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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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rashilovsky district, as a result of this shelling, the glazing in the krubskaya library was damaged. details about this attack are being determined. i would also like to remind you that from the beginning of the day, ukrainian armed forces launched attacks on the petrovsky, kievsky and kuibyshevsky districts of donetsk. the enemy opened fire at about 11:00 am in the kievsky district. as a result of this shelling, there are dead and wounded. there was a sharp explosion and glass fell down. now, well... it’s clear that at first i didn’t go out, what if there’s a second one, a third one, but there was only one the only one, after a while, when they started leaving, people were already leaving, well, there ’s a two hundredth, there’s a two hundredth, there’s my car, the gas tank is broken, gasoline is pouring, it didn’t catch fire, we got into the car , everything banged, i don’t know, you were in this car, no, but you were in this car, and this is your acquaintance who died, or my acquaintance? according to
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representatives of the investigative committee, the enemy used large-caliber artillery, 155 mm shells. all victims of this shelling were taken to medical institutions, they are receiving the necessary help. five people were brought to us from the scene of the explosion, these are all civilians who were walking, minding their own business, they are now receiving full assistance in the emergency department, the patients are already there.
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we'll find out all the details about this from denis alekseev. denis, we welcome you, tell us how the situation is now in the nwo zone? yes, welcome. our troops continue to clear the territory of avdievka from ukrainian formations; there are isolated pockets where the enemy has settled down and does not come out voluntarily. russian attack aircraft are like this misunderstandings are quickly resolved. and here is new footage from the russian ministry of defense, soldiers inspecting the territory in the area of ​​​​avdievsky railway station.
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they left one, two at a time, some surrendered, some were destroyed, yes, the militants leaving their positions abandoned everything they could here, they fled lightly, this is a small part of what our military finds, american manpads, boxes with foreign cartridges, government grub, canadian dry rations, for example, who fought, what, where the main positions were, all these are our soldiers quickly they learn from prisoners during the assault on avdeevka. the eushniks surrendered, continue to surrender in batches, and at the first interrogation they surrender all of them. they took a prisoner, the prisoner surrendered, went into, so to speak, dialogue with us, and told us that canadian mercenaries also took part here. we learned a lot of interesting information about the enemy’s location and began to act further, according to this information. our guys, our backbenchers, did their job responsibly. with dignity, the prisoners do not
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hide their joy, some did not even think about escaping, they honestly admit, being captured - this is the same as saving your life, the alternative is to find yourself in the place of these militants on the ground, they are clearly not happy that how do you feel about the fighting, well done, they saved our lives, in the vdeevsky direction the group’s units in... the center continued training more advantageous positions, and also defeated the accumulation of manpower and equipment of the twenty-fourth and 53rd mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, in the areas of the settlements of lastochkina and pervomaiskaya, donetsk people's republic, four counterattacks of assault groups were repelled fifty-ninth mechanized and third assault brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy lost up to 425 soldiers killed and wounded, a tank, four armored combat vehicles, and five vehicles. in the meantime, russian assault
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groups continue to work in avdeevka, and on other fronts, too. our missile launchers and long-range aircraft are no longer hitting the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, and are still reaching deep into the rear at equipment production facilities and personnel bases. powerful explosions occurred this night in several regions of ukraine, local online publics report attacks in dnepropetrovsk, kremenchug, poltava region and chuguev, kharkov region. an air raid alert was declared in at least six regions tonight. kupinsky direction, the artillerymen are ironing the positions of the ukrainian armed forces on the approaches to the front line, not allowing them to even think about how to gain a foothold. howitzer crews are being adjusted from drones, and the vostok group responded harshly to the militants who tried to counterattack in the zaporozhye region. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces per day are about 200 people on the battlefield they left behind a tank, special vehicles and a pile of nato metal. in the southern donetsk
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direction, units of the vostok group of forces inflicted fire damage on the formation of the 108th terrestrial defense brigade in the area of ​​​​the village of lugovskoye, zaporozhye region. a counterattack by the assault group of the fifty-eighth mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the village of shevchenko, zaporozhye region, was also repelled. obviously , the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine does not promise success with his army, the meat grinder has been put on stream, losses in avdievka and on other fronts in kiev continues to promptly replenish. the catch rate is only growing every day, but the places are still the same, transport, city streets, shopping centers. this is what we have to do, go and catch the ukrainian people, don’t go with you, health, 2 me after growth, there are more and more tetsekashniks for each potential conscript, the chances of not going to the front line,
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of permafrost; more than one tunneling shield cannot work in this area, ianna kolchuk will tell you all the details, this is how the earth trembles here, perhaps for the last time, an explosion 950 km from the eastern portal forms a through passage, now after the breakdown, this is officially the dusialinsky tunnel, version 2.0 explosion from... rock, installation of arches, again an explosion, and so on for 1220 cycles, due to the fact that there is permafrost here, the drilling and blasting method is the only possible one, 200 tons of explosives have already been used here, 150,000 cubic meters of rock have been removed, but if you count in large loads - this is almost a thousand belaz, specialists work here, like their older comrades half a century ago, the bamton construction organization, for example, was created in seventy- five to build tunnels on bam, so they returned to repeat. a grandiose construction project, this time to expand the highway. marx shader, denis treltsov continues
