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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the russian military today completely liberated the avdeevsky coke plant. well, this was reported to the ministry of defense. mine clearance is currently underway in avdeevka. when ukrainian troops left, they left behind hundreds of explosive devices. at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces retreated in a hurry, abandoned equipment and wounded, and some units surrendered. the dpr authorities believe that the liberation of avdeevka will significantly reduce the intensity of shelling of donetsk and other cities of the republic. from the city, reports from our war correspondents, grigory vdovin and pavel prokopenko. the changes that have now
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taken place here simply do not fit into the head, here is the yasenovodsky traffic police post, here is that same industrial area, behind the koksakhim industrial area, here is the road that went further, before it was simply impossible to be here, but now our military are moving here at full speed , the post traffic police, or rather its remains are so close, i personally see it for the first time, because just recently all of us at this point would have been visible. from a ukrainian sniper, walked for the first time in 3 months through a traffic jam, along a bright road without problems, and i was just filmed here a month and a half ago, the comparison just struck me, right away , as always, well, everything is fine, of course, we go down under the overpass, we walk along the trenches, we notice they are deep and covered from above, in order to secretly approach the goal of our campaign, this is one of the most interesting glorious places in the battle for avdeevka, here is the entrance to the party. the pipe itself,
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diameter 1 m 50 cm, length 3 km 700, and it emerges well behind the former supporter of the enemy, the royal hunt, precisely at this point with the carrying out of this operation, which was boldly can be called absolutely brilliant, the collapse of the enemy’s defense in avdeevka began, it turned out like clockwork, even as a joke, they all called it nord stream three. the fighters first carried weapons and a bull.
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there was smoke on the walls, and i didn’t see my partner like that, i was a little panicked, you saw the frightened eyes of the enemy like that, no, why did they already kill me before me, the idea with the pipe was implemented by volunteers from the veterans brigade, we are with them now and we are working, clean-up operations are ending on the streets of the private sector of avdeevka, come on, let's go, let's go, clean, clean, there are many bodies of ukrainian soldiers around, there is also a damaged ukrainian tank, a little further... there is even bradley, on the streets we meet shocked, completely stunned people, civilians turn to their relatives, who know nothing about them, my beloved golden shanochka, i so want to see you , i haven’t seen you for 10 years, we have lived here for a long time, as we have lived, i don’t live with the enemy, the district of high-rise buildings in the basements of ukrainian units was located here, after the hardest battles for the city they are all - they left and left behind... with them,
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that’s all, it was the enemy’s disposition , they ran away from it quickly, they even abandoned the armor here, by the way, yes, it was theirs , they left the armor, they left their bull, they left the cat, yes, the means of communication were good, so there is an assumption that there were foreign mercenaries here, an ordinary all-rounder is not entitled to this beauty, no, we go up to the roof, from where a panorama of the entire city opens up, flags, of course, russian and veteran brigades, all, as they say here, allied forces, because avdeevka was taken by many units ministry of defense, all together shoulder to shoulder, they did this great and important thing. from here you can even make out an office building on miners' square in donetsk, the city is in full view. high-rise buildings used to work for the enemy, but now they work for us. of course, the enemy will not lag behind donetsk and will try to fire at it from some kind of long-range artillery, maybe use some kind of sophisticated... missiles,
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but such as to drive into kaksakhim and fire from there right into the center of the city a whole hail package, this will never happen again. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korniev and andrey rudenko. news from avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. the enemy is running far beyond avdeevka, and entire foot columns are moving past their smoking, damaged vehicles. the whole road is actually running in them. but there is no turning back. on the monitor it's just a flash. in reality, the end of one of the ukrainian armed forces units. our sappers are now clearing avdeevka itself of what its former defenders left behind. entrance to ovdeevka, literally after 100 m, that’s it begins with a bridge.
