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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 19, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

11:30 pm
“i want lush meadows , hard fertile land around me, so that nothing chomps, and that goats , horses, cows walk around, garlic, onions grow, friend, garlic, onions, live the way my ancestors lived, live in harmony, the next stop in your life is how much you can feed the mosquitoes, yes, the mosquitoes of the yaroslavl region." who gets pleasure, i’m not a masochist, so i started, well, there’s permafrost there, and there’s permafrost there, it existed before and still exists, with the help of animals, by the way, i can easily solve i can solve the problem, preserve the permafrost or remove it, the permafrost on it is nothing , the ecosystem knows how to manage it, there is gold below, fertile above, why are they?
11:31 pm
tower for wheat, take any piece of pasture, the arctic, or anywhere, well-manured fertile land, and you can exploit it for some years, but in the arctic there is a lot of soil, well, how can i say, this is fertile soil in the arctic, fertile soil, because that the soil of the ozlate pastures is conserved, it is full of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
11:32 pm
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11:33 pm
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11:34 pm
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11:35 pm
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11:36 pm
among ice floes. a sore throat is a minus. on the plus side there is miramestin. it's logical to have one in your first aid kit. votter, it tastes better on fire , burgers, from a dream to a home, one click home, i have a question, but you, at some point when we were talking, yes, you planted more than 10,000 trees. now , probably even more, yes, well, i was just doing business there, and i very quickly multiplied that if there is one tree, a seedling costs 1.00 rubles, then that means 10 million, yes, uh,
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but at the same time, like, well, probably no more than 50% will grow from these seedlings, yes, how did you manage? to grow such a number of trees , of course, you can’t save up any money here, it was necessary to turn on some other, uh, some other mechanism, because when we brought the first one, our first large-scale purchase of uh pines like these small ones, local, crimean pine, the pike-perch pine that grows there, the italian pine grow magnificently on the southern coast of crimea, and we planted guys, you won’t believe it, out of 200 today there is only one pine tree left, in connection with this the question is, did you have... sadness, sadness, i had this, there should be trees here, it didn’t work out with the pine trees , then we started growing these local ones
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, which the wild ones plant there, well, it seems like the savages should have taken over, again they’re all there, we plant, water this, this, a volunteer comes, starts watering again, like this all the time, watering, watering, approaching to the money question, but it can be posed as either where to get the money, or where to get the seedlings themselves, that is, it was necessary either to attract money, or to get seedlings from somewhere, or to rob people, well, banks, yes, this was not considered, so we
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then attracted a man, gusman minlebaev, who at that time planted 600 hectares of forest together with my wife, 600 hectares of forest, when we were faced with this problem, that the amount... well, thousands, yes, but money somehow runs out quickly, they have this property, so we realized that we need to change something and started looking , who even plants hectares, and then we found guzmán minlebay, together with his wife, they planted 600 hectares of forest, then he explained to us that these are just thousands, it needs to be grown from seeds, only then you will get it on a large scale and at low cost, yeah, and how to grow from a tree seed, well, there’s a seed, no i know , it seems to me that here... you will bury some seeds, well , maybe one seed will sprout someday, well, when you start working alive, you begin, well, understand the laws of the universe, just as the universe did. it turns out that in order for the seed to sprout, you need to break its armor, and sergei carefully i made an incision on the machine in each bone,
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broke the armor and let air in there. and this is a signal, it seems to the husband of the seed, that you will either sprout next year, or you will rot, well, because. and seeds, seeds , you are guests, we laid them out directly, well, we feed you, please, then people started coming to us, because in the steppe there... there is no one to feed, we laid them out directly, set up tables , asked, guys, buy fruit, ate, bring the bones, we ate, bring the bones, well, it sounds like some kind of science fiction, just not scientific, and people carried, on the contrary, people are even interested in the fact that they are participating, as it were, in restoration, we then explain that these bones, we understand, yes, now, it’s similar to how the fox alice and the cat basil taught pinocchio to plant money, then wait for the tree when well, we need to file it down, maybe then we can work on it ourselves, right? how do you evaluate the activities
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of these two people? are they doing terrible things? the beauty of forest lakes, the beauty of these clearings, right? reflections in water, mountain landscapes, this is this, this is a spontaneous expression of the world, no one can reproduce more, consider taking advantage. it is known that a bird flying over a forest lake does not see its reflection in the water. and a person... in an amazing way suddenly penetrates to this resource and sometimes intuitively, unconsciously, sometimes consciously, this will to arrange the picturesqueness of the world, becomes its cosmological component, and a lot comes from this, but how to arrange these fields, yes, but how not to disturb the very beauty of nature, how to cultivate it, that is, this is a kind of existence of the planet under supervision, in this case even human correct supervision.
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the imagery of these landscapes, this beauty, distance, width and mountain landscapes, is the primary source to which everything else is based, and perhaps this is how such mutual friendliness of the elements arises. sergei afanasyevich, they write that some friend of yours, i read somewhere on the internet, an american scientist promised you a mammoth, he says, when you clone a mammoth, the first thing he will come is.
