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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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game - the third there were two participants there throughout this small opening ceremony, they participated in the discipline, well , they trained in this case - beat saber, it consists in the fact that the participants put on a special virtual reality helmet, pick up joysticks, and then they compete by cutting up figures flying at them with laser balls, and also earn points. and next to it stood a monitor with specialists who conduct analytics right while they compete, so that later the participants with the coaches could somehow analyze this information , draw conclusions and understand in which components they need to improve, but today this figital center was opened by the minister of government dmitry chernyshenko, the minister of sports oleg matytsin, the minister of sports of our country and the minister of sports of tatarstan, vladimir leonov,
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will help create methodological standards so that people in our country can develop even more harmoniously. it is very important that students directly have the opportunity to study in this fidget center, just now we said, maybe it is advisable to recommend that other universities use this experience, the experience of forming such a standard platform that would allow them to explore this direction and help form a harmoniously developed personality, because intellectual
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advantages, they must be harmoniously combined with the physical capabilities of athletes, this will be a help for guys who are passionate , so let’s say, here’s the cyber part, also to study the classics, for this there are open areas, there is the infrastructure that exists in today university, and of course, from the point of view of development, we want to implement such centers, standard centers, not only in kazan, but in other cities of our republic so that this movement captures more and more young people. in general, the opening of the phytal center and its development is our great educational breakthrough, the words of the studio. yes, thank you, colleagues, we are waiting for news, at the games of the future, let me remind you that our sports correspondents, danilo makhalin and stas radikultsev, work in kazan. purely rollback and we pass on points, you remember everything. you know,
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let's calm down, get together and win, tadyukha, tadyukh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is skill, come on, sank, all hope is in you, well, old age is not a joy, yes, it's beautiful to leave , a whole art, well, we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you, doesn’t like you, three...
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thinks we can do to keep you safe?
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the borders of belarus with ukraine and the european union are confidently closed, alexander lukashenko stated this at a meeting on the national security of the republic. about what what else was discussed and what was discussed, we find out from our own correspondent anastasia sakhovskaya, she is in direct communication from minsk. hello anastasia, what questions were raised in the statement? tell us more, please. hello alexander, i started my meeting with the security unit with operational information. alexander lukashenko , according to him, militants who are located on the territory of neighboring ukraine, poland and lithuania are preparing various extremist actions, but the scenario of these provocations is revealed in time by belarusian intelligence, and what is important, they are immediately gives publicity, here is the latest data, as the belarusian president said, the west is preparing a provocation to denigrate russia and
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belarus, and the american and polish intelligence plans to direct this provocation against the civilian population of poland, and then they want to blame our countries for this. this statement was made at an extended meeting, the goal... is to assess how ready the country’s security bloc is for challenges during the upcoming political campaigns, taking into account the situation in the region and the world, let’s listen to the belarusian president. military power again became the main thing argument of world centers in resolving issues. last year alone , more than 25 military conflicts broke out or continued. the situation on the european continent, including near our borders, is more turbulent. in the immediate vicinity of belarus and russia, as part of alliance operations carried out in europe, about 32 thousand military personnel of the combined armed forces of nato and the united states are stationed. this is more than 1 thousand units
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of armored vehicles, about 160 artillery systems and mortars, 235 airplanes and helicopters. all this says, well, at least. about the demonstration forces, according to the president, hot conflicts are so beneficial to the west, primarily in financial terms, that the appetite and activity of the lies of the collective west will only grow, and for the belarusian army the task for this year is to improve the defense system, for example, the president called for increasing the equipment of the armed forces with combat drones. in another important announcement, warsaw is trying to recruit high-ranking belarusian officials to create a loyal network in the republic, according to alexander lukashenko. western curators have three scenarios for destabilizing the situation, the first is the organization of a coup d'etat or a violent seizure of power during the electoral campaign, but it is assessed as unlikely prerequisites for such a rocking of the situation, as was the case, for example, in 2020, no, the head of state now believes, the second - this
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is the use of this election campaign as a rehearsal for a coup during the presidential elections, which will take place, let me remind you, in 2025, and the third is a long game, but which essentially does not stop. in in connection with this, the priority task for the security forces is maximum readiness to neutralize risks and threats; parliamentary elections in belarus, let me remind you, will be held this coming sunday and early voting has just begun today. this is our news, alexander. anastasia, thank you, our correspondent, anastasia sakhovskaya, was from minsk. the petrovs are ahead.
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rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils, smiled, it means recognized, smiled, it means real, they recognize, love, remember,
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appreciate. truly psb is a bank for present, i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter. something that has never happened will appear, the stars of the mer will converge, where east and west meet, big and small, people and robots will come together, deft eyes and precise hands, but who will take the heavenly trophies, no one knows, games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks , pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, universa.
