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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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sports are greeted in traditional clothes and with traditional tatar treats, that is , chak-chak, echpachmaks and other delicacies in general, naturally accompanied by the tatar accordion, well, needless to say, kazan also hosted the world cup in football, driving sports, the universiade was held here, that’s all, of course, heritage objects, this works here for the benefit of the games of the future, i note that on february 21 there will be a grand opening ceremony and the details are of course kept secret for now, but there is no doubt that it will be very innovative i have to note that - athletes from more than 100 countries will compete in 21 innovative disciplines, in general, this grandiose event has already started, alexander, thank you, stas, our correspondent, stas, ardey kyultsev was in direct contact with the studio from kazan. hello, i am boris sakimov,
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and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future.
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come here, i'm sure, i'm sure, gorin stand there our muscovites are disfigured, coconut cappuccino, bring it to him without moving it. xia, little star,
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lie down, stop, i’m lying on a crack, there’s three ice, wars are ending, for peace to be lasting, we need people with strong character, who are ready not only to stand up for their homeland. but also to crawl , jump, and run, and most importantly - to win for it, there is such a job, to be a defender, when you become a professional, it becomes your life's work, a military matter, serve at the call of your heart, join your people. divide in half, prices
1:34 pm
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1:36 pm
for 3 or 6 months, download the application financial services, financial services from the moscow exchange , deposits of different banks in one application, with constipation slabilen can help with... already in the morning available in a large advantageous package slabilen, i know what will happen tomorrow, order nazdrav city, new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct, from dream to home, one home-click, i start with the filter, oil, by car brand, oh, and for mine there is, opened the application, chose the car brand, avita will select everything for, touch
1:37 pm
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and now it’s time for economic news: the share of the ruble in payments for exports has exceeded 36%. the dollar and euro accounted for almost 27%, and the currencies of friendly countries accounted for 37%. rbc writes about this with reference to central bank data for december. the largest share of the ruble in settlements with the caribbean countries is almost 92%. as for imports here, russian currency was paid in 30% of cases, and the dollar and euro - the largest producer of silver and gold miner polymetal is selling russian business. the buyer will be the mangaze company of sergei yanchukov. the assets are valued at more than $3.5 billion. the deal is subject to several conditions, including regulatory approvals
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and shareholder approvals. she is expected will be closed until the end of march. global gas production by the end of this year will increase by 3% and exceed 4 trillion cubic meters. vedomosti writes about this with reference to the forecast of the forum of gas exporting states. the increase in demand will have an impact primarily in asia. a significant part of production will come from the cis countries, including russia, more than 800 billion cubic meters. at the same time, the largest volume of production is expected in the united states, trillion 300 billion cubic meters. and ukraine plans to sell 691 russian assets subject to sanctions. this was announced by the head of the state fund property, vitaly koval. he didn’t specify which ones? we are talking about assets, but noted that the proceeds will be used to restore the country. earlier, the heads of the mid-g7 stated that they intend to continue to hold russia’s frozen assets, this will continue until the country, quote, pays for the damage caused. it was economic news. short.
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now personnel from the president's press service, let's talk about the results, yes, dear vich, i wanted to report on the results of the development of sevastopol for the twenty-third year, last time i reported our traditional spring meeting on the socio-economic development of crimea and sevastopol, and here in the end of the twenty -third year, but despite all the difficult circumstances that now exist on the peninsula regarding the economy.
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this is work with property, as if during covid, due to support measures, inventory of property with small-medium businesses, this is a simplified taxation system, although now we have also given them additional benefits, well, taking into account the crisis phenomena, nevertheless the economy is abundant and sevastopol’s own direct income is growing, and i also know that when you visited the exhibition at the russia sevastopol stand, you would also have paid attention to the dynamics of population growth, today there are 56,100 people.
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year and 1.4% lower than in the twenty-second , 0.4 lower than the all-russian one, 2.6 we now have an unemployment rate, if we talk about investments, this is probably also a key indicator, for the first quarter the estimate was 26.3 billion , that is, this is budget 10.1 billion, extra-budgetary 16.2 billion, 96 billion will be investments, that is, we are greatly overfulfilling, i, of course, and you also know this for sure, that of course there is a serious share here - these are projects like a cultural cluster, which in your opinion.
