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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

3:30 am
the heart of the continent. the russian military today completely liberated the avdeevka coke plant. this was reported to the ministry of defense. mine clearance is currently underway in avdeevka. when ukrainian troops left, they left behind hundreds of explosive devices. at the same time, the ukrainian armed forces retreated in a hurry. they abandoned the equipment of the wounded, and some units surrendered. the dpr authorities believe that the liberation of avdeevka will significantly reduce the intensity of shelling of donetsk and other cities of the republic. from the city, reports from our war correspondents, grigory vdovin and pavel prokopenko. the changes that have now taken place here are simply baffling. here is the yasenovadsky postgai, here is the same one.
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i took it off, by comparison, he just fell out, right away , as always, well, everything is fine, of course, we go down under the overpass, we walk along the trenches, we notice that they are deep and covered from above, in order to secretly approach the goal of our campaign, this is one of the most interesting glorious places in the battle for avdeevka, here is the entrance to that same pipe, diameter 1 m 50 cm, length 3 km 700 m, it emerges already strongly behind the former support of the enemy, a great hunt is at this point with
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carrying out this operation , which can safely be called absolutely brilliant , the collapse of the enemy’s defense in avdeevka began , it turned out like clockwork, they even called it all as a joke, nord stream three, the fighters first carried weapons and a bull to carry out tasks, we deployed an assault detachment so this is our profile, such tasks, here. it was quite an interesting task, which was supposed to burn out, well, it turned out, so it turned out, the feeling is conveyed, so to speak, right away, there is a little fear, because well, how to say, the space narrowed , in some places it even narrowed to about 20 meters, they cut out just the walls, there was smoke, and i didn’t see my partner like that, i had a little panic, you saw the frightened eyes of the enemy like that, no, why already? the idea with the pipe was
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implemented by volunteers from the veterans’ brigade, we are now working with them on the streets of the private sector as the clean-up efforts are coming to an end. come on, let's go, let's go, clean, clean! there are many bodies of ukrainian soldiers around, there is also a damaged ukrainian tank, a little further down there is even bradley. on the streets we meet shocked, completely stunned people. civilians turn to their relatives, who know nothing about them. my beloved golden sleigh, i so want to see you, i haven’t seen you for 10 years, we have lived here for a long time , as we have lived, i don’t live with the enemy, a district of high-rise buildings, ukrainian units were located in the basements here, after the hardest battles for the city, they after all, they left and left everything behind them, this was the enemy’s position, they ran away from it quickly, even the armor by the way, they abandoned them, but they left the armor behind. no, we go up to the roof, from
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where a panorama of the entire city opens up, flags, of course, russian and veteran brigades, all , as they say here, allied forces, because avdievka was taken by many units of the ministry of defense, all together shoulder to shoulder, they did this big and important thing . from here you can even make out an office building on the miners' square in donetsk, the city is in full view, high-rise buildings used to work for the enemy, but now they work for us, of course however, the enemy will not lag behind donetsk and will try to fire at it from some kind of long-range artillery, maybe use some complex nato missiles, but such a thing as going to kaksakhim and releasing from there right into the center of the city a whole package of hail, this will not happen again never. the equipment
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is actually running the whole way, but there is no turning back, it’s just a flash on the monitor, in reality it’s the end of one of the ukrainian armed forces units. our sappers are now clearing avdeevka itself of what its former defenders left behind myself. the entrance to avdeevka is literally 100 meters away; the city begins behind that bridge, and this road, among other things, was also mined until recently. there is barbed wire, stveriezhi timber and other barriers around, the enemy tried. make it as difficult as possible for our forces to advance. the escort's radar responded to the appearance of the drone. perhaps their beer. waiting in a natural shelter under a bridge is the best thing to do in such a situation. one of the ukrainian armed forces' fortifications, a destroyed building with gaping
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holes, brick and concrete turned to dust. jivelins and abandoned weapons of the ukrainian armed forces are lying on the ground. the sapper in the center's troop group has a lot of work to do here. so, meter by meter avdiivka is being liberated, guys. the ancient knows the ideal target for mining, and so it is, they mined the bridge in order to blow up the equipment in the event of an attack by our troops, the sappers carefully removed the explosives from the supports of the bridge and moved them to a place where they can be destroyed, now there should be an explosion at the site of the planting, here it is,
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a timer was set for 50 seconds, this is the remote work of clearing the bridge, we meet a couple of kilometers of roads, this is both from the city limits and in the city itself, more than 200 hazardous objects were destroyed, special attention, special attention, these are, of course , vital objects. sappers of the central military district not only clear mines, but also rescue them; it was decided to take this cat into
