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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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as usual next week in the center of asia. fsb officers. sbu, which was preparing a terrorist attack before the elections against one of the politicians in the zaporozhye region. according to the russian intelligence service, the crime was planned using an improvised explosive device. the activities were coordinated by members of the ukrainian security service. when trying to arrest the criminal, he offered armed resistance and was neutralized by retaliatory actions. there were no civilian casualties among the security forces. a pistol was found at the scene makarov, patron.
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for the first time in a long time, residents can not be afraid, nationalist. the entrance to ovdeevka, literally after 100 m, is where the city begins behind that bridge, and this road, among other things , was also mined until recently. there is barbed wire, parapets, hedgehogs and other obstacles all around; the enemy tried to complicate the advance of our forces as much as possible. the roads at the entrance were mined, and the ditches were equipped with anti-tank ditches. we drive into ovdeevka in an armored car. cars are the surest, safest way movement, and the road we are traveling on now is the only one cleared of mines in the city. our escort’s radar reacted to the appearance of an fpv drone, although the enemy was knocked out of the city, the drones are still flying here, perhaps their beer, that’s why. this is one of the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, the destroyed factory workshops are gaping with holes, brick and concrete have turned to dust. there are jewels lying on the ground, this.
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after the explosion, another pillar rises, our equipment is working, the soldiers, having already taken positions in the city, push the enemy away from avdeevka, we meet a couple of stormtroopers, returning from the cleanup, tired, taciturn, but then they seem to roll into a dialogue.
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this is both from the city limits and in the city itself, more than 200 hazardous objects were destroyed, special attention, special attention, these are, of course, vital objects. the sappers of the central military district have a lot of work ahead, they not only clear mines, but often save lives. it was decided to take this cat into custody so that he doesn’t wander where he shouldn’t, he now has a new owner and a new safe home. koidanovich.
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ukrainian drivers stuck at the border in poland did it. they blocked the highway near one of the checkpoints and called on warsaw to ensure free movement of traffic from the neighboring state. polish farmers are opposed to this scenario. they are blocking trucks with ukrainian grain. earlier they blocked the railway. passenger buses going to poland from ukraine are also stopped at the border. according to farmers, the european union needs to cancel the benefits provided to kiev. the strike will continue until march 10, and the leadership of the ministry of agriculture of poland supported the action. the houthis have confirmed that they attacked another british ship in the red sea. as they stated... the ship was seriously damaged, and it is possible that it could sink. earlier
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, the british maritime trade coordination center reported that the attack occurred near the yemen port of almoha. according to the command, the crew was evacuated. the ssu uses toxic compounds to carry out terrorist attacks. this was announced by the head of the traditional troops, chemical and biological protection of the russian armed forces igor kirillov. in addition , according to him, in december 2023 , the head of the lpr administration, leonid pasichnik, was seriously poisoned by the final compounds; in august 22 , the head of the administration of the kherson region, vladimir salda, was also hospitalized with signs of poisoning. the 105th session of the executive council of the organization for the prohibition of chemicals will take place from 5 to 8 march 2024 in the hague, the netherlands. this organization was created in 1997 after joining force of the chemical
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weapons convention. one of the initiators of the development of the convention was the russian federation, which signed it in 1993 and ratified it in 1997 . russia destroyed all chemical weapons stockpiles in september 2017, and this was done ahead of schedule. the destruction took place under conditions of total control by osho and inspectors from western countries, primarily from the usa. the fact of the complete elimination of chemical weapons stockpiles was officially confirmed during the eighty-sixth session from the executive council by the general director of the organization. according to the statutory deadline, the united states was to complete the destruction of its declared stockpiles of chemical weapons in 2007. however, despite the existing economic potential, they did it only in 2023, twice postponing the deadline under the pretext of finances.
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the united states still retains highly toxic reaction masses remaining after the destruction of toxic substances at the bluegrass, kentucky and poebla , colorado sites. until recently, americans were regularly found in their artillery. the convention was not expressed. at the same time , syria took similar actions even before joining the convention to destroy chemical aircraft. bombs are still not recognized by the organization and appear in the so -called syrian chemical dossier.