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we are catching up, which means the next one is a state program, our main instrument, which thanks to you has been extended until the twenty-seventh year with the prospect of the thirtieth, of course, thanks to this instrument, sevastopol is developing at an accelerated pace, well, it is catching up with those things that were in the previous 30 years, so to speak, the ukrainian period is not at all done, in principle, the cash register is almost 100%, here with mara shkerzyanovich it works very poorly in all these indicators.
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a dormitory educational building, they built a second public and business building, which works for the whole city, it’s also a wonderful building, there’s still a bit of landscaping left to finish, these are the school’s kindergartens that i was talking about. i would like to draw your attention to the issues of preschool education, you asked me at the last meeting, what about preschool education and the queue for kindergarten, at the moment there is a queue for sevastopol is relevant and not, we built all these four kindergartens in the federal targeted program, the queue is fully secured, now only children who stand in advance stand in line, well, there are a year or two, whose parents have not yet taught
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them, well, they stand, as it were, just in case when they make a decision, all the current demand for kindergartens in svostopol will be fully met. this is a major overhaul program , an absolutely amazing tool, in sevastopol we received 1.4 billion in 2 years, 20 objects were repaired, i do it like this there is money that is allocated for buildings under the federal program, plus we add part of our budget, a little money that is given to us under an agreement with the moscow government for landscaping, and we do it right away , turnkey, children of course come, the school is absolutely renovated, and we are doing all the buildings at once so that the school is completely ready, so... these are these objects that made 11 objects, it’s beautiful, this is what it looks like, no, it’s just the parents, the children pass it on, because it’s from the sixties, fifties sometimes years buildings that you can’t even believe that something can be done there, they get a second life, often the foundations are all redone, and why can’t we allow a new school to be built there, because in these land plots, and in these proportions, the general
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standards are already you can’t screw up a school, but you can do reconstruction; it looks like it’s modern. may finish, but we think we ’ll finish even earlier, 89% has already been licensed, 93% of medical services have been licensed at the moment, 3,000 units of equipment according to the national project, we purchased various heavy equipment for 562 million, well , here is a short overview of social initiatives, here is your order for dairy kitchens, then when you gave the meeting in sevastopol, i
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did it then, everything works, they seem to be getting it, they continue moms, that means everything that is needed is now in... thinking about how to do it, as a result, the money that we had began to be bought according to spark accounts, well, for the state, for state needs, that is, apartments are immediately needed for configuration and according to prices that are still at the zero level, relatively speaking, in the twentieth, twenty-first we invested in this situation, in the twenty-second and twenty-third we received apartments 72, 89, the necessary ones, apartments and so on, they handed them over to
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orphans, well, we will continue in this spirit, of course , there is not enough money, at our own expense we built a whole house, also for orphans. in the same enkern, well, also the cultural objects of the kryshitsky museum have completed a very beautiful monument object opposite the theater, as well as a recreation center we are doing, this is all within the framework of the federal target program of the national project culture sports, but now you noticed, this is a long-suffering one , which means we remember the bicentenary, we finally finished the pool, first of all we handed over another 21, the pool there was also remodeled for a long time , redesigned, according to the appeal of the sports...
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infrastructure for involvement, for security, we are meeting all the indicators of the national project ahead of schedule, 51.3%, the level of involvement in those who systematically engage in sports is still not enough, well, not enough, but this is higher than the plan that we have for the national project, and then how much, there we have about 47 percent, in my opinion, there’s absolutely no place, it started there generally from twenty, we need to increase it, we will do it, which means, well, now that such a number of objects have been introduced, accessibility will certainly increase. on the roads, everything has been completed , too, if you look at the national project indicators, regional intermunicipal significance plan 69 fact 75 , we also have a plan for the urban agglomeration 80 82 79, that is, here we are going with cooperation, well, from the texture you can clearly see tavrida there, the company is finishing, but i’m already yes to you, here you go
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viticulture, fishing, we continue to plant vineyards, of course , it’s difficult with the fishing industry cluster this year , there are often restrictions on going to sea, the black sea fleet, all our difficulties are understandable, but here the ministry of agriculture responded very flexibly, promises us support for...
