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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is
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russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure? hello, there is a legal program on air, lead by the duty department, tatyana petrova is with you. they got bored with the wrong thing; the grandmother's court of moscow announced a verdict against activists of the liquidated stopham movement. all of them were found guilty as a group. we are talking about
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a conflict between movement participants and grom special forces soldiers. activists attacked a police car and thwarted their operation to arrest drug dealers. report by galina hungureeva. to the house of fimeda with gadgets and a thirst for the next show. self-proclaimed activists, accustomed to recording every step on camera, came to court with their fingers tightly clenched on the red start button. before the verdict , stopham provoked his comrades in the long-dead movement. representatives of the media explained in a highly intellectual manner, you, looking at the book, see nothing, you present everything as if they were activists, provocateurs. as if, trying to find the guilty, they so zealously defended the three in the glass box, kirill bunin, kirill kotov and alexey gorbachevsky. the trio was charged on two counts: hooliganism and use of violence against government officials. over thirty witnesses were questioned. video recordings recording the unlawful actions of the defendant were examined and confiscated. the investigation obtained irrefutable
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evidence confirming the involvement of accomplices in the criminal acts accused of them. surrounded by a convoy, watching their relatives through a cold, bulletproof prism, with languid smiles on their faces, they did not cease to be despondent. but in these footage it’s no longer the case, touchingly speaking, the trio first got into an altercation with the special forces soldiers, they demanded to remove the car and show documents. it seems like they didn’t believe that police officers. execution, mistook them for chop's guards or fishermen, then their active life position had to be expressed in close combat, get off him, ram, get off, they say, social activists of a non-existent public organization tried to teach the unborn driver to leave the car exactly according to the markings, but did not take into account that opponents in camouflage could be on a special mission, sometimes they work together with a surveillance group , the surveillance team leads some object at some point... and the head of the operation
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decides to detain him, or, for example, there may be a special operation for insurance, insurance for their agent, if the employees are undercover, they do not have to show anything to the citizens; once upon a time, the actions of activists touched the internet communities, fought with traffic boors, and conducted on-site express training on traffic rules as a reward , violators were given huge stickers on their windshields, so that children would know the anti-heroes. wrong parking, driving under sidewalks, nothing escaped the attentive eyes of stopkhamovites. i'm not ashamed, they first loudly confidently, and then scandalously declared themselves. and it could have been something like a child, you know? gradually, clashes with drivers ceased to be educational in nature and more often ended in riding on the hood and fights. and even shooting. in 2018
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, it was decided to put an end to provocations. the moscow city court, at the request of the ministry of justice, liquidated the organization. that is, the activists of the now non-existent stopham decided. special forces in the correct parking lot, but their founder and ideological inspirer dmitry chugunov assured that the movement continues to exist in disparate organizations, at the babushkinsky district court, like no one believes in a good cause, to the guys who have spent their entire adult lives trying to make our city better, who are you making out of them, given the dozens of videos with recordings of dubious feats of active figures of the deactivated organization with who sculpted, one can still argue that fimida studied the circumstances of the case carefully, the courts. the trinity lasted a year and a half. all three participants in the brawl, kiril kotov, kirill bunin, alexei gorbachevsky, babushkinsky district court moscow, sentenced to six years in prison in a general regime colony. galina hungureeva, mikhail vergeev, ramil batyrov, lead the duty unit. in the leningrad region , customs officers discovered an extremely unusual cargo.