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in bendio and eldorado there is a 50% discount on the second item in the set, so the midea dishwasher is only 1900 rubles when purchased in bundled in invidio and eldorado. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. how do you like it, are we going on vacation? class and we're going. the rate
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is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, let’s go to the bank, mountains, skis, speed, you’ve saved up faster than you go down, vtb, together everything will work out, now. economic news: the ministry of finance announced the imminent launch of the exchange of frozen assets of citizens, this was stated by deputy minister of finance ivan chebeskov. now the department is preparing all the necessary documents. the process is complicated by legal subtleties, to for example, tax issues. earlier , the central bank reported that foreigners were interested in exchanging frozen assets. in russia , in 2025, the production of domestic airbags for cars will be launched. a group will do this. they also plan to produce steering wheels, seat belts and electronic
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system control units. the components will be produced at a plant in ulyanovsk. the company received a loan of 1,200 million rubles for the project. from the state industrial development fund. russian airlines with at the beginning of the twenty-third year, we bought 165 aircraft from foreign lessors, this is about 40% of the entire imported fleet, reports rbc. money was allocated for these purposes from the national fund. welfare, according to a government source, the limit of 300 billion rubles has been exhausted. experts believe that the purchased aircraft are sufficient to meet the demand for international transportation. both russia and india increased their trade turnover by 80% at the end of the year. it reached a record $65 billion. ria novosti writes about this with reference to indian statistics. in as a result, moscow became delli's fourth largest trading partner. the main ones... remain with the united states, but their volume of trade turnover with india is declining, followed by china, and
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the united arab emirates closing the top three. it was economic news, briefly. the inter-museum exhibition project pushkin 2025 opens in moscow, at the poet’s museum on prichisinka. it is dedicated to the 225th anniversary of pushkin’s birth. museums, libraries, and archives presented their exhibits. throughout the country, we will find out the details from sofia sergieva, she is in direct contact with us, sofia, good afternoon, you have you already seen the exhibition, what are your impressions? yes, alexander , hello, we had time, we looked, the impressions are simply incredible, here at the exhibition pushkin 225, the scale is simply incredible, on an area of ​​more than 2,000 km they presented almost 1,500 exhibits of unique things related to the life of pushkin, his contemporaries, friends and...
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yes , i wish him glory, i addressed this very message to elizaveta varantsova, with whom he was in love during the period of southern exile, it must be said that women in general occupied a very special place in the poet’s work and life, this can be seen here at the exhibition, look at the number of lady portraits here. the exhibition also featured miniature tiny shoes of natalia goncharova,
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the first beauty of moscow, which he gave exactly, alexander sergeevich gave her for her little anniversary. ring with turquoise, he hoped that this ring, this stone would give them success, prosperity and family happiness, i must say that it was very difficult, natalya goncharova regularly reported about this in her memoirs, and look, here here is an album with sketches of alexander sergeevich, which he made with his own hand, just look at how many girls are presented here, they all left a mark on his work, inspired him to new works, in general, it must be said that there is a lot of discussion at the exhibition...
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the message of the project is that each of us has our own pushkin, a patriot, a prose writer, a hero of myths and legends, a freethinker for someone, and most importantly, that this is the embodiment of everything original that was in the russian people, you can get acquainted with this exhibition
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until june 30, that’s probably all, colleagues, thank you, sofia. sofia spoke about the opening of an exhibition in honor of pushkin’s 225th anniversary. she will appear now. so what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income up to... when you want to please yourself and your loved ones, but your toad is against it, split the payment into parts with yandexsplit, split everything you want in different stores without overpayments. any business
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should work, we should invest it in something on the exchange. the state is ready to provide you with benefits through an individual investment account. please note that now you can only open from the third type. how is it different from the first ones? in this episode of the program we will tell you the instructions in 5 minutes. well, first of all, let's start with what iis actually is. these are special accounts for working on the stock market; through them you can buy stocks, bonds, shares, investment funds, precious metals and other financial instruments. the main advantage of iis is that their owners are entitled to significant tax benefits. for is3 owners, this is a deduction for contributions and a deduction for income, a deduction for contributions is possible. reduce part of the funds deposited into the account, but not more than the amount of personal income tax paid; accordingly, the investor must have official earnings and deduct taxes from it; the income deduction exempts the owner
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from personal income tax on profits on account transactions; for this benefit, official income is not required. how to get a tax deduction? starting in 2022 , a simplified procedure for obtaining tax deductions has become available to clients. and in which it is enough for the client to a couple of clicks there in the mobile application or in the web personal account of your broker, submit an application, after which the broker will independently , through online channels, transfer to the tax office all the data on his account, including the amount of replenishment, turnover, etc., and after verification , directly to the federal tax service to the client all you need to do is sign a pre-filled application for a refund to his bank account in his personal tax account, and how much money for...