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it’ll just work those volumes of square meters of housing that will make it possible, among other things, to obtain official housing for doctors and teachers, remember, i reported to you back when, after my appointment in 1919, that this is one of projects, we then allocated money in the federal target program for the engineering development of these territories, when under the crt we will take away apartments and provide them to state employees as official housing, for us this is of course very important now, you ’ll note that this is also a project, this is a resort and recreational complex. investors are coming, today they are ready to implement projects in sevastopol, well, presidential projects, so under special control, this is our hersenez, you have seen the school, you have also
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seen the corson, 971 children are already working, studying , the first enrollment has passed, life there is not a minute doesn’t stop, neither on weekends nor on holidays, the whole school is in full swing, well , we’ve never had such an infrastructure, the kids there, of course, are just like such a temple for children, and the same thing... the ertek branch, it fulfills its function , when before we came to sevastopol there for half a day, now the kids from aertek can stay, go and visit more museums, which means hersenez too, well, at a very active pace, and we will prepare for the opening, this is a cultural cluster, here are the percentages of readiness for very beautiful objects it’s just that after landscaping, it will be a cluster, it will be a separate zone. then, on your instructions , we also planned a central city park there, covering almost 15 hectares, we are also now preparing it, designing it, that is, the first three objects and the landscaping around them: a theater,
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a choreographic academy is almost ready, and a museum, well, then we have there accordingly , there is a park nearby, a museum for veterans, which we are designing on your instructions, here is a yacht marina - that means 17% of readiness, commercial the embankment is coming, agreed. in the russian region, it turns out that we spent a billion rubles, that’s 858 federal money. in 2022, we built some of the facilities, as if we received compensation from the federal budget, but we
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still sent this money to help, we didn’t compensate ourselves for anything. , especially since most of them were sponsorship funds, now these funds have also been sent, this number of objects have been built, and the program is 200 million from the budget of the city of sevastopol, but basically the main thing now is housing and communal services we are engaged in farming because it is in greatest demand there now. so, this is the law that i reported to you, which we adopted to support fso participants and members of their families, it works, these are the main parameters that already exist today, 784 people, these are those who volunteer for a contract, we we make an additional payment, like all heads of regions, the rest is compensation for paying for housing and communal services, food, and so on, plots for sevastopol residents, who are also in their zone, for now 443. this is good
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help, yes, but it’s rare, of course , people have land, well, it’s difficult to acquire it there, find it, and those who fulfilled their duty, of course, we owe it to them, well, we then made a decision together with the deputies to provide such a measure of support, at least of course there is not a city redundant in terms of land, this is our social activity, sevastopol residents, it is clear that almost every family is connected with soldiers in one way or another, we have 810, well, many divisions you know,
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the government at the federal level to create an organizing committee, following the example of leningrad and well firstly, so that this date does not go unnoticed at the federal level, and secondly, so that payments are also issued for sevastopol residents, residents of convicted sevastopol and those who were awarded medals for the defense and liberation of sevastopol, there are very few of them left, okay, so we’ll do it from the presidential one, we agreed, thank you very much, these were shots from the meeting. strong ideas for new times, this is the name of the forum of the agency for strategic initiatives and roscongress, it opened today. vladimir putin in greeting in his words, he emphasized: over the past years , the event has significantly strengthened its authority. with his help, many talented people have realized their plans today at
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the forum. those who are looking for their path have gathered again, thereby opening up new directions. let me add that the president plans to take part in the event. now let’s check for a couple of minutes, then we’ll continue.
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large-scale projects. modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future. touch all the achievements at the main exhibition site of the country. 131 exposition, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events.
2:00 pm
everything that you admire about russia, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to the russia forum exhibition. vladimir putin highly appreciated the courage of the sevastopol residents, the president noted that this...


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