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the family business. yes, it is an honor for me, i have my reasons for this. i continue further. my parents arrived in 1976, in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, it was the year they started building, well, i’m following in their footsteps. works started in 2021, and haven’t stopped for a minute since then. dusiyalin is conquered in extreme -50 and in humid +35, which is difficult to bear in the taiga. object in terms of complexity due to the rock, very complex geological conditions, and permafrost fault zones , 300 km of the object, almost 2.0 linear meters of the tunnel itself, investments of more than 14 billion rubles, this is the most complex and strategically important section of the entire bama, which after completion will be able pass 30% more trains. you are probably doing one of the most important jobs in the country right now, expanding the infrastructure of the eastern training ground. this task is connected not only with the development of transport, not only with the development
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of logistics; the economy and development of our homeland directly depends on this task and the effectiveness of its solution. the increase in capacity will be felt by everyone who turns to the east. the effect is expected in one of the main logistics hubs of the eastern training ground in the koborovsky region. the president has given instructions; our builders, as you see, are moving at an accelerated pace. the new tunnel will allow the new tunnel to pass 25 steam trains, the old tunnel will allow 16-17 maximum, therefore, of course, without the construction of tunnels , bridges, skillful structures, increasing the carrying capacity of railways is impossible, but the first operating tunnel parallel to the large construction site continues to carry trains, which is why its reconstruction was impossible, to stop traffic on the shortest railway route to the ports of the pacific ocean. it is forbidden. the construction of the first tunnel began in 1939. the construction was frozen several times, but it was
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completed only in eighty-two. it turns out that today in the 20th century it is functioning an object that was built according to the standards of the thirties of the last century. and, of course, it has not provided the highway’s capacity for a long time. trains that are larger in size are allowed to bypass, which costs time and money. after the modern facility is commissioned, the problem will be solved. a new path through dusialini will be opened at the end of the year in... it is awaiting reconstruction, which will allow organizing double-track traffic on this section of bama. anna kolchuk, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. the all-russian society of the deaf reported the detention of members the central apparatus of the organization, including president stanislav ivanov. the reasons for the detention are still being clarified last spring , the former head. the society was sentenced to seven years in prison for embezzlement of more than 50 million rubles from the organization’s funds, but the current
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episode is connected not only with the fact that the leaders may be involved in large-scale thefts, including criminal real estate transactions, president of the all-russian society of the deaf, stanislav ivanov could have been involved in a system of extorting prize money from deaf people athletes. and now personnel from the government coordination center. dear colleagues, good afternoon, we continue our work to... implement initiatives for the socio-economic development of the country, which were launched by decision of the president. today we will look at what results have been achieved in key areas that matter to people. we will start with initiatives that concern health. among them is the primary link for everyone to the activities within the framework of it, in addition to the national
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health care project, we are improving medical care management system. to view their medical records, and over the past year it was used by more than 39 million citizens; telemedicine consultations are increasingly being used for outpatient treatment without leaving home; about 2.5 million people received them. in the future, we need to continue to introduce innovative approaches to help, including doctors,
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to ensure effective support for patients at all stages, and to carry out monitoring. for the condition of patients with especially chronic illnesses to provide them with timely assistance. another important area that was launched at the initiative of the president is the development of medical rehabilitation. medical institutions, as you know, are supplied with new equipment necessary for its implementation. over the past few years, more than 700 departments have been re-equipped, over 2.5 million citizens have been able to turn to specialists to restore their health, and especially. this became in demand after suffering from covid, but now it is very important to increase the availability of such treatment for a wide variety of diagnoses. experience the coronavirus pandemic has shown that one must be able to quickly respond to changes in the epidemiological situation, act proactively in order to protect people, and we have discussed this for a long time,
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the sanitary shield initiative is aimed at, and over the past few years the network of study centers has been expanded.
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clinical trials of tissue engineering products for the treatment of joint disease and fractures are being completed; such therapy will be available to a very wide range of patients. we hope that our specialists and scientists will present even more useful products. now about the social sphere. one of the main tasks here is to establish an effective one. a social protection system, so that assistance from the state could be processed without any bureaucracy, collecting a huge number of documents, and of course, as quickly as possible. in some cases, it should be provided automatically; we are systematically implementing this approach as part of the social treasury project. now 42 support measures are assigned only on the basis of an application,
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or even without it, that is, proactively. last year, almost 23 million people received various payments and... it is in this format, including disabled people, payments of a single benefit to pregnant women, families with children, maternity capital and many others, through the state services portal, citizens with their consent are informed about the benefits they are entitled to, for example, at the birth of a child or upon reaching retirement age, we will develop similar mechanisms; by the end of the decade, all types of assistance, federal, regional, municipal, should be provided in a uniform way... as for, in general, simplifying the interaction between citizens and business with government agencies, we are doing this within the framework of the state for people project. it is important to orient the work of all government bodies towards promptly and effectively resolving issues that arise for citizens and entrepreneurs in a variety of life situations, analysis of the life
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situation in general, and what it is like for a person to deal with the state, with regional authorities, municipal, federal, this is a very important element such work, which we have already been doing for quite some time, and for which we provided training for officials federal, regional level, last year, this... more than 6,000 people, including management personnel, completed training, and about 10,000 more will do this by the end of december. nine special laboratories have been launched in large russian cities, where, with the participation of the users themselves, existing services are tested, analyzed how convenient they are, and if necessary, of course, all this is optimized. all this is a significant stage in the formation of a new modern culture of human interaction with government...
