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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. in the middle east, israel is ready to continue hostilities, even during the holy month of ramadan, 15 million people are herded into a small territory, they have nowhere to go, hunger is spreading, this topic was not discussed in munich, this topic was not discussed, in recent days israeli soldiers have shot several palestinians, who are already mad from hunger.
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over the past few decades , the intensity of military conflicts with such intensity there were no civilian casualties. another positive.
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the other day i met with representatives of iran, they were deeply outraged by israel’s sabotage on the two largest lines of the gas pipeline in the middle of winter for sure.
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would iran have brought it directly into israeli territory, no, but there is the liquidation of israeli scientists on israeli territory, which would have been carried out , it does not deal with this, iran is not a terrorist country. and how many iranian scientists were destroyed as a result of terrorist attacks, which did not even particularly hide who was behind these very many, very many, even who, and some kind of sanctions were introduced against the country that kills...
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and the world says: well, yes, okay, and the world says, wait a minute, we adopted a resolution that there should be two state, netanyahu says: go and resolve with yours, all the anti-semites will not, and the world says: yes, indeed we are anti-semites, we will go, that is, there is some kind of order in the world then , there is no order at all, there are
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some sanctions, there is some idea, that is, in general there is at least that, because it is clear that if america stops giving israel weapons, israel will have nothing to fight with in 3 days, yes, well , look, nothing bothers him, okay, but biden cannot be embarrassed by anything in the definition, he has long since lost his mind , and there it doesn’t bother anyone at all, this is this so-called other thing, that is, like don’t fool us , don’t bother us, don’t bother us, don’t bother us, that’s why the politician’s task was the double
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standards of the west, it will be, it will remain , and in conclusion, i want say that in the background this crazy... fight between the west and russia. barel has always been anti-sem. barel always speaks out against israel. yes, there are many like that. and not only barel. in the background on the other side, but israel also speaks. israel says: look, you demand from us that we implement resolutions related to one thing, but all these years you have not implemented resolutions related to our security. israel has its own list of claims. and the world also says to this: no, well... that it stops, that is, this is a feature of the modern world system, that in principle, the word doesn’t mean anything, well, just nothing, everyone is deceiving everyone except us , who say, no, what are we, we are naive, we have principles, why
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don’t you, for heaven’s sake, he put things in order there, he adopted resolutions, but in fact, until some time there, the soviet union and the united states tried something together, then only the united states did it. just a minute, and the uon troops were standing on the dutch heights, which means he was also restoring order, excuse me, the peacekeepers were standing there, ours are standing there now, so i want to draw your attention to the fact that against the backdrop of the intensification of the struggle in the west from russia , transnational criminal groups have become very active , you will notice, all over the world, they are now happy that the intelligence services of large states are ruling each other,
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but when you look, well, everything is in stacks, just stacks, and there is such a significant nomenclature, well, clearly , that basically it ’s rifle fire and there are anti-tank weapons, but in any case there’s a lot of it, they even surprise me, well, well, you leave, you retreat, well , throw a grenade, set up a tripwire. someone, how is this even possible, well, they had no time this, they had no time for this, so now it generally takes little time, and the share of transnational criminal groups, according to expert estimates, accounts for about 5% of the gross domestic product of the whole world, this is
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huge, this is trillions of dollars, so if now the intelligence services of the whole world will not unite and will not oppose this threat of not uniting. and then we say, what is a terrorist organization? for example, for the americans and the british, the houthis are probably ansar allah, this is a terrorist organization, but for the rest of the world there is no, it’s always a definition of who we call terrorists, but for the americans, for how many years the absolute terrorists, who then blew up the twin towers, were freedom fighters, whom they loved, who were written about with aspiration. in syria, the americans supported such terrorists
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, what can i say, it’s scary there, in iraq they continue to support, of course, so when you say, now all the special services are uniting, well, we remember how the british took out terrorists with their transport, when they were captured there, they took the leaders out of masul, we understand everything, and the last one , if possible, of course, consensus. long-suffering belgorod is being shelled from czech mlrs, and the ammunition there, according to some sources , was produced in slovenia in 1923, according to other sources, it was produced in serbia, it is clear to say that slovenia is behind this, a member of nato, i want to say for serbia, to assert, that the state cannot be behind this, the fact is that the arms trade is now so widespread that it can be legally sold to one.
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privately, that their task in anticipation of a potential visit is to do everything possible to create an atmosphere, but they, they are children,
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they do not understand that where they studied, they taught there, please, i spent a lot of time watching the past days munich security conference, i wanted to make a few comments on this matter, but i’ll start with the fact that nalena berbak does not let us get bored; a year ago she talked about the turnaround at the munich conference.