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waiting in a natural shelter under a bridge is the best thing to do in such a situation. one of the fortified areas of the armed forces of ukraine, the destroyed buildings are gaping with holes, brick and concrete have been turned into... so they walk along the road and really don’t know that ovdeevka is being liberated meter by meter, the guys are waiting for them ahead, they are walking here for the first time, and we are together with them, they are feeling the roadsides, here there is special attention on the roadsides, old soviet-made mines, nato weapons are also present, a lot of them are present, there are also, let’s say, so to speak. the enemy is very clever about traps in this regard, so we work carefully, so step by step our sappers reached a small bridge, an experienced demolition worker knows the ideal object for mining, and that’s right, they mined the bridge in order
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to undermine the equipment in the event of an attack by our troops. sappers carefully removed the explosives from the bridge supports and moved them to a place where they could be destroyed. now there should be an explosion at the planting site, here it is. a timer was set for 50 seconds, this is the kind of remote work, mine clearance, we meet a couple of stormtroopers, they are returning from a clean-up operation, we provide assistance to civilians , there are a lot of elderly people who need medical assistance, we are asked to follow the trail and not step to the side, the sapyurs use these red markers to indicate a planted shell, that is, it has been discovered, it here, apparently somewhere under the wheel, but... this is not paramount for demining there are more serious significant objects, in just today more than 27 km of roads were checked, this is both from the city limits and in the city itself, more than 200 dangerous objects, special attention,
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special attention, these are, of course , vital objects, sappers of the central military district not only clear mines, but save them, it was decided to take this cat into custody. military trenches from the united states, what else in the west is associated with the failure of ukraine - elizaveta khromtsova found out. the pages of leading publications in europe and the usa are trying to understand who is to blame for the failure of the ukrainian armed forces in avdeevka and what kiev and their sponsors should do now.
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the german br-24 called the withdrawal of ukrainians from the city chaotic, noting that there was no data on losses in the ssu published, but it is obvious that the fighting in the donetsk people's republic has further depleted the armed forces of ukraine. which means that without that, the issue of mobilization, which is acute for kiev , will soon become simply critical; the authorities should reveal the real losses so that society will finally begin to listen to the statements of officials, the expert’s publication quotes. moreover, correspondent welt continues the topic. there is also nothing to boast about in other sectors of the front. i don't see any positive signs at the moment, i must admit that for optimism the reasons for ukraine also no. the situation is similar, russian troops are advancing there, there is no movement in kherson, but, as far as we know, the ukrainians are not advancing there either. describing the opportunities that the liberation of avdeevka opens up for the russian army, for example, the logistics hub of the ukrainian armed forces, pokrovsk, is located nearby. the new york times pays special attention to the fact that
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the ukrainians left without weapons left the city randomly in despair. referring to the words of a soldier of the 110th brigade, the newspaper describes this withdrawal of troops as the flight of blind kittens along the road. littered with the bodies of colleagues. the evacuation vehicle never arrived to pick up the wounded. the last group was leaving the bunker, and he heard a wounded soldier on the radio asking for evacuation. the commander replied that the car was moving. and they should leave the wounded, it was just a matter of time, writes cnn about the ukrainian failure in avdiivka, insists that without 60 billion dollars from the united states, the situation on other sectors of the front for the ukrainian armed forces will only worsen, which means both money and retraining of soldiers are needed, and the transfer of western equipment to them, the tv channel is echoed by washington the post is reminiscent of the white house’s statement that the defeat of the ukrainians in avdiivka is the result of the inaction of the american congress. in addition, the pentagon admits that the money for... vsushnikov , according to the politician, washington has allocated $440 million for training, most of which
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has already been spent. nevertheless, nbc reports, the biden administration expects to transfer atak ms missiles to kiev, capable of reaching crimea. ideally, they want to pay for this supply from the same 60 billion that are being discussed in congress. but there is another option, ask transfer the same missiles to one of the allies. in the meantime, the west believes that something will change on the battlefield with the arrival of tsirsky. however. experts are sure that hopes for the commander-in-chief are too high. it's like changing the arrangement of chairs on the titanic. ukraine is everything. the ukrainian government is a facade. the fighters did everything that depended on them, they fought bravely, but they ran out of combat-ready forces, and therefore they are now trying to return ukrainians from abroad in order to throw them at russian positions that seem impregnable. news from avdiivka became central to discussion at the munich security conference. the debates in the classrooms this time were more different than ever from the victorious statements from the stands. the situation now is much worse than
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what it was at the munich security conference last year, when many optimists believed that ukraine would soon win. this is no longer a general view of the issue, and that's partly why conferences are held, not to learn new facts, but to hear everyone discuss reality. from bavaria foreign ministers affairs of the european union went to brussels, where they began to discuss. another, now the thirteenth, package of sanctions against moscow. the eu wants to satisfy the united states with new restrictions, the head of the hungarian foreign ministry, peter szijarta, noted on the agenda and added that the events of recent days at the front showed that this conflict cannot be resolved on the battlefield. ukraine calls on more and more young people, which means we need to focus on finding ways to peace. elzaetta khramtsova, ekaterina shamaeva, news.
