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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. new footage from avdiivka, the militants fled, abandoning foreign weapons, ammunition and food, but what are the prisoners talking about? can eu countries withdraw income from blocked russian assets, what amount are we talking about and what will be the consequences for the eurozone. sergei lavrov in latin america is already in venezuela, the day before the russian delegation visited cuba, how do they greet the head of the russian foreign ministry? what are they talking about? games. the future has arrived, hockey players
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have opened a new era of big sport, first for consoles, then on ice. let's talk about first impressions. let's start with the news of the last minute in yekaterinburg , a citizen of russia and the united states was detained for financing the ukrainian army. a case of high treason has been opened. according to the fsb , the woman has been collecting money since february 2002. funds in the interests of one of the ukrainian organizations, subsequently the money was used to purchase ammunition, equipment and tactical medicine items for the armed forces of ukraine. in addition, the accused has repeatedly taken part in rallies in support of ukraine in the united states. powerful explosions occurred this night in several regions of ukraine at once; local publications reported attacks in dnepropetrovsk, kremenchug, poltava region and chugoev in the kharkov region. in addition there is.
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information about the detonations of zaporozhye and kherson controlled by the kiev regime. an air alert was announced tonight in six regions, also in those territories of the zaporozhye and kherson regions controlled by militants. now new footage from the liberated avdiivka, the ministry of defense showed a video from an ancient building near railway station. it was a stronghold of terrorists banned in russia - azov, as well as mercenaries from canada. they turned the house into a fortress. everything we needed was at hand. to withstand a long siege, weapons, ammunition, medicines and food, much of it was foreign-made, but our attack aircraft bypassed the buildings on the flanks, then the enemy fled in panic to avoid complete encirclement, the opornik was serious, some of the buildings here are from tsarist times, not like stalinist, soviet, specifically tsarist times, that is, the walls are thick, meters, they did not intend to retreat at first, our guys broke through the defense, went into...
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a few words about our, well, not just the rules of the game, but the dynamics of today’s session , uleksanovich will have a big report, gas , oil, coal, petrochemicals and so on, but i will periodically not only interrupt him, but you and i, the head of the regions sitting in the front row, will complement, from a regional perspective, although a national one, what alexandrovich will say. alexandrevich, now you have the floor, please. thank you, kind day, dear friends, dear colleagues, i am pleased to welcome the guests of the russia exhibition as part of the forum of achievements, national achievements. and today we will talk about energy, as sergei said, this is the second time we are meeting with you. there was a big industry day at the end of january. energy industry, during
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which the heads of our largest energy companies spoke about the industry achievements of their companies and energy sectors. and you know, this day turned out to be very special, as i said last time, we tried very hard for you, on this day more than 120,000 people visited the exhibition, this is a very high figure, this indicates a keen interest in our energy sectors, it is very pleasant that this arouses interest not only among professionals, but certainly among our society, among our citizens, because that energy really... today is one of the key sectors of the russian economy, over the past 20 years it has made a huge leap in its development, and i am certainly convinced that such economic growth, such merits that have been achieved in the field of energy in
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the last 20 years, were achieved thanks to the personal attention and attitude provided by the president... of our country vladimir vladimirovich putin, his constant attention to the energy sectors has allowed the industry to achieve maximum performance over the past 20 years, and today, if talking about numbers, in our industry it accounts for about 20% of the gross domestic product in the russian economy, in exports it is about 60%, about 30% of income. the federal budget is our energy sector. today we will talk mainly not only about achievements, but about those measures of state support, about the role of the state in ensuring that our energy sector develops and reaches the indicators
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that we have today. and i will try to tell you in detail about the results of development and the main tasks of the development of our energy sector for each industry. let's start with what, let's start with oil, well, it's no secret that the oil industry roughly began its active development 150 years ago, and as you know, there is keen interest from industrial enterprises appeared when...