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the pushkin card, it helps young people from 14 to 22 years old, get acquainted with the achievements of national culture. today, about 11,500 institutions have joined the program, which is 1,500 more. than envisaged, and during the entire period of its implementation, the number of tickets sold has already exceeded 53 million, twice as many as the preliminary plans that we made. about 9.5 million people attended various events using the card. i am absolutely sure that many more will want to take advantage of such opportunities, but going to interesting events on the map is and exhibitions, these are cinemas, and theaters. the resources needed for this are government. as part of the initiative, it was invented in russia; for those who decided to try themselves in projects at the intersection
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of art and innovation, we are now developing a school of creative industries. now there are already 67 such organizations in 49 regions of the country, and approximately 9,500 teenagers are engaged in creative work using the most modern technologies, these are animated films, this is video content. this is composing music; applications and computer games are also being developed. in the current this year, another 26 similar educational institutions will open in twenty-five regions of the country. even more children, accordingly, will be able to show their talents, and this is very important, to help every person in the country develop their talents and realize their capabilities. dear colleagues, today i would also like to separately dwell on the issues of preparation for one of the priorities is to provide the domestic economy with in-demand and , very importantly, qualified employees, including secondary
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education. currently being actively implemented the professionalism initiative created, let me remind you, 220 production clusters that unite colleges and enterprises in twenty-four industries. over a thousand key companies are involved. about one and a half million students were able to do so during their studies. use the most modern equipment, and, of course, it is necessary for other organizations in the real sector to be involved in this project, participate in the formation of educational programs, represent places and actively do this for production practices, help with updating the material and technical base of colleges, in many ways the future of our enterprises lies with the masters of their craft, but for the guys this is, of course, an interesting profession and a good income, i myself have repeatedly communicated with college students, and i’ll tell you honestly, an amazing education, they are happy talk about the future, all this is precisely thanks to the synergy of enterprises that await them after
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graduation, and of course, our teachers of the college system, resolving issues of professionalism will give us the opportunity to prepare specialists for the implementation of one one of the main tasks is the implementation of its technological sovereignty in all areas. there are also four on the agenda for our session today. we looked at what surrounds us, in many regions, when we retire and so on, next to modern production, with beautiful infrastructure, with a beautifully
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designed space. there are sunken ships, heaps of dirt and other things. it seems to me that this element of general cleaning needs to be seriously promoted in all corners of our country. and we have set ourselves a very serious goal: to eliminate landfills, dangerous wells, abandoned industrial enterprises, sunken ships, to protect people's health from their influence; over the past two years, about 150 wells of the unallocated netor fund have been eliminated. 131 sunken ships have already been raised and disposed of, and i remember the first ship when it was raised. it is necessary to continue to create conditions so that such objects do not appear. and of course, today we are hearing a proposal on this matter. it is important to build a system for rational waste management and its further processing. for this there was the circular economy initiative has been launched in the field of legal regulation , the necessary amendments to legislation have already been adopted, and regulations are being prepared
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. to fulfill them, well, for example, secondary resources must be recycled and will be prohibited for disposal from 2030. today we will also discuss what further steps need to be taken in this direction. we also have good results in expanding our mineral soy base. this work is being carried out within the framework of the geology of revival of legends initiative. new ones are opening deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials and solid minerals. in the future, they will provide a supply of mineral raw materials. industries and additional highly qualified positions in the field of subsoil use, and, of course, many related sectors. these were shots from the government's coordination center.
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i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, candidate for president of russia, in russia it’s difficult to find a person who would not dream of justice and a better life, few know that in our people’s enterprises... salary - more than 100 thousand rubles, free medicine , education, interest-free housing , every second family has many children, and this will be the case everywhere, we played at capitalism and that's enough, for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be
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happy and in a peaceful country, to live in love and the future, to live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot, time for new ones. i’ll remove it, no, leave it, zhirinovsky’s case lives on, slutsky, candidate for president of russia, today on the london stock exchange oil prices rose by 3%, inflation is lower than ever in february.
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we played at capitalism and enough for nikolai kharitonov, for the communist party of the russian federation, for socialism. my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and... vladislav davankov, candidate for the presidency of russia, number one on the ballot, it’s time for new ones.


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