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i really don’t understand that they are wrinkled, but they just keep walking around, licking their lips, still suffering for something, well, they’ve already gathered in munich, there are already traditions, well, already get fat to hell, get some pork, drink beer, start chanting nazi cries. songs and declare war on us, well , when, well, come to think of it, some barel begins to broadcast that before the end in ukraine they became protective, what kind of under-franc is this, moreover, it began as a fighter against franco, but what has it turned into? and most importantly, he fancies himself the minister of war, or what? so he is supposedly the minister of foreign affairs, he talks all the time about war, give everything to kyiv. and what can you give to kiev, all this is that of your own soldiers, let
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boril say honestly, it means so, since the ukrainians cannot defeat the russians in any way, the dachas have already given up all the artillery that they have, well, let’s now the germans give up everything, but the germans found out that they are greedy, they of course gave away combat vehicles, but as it turned out, the bad ones have now been written off to them at an additional price, they now have claims for this, and they say and we ... as it has been from century to century, because they are leading to this, they they want it, you have to
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do everything to defeat these terrible russians, their leader, but not a single century has been possible for you to do this, that you decided that you will succeed now, why did you decide that you will succeed now, what a proxy war if it doesn’t work out, you will fight on your own , i also like that there is a certain structure, which is headed by some kind of ursula. i don’t understand what a difficult relationship they have, i’m not hinting at anything, they are with michel, i don’t understand, michel is a first name, last name or nickname, nickname. yes, with no less strange a woman, that’s anlena berbuk , that’s the minister of foreign affairs, germany, and how does she relate to borele, which of them is senior in rank, well, they’re both involved in foreign affairs, only johnson knows this, but he’s absolutely right, yes, that is, how do you understand who they are? or there is
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some whole german minister of defense, pistorius, in general in russia one letter is wrong. i agree, more precisely, one letter is missing, yes, yes, yes, then alliteration, instead of dt, this is absolutely correct, so, this next boris, boris, we have somehow boris is unlucky, pistorius, here’s a barrel for him, who talks about the war all the time, or, for example, the euro, this very eu, decided that they are now taking interest from our money. will be spent on purchasing weapons for ukraine. excuse me, please, but what do they have to do with our money? we were giving a debt, we were buying something from the eu. where in the agreement, when russia invested its money in the purchase of securities, the eu appeared as a body. where in this deal, who are they anyway? this
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is the basis of what legislative act these people decided that... they couldn’t take and appropriate someone else’s property for themselves, because what, are they public education? no, here they are as a legal entity in this direct financial transaction from which side? is this their land? no, well, the land of, say, belgium or germany belongs to the eu, they have the right to dispose of it, a philosophical question, right? they don’t say today that they are a public entity? well, it’s financial because. and what are they financially, no, sorry, this is a legal transaction, and not, sorry, what does it have to do with financial mechanism, nothing was signed with them, that is, it turns out that some impostors suddenly decided, so if we , our state, goes to court, then who on the other side, the eu, like what? well, here’s the russian
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federation on the one hand, and what on the other side? and what does money have to do with it, so it turns out that suddenly a certain gang has emerged, so i believe that we should simply consider each specific member of the eu leadership as a criminal who stole the money of russian taxpayers, and we should persecute anywhere in space as financial swindlers and robbers, moreover , they must understand that they have personal responsibility, and we must issue a warrant for their arrest, which...