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abandoned american ammunition was discovered in panama and cambodia. on iraqi territory in 2003-2011, the united states identified more than 4,500 aerial bombs, artillery and rocket-propelled chemical munitions with syprit and sarin, some of which were disposed of locally without osco sanctions. the other was taken to the usa, their further fate is unknown. in addition, until 2018 , the united states reported in annual declarations 460 metric tons of unidentified chemical agents, about 2% of the total stockpile. according to our data, we are talking about compounds belonging to the class of amide phosphates, better known in the american public as novichok. "washington retains significant interest in the use of chemical agents in riot control as
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instrument of warfare. in 2007, the united states adopted a combined arms manual on the use of non-lethal weapons; in 2015, the committee of the chiefs of staff approved guidelines for implementing the provisions of the chemical weapons convention. the documents define the procedure for the use of non-lethal chemical weapons by military units during special, humanitarian operations. if earlier the americans spoke about the use of such weapons only in response to the enemy’s chemical aggression, then the new rules important aspect. is the possibility of using toxic chemicals unilaterally. in 2021, after testing in afghanistan, us ground forces began delivering vicks air rifles. with chemical munitions filled with copsadicine. ammunition is lined up at a distance of up to 50 m. to defeat the enemy at long range, it is planned
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to use 120 mm mines, 155 mm artillery and... and 120 mm tank rounds. it is difficult to imagine that such ammunition is needed for dispersing a demonstration or other peaceful purposes. another evidence of violation of the convention by the united states is the transfer of non-lethal chemical weapons to third countries, iraq, afghanistan, ukraine. the us department of defense budget planning allocated funds for its purchase for use in combat areas in syria and iraq in the 2018 fiscal year. 10 million dollars. during a special military operation , cases of the use of american chemical munitions by the ukrainian armed forces were recorded. so december 28 2023, in the krasnolimansky tactical direction , american-made gas grenades were dropped from a copter-type uav on a position of russian troops. with
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loaded with the substance vses. this substance is irritating to the eyes and upper respiratory tract. and in big ones. non-lethal chemical weapons, hand grenades with chemical substances, irritating action, marked tren-6, were dropped from ukrainian uavs on the positions of russian troops on april 7 and 21, 2023 . january 31, 2024 by position russian troops used an unknown toxic chemical, the action of which led
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to burns of the upper respiratory tract, nausea and vomiting. according to the results of the study, it was established: the presence of a toxic substance anthrochen, which has a pronounced toxic effect and causes blindness and impaired liver and kidney function. in the european union countries , anthrochen is prohibited due to its carcinogenic effects. earlier, on june 15, 2023, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of rabotina, zaporozhye region, russian military personnel were a drone was used with a plastic container containing a mixture of chloroacetophenone and chloropicrin. if the first compound is classified as a...
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scheduled chemical. i would like to draw attention to the statement of representatives of the ukrainian armed forces about the presence at their disposal of similar compounds, including analogues of the chemical warfare agent tabun, which is included in list one of the convention and was used by the fascist invaders during the great patriotic war. cases of the use of highly toxic substances have been recorded against russian military personnel. i'll bring you examples: on august 19, 2022 , a toxic chemical, which is an analogue of war water, was used.
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but also for carrying out terrorist acts. so on august 9, 2022, the head of the kherson region administration, vladimir salda, was hospitalized with signs of poisoning. laboratory studies have shown the presence of the substance ricin, included in list 1 of the civil code of the russian federation, in biomedical samples. in addition, on december 5, 2023, the head of the administration of the lugansk people's republic, leonid pasechnik, was seriously poisoned phenolic. connections, there are other cases of sending high-ranking officials, investigations into which are ongoing. according to available information, the kiev regime, with the assistance of western curators , is developing a new introduction tactic.