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the new type is 100,000 rubles. your tax rate is 13%. that means you will receive 1300 as a deduction rub. by the way, they start with tax benefits. key differences from 3 from accounts of the first and second type, which were created for two different tax deductions; it was impossible to select both benefits. another difference regarding the third type is that you can deposit any amount in rubles, for the previous ones up to 1 million rubles per year and no more, and out of three you can open three at once. previously, a person could open only one investment account. first of all, this opportunity.
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the mechanism that is currently being developed will also help reduce risks; it will make it possible to insure for iis-3 the amount is up to 1.4000 rubles. similar to bank deposits. by the way, there is one more difference from 3: it allows you to partially withdraw funds if the money is needed for the treatment of a serious illness. early withdrawal of funds from accounts of the first and second type automatically meant their complete closure and tax deprivation. blazek. it is important to understand that the third type of individual investment account is a long-term instrument. the minimum period of ownership to receive tax benefits is 5 years. this is if you open it. from3 from
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the twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth year, then the period will gradually increase, in the twenty-seventh it will be 6 years, in 288, from 2031 10 years, and what will happen if you close the account earlier? closing an account early does not in any way threaten the investor with the loss of any investment income, but it threatens the loss of his tax benefits, including if he has already received some deductions for the contribution, for example, he will have to return them to the tax office, and his investment profit in this case, it will be taxed at the same rate as with a regular brokerage account. open new an investment account is quite simple, look in your banking application, this option may already be active there. in general, an iis can be opened with a broker or trustee in a bank who has a license for brokerage services in the management company of mutual investment
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funds, but keep in mind that there is only one. point: in the latter case, you can only invest in mutual funds of this company. today it is no longer possible to open accounts of the first and second type, but they, of course, will not burn out and will not disappear anywhere. the investor has two options to choose from: leave everything as is or transform the account into iis-3. in the first case, nothing will change, all conditions will remain the same, in the second you need to submit an application to your broker or bank, when switching to the new third type, the investor will be credited with three. years of ownership of the old account, which is more profitable, each investor decides for himself. we repeat, the most important thing is that an individual investment account can now be opened only of the third type, it gives two tax deductions for contributions to income at once, you can deposit absolutely any amount in rubles, but in order to receive benefits, you will have to not close it ahead of schedule, now this period is 5 years, from the first to the second type you can convert exit three or
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leave it. continue to use. still have questions, want to understand financial instruments in order to assess risk and profit? subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will check with the experts, and we will definitely tell you everything in our “instructions” program. we have occupied more advantageous positions, the advance of our military in the avdeevka direction continues, what is the latest data coming from the ministry of defense. vladimir putin presented a gift to the head of north korea, a russian aurus car, we will tell you how kim chin-in reacted in our issue. the first ever world games of the future tournament is in full
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swing. the competition has already taken place with what results we are waiting for the most interesting details from our sports correspondents from kazan. well, again heavy snowfalls will come to the european part of the country due to the invasion of a new cyclone. when can we expect the first spring thaw? we will learn about this in our section. weather. one person died and six more were injured today in shelling of donetsk. local authorities reported this. the kiev, kirov and kuibyshev districts of the city were under fire. several buildings were damaged, including residential buildings, shops and a kindergarten. with details from donetsk, victoria shinkarenko. the situation in the donetsk people's republic is very tense; ukrainian armed forces struck directly at the center of donetsk, in the voroshilovsky district. as a result.
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details about this attack are being determined. i also want to remind you that from the beginning of the day, the armed forces of ukraine attacked attacks on the petrovsky, kievsky and kuibyshevsky districts of donetsk. the enemy opened fire at about 11:00 am in the kievsky district. as a result of this shelling, there are dead and wounded. there was a sharp explosion and glass fell down. well, it’s clear that at first he didn’t. to go out, suddenly there is a second one, there will be a third one, but there was only one single one, after a while, when they started to leave, people were already leaving, well, there’s a two hundredth, there’s a two hundredth, there’s my car, the gas tank is broken, gasoline is pouring, well it didn’t catch fire and we got into the car she banged everything, i don’t know, they were also in the car, yes, and you were in this car, no, yes, you were in this car, and this is your friend who died, but my friend died...


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