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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere? anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well, there's a girl worth sapping. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter? and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stay still, don't move. for some reason i believe you. medium, website. look first, in the application or on
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the current team of polymetal jsc will continue their work after the completion of the transaction for the sale of russian assets. new owner. the gold mining company will become the structure of the company, the mangaiseya group of companies. we will learn the details of the transaction from maria slobodyanskaya. maria, hello, when will the sale take place, how long will shareholders have to wait? alexander, greetings, well, as the participants expect, the deal will be closed by the end of march this year. the russian gold mining business of jsc polymetal will pass to a new owner and may become the company mangazia plus. there was a structure.
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created specifically for the transaction, it will be implemented through the sale of 100% polymetal shares. according to official information, the company is valued at $3.690 million. this amount includes the group's external internal debt. the russian business will also pay dividends to the parent company; cash receipts after paying all taxes are estimated at $300 million. all calculations will be made in rubles. the price, as experts note, is market price, but taking into account the discount associated with the urgency and complexity of the sale. a fast, transparent and sanction-compliant transaction on the proposed terms meets the interests of all interested parties. completion of the transaction will allow the company to significantly reduce risks and concentrate on generating stable cash flow from new investment projects. polymetal is a leading producer of gold and silver in russia and the company has several production assets for large development projects. three hubs of the company are located in the magadan region.
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khabarovsk region. in addition, several regions have metal mining and processing enterprises. polometal is the largest gold miner in russia. to him owns deposits in the khabarovsk territory, sverdlovsk region, chupotka, as well as enterprises in the magadan region. and essentially the entire russian business is being sold. polymetal's largest shareholder is a consortium of omani investors. and the main reason for the sale according to the company. fell under american sanctions, the second part of the company’s assets is located in kazakhstan, it is on their development that it plans to focus after the completion of the transaction, the proceeds will go to finance the construction of the irtysh hydrometallurgical plant and improving the group's liquidity. at the same time, the russian part of the business is much more profitable. last year, polymetal's revenue was $3 billion, of which.
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kazakh plant, which is located on russian territory, and until the construction of a new processing plant is already on the kazakh side, as for the buyer, it will be russian manga mining, through a specially created structure, the company has been extracting precious metal since 2011 and owns a portfolio of development projects with resource base of more than 400 tons of gold. the company currently operates at four fields in the trans-baikal territory. the company
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is part of the mangazeya group owned by sergei yanchukov. in addition to gold, it owns gas assets, agribusiness and businesses related to real estate and it. recently , gold mining has become the most profitable. we just need a purchase and geographic expansion, because mangazeya’s assets are mainly in the trans-baikal region and , accordingly, the base is precisely if we talk about the gold equivalent, then somewhere russian polymetal business is approximately over a million. it is precisely ounces of the gold equivalent that yes has in his portfolio, so such a purchase is, in principle, quite profitable. for the transaction to take place, several conditions must be met: firstly, the buyer must not be the subject of any sanctions. in addition, assurance must be obtained that
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there is no risk of secondary us sanctions against polymetal in connection with the toling agreement. this is due to the fact that the processing of concentrate from the kazakh deposit will for now be carried out at amurskoye. the plant, as expected, after the sale , the current team will continue to manage the assets; the decision on paying dividends for last year to politics in the future has been postponed for now; the deal is expected to be completed by the end of march, while polymetal is not considering the possibility of repurchasing russian assets. thank you maria, maria slobodyanskaya spoke about the sale of the russian polymetal business. the kharashovsky court in moscow sentenced two participants in the russian war. kyrgyz group selling counterfeit dollars. they got seven or more 8s half years of imprisonment. previously , a special operation to detain them was carried out by employees of the ministry of internal affairs and the fsb of russia, as well as the state committee on the national security of kyrgyzstan. according to investigators,
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two russians, through the mediation of a kyrgyz citizen, purchased counterfeit dollars, allegedly produced abroad. one of the attackers transported the money to... and the other sold it in several lots for a total amount of about 40 thousand dollars. during the searches , samples of counterfeit currency of various types and denominations, funds communications, bank cards and other items of evidentiary value. the preliminary investigation was completed in february last year, and the verdict was recently announced. one of the group members was sentenced to imprisonment . 7 years old, the other 8 years and 6 months. the newest machine tool for the russian aviation industry is being prepared for shipment to kolomna near moscow. the equipment is unique; the designers created a completely domestic press in a short time. it
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was the first of its kind in the country. giant weighing 650 tons will be engaged in the production of long parts for aircraft. igor pikhanov saw the new product with his own eyes. work is in full swing in the assembly halls of the mill holding enterprise in kolomna, moscow region. specialists manufacture equipment for the aviation industry. this press , the size of a small house, is the first domestic development of its class, created in russia, and can create long aluminum parts for civil aircraft and fuel tanks for life support systems. the company's employees call this press real giant. its weight is 650 tons. height above floor level including foundation more than 8 m, power 800 kw. behind the massive appearance and laconic name p-5220 lies high performance, reliability and high accuracy. special software helps the operator in his work. this
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machine will soon be delivered to one of the factories of the united aircraft corporation. other businesses across the country are next in line. minimize possible difficulties during operation. equipment, people operating this equipment, we train service personnel and provide any technological support. for the rapidly developing domestic industry, such equipment is extremely necessary; it will ensure the production of reliable and high-quality components for aviation. due to sanctions , it is now impossible to buy machines in western countries, but experts emphasize that the rich experience of russian science and a good technological base helps designers respond adequately . ..