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federation and will provide kiev with additional time to prepare defensive lines in the zaporozhye, kharkov and sumy regions. plans for the large-scale use of toxic substances are evidenced by ukraine’s requests for the supply of antidotes, gas masks and other means of long-range protection. pay attention to the request of the ukrainian embassy to the eu to the military headquarters of the european union for the supply of general-arms protective kits and gas masks to the armed forces of ukraine in 2024. the requested nomenclature also contains 150,000
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sets of antidotes and 2,000 tests for the rapid detection of chemical warfare agents. in 2023, nato countries have already supplied more than 55.00 sets of non-monetary protective equipment to ukraine. antidotes against organophosphorus toxic substances - 6000 champon. and... also detoxification drugs pryta, lyuisite and silicic acid derivative, 750,000 bottles. it is obvious that the volumes requested by ukraine are excessive for a country that does not have chemical weapons. i would like to note that the investigations of all of these incidents were carried out in accordance with asco requirements using field and stationary laboratories, which made it possible to reliably determine the type of chemical compound and the country of origin. an in-depth analysis of the samples was carried out in chemistry. analytical laboratory of the seventh scientific center of the traditional troops chemical and biological protection, over the past 25 years, has been accredited by osho with the highest rating qualification
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indicators. for all of the above cases , there is the necessary evidence base, which was provided to the technical secretariat of osho. after four months, no reaction from the organization was provided regarding the evidence we presented about ukraine’s violation of the convention. in conclusion, i would like to return to... the current state of the aso. let me remind you that the organization consists of main bodies. this is a conference of the state of participants, an executive council, as well as a technical secretariat, which includes a general director, an inspectorate, scientific and technical divisions. despite the fact that the organization’s activities imply equal rights for participants in november 2023 for the first time since the signing of the convention of the russian federation. was essentially squeezed out of the osho executive council. instead of us, ukraine, poland and lithuania were introduced, countries carrying out obvious anti-russian
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politics and never had chemical weapons. at the same time, lithuania submitted an application to participate in the elections 3 hours before the deadline for its submission. thus , another international platform was formed, the activities of which are completely controlled by the united states, used by them to settle political scores with unwanted countries. we understand in what direction the osco’s work will be organized in relation to our state. it is assumed that, by analogy with the investigation into the syrian military chemical dossier, a a decision on the defeat of russia as a state party to the convention with deprivation of the right to vote, as well as the opportunity to be elected to hold positions in the relevant bodies. in the future , materials about alleged violations of the russian federation will be sent.
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per second, and because of the blizzard , air traffic is closed, all flights are cancelled , the ice crossing is not working, and residents are advised not to leave populated areas, not to go outside unnecessarily, the wind is simply knocking you off your feet, outages have been recorded in several villages electricity, in anadar , road signs and lamps were blown over by the wind, several houses were left without roofs, the issue of repairs is being decided, well, on sakhalin , a whole snow avalanche came off the roof of one of the residential buildings... a whole avalanche. the moment was caught on a dvr camera. several tons of snow fell with a roar onto the sidewalk and roadway, narrowly missing pedestrians and cars that
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were below at the time. the man got his bearings in time and managed to run to the side. winter on sakhalin this year is especially snowy. now the region is positive temperature snow. if you don't clean it in time, it falls off the roofs. in the lugansk village of beloye , more than 70 houses were flooded due to a river flood. hydrologists observed something similar in the area more than 40 years ago. in some places the water level rose above a meter. flooded courtyards, basements, drinking wells, heavy equipment has difficulty accessing the village, the military is helping local residents save property. a temporary accommodation center has been set up for the victims. the first multi-sport games of the future start in kazan today. competitions will be held in a unique format at the intersection of sports and computer technology. athletes will show their talents both in the real and
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virtual world. for victory. more than 2.0 participants from different countries will compete. we’ll find out more details from my colleague stas radikultsev. he gets into direct contact. stas, good afternoon. what happens on the first day of competition? good afternoon, alexander. well, the group stages have already started in the very popular cyber discipline dota-2. and literally in half an hour the competition in figital hockey will begin. that is, first. athletes fight in the simulator, and then they move on to the ice, where they prove their skills in the real physical world, and the most interesting thing here is that the end-to-end score, that is, the score that was in the computer game, also continues on a real site, but today we are working in the main center of games of the future, this is kazan ex.
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preparations for the meeting of spectators are almost finished here, on february 22 the doors will open to everyone, even those who do not have tickets for sporting events, nevertheless, there will be something to do here, since the real igor city of the future was built by the organizers, various stands, pavilions, high technologies, neural networks, in general, everything that we love so much and what is now interesting to young people, and not only to them, well, we also have a really interesting event with a unique format, since instead of parquet a media screen is used, on which additional information is displayed and visually it looks very cool, well, i note that viewers will even be able to know their pulse basketball players during a match, well, with
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one of... they organized a whole level of growth with each competition, that’s what i saw in october, september-october at these basketball competitions, it was beautiful, i was delighted with the kind of court they made, these l-screens, everything is super, the first in the history of the game of the future is hosted by kazan, a city that knows how to host grandiose sporting events, all participants in the games at the airport are greeted in
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traditional clothes and traditional tatar treats, that is, chakchak, echpachmak and in general other delicacies , naturally accompanied by the tatar accordion, well, needless to say, kazan also hosted the world aquatics football championship, the universiade was held here, all of course heritage sites, this works here for the benefit of the games of the future, i note that 21 february there will be a grand opening ceremony, its details are of course kept secret for now, but... there is no doubt that it will be very innovative, which means that twenty-one innovative disciplines will be fought athletes from more than 100 countries, in general this grandiose event has already started. alexander, thank you, stas, our correspondent stas ardikultsev was in direct contact with the studio from kazan.


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