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people worked hard, people paid taxes, that’s right, these taxes went to the budget , the budget made a decision to save people’s money, a decision was made , we won’t say whether it was right or wrong, it was made, we were told that this was a reliable mechanism, that it couldn’t be done, and then they stole it, uh-huh, uh-huh, well, we warned you
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i warned you directly in this studio, yes, the minister. as our armed forces advance, the more desperate are the steps of the west. american media well, i think so, at the same time, the more confidently it reports that one of its nato allies can provide kiev with long-range missiles capable of reaching crimea. i repeat again. tanga is a dance that takes two, and now the houthis have sent to the bottom a british ship filled with oil, whatever they were transporting there, oil. but what was really drowned? yes, yes, well, like the british, do you want to giggle? do you want to continue, let's say
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help ukrainians? today, the terrorist attack was prevented ; the federal security service, together with the russian national guard and the border service, landed a british drone, which was carrying 7 kg of zovchatka and came from the sea, so that a terrorist attack on a civilian target in mariupol could be prevented. half-sunken unmanned boats and powerful ships, everything will be, british, you say that this is normal, this is not participation in hostilities, however,
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american military bases will, apparently, also suffer somehow, not from us, we nothing to do with it at all, we, what are you talking about, and the french soldiers will regularly get their ass in africa, whoever of them is left, the rest have already kicked out almost everyone there. “we have nothing to do with it, you want to play these games, you think that russia should limit itself in the supply of weapons, why did you decide so, that is, you can do everything against us, but we should look and say, oh, you colonial brutes who claim that russia is an imperialist, you are guilty of killing millions of people around the world, you open your dirty mouth to read."
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it’s clear what you are trying to do, you have many, many such things , you don’t understand the main thing, all your provocations,
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all your desires are insignificant for us, because as ion the terrible wrote, and i you germans i see right through it, although at that time there were no germans, but the word was already there, the germans, that is, in terms of not us in russian, not the speaking apparatus. absolutely right, after which we have the right to assume that we had the first x-ray, well to show you how hysterical they are in general, well, just to understand what hysteria, well, for example, the minister of lithuania, gabrieles lansberges writes, someone should tell everything as it is, things are going, not very well, but from us personally from the whole country. we have something to say to nicky haley.
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we have many strategies, but few actions. 2 years ago, we were ready to send helmets, now we are sending f-16s, but 2 years have passed. if we had made this decision faster, perhaps the situation at the front would have been different. and if we made a decision and fucked up, as i called for from the very beginning at the military factories on the territory of europe , in the places of deployment of ukronazi troops, where they are trained, in nato decision-making centers, then barel would not be sitting now and not broadcasting, and for this situation not to exist, it would only be enough to implement the un security council resolution to ensure the security of the residents of donbass.
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having fulfilled the minsk agreements, but europe will never say that it has been lying all these years, pumping ukraine up with weapons, and now not only ukrainians will pay for it, but it will also come to you europeans, it will come, sergech, yes, well, first of all, once again indeed let us repeat what has been said more than once on this platform and on many others, my deep conviction is that as long as we do not create real problems for them, we will not create problems for the current political regime there. in ukraine, and specifically to the americans, europeans and so on, so on, they will believe that the situation is in principle acceptable, it is in principle acceptable, this war can be waged on the territory of ukraine, where russians kill russians, or russians kill ukrainians, or ukrainians kill ukrainians, for as long as you like, because for them they are not people, so the question is how to do this, yes, it can be discussed, but the fact that this must be done is unambiguous, otherwise they do not have a single incentive to end what happened in ukraine and is happening and is happening
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now, therefore, there somewhere... in this place or in that place, in the fifth, tenth, indeed, in fact, at the very beginning of all these events we discussed here, i am absolutely sure that if at some point i understand why this didn't happen, because really the stakes very high, but i am absolutely sure that if there had been a strike on some decision-making centers in eastern europe, no united states would have gotten involved with us in any third world war, it wouldn’t have gotten involved, because in fact, in fact, they this is not necessary, although the stakes are really too high, so the risk is clear, the solution is also clear in principle. yes, because these are too serious, too serious things, but nevertheless, until they feel problems for themselves, yes, they will not move at all, like the americans, who after the collapse of the soviet union, in fact, for them the whole world is such a golf course, they want to hit there, so to speak, they want to hit here, no one cares about you, they deal with them all, no one cares, plus the dollar is everything the rest, yes, and this situation, it simply, well, roughly speaking, creates a feeling of impunity, as it is to a large extent, in fact, so
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for now there will be no such punishment...
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investment rate, economics, through specific stories, we we can reach people we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable? to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure.


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