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and a very important role in the development of the oil industry was played by our outstanding scientist, dmitry ivanovich mendeleev, who was the first to express the idea of ​​​​continuous oil refining and the use of a pipeline system for the oil industry. what is the importance of oil in the world today? in fact, oil is one of the most basic, main sources of energy. today in the energy balance it takes up about 30% of oil, and you know, many, probably 10-15 years ago there was a discussion that the so-called peak oil had arrived, that is, the limit of supply of the oil industry, when technology did not allow more
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and more oil to be produced, and many thought that due to increased consumption, we would have a shortage of world oil, but new technologies that... were introduced in our industry allowed us to abandon this theory; today we do not have a picoil theory, we have a theory of peak demand. and many say that oil has become obsolete, but i can say with confidence that this is not so, for many according to expert forecasts, oil consumption will continue to grow for a long time; at least until 2040, the growth rate will be about 14%, which is approximately 1 million barrels per day. additional demand per year, or speaking generally over this fifteen-year period, the additional demand will be about 700 million tons, and these are huge indicators that are very important for our industry. what is oil today for russia, i want
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to say with confidence that this is a key sector of the economy of our country, today the share the oil industry's domestic product is... 15% of the all-russian gdp, total federal budget revenues on average over the past few years amount to about 7 trillion rubles a year from the oil industry alone. the oil industry employs 800 thousand people, currently more than 2 thousand oil fields are being developed, 35 large oil refineries, more than 25 thousand gas stations are operating, and about 70,000 km is not... the current volume of investments
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in the oil industry is approximately more than two trillion rubles per year, this is a huge order for the development of our industry, for the development of our science, and we see a giant leap over the last 20 years in changes in technology in oil production in russia, total production in 2000. was 323 million tons in total, currently this year we have reached the figure of 530 million tons, the increase is 65%, and these are very significant figures, because every year oil production is still becomes more difficult, and those fields that produced fountains and were developed in the sixties and seventies are very few today, mostly produced...
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in the form of oil or processed into petroleum products, sold on foreign markets, and 25 % consumed in our country. what is important is that today russia occupies a leading position not only in production, but in coordinating actions between the countries included in the so-called opec plus agreement. this agreement is for the last 7 years itself has proven to be an effective way to balance the market and regulate the market for. in order to ensure stable development of the industry and stable attraction of investments. thanks to this agreement, over 7
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years our country has earned, according to experts, about 30 trillion rubles of additional budget revenue. and an important role, of course, in the implementation of this agreement is, the key role, i would say, is the role of the president of our country, vladimir vladimovich putin, who constantly pays attention to interaction with others. at the beginning of 2000, in the tenth years, on the initiative
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of vladimir vladimovich putin , several measures were implemented, this is support for the development of fields and production in eastern siberia, this is the support and development of hard-to-recover oil deposits, and this is also support and development of the development of shelf fields, as you can see on this slide , that back in 2000 there were also measures for the development of new deposits, depleted deposits, the so-called investment tax deductions, and
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the state is taking everything to ensure stable development and efficient investment in this important industry. and of course, it should be said that in addition to production, such an area as our oil refineries has received large-scale development and restructuring . for the last. over the past 15 years , 109 new units have been introduced at oil refineries; our enterprises have turned from old, run-down ones into modern , modernized ones. heating complexes with a processing depth of 84%, with the yield of light petroleum products at the highest level, and today, this large-scale program continues, the government continues to provide support, and 50 investment agreements have now been concluded to modernize and continue the construction of
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new installations at our refineries. it is worth saying, of course, that without transportation, without... development of infrastructure, it is impossible to ensure consumption in the domestic market and the development of export potential, therefore , one of the key events in recent years was the launch of our largest oil pipeline, vostochnaya, in 2009 the siberian ocean, which connected our western deposits with the eastern coast of our country, allowed us to diversify exports. increase the volume of oil supplies to eastern countries in the asia-pacific region. just recently there was a remarkable event: 1 billion tons of oil was pumped through eastern siberia, the pacific ocean, and therefore our largest oil pipeline. new plans, which are being implemented by the state today in this direction, consist of supporting the expansion
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of the main infrastructure of our ports capacities in the baltic, the black sea, as well. in the east the port of kozmino, this will be the basis for the diversification of our exports. of course, an important task that the president set, it is being implemented in our industry, is technological sovereignty. over the past 10 years, the share of import dependence in this industry has decreased from 67% to 38%. and this is a significant leap. but the work does not end there; today the government of the russian federation is implementing the task within the framework of the coordination council created in the oil industry industry together with scientists, universities, our oil companies, to achieve technological sovereignty in almost all critical technologies, these are 220 positions in seven areas, in the coming years our goal is to enter the production of domestic equipment, domestic technologies in
