta. akbukdai of the akhal villayat is recognized as such. the head of state highly appreciated the efforts of the local hikemlik to improve living conditions, develop social infrastructure and timely implementation of agricultural plans. in particular wheat and cotton grew well. small medium-sized businesses in kyrgyzstan will receive $15 million from the russian-kyrgyz development fund. the money will be invested in expanding successful startups such as enterprise. where paper cups are produced, previously they had to be purchased in china, but thanks to preferential loans from the fund, containers began to be produced in the republic itself. a branch of the russian mendeleev chemtech will be created on the basis of taras university in kazakhstan; as expected, students will be equipped with the most modern laboratories and will develop a training program for highly
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qualified specialists for republican chemical industry enterprises. february 15 marked the 35th anniversary of the departure of the last soviet soldier from afghanistan ; the ussr military group was stationed across the river for 9 years, 1 month and 19 days from 79 to 89. more than half a million soviet troops passed through the afghan campaign. in february 1989 , the last columns crossed the friendship bridge across omudorya in uzbekistan. last to leave afghanistan.
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commemorative events took place in other central asian countries in kazakhstan, uzbekistan and kyrgyzstan. this is our common history. this is a common past with afghanistan, of course, they also celebrated the date there and declared a holiday in honor of it. however, there is nothing to be particularly happy about. the fate of an independent afghanistan is being discussed outside the country, and everyone is doing it in different ways. for example, european officials flew to bishkek this week to once again try to make their long-time dream come true, to shift from. responsibility for afghanistan against its neighbors in central asia, but it doesn’t go beyond words, in their speeches european officials wish prosperity to the people of afghanistan, but for example, they don’t respond to all requests to unfreeze afghan assets in western banks, well, a completely different approach, those gathered here in bishka , for whom the situation in afghanistan is a matter of their own security. the russian delegation was headed
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by secretary of the security council nikolai patrushev. delegations from india, iran, and kazakhstan also participated. kyrgyzstan, china, tajikistan and uzbekistan. russia consistently acts against the politicization of the issue of allocating humanitarian aid to afghanistan. moscow has always advocated using a comprehensive and realistic approach to helping kabul, which would allow focusing on the needs of the afghans themselves. meanwhile, alarming news continues to come from afghanistan; the number of militants of the islamic state, a banned terrorist organization, is growing on the border with tajikistan. the head stated this. comes from international terrorist and extremist organizations. such as the islamic state, al-qaeda and others, in particular on the southern borders of tajikistan, an increase
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in the number of the afghan branch of the islamic state of velayat kharasan and the taliban movement of pakistan is recorded, and the network of field camps for their training is also expanding, with the main contingent. concentrated in the northern provinces of afghanistan. we’ll talk about attempts to change the situation in afghanistan and current threats with alexander knyazev. the european union’s latest attempts to involve the central asian states in its format of interaction with afghanistan have they succeeded? to achieve some tangible results , how interesting is it for the central asian states themselves to interact with afghanistan in tandem with the europeans? well, this initiative in general. i would consider the european union as one of the episodes of the big confrontation that is now taking place between western countries and
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, relatively speaking, non-western countries on issues of interaction with afghanistan. there is a regional format that is quite successful in comparison with western initiatives, it includes several different elements these are moscow consultations, which take place regularly and... under the influence of russia, iran or china or all of them together, an attempt to involve them in some kind of format, but this format is not even visible. once again, the csto
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announced a concentration of terrorists in the northern provinces of afghanistan on the border with tajikistan, what kind of groups are they, what goals do they pursue, how realistic is their expansion into central asia and further to the north? i would not consider this issue as some kind of unnecessary alarmism. because well it is not news that there are various international terrorist groups present in afghanistan, some of them pose more serious threats, some of them do not pose any particular threats. the taliban , throughout the entire period after 2015, is the force that has most resisted and continues to oppose the spread of the islamic state in afghanistan. this is war, this struggle, it is still going on. here you just need to work in this direction with the taliban, yes. good precedents, say, iran , the iranian intelligence services have established interaction, they have established interaction with the main intelligence department of the taliban and are exchanging