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custody so that it does not accidentally blow up a mine. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news from avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. the loss of avdievka by the ukrainians could become a prologue to a whole series of defeats for kiev, about this writes the german publication bilt. the columnist cites the ukrainian leader’s failed military strategy as the reason. and the washington post focuses on the shortage of military supplies, which could lead to the collapse of the front, given the lack of new military trenches from the united states. elizaveta khramtsova found out what else ukraine’s failure is associated with in the west. who is to blame for the failure? the bsu in avdeevka and their sponsors are trying to understand what kiev should do now on the pages of leading publications in europe and the usa. the germans called the withdrawal of ukrainians from the city chaotic br-24, noticing. data on losses in the ssu are not published, but it is obvious that the fighting in the donetsk people's republic has further depleted
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the armed forces of ukraine. this means that without that, the pressing issue of mobilization for kiev will soon become simply critical. the authorities should reveal the real losses so that society can finally begin. listen to the statements of officials, the publication quotes an expert. moreover, correspondent welt continues the topic, the other sectors of the front also have nothing to boast about. i don't see any positive signs at the moment, i should i must admit that there is no reason for optimism in ukraine either. here in kharkov we constantly hear air raid signals. in kupinsk the situation is similar, russian troops are advancing there. there is no movement in kherson, but, as far as we know, the ukrainians are not advancing there either. describing the opportunities that the liberation of avdiivka opens up for... the russian army, for example, the logistics hub of the armed forces of ukraine pokrovsk is nearby, the new york times pays special attention to the fact that the ukrainians left without weapons left the city randomly in despair. referring words a soldier of the 110th brigade, the newspaper describes this withdrawal of troops as the flight of blind kittens along
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a road littered with the bodies of fellow soldiers. the evacuation vehicle never arrived to pick up the wounded. the last group was leaving the bunker, and he heard a wounded soldier on the radio asking. in other sectors of the front , things will only get worse for the ukrainian armed forces, which means they need money, retraining of soldiers and transferring western equipment to them. the channel is echoed by the washington post, recalling the white house’s statement that the defeat of the ukrainians in avdiivka is the result of inaction american congress. in addition, the pentagon admits that the money for vsushnikov’s training has almost run out. according to politician, washington has allocated $440 million for training, most of which has already been spent. nevertheless, nbc reports. the biden administration expects to transfer ataki mes missiles to kiev, capable of reaching crimea.
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ideally, they want to pay for this supply from the same 60 billion that are being discussed in congress. but there is another option to ask one of the allies to transfer the same missiles. in the meantime, the west believes that something will change on the battlefield with the arrival of tsirsky. however, experts are sure that hopes for the commander-in-chief are too high. it's like changing the arrangement of chairs on the titanic. ukraine. that's it, the ukrainian government is a facade , the fighters did everything that depended on them, they fought bravely, but they ran out of combat-ready forces, and therefore they are now trying to return ukrainians from abroad in order to throw them at russian positions that seem impregnable. news from avdievka became central to discussion at the munich conference on security and the debates in the classrooms this time were more different than ever from the victorious statements from the stands. now the situation is much worse than what it was in munich.
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usa, the head of the foreign policy department noted on the agenda. the problem is that if you want peace , happiness, then you need a new model
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that ensures this world, this happiness, and you have people who grew up under a different, under the old model, who were trained exactly like baboons under the old model and to them from childhood were forbidden to think differently than according to the old model, but what is the new model, no one knows? the surge of happiness in the west was built , as bars said honestly, on available energy resources from russia and cheap goods from china, he missed the third component , the printing press, the press, he did not name the main component, that these are all the results of the robbery of russia and the warsaw pact countries in nineties, late eighties, early nineties.
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such a blow to the american european economy that no one has ever tried to assess, and this is precisely the main
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defeat of american diplomacy, because in in 1991, they could have done anything with russia, yes, absolutely right, i can literally, i just, listen, they don’t talk about it for one simple reason, then it will become clear that they screwed up the historical chance that the collapse really gave them the soviet union, this will be the end, so ukraine, so let's go...
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this is a creature whose entire life activity is expressed by verbs of the imperfect form, so if you have people sitting everywhere who are unable to do anything, as barel
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told us everything, it is necessary to do something, that is, to do something they don’t want to, they are going to talk, but they can’t do it.