11:43 pm
you need to add a little fat on the withers to the indian elephant, indian elephants in the polar regions have
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kolyma, yes, they will be hairy, he, in principle , can survive anyway, because in a few years, god willing, it will get warmer, firstly, and secondly, if he learns to grow hair, he knows how to accumulate fat, and words are also needed in polar regions , words are needed in the polar regions, i don’t know, i haven’t before... they scared me with warming, that’s good, they scared the woman with a high heel, they say
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it will rise and flood everything, now i’ll tell you, western antarctica will melt, it will give 3 m, greenland will melt, it will give 7 m, 10 m, ice shelves, if they all melt, the sea level does not change, floating in ice cube in a glass will melt. doesn't change anything, how fast will greenland melt? well, according to all calculations, a millimeter per year, that is, england is still far from being flooded. its secrets will take 5,000 years, and what, what is a millimeter per year? most of the world's coasts rise or fall by more than a millimeter per year, this is the normal minimum speed, take seaports, st. petersburg, rostov-on-don,
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sochi, vladivostok, rise at a speed of 2 mm, cape verde on the lower kolyma rises by 10 mm per year, everything will be fine with kolyma, all these are scams, all these are horror stories, because everyone is afraid of the climate, floods, droughts , that is, in principle, in this case, well, as if with warming, the sword of frozen ground thaws, you say that there is a lot of fertile land there , if we can preserve,
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and this will be a new virgin land, well, somewhere everyone will die... ecosystems, so i want to destroy them anyway, i’m tired of them, how many mosquitoes to feed, let the grass grow, and the secret increases, fertility awakens, everything is overgrown with grass , lush willow, finally, at least hares, partridges are appearing, roe deer are coming , i feel that after the transfer they will all take us all right away, either to hell or to the kolyma, but i have a question for alexander about...
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look at this, let’s say, western, this environmental agenda which is trying to single out a person, take him away from the ecosystem , isolate him somewhere, then in essence, this is in the sphere of ecology, in fact, to deprive a person of this creative potential, which is clearly represented in our two heroes today, well, that is, it is not is this this green agenda, which removes a person somewhere and from the world, from nature through purposeful work, part of the work that...
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civilization at some point took over public opinion, right? nikshy highlighted the features of desentiment, secondary sensuality, envy, jealousy, resentment and guilt, but today guilt came to the forefront. what does this mean for a person? this means that you are wrong everywhere, yes, this is philosophy - this is the so-called presumption of the other, the other is always right, you owe it to him. drinking here is extremely organic this idea fits in, that just how much we owe to nature, how guilty we are to it, yes, so we need to sneak into some hole as quietly as possible, we need to take up as little space as possible, which is what this idea of ​​electronic pastures actually offers us ,
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yes, there is the center of gravity of presence, but here on earth, in the open space opposite, you can reduce it.
11:51 pm
the tasks assigned to you to the north or south pole, the practices of naturalists who, in general, knew everything, how easy it was to organize any expedition, and of course, they need revival, in my opinion, and of course, this willingness to take responsibility for the architectonics of nature, because no one else will do this except you, we grabbed the leopard by the tail a long time ago , it’s too late to talk about the styleopard, it won’t be possible to let him go, we are like - so... we prepare such a tradition , and at the end of the program, well, to finalize everything together, and there is the first, second, third , theses, theses, the future manifesto
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of russia, but very often they are somehow modified later together with our guests we’re already voting, and no, we’re making an edit, here is the first thing, a person is an active part of the ecosystem, he not only can, but he must harmonize.
11:53 pm
fly to mars, well, on mars there is no oxygen, there is no water, the temperatures are ugly, well , there is a huge greenland glacier,
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there is oxygen, there is water, no, the temperatures are acceptable , we even shot a film series, the colonization of the arctic instead of mars, it was called, yes, we not for spreading life on mars, but why fly to mars?
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super positive, this is that after watching this, hearing this, yes, you can definitely say that the result of our program is just some kind of special russian environmental
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agenda, it’s not that... it should have been invented there sometime, it just already exists now, this is of course great, here is sergei fonatic from the height of wisdom, in fact his , yes, he correctly expressed the result of our program, yes, that is, if we strive and we will master, not just strive as a super task, we will master , well, at least the russian north, yes, and not shrink, as is now proposed by the rotation method, and so on , so we will have our own environmental one. an agenda with an active role for humans, i think that this species will not die, that’s exactly why, as you said, thank you very much, thank you, thank you, thank you, all the most important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain new knowledge
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, feel inspired, build a career, realize your plans, start a family, give life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, in our hands, choose your future and the future of the whole country, together, we are strong, vote for russia.
11:58 pm
does she really read minds or not? premiere , anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special gifts, who are you all looking at, well , here’s a girl, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own .
11:59 pm
listen on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or on the website.
12:00 am
vladimir putin instructed the government in 2024 to pay attention to strengthening the economic, technological and financial sovereignty of the country. cabinet up to 1 april, it is necessary to start digitizing soviet cartoons and submit a proposal to create a fund for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of airfields. following the meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects, the regions and the bank of russia also received instructions. russian flags are raised above the coke plant in avdeevka. on monday, the ministry of defense announced his full release.


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