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get out, get out of here, get out of here of the european union, ours from
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the security council, and from the security council, oh, ours, dmitry polyansky, he quoted zhvanetsky, what a pity that you are finally leaving us, here is christopher hosgin, well, if you consider that the fish are oppressed with heads, the munich security conference is in good hands, because he did quite a lot of weird stuff there, for example. chinese foreign minister wa, first asked how china would help fight russian aggression in ukraine, and then asked for a report on what was being done even stop the harassment.
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this is a pitiful picture of the european union itself, nato and the europeans, helplessness in relation to what they discussed, what a strong message, yes, that means he clarified to tell ukraine that we are united, i apologize to russia that we are united in supporting
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ukraine, you see, this is being seriously discussed, now let’s do it. scary, well , most likely yes, well, it was supposed that keep in mind that later, someday ukraine will become a member of the eu and nato, so russia should now be afraid of what will happen next with ukraine, and regarding the key document, the munich security conference, there is also something to laugh about, it is generally called luz luz, which in translation means a hopeless situation, no prospects, this is a document, 110 pages. i read it diagonally, so to speak, the meaning there is something like this: friends, we used to live in a very good, calm world, there was a lot of everything and it became more and more, and then he was rich in all sorts of things, and then when the rich became a little less, and we began to quarrel, so, well, traditionally, yes, americans are expanding pie, make the pie bigger, that is, the pie doesn’t get bigger, so we started
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quarreling, well, the main task is to stop quarreling, that’s why no. that, auto report, how there are always not enough sweets for everything, that means, someone for the president there were two important events, firstly, there was no final document important, which is fundamentally important, the second point, they threw a party to celebrate the delivery, by the way, it’s disgusting .
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this, but then it turned out that they were still doing something with free sin somewhere taken together, well, somehow this is all very much, this is such a degradation of the level, the roman empire is in an era of decline, yes, it is completely clear that soon this conference needs to be closed, because discussing european and eurasian security without russia is pointless, russia helped them twice, once our president
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made probably the most striking speech in the history of the munich conference, at least judging by the citation, then back in the sixteenth year our prime minister dmy things are fundamentally important, what really worries them: the first is the military victory for russia, they definitely want this in ukraine, which will leave them completely in
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a situation where there is not even a plan b, but they don’t even have an idea of ​​​​how to live in this world, the second thing is that donald trump worries them in the most various performances haunt me, yes, so well, they haven’t seen kamala yet, no, kamala was just arriving. they saw her speaking, but not a manager, not a manager, no one else will be there until the civil war is fought, nothing there, well, look, because here he was, it was said, yes, how good it was when there was a big pie and there was peace, then the most unpleasant thing begins, in order for there to be peace, you need some infrastructure that provides this world and...
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a year, well, it’s not good, how- then, it’s not good, it’s not going well, it’s not good, which means that our experts, as it were, believe that the free money that was thrown into the economy in the twentieth year and which is now being vacuumed into the budget will be enough, well, somewhere, they say optimistically until july, but pessimistically until april, what year, this, this, this, your experts they always guess with months, they never guess with years, so what to do? this is a common misfortune of experts, so the rules of the expert are not to name the year, to hell with the details
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of what century we live in, just like that, accordingly, the trouble is that as soon as the money runs out, it will be necessary to either sharply reduce the budget deficit, that is, the standard of living. serious matters, besides, it was said here, yes, that it is not clear which of them, who is there in europe, i will say even more cunningly, in
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europe only that person means something, which has direct access to the united states of america, the trouble is that different people in europe have access to different people in the united states of america; in europe there is no authority to determine who is in charge there. the fact is that they don’t think at all, they don’t care about ukraine at all for a long time, just as the top officials of ukraine don’t
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care about ukraine for a long time.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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everyone in the application or website,
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welcome to... the heart of the continent beats here. the russian military today completely liberated the avdeevka coke plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. mine clearance is currently underway in avdeevka. when leaving, ukrainian troops left behind hundreds of explosive devices. the ukrainian armed forces retreated in a hurry, abandoned equipment and wounded, and some units surrendered. the dpr authorities believe that the liberation of avdeevka will significantly reduce the intensity of shelling of donetsk and other cities of the republic. from the city. report from our military correspondents grigory vdovin and pavel prokopenko. the changes that have now taken place here are simply baffling.
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here is yasenovadsky postgai. here is the same wetland behind the koksakhim wetland, here is the road that...


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