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machine-building company of the country, rostec state corporation is the largest unites over eight. scientific and production organizations in sixty regions and is actively developing high-tech production in
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industries that are extremely important for russia. igor pikhanov, viktor denisov, alexander azarubov, lead. next on the air is the stop fake program. alexey kazakov will talk about information warfare technologies against russia and expose ukrainian propaganda. vladimir putin's interview with tucker carlson seems ready to break rating records on social networks, but at the same time continues to become overgrown with disinformation, the efforts of those for whom it is critically important to sweep the russian truth about the events in ukraine in the west under the rug. we’ll tell you which training manuals are already in use right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, let's start with the most obvious, allegedly the interview, in principle, did not engage the audience or, according to the new yorker magazine, it seemed boring to them or. here is another similar intonation in the article by the economist, it turns out that putin did not say anything
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interesting, but in general there are plenty of examples from the washington post article, where the conversation was branded incoherent until a cnn story about some disappointed viewers. in general, it all looks as if there was little resonance, carlson himself worked for a narrow circle of almost marginalized people, but the facts clearly indicate otherwise. scholz is marginal, elon musk is marginal, biden is marginal, although i don’t know if he was able to turn it on. tv get on the right channel, or the leader of china is marginal, who, who are we talking about, this interview was really watched by the whole world, clinton screamed, sitting in front of the cameras in horror that this conversation will reach the united states and they will be able to dive into it. this was important for the american elite to hear, and i'm sure they listened to it with a notepad and pencil. the most obvious figures are in the social network x, formerly twitter, alone; the number of views at the time of recording our program was over. for 200 million. for comparison, carlson’s interview with donald trump, published a full six months ago, has so far gained only
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a little more, and in terms of other indicators , vladimir putin is already ahead by a significant margin. he has a million likes versus 850,000 from the former us president. the difference in the number of reposts is 80,000, comments under the video with putin are 76,000 in a few days, under the video with trump - 66 in a few months. if we evaluate traffic by population of countries, then they live in the united states. 330 million people and therefore 200 million corresponds to more than 60 percent of the american population. also, this is approximately 2 and a half of germany or four of spain, almost six of poland, 111 of latvia and half of the entire population of the european union. and there are also views that are not so easy to track. there is no viewer counter on the official website of the american journalist taker carlson network, but it’s probably not difficult to estimate the dynamics. the first source was the tacker website, where he posted the interview... already there, where there is no counter, people started watching this interview
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because they were afraid that it might be blocked, they were afraid that it might somehow be changed, on twitter, received 200 million views, this is just one social network, there are now about a dozen social networks widespread in the world, yes, if we now add up the global counter, add up all these social networks, add up all the views, then it will definitely be over 1 billion and of course this means a certain kind of information victory, by the way, there were some attempts to blame putin for that he avoids communicating with western media. and tucker carlson seems frivolous, especially compared to biden’s court propagandists. however, the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, did not deny that requests from the american stream were received, but refused he's fine with it.