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a woman who tried to enter russia was immediately found with 200 human embryos. fortunately, they all turned out to be plastic models, which actually had the inscription “not a toy” on them. so , since there were too many embryos, customs officers considered the shipment commercial, but the owner of the cargo did not formalize it properly thus, a report by alina skachkova. a customs officer from avangorod, on the border with estonia, jumped out of his chair as soon as he saw what the passenger was carrying in her luggage. the x-ray beam, with obstetric precision, identified 200 human embryos in the suitcase; so many stowaways had never been seen here. total quantity, two packages, 100 and 100 integrity. packaging is not damaged, factory packaging. the employee dashingly twists the packages with the inscription not a toy, but it soon becomes clear that the embryos are not real, more than 4 kg of dupe and wanted to be carried to russia by a mysterious the lady from estonia didn’t explain why, she only said that she was fulfilling someone’s order, and she got so into the role
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of a mother of many children that she even forgot to declare the plastic offspring. customs officials recognized the shipment as commercial, so it had to be declared. the products themselves, judging by the labels, were produced in germany. in the city of östringen. why would anyone need so many plastic embryos? doctors have theories. schoolchildren, students, young married couples are told how the fetus develops. as a rule, such the activities are aimed at preserving traditional family values. another option to show women, for example, before an abortion, in order to increase the chances that the woman will change her mind. since the embryo is there in the early stages. it is quite possible that this can serve for this purpose, to demonstrate to the woman that the head has already been formed by this time, the legs and arms have been formed, such dummies are introduced wholesale into medical institutes, on which future gynecologists and obstetricians learn to perform operations, assist in childbirth, learn all the stages development
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person, you can even buy an unusual product on the internet, here is one of the advertisements, a whole educational set is for sale from the embryo to the fetus in the seventh month, the price is more than 15 thousand rubles. raskoshilitsa. now guests from estonia will also have to come; although the army of suspicious german dolls was allowed through, they will have to pay a fine equal to the full cost of the shipment. alena skachkova, duty officer. 6 years in a penal colony for a fatal accident in rostov-nonu, the high-profile criminal case of the now former federal judge yuri zakharchevsky. the prosecution proved that in the spring of 2020, he hit cyclists with his suv and fled the scene of the accident. traffic police inspectors were able to stop him, but the judge. special status, did not answer their questions. after media intervention, this criminal case was taken under control by the investigative committee. report by olga zhurinkova. a former judge, now a defendant in a high-profile criminal case involving a fatal accident, yuri zakharchevsky appeared in the corridor of the rostov regional court
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surrounded by lawyers. questions from journalists have already traditionally ignored and pointedly turned his back to the television cameras. he arrived at the announcement of the verdict light, even without a travel bag. probably hoped for the mercy of themis. but... in april 2020, zakharchevsky hit cyclist danil yukhanov with his suv and left him to die on the road without even calling an ambulance. yukhanov later died in the hospital from his injuries; judge zakharchevsky’s car, a few hours after the accident, attracted the attention of traffic police inspectors, as journalists wrote. i couldn’t park, the interior of the foreign car supposedly smelled alcohol, but it was difficult to verify guesses then, the judge showed his official id and left. relatives of the deceased talked about strange things that happened after the incident. first, one of the pieces of evidence, a bicycle, disappeared, and then the investigators seized and classified the recording from the surveillance cameras, but
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it was not possible to erase the accident from the memory of witnesses, that’s what eyewitnesses of the accident said then. a cyclist was riding from this side along the sidewalk, a large black car was speeding from that side and... it just hit him, then the car drove away from the scene of the accident, didn't even stop. in the criminal case, according to the documents, zakharchevsky first appeared as a witness, an suv was allegedly driven by an unidentified person, despite the fact that after the accident... he calmly drove foreign cars around the city. everything changed when the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, drew attention to the situation. the materials were transferred to the central office of the department. according to experts, zakharchevsky could have slowed down and prevented a fatal accident, but for some reason he did not. in addition, he had no right to leave the scene of the accident itself. what do you think about the verdicts? will you appeal? zakharchevsky left the courtroom with a hood over his head. can you say a few words?
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he addressed strangers and journalists in a rude manner, and then completely attacked the correspondent, probably one criminal case was not enough for him, maybe he wanted another trial in a different way, but to obstruct the illegal activities of the journalist. during the investigation and trial, zakharchevsky did not admit guilt and insisted that the deceased himself... was to blame for accident, the ex-loan also blamed the doctors for danil’s death, who allegedly administered incorrect treatment, so do you think the punishment is fair? almost 4 years have passed since the death of danil yukhanov, it was important for the relatives that the culprit be punished, regardless of status and rank, repent, somehow express, yes no, of course, yes no, of course, at the last meeting he expressed his condolences for the first time , the first time i apologized in all 4 years.