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the maximum volume. and ending this block, sergey, i would like to say that our oil industry. stands firmly on its feet, it has huge development potential for the near future, thanks, among other things, to those people, those i’m talking about i said that these are 800,000 employees in the oil industry alone, but of course these are our scientists, our higher educational institutions that train personnel for our industry, so i want to say again that this is the main industry for our economy and for our energy sector, as you just mentioned 40 %, which falls on opex plus, within russia, 40%, even more precisely 41% of production falls on the khantomanti autonomous okrug of ugra, and although we announced today a speech by you and the heads of regions, today, perhaps unusually for these sessions, we will also have voice people, so we asked on the streets of antomonsiyskaya, what is oil for you, for the residents of the district, i know my way around
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the district in the city specifically, so i can definitely say that the first girl was enrolled at the exit from the specialized university, where she... he’s clearly learning, so here’s a question on the topic: what does khantamansiysk oil mean to you? complex substance containing carbon? i am far from oil and its production, its extraction, but i think that oil gives life to our region, look at our cities, how wonderful, beautiful, modern, very it's nice to live in them. my dad drilled oil wells all his life, so for us oil is already part of the family history. and for every resident of the north, i think, this is the blood that flows through our veins and allows us to make our lives more comfortable, it is our life force. well
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, firstly, it's a mineral, secondly, it's black gold, thirdly... it's a raw material for chemical synthesis, and i guess that's the reason why we 're all here, well, in the first place this is gasoline, gas station, because i am a representative of the indigenous people peoples and i need to travel by car , on a motor and on a snowmobile, and of course, these clothes are now nowhere without oil, everything is made from it and also medicinal products... and for me, as a resident of ugra, oil is everything. thanks to my colleagues from the vgtrk district branch, now. i think god himself ordered us to invite the stage of the governor of the mansiysk district, natalya komarova. well, now a similar question for you,
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what is oil for you and what is it for the country, and then aleksandnomovich and i will sit down and listen to you. yes, okay, thank you, i'm complicated the task is to tell something more about oil, besides what has already been said.
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this has been talked about here many times, and you can’t get away from it, because it really is, hundreds of thousands of labor collectives, including citizens of the russian federation, represented in our region, this is rosneft, this is gazprom, neft, gazprom and gazprom neft, this is lukoil , this is srugut neftegaz, this is tatneft, this is nnk, this is rusneft. specialists, please note, these are people who at one time came to the game from all over our country, 139 nationalities,
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are professionally engaged in organizing life in ugra, with influence, colossal influence on russia and the world, as alexander valentinovich already spoke about, in order to extract one barrel of oil, from a depth of 2.5 km, you need 60 specially trained professional workers, and these people , who at one time allowed russia to become a leader in energy, among energy countries, are known by the whole world, this is salmanov, this...
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these are innovations and in this regard, the standard of our oil organizations is unmanned air and - air ground transport - these are smart wells, these are digital fields, and if the first billion tons of oil were extracted for 14 years, then the twelfth billion. oil was produced in our region in 4 and a half years, this is possible using those smart solutions that i spoke about
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just above, in this regard, and aleksandrevich, well , we are with new proposals for the development of the industry, i believe that this kind of technological innovation but we need to create conditions for their advancement; we are now preparing a list of energy changes. such technologies which the industry needs in order to develop, and in this regard , i propose that at a meeting of the government commission on import substitution, it should be held on the eve of the day of the oil worker and workers of the oil and gas industry and check what we have achieved in terms of providing tax support , notice i don't even mention the words. benefits, in this case we are talking about tax support - this kind of activity of companies, scientists, so that the oil industry develops, and quite correctly
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noticed. my fellow countrymen, oil is life, it’s opportunities and faux fur, aspirin and so on and so forth, this is all oil today, in our ugra the indigenous peoples say that in order to recognize a deer, you need to see it in harness to recognize it man, he needs him... you can recognize him in the field, that’s how they knew centuries ago that we would be engaged in commercial oil and gas production, that’s what was said, and i, dear friends, invite you all to our stand, here in this pavilion, you can
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participate, nine nationalities at one time discovered the west siberian province, the first birch, the first gas well in berezovo p1 and the first oil well r6 in shayma, and then the unique orenguy gas condensate field, the unique oil samatlor field, these are all people, welcome to yugra, at the stand .
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do they know what they are saying, we held ceremonies there to announce the names of global energy last year, everything is on point there, do you listen to this proposal? well, i want to say that natalya vladimirovna is alone one of the most active governors , thanks to whom our oil industry is developing, and even today the government has adopted a federal project for the development of hard-to-recover deposits, it has been implemented for several years with the help of our oil companies, which also
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take an active part, and this is the initiative good answer, but everything has already been accepted, natalya vladimirovna, you understand, yes, what ’s next for us, gas, gas, another fundamental industry for our energy sector is the gas industry, in russia, uh, gas has started used more than 200 years ago, the inventor peter... sobolevsky introduced a device for producing gas in 1811, in 1819 gas lamps first appeared on the streets in st. petersburg. what is the global gas industry? well, you all know very well that gas is the cleanest hydrocarbon source of energy, the most environmentally friendly. to date.


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