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to understand what is in the head of the russian leader, how the russian person thinks, who represents the russian person, why people are ready to go to the northern military district zone, who? he is leading them, and this is where all this crazy hysterical screaming begins, because they are not able to carry on a conversation at this level, and talking with others now was pointless. indeed, why waste time on those who are looking for an exaggerated sensation, a striking example of the tabloid the sun, its authors did not come up with anything better than to study putin’s facial expressions and gestures and came to the conclusion that on the one hand, the russian president wanted to suppress
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the interviewer, on the other hand, he felt uncomfortable because he nervously laughed and offered the quote. hands to face, but what kind of assessments will a real body language expert give, they pulled out the most convenient moments for them , and then very little, to say that putin was worried there, no, putin was confident, putin was calm, that he he spoke in words, he drew it for us, showed it to us, moved something there, presented some images to us, this is the behavior of a confident person, that is, gestures, uh, we call it... naturally, putin was the main thing in this interview, he came from the confidence that this was a serious conversation, then listen to me carefully, this is not a show, which is what americans are used to, this is our russian approach with history lessons. well, we ’ve sorted out the surroundings, now let’s move on directly
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to the president’s statements and the reaction to them. one of the first to comment was the insider, who considered putin’s words about involvement to be a lie. usa coup d'état in ukraine in 1914, but the assistant the secretary of state of the united states, victoria , spoke very clearly on this matter; if anyone has forgotten, let us refresh our memory. the cia accomplished its task in implementing the coup d'etat, and in my opinion, one of the deputy secretaries of state said that even the investors for this large amount of almost 5 billion
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would never negotiate, that's all for us, we hear, russia is ready, ready, yes we did not refuse, they publicly, publicly refused, but the fact that they submitted to the demand, or to the persuasion of the former prime minister of great britain, mr. johnson, well, i think this is ridiculous. at the moment, the ukrainian media are carelessly painting an alternative picture of events, saying that the ex-prime minister of great britain had nothing to do with it, it’s just that the negotiations failed to achieve any result, since the zelensky regime was not going to make concessions. and this is also an absolute lie, it is quite obvious that without foreign support, the ukrainian army would have lost the opportunity to resist, not only boris johnson, but it was probably some kind of collective decision, and boris johnson simply brought this news, they they began to convince that this problem would be solved with the support of western countries, well, with weapons,
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after this the politicians decided to continue... the svidomo resistance stood up not only for johnson, but for foreign mercenaries, the existence of which some have the audacity to refute. the ukrainian project, which is positioned as an anti-fake project, clearly claims that there are no nato soldiers in square. however, vladimir putin is well acquainted with the real statistics. i don't understand why american soldiers have to fight in ukraine. there are mercenaries from the united states there. most of the mercenaries are from poland, with mercenaries in second place. from the usa on the third from georgia, you can’t argue with that, especially since the soldiers themselves don’t hide the failure of their presence in the northern military district zone at all. of course, only the relevant departments have accurate calculations, but there is a lot of information in open sources. it has been established that between 2,600 polish militants in ukraine and about 900 came from the united states, plus or minus the same number from canada. citizens of georgia in the country of the junta 800,
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700 british and romanians each, another 400 french, 300 croatian nationalists. and let's not forget about belarus. radicals from the terrorist regiment named after kostus kolinovsky, there are also about 300 of them. at the same time, the number of the foreign legion, whose members enter into official contracts with the armed forces of ukraine, fluctuates around one thousand. consequently, all the rest are mercenaries and de facto and de jure. naturally, the majority are people who, in general, come to fight for money, this applies primarily to various and numerous people from, let's say. third world countries, but european countries represent part of the military, which is in an unclear status, perhaps they are on some other basis. that is, on the basis that they are sent by the government, among other things, but to also collect about such things, to spit out the chewing-blakite garbage dumps, as well as to throw mud at everyone who disagrees with them, or is at least
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ready to listen to all points of view, in in particular, the reputation of the popularity of the same tucker carlson is clearly trying to belittle, he they say, an inveterate conspiracy theorist, and a professional ukrainophobe , a brawler, in the end, a propagandist, in short, an entire media company designed to convince the gullible public that the interviewer of the russian... leader is a dubious figure, whose activities normal people do not follow, and the solution is on the surface, as it turned out , in the ukrainian segment of the internet , special vacancies were opened for trolls so that they could sow negativity about tucker wherever they could reach. the traditional method that is used is trolling, but trolling is a fairly common way, so to speak, of counteracting information operations, so they are now trying to find those who will ridicule, those who will clog comments in these interviews so that the people who read, listened, watched this interview, then they already saw in the comments some kind of discussion that would lead them to think that this is not true or
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that this is funny, that this is some kind of conversation between unknown people, it doesn’t matter to anyone , well, where would we be without the american institute study of the war, according to his pseudo-analysts, putin demonstrated his all-encompassing hostility, allegedly falsely blaming the west for forcing russia to attack ukraine, although the president listed... exclusively the kremlin. however, here you go, in a relatively recent conversation between the kiev leader and journalists from the german publication, spiegel admits that immediately after coming to power he told emmanuel macron and angela
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merkel that he would not be able to implement the minsk format. zelensky constantly said, himself, and through his talking heads there, he explained that no, we never thought of observing minsk, it was preparation for war. merkel, she broke down, although she held a lot on her. but the americans, they adhere to the main line that the minsk agreements were used as an attempt to pump ukraine with weapons. and it’s completely pointless to argue with the fact that ukraine is being pumped full of weapons not for any noble reasons. and some in the west are also not shy about paying attention to this. large military contractors constantly wanted to admit new countries to nato. why? this country must bring its military procurement into compliance with specifications.