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information, but previously a couple of dozen impending terrorist acts were prevented, in any case, countering these groups, it simply requires constant attention, constant work - of all military structures of the special services, including the cst countries in the region. and in other news: another russian diplomatic mission will definitely open in uzbekistan: a new consulate general markant. an agreement on this was reached last fall, but now mikhail mishustin has signed an official order, according to which the ministry will have to determine the staffing level of the representative office and approve their schedule. a real thriller in the obai region: a hundred rescuers, a dozen and a half people. technicians, 20 horsemen and even a couple of drones spent several hours searching for a child who got lost in the middle of buran. as it turned out, all this time he was lost on the outskirts of his own village, but did not see anything and
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i didn't hear it because of the snowstorm. fortunately, the boy is now definitely safe. a new production facility of the russian company tatneft will soon be launched in the karaganda region of kazakhstan. the enterprise in the city of saran will produce car tires under the atar brand. the capacity is enough to cast annually. one of the largest shipbuilding companies in turkey is implementing the new shipyard project in kazakhstan. the contractor is known primarily for the production of warships, mainly small ones, which are best suited for protection of objects along the caspian coastline, since the shallow water does not allow large ones to be placed there. there are situations. when it’s better not to say anything, and to admit, my colleagues and i thought for a long time whether we should raise the next topic, colleagues, journalists , officials are discussing
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provocative words this week. uzbekistan, the president of the country shavkad mirziyoyev is working to unite all compatriots to solve major government problems in the name of common prosperity. are capable of generating only reciprocal stupidity, this applies to nationalistic attacks of the rector and to individual statements, by the way, in russia, such populism is a game without winners, we need to maintain a sober mind and clearly separate the words of provocateurs from the real relations between peoples and countries, but we are still on one statement let’s stop, not to discuss the outright stupidity that it turns out that tashkent is after a terrible earthquake.
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prisoners spent years rebuilding, no comment here, but let this be a reason for all of us to remember what kind of time it was, and what true friendship of peoples? on that day , practically nothing remained of the central part of the city of millionnik, a terrible magnitude nine earthquake left 300,000 people homeless, hundreds of administrative buildings, hospitals, schools, shops, and manufacturing enterprises were wiped off the face of the earth. this terrible crack has opened. peacetime april 26, 1966 at 6:30 am. tashkent had to literally rise from the ruins, but it was not left alone in the face of trouble. secretary general brezhnev and head savmin kosygin decided to return the uzbek capital normal life requires the abandonment of all allied forces, and the union, of course, responded. 10 million rubles were quickly collected into a special account for the victims.
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a huge sum at the time, but this collective gesture of support was only the beginning of much more. 16 moscow military construction detachments set an example for the vast country. following them , leningraders, armenians, belarusians, ukrainians, georgians, and balts flocked to tashkent. not to mention the caring neighbors from kazakhstan, turkmenistan, kyrgyzstan and tajikistan. peoples non-stop supplied the city with everything necessary from medicine to food, and most importantly , by the next 1967, a roof over their head was provided to every local resident. they gave us such a comfortable house that we never even dreamed of. they arranged a very nice apartment for us. however, no one thought of stopping after completing the first priority task. the best architectural minds of the ussr
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received a difficult but inspiring task. long-term, to build a modern, developed city instead of what until recently was a solid massif of stunted, adobe makhali, entire blocks of five-story buildings, which contained a total of a million square meters of housing , grew one after another, not only in the center, but on the outskirts, kindergartens, museums, hotels, real masterpieces of soviet modernism, for example, the experimental house zhemchug, appeared, restaurant... zarafshan, chersu market, and also, of course, the first metro in central asia. this incomparable tashkent still coexists with the metropolis of skyscrapers, high-tech, and fashionable landscape design. and undoubtedly remembers how one day in unison, with his wounded heart, tens of millions of other sympathetic hearts beat. and in conclusion, i will quote the great uzbek thinker alisher navai. if you want respect, use less evil language; if you want health, food
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will be limited. stay healthy, see you as usual next week in the center of asia. fsb officers killed an sbu agent who was preparing a terrorist attack before the elections against one of the politicians in the zaporozhye region. according to the russian intelligence service, the crime was planned using a homemade explosive device. the activities were coordinated by employees of the security service of ukraine. when trying to arrest the criminal , he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by retaliatory actions. among the civilian casualties were security forces.


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