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but in two cases of nuclear weapons of a country that no one could equal at that time, and i just want to remind you that this did not lead to the surrender of japan, that is, this is the american version, that this is what the leadcans say, in fact, no, after that for quite a long time the battle of the quantum army, which brilliantly had already dismantled ours, continued.
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biden’s speeches and the fact that this turns out to be a victory for the republicans, and in avdeevka there was, they drew putin driving into the ruins avdeevka on the republican elephant, that is, not wearing trump sneakers, gold golden trump sneakers. well, that’s what i thought, but you still have to agree, well, it’s not like they got involved in the democratic zhaishak, so it’s quite logical, as for, you mentioned vladimirevich today, where is bucha, yes, what’s wrong with bucha, why is no one talking about bucha , you know what’s most interesting, tonight, well, approximately after your program, if in our time, then it’s very late at night, uh, on the british
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tv channel itv they are going to show a film the ukrainian war is the other side, yeah. with our military, well, that is, for the first time the british are being shown this very war from another front line, you can’t imagine what ’s going on in britain now, he demands to ban it under no circumstances, especially now he’s saying: you can’t show such things, there’s complete censorship, then there are demands to impose sanctions on the channel, the deputies are already a democracy. father, yes, here it is, you understand, what does it have to do with the fact that he is charged with the fact that the film , a two-hour film, no one has really seen it yet, but they are already saying why i remember, one of the russian soldiers there denies the fact. that in avdiivka
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they are afraid to point out a huge number, you are now talking about the fact that ammunition was found, yes, in this film they show captured military equipment, which means british, american, but you can’t remember, i have said more than once, what are they showing, they are told , it must be banned, you understand, this is democracy and freedom of speech, at this time the past but... i saw, i saw several frames, they show this fake about the bombing of a maternity hospital in mariupol, and the mug is used, women in labor, including those who have already
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given us here, told, refuted this whole ukrainian version, yes, they refuted all these lies and western propaganda about the raid on the maternity hospital, well, no, this side, of course , does not listen, this is primitive agidka, she received the bafta prize, and best of all, more than all these prizes. by the way, oppenheimer’s film will probably receive the most oscars, the entire western, western democratic liberal elite is squealing in delight about it, why? because macarthyism is condemned the film is not about the atomic bomb, in fact, not about the bombing, but about how macarthy, macarthy during macarthyism fought with liberals, with democrats, who were called communists, which means russian agents, yes, they are carrying everyone with delight, i spoke - with one of your colleagues, whom i know very well, for many years, i ask, have you watched the film oppenheimer, he says, why do i
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remember everything anyway, in fact, in my opinion, i honestly tell you, in my opinion everything it’s quite simply put together, i just want to eat, for the americans to fall out of their heads again, no , well, you understand, they are delighted and don’t even see the parallels, those who are now doing the same thing,
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got a pass to nato, can you imagine , to an apartment, that is, as if, yes, lord,
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lastly, lastly, i’ll say a few words in conclusion about the ukrainian topic, i understand correctly that someone simply stole something from the unproduced scripts of james bond, again, you see, but it works, it worked 100 years ago, general gogol, his... meeting, he’s already a year old again in ukraine he didn’t write about anything else, his articles accuse him of guilt, now a trial has taken place, without an investigation, now
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the prosecutor is in court. said, we are extending the term of imprisonment for another 2 months, because i did not have time to familiarize myself with the case materials, the prosecutor said, for 2 months for the person, he is sick, he said in court now at the court hearing that i am constantly sick because that we are being kept in terrible conditions, this is essentially torture, have you heard at least one human rights bastard in europe in the west who would respond to this noticed. we'll skate cleanly on points, we'll pass if you remember, you know everything , we'll calm down, get together and win, kodyukh, dad, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, it's a skill, come on, shank, all the hope is in you, well, old age is not a thing joy, yes, to leave beautifully, okay? art, but
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we can’t lose you either, because irku loves you, he became a coach for you, we are now colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, or what? yes, if i were you, i would punch myself in the face. that's it, that's great, ice three, we will take on this case, it will be an honest
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detective story. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open. great,
3:59 am
so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations.
4:00 am
but i think we should of course get around. today the news came that they found a body, many field wounds in the parking lots, then a few kilometers later they found a burnt car, in which the killer was moving, and that supposedly the one who was shot was this one...


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