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this dough is placed on a bun dough; products are brought to this place from different regions
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primorye, not everyone trusts svetlana’s party , one of the recent lunches was ruined by spoiled fish, saury soup, fortunately the pupils did not have time to try it, she opened it, well, usually how sauria lies, began to tear it apart, and there were these little red worms, if only you didn’t pay attention, the children could... didn’t pay attention, of course, the children would have been poisoned, because, firstly, the smell is already kind of, you know, like musty. the management of the orphanage appealed to rospotrebnadzor, the batches of poison were seized for inspection, canned from the pacific saira it turned out to be a cheap ivasi seltzer. they confiscated three cans of saury from us, did an examination and sent us a letter that the saury should not be consumed, that it was of poor quality. department of economic security and the underground workshop were discovered by
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anti-corruption officers of the russian ministry of internal affairs in the primorsky territory. in this footage, police officers and members of the russian national guard enter the territory of the enterprise. production was established here. investigators seized 18,000 cans worth over 2.5 million rubles. employees of the russian obp in the primorsky territory were operational information was received that an organized group of persons by prior conspiracy. walk by, cans packaged in boxes and rusty machines remind you of production
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, hungry cats are walking around the workshop, probably in search of fish, these rooms have not been cleaned for a long time, the floor is covered with dark spots, the equipment is covered in dust, presumably the cans are from this production line fake saury was supplied to different parts of the primorsky region, now, as we can see, work has been temporarily suspended, the director of the plant, anton chuiko, who became a defendant in the criminal case, is now under... an undertaking not to leave, we met with him at the investigative department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the region, the entrepreneur took the journalists' questions with hostility. we have been working with all documents, with all permits for 8 years . we have one workshop in a small area, why was saury replaced with fish and vosi? but where does this fact come from that we replaced something? mr. chuiko, judging by his answers, does not know anything about the investigation into initiating a criminal case; he did not know what happened he calls his competitors machinations, saying that there is no counterfeit at his enterprise, the footage from the operational shooting is not at all what it seems, the orphanage, apparently, was generally supplied with
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canned food, not his production, we were in the orphanage, where they supplied canned food. from your factory, the cook there personally told me that she opened a jar and found worms in this jar, in fact, that’s why everything was disposed of, but this quote is not even good, okay, good, that is, people say all sorts of different things, now businessmen from primorye anton chuiko is awaiting trial, he faces up to 3 years in prison, the underground production is closed, the dangerous batches that were supplied to the orphanage were destroyed, the cook svetlana bukhinskaya, after the incident , checks the product even more carefully: and before starting to cook. alexander mostovaev, vladislav dubtsov and dmitry timofeev. vesti is the duty unit from the primorsky territory. in the southwest of the capital , a muscovite with a disability is being evicted from her only home. the owner became a victim of scammers and a brokerage company who they promised big profits, but after receiving the payment they disappeared. but the victim was left with debts and now may lose her apartment.
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dmitry blinnikov understood the intricacies of the multimillion-dollar scam. disabled person of the first group of nadezhda. is about to become homeless, she is being evicted from her only home, i can be thrown out of the apartment at any moment and i will remain on the street, i have to check out by the end of monday, pack my things to leave, the day before she received these instructions, documents that indicate that that the apartment has been sold, nothing known to me about this was not to anyone, nadezhda became a victim of scammers from a brokerage company, they convinced a muscovite to take up trading on the stock exchange.