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a direct speech by us presidential candidate robert kennedy jr., who criticized the american military-industrial complex out of the blue, among those who are called especially active, the company general dynamics, its division producing military equipment , increased revenue by... for the armed forces of ukraine they purchased similar ammunition in an amount of almost 200 million dollars. in total, since the beginning of the conflict, the corporation received about 3 billion. since the eighties, approximately,
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it was finally privatized, well, essentially the military-industrial complex was privatized. and accordingly, the weapons they produce do not belong to the state, they need to be bought, and the us government buys them. these weapons, in general, are now supplied to our army by personnel from the government’s press service. good afternoon, dear colleagues, today ’s meeting of the recreation council is taking place on the eve of defender of the fatherland day, which we have been celebrating for more than 100 years, i would like to wholeheartedly congratulate our defenders of the homeland on the upcoming holiday, you too, dear colleagues. i wish you all the best, now russia again has to resist unfriendly actions and we must, of course , provide support to our military who are on
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the front line. third-party support from weapons to social assistance and, accordingly, modern means of rehabilitation. this year , in addition to the already increased production volume, it is necessary to increase the supply of almost all material and technical resources, and in parallel, it is necessary to continue to improve the models used in the zone of special military operation. speech there are dozens of such projects, the troops have now begun to receive new items, this is the region.
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economy and infrastructure, healthcare , education, culture, sports, residential buildings and social institutions, also more than 2.0 km of roads, fortifications were erected, strengthened, both along the line of military contact of troops and along the border territories, such work continues, more about material and social
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support... employees. by decree of the president , the defenders of the fatherland fund was created. at first february, its activities were significantly expanded, including in terms of organizing control over the completeness and quality of providing support measures to veterans and family members of participants in a special military operation. now we will send a grant in the amount of more than 18 billion rubles. these funds are intended to help our children and their families in solving life situations. this is the first time this has been said. from service, as well as about the restoration of documents, training or professional retraining and further employment. these topics were recently discussed at a meeting with the head of state and military personnel. i ask the ministry of labor to constantly monitor the targeted and effective use
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of the appropriate allocated funding. supporting defenders is our common task, the fulfillment of which must be treated with great responsibility. a number of decisions concern those who serve in volunteer formations. the government has changed the rules for the appointment and payment of monthly benefits in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child for the families of those who are now defending interests of the country. now, in the calculation of per capita income to determine the right to a single benefit, they will not be taken into account. temporary payments made to compensate for damage caused to life and health in connection with participation in a special military operation. a decree has also been signed according to which volunteers as part of the russian guard will be able to receive a certificate of a combat veteran , and of a single type, and , accordingly, the right to social benefits due by law, including fifty percent compensation for property tax utility bills, free travel. on
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suburban railway transport, in addition, they are entitled to a monthly cash payment. the president also instructed once again to analyze the regulatory framework and law enforcement practice on all measures to assist the preparation of documents for participants in a special military operation, and to provide a proposal to speed up the optimization of relevant procedures. it is important to ensure equal social guarantees and insurance payments to volunteers operating in... donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions. it is necessary to consider issues, if necessary, to prepare a proposal on general approaches to providing similar forms of support to participants in volunteer formations, and of course, which is very important, to complete this work as soon as possible. dear colleagues, today on...


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