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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 21, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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many housewives choose losk 3+1 gel; it even fights greasy stains at low temperatures and short washing cycles. everything will be losk without extra costs. there is loss, no stains. it's just space. the taste of ham from cherkizov's own farms. cosmically delicious. cherkizova. on avito there is an inspiring sale of electronics and discounts up to 70%. this is the same smart speaker. top is the smartest. column, and also top quality cashback 23% on everything, a xiaomi smartphone for only 13,499 and a fitness tracker as a gift, now it will appear, come on, what kind of card is that earns money herself, gazprom bank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. new yandex browser. give me neuropower
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to make any text better! download the new yandex browser and be amazed at your neural powers! enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from the brand i love to cook! it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one! i like to cook! enough vitality. gliskur - exceptional hydration. fills hair with the power of hyalurn. moisturized, shiny and bouncy hair. instead of scissors, try gliskur. exceptional hydration. this sign is modestly hidden behind the big victories at the new stadium. it will support the spirit of sport in the new playgrounds near the house in any weather. this sign does not move forward against the background of great talent in the updated cultural center. and...
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it’s as if he will fade into the background at such a solemn moment. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss, but it is impossible not to notice the changes it has brought to our lives. national project of russia by decision of the president. it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power. gas. the ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao, provides. maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. alen, shopping again. on marketplaces with a vtb debit card , 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. the first postal badges of the svo participants were presented in st. petersburg. governor alexander beglov presented them to the soldiers. undergoing treatment and
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rehabilitation in a hospital for war veterans. with all the details dmitry akimov. on memorial sign angel, spire of the peter and paul cathedral and inscription for participation in a special military operation. st. petersburg says thank you to the soldiers. on the reverse is the city's coat of arms and inscription. with gratitude, the first to receive the badge of honor are the wounded soldiers at the war veterans hospital. thank you very much, of course, the attention, it immediately makes me happy, it makes me happy, of course, the awards are received by soldiers, volunteers, doctors, and not necessarily from st. petersburg. vladimir kraev volunteered from primorye in may last year and spent less time on the front line near donetsk month. so the four of us got there, the four of us were the last ones, we arranged everyone, and we were in the four of us. and then once this flash, that’s it, two of us are gone, the two of us were mowed down. in st. petersburg, it makes no difference
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where a person went to the front from, for us all are our defenders, says the city governor. all awards, they are awards are kept in families, this is primarily for our children, for our future grandchildren, this is our history, family history, the history of our country, the history of our city, and so to speak, such a pass to st. petersburg with this medal, you can always come and say that there is any questions or share or any other questions you have. that your children, relatives, loved ones, the governor personally approves the lists for awards: for the first time , 35 people received it, but the awards will continue and will become a new, good city tradition. after the official ceremony , the governor went into the chambers, and this part of the communication with the fighters is already without the press, they probably have something to discuss. dmitry akimov and andrey kupaev. news from st. petersburg. dear
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friends, i suggest you watch the replays. releases of our proprietary program besagon tv, i hope you remember them and enjoy them. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when
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you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. russia 24.
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the central bank revoked the license for the first time in a year and a half. the qiwi bank ranked eighty-ninth in the country in terms of assets. according to the regulator, he violated federal banking laws, as well as laws in the field of combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. it's in first of all, transfers in favor of crypto exchangers, well, you remember that qiwi was actively working with the same bitcoin, in addition, transfers of funds in favor of illegal online casinos,
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bookmakers, and similar businesses. among other things, the central bank has established numerous cases of opening kiev wallets without the knowledge of individuals and carrying out operations on them. its own channels were connections with other banks, that is, this is a quasi-banking structure that uses some kind of agreements, including the use crypto channels, and for the transfer of funds to ensure these payments, that is, there is a completely opaque scheme here, why the license was revoked, qiwi is a group of companies that represents payment... financial services in russia and abroad. it includes about a dozen assets, including kevebank, an electronic wallet and the kontaktakt money transfer system. immediately after the license was revoked, the last two stopped functioning. serious problems for the group began back in 2020. then the regulator
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prohibited kivebank from making a number of payments, and then fined 11 million rubles. and this is far from the only case. over the past year alone , restrictive measures from the central bank have been applied to it five times. previously. the bank received a warning from the central bank, inspections were carried out, the bank's shortcomings were pointed out, time was given to fulfill the instructions of the central bank, but unfortunately they were not fulfilled on time. payment services provided the bulk of kiev’s income; for example, in 2022, the segment accounted for 87% of the company’s total net revenue, which is approximately 30 billion rubles the volume of payments - yes, reached almost 2 trillion rubles. kevibank participates in the deposit insurance system, amounts not exceeding 1,400,000, including interest, will be returned to depositors in full. the total amount of payments was preliminary estimated at 4.6 billion rubles. more than 20
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thousand investors will receive them. however, the deposit insurance agency has already clarified that this does not apply to funds in electronic qiwi wallets. these funds are electronic funds. the applicant will be notified of the results within 30 working days consideration, payments on approved claims will be made during liquidation procedures. the revocation of the license affected the work of other financial organizations, so the bank’s press service linked problems with payment for communications through their own application with qiwi. clients of tochka bank also reported problems. against the background of the message about the revocation of the license, the cost of global depository receipts. fell
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on 63. qiwi bank offices in moscow, st. petersburg and kazan are now closed, a temporary administration from the dia