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put the apartment up for auction, some will say , it’s her own fault, but there are many questions in this story, firstly, the bank issued a loan, attention, to an unhealthy person, she was declared incompetent, she was repeatedly treated in hospitals, she was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and the apartment itself in the capital's cheryomushki with a market value of 18 million rubles. for some reason they sold at auction for only 10. we tried to find the company that became the owner of the apartment nadezhda chenenova to find out why she was sold at auction so cheaply. the documents indicate this building in the zamoskvarechiya area, but we did not find any offices here, an ordinary residential building. finally, the main question: nadezhda owes a million rubles, the apartment was sold for 10, but the difference of 9 million was never returned to her. the lawyer says: a clear violation of the law. the bank takes the funds that the borrower owes, all other funds, that is, the difference
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between the sale price and his debt must be returned. in this case, the person who was the owner, and this is money with which the opikun could very well buy hope another home, the prosecutor’s office became interested in the case. the cheryomyshkinsky interagency prosecutor's office initiated a procedural investigation into the fact of committing fraudulent actions with the only apartment of moskvichka on nametkina street. in addition, she went to court with a demand to cancel the loan agreement, but it is unknown how long the process will last, and hope can come to evict at any time. dmitry blinnikov.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. arrest and life behind bars often comes as a real shock for the accused. psychologists help prisoners in pre-trial detention centers adapt to new realities when they need the help of a specialist , which they talk about at individual appointments, about this in a special report by andrei romanov. anna sevastyanova has been serving a sentence in the capital's economic detachment for several years, season number. six under the narcotic charge, there are steel doors with heavy locks and bars on the windows around, the daily routine is strict, but there are several hours when the convict forgets about captivity, thanks to freedom in creativity.
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after the verdict, she wrote a statement and remained to work in the housekeeping department. anna recalls how difficult it was for her to adapt to life in captivity. sessions with local psychologists helped me overcome depression and fear. their main task is to prevent undertrial convicts from withdrawing into themselves and to help them regain interest in life. initially.
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fraud of almost 7 billion rubles, but where she, under investigation on charges of more often, the psychologist is visited by workers of the economic unit, they have already accepted the verdict and are ready to begin a new life. in the dormitory of pre-trial detention center no. 6 there is some semblance of a home environment, what?
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convicts still require the help of psychologists. irina’s term in debt is soon in difficult conditions, so most of them are coming to an end, she spent 7 years in captivity for her long-awaited freedom, she is also preparing in the psychologist’s office. let's do this, now you will think about some problem that is very worrying you today. this will be your request for neurographic and our work today's. intimate conversations and playful activities have already brought impressive results. i solved problems with my parents, we began to communicate much better, that is, they began to understand me better, i began to understand their problems. and also the problems with, let’s say, my past boyfriend, for whom i ended up here, were resolved, well, she helped me just forget everything. here. and there are still some points that, well, we are still working through, more than a hundred people visit the psychologist’s office every month, everyone has problems similar, a heavy burden of the past, disagreements with
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relatives, internal conflicts, problems with self-esteem, specialists find their own approach to each of the convicts, sometimes pre-trial detention center employees come to the specialist for emotional relief, like this, for example, you can relieve tension and talk it out with the help of ordinary plasticine, morzik was found. on the street, when he was little, they took him in, took care of him, thanks to this he became affectionate, constantly purrs, while we communicated with other convicts, examined room for psychological relief, anna sebastianova almost finished drawing a postcard, while the paints were drying, she offered to evaluate her new hobby. anna writes lyrics and music and performs her songs on the guitar. the postcard with the symbols of our tv channel has already
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left the walls of the pre-trial detention center and will be kept in the editorial office. i would like to hope that the author of this work will leave the special institution on the appointed day, and classes with psychologists will help her find her place in life. andrey romanov, vitaly melkov, lead the duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels, conducted by the duty officer. honest detective, follow along with us, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the rossiya24 tv channel. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and
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you vote. how's yours? will they keep the ballot? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station. dear friends, i suggest you watch the replay. episodes of our author's program besagon tv, i hope you will remember them and enjoy them.
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'm not very comfortable, was someone killed? yes, why do you have no sleep, no rest, let’s sign up and look. how do you remember this day in history? we'll tell you right now. hello. on february 20, 1798 , pope p. was expelled from rome. the papal state had already fallen under the onslaught of the forces of revolutionary france and submitted to the authorities paris, a detachment of general louis berthier entered rome. he demanded that the pope renounce secular power, but pius the sixth had nothing to lose. he was 80 and seriously ill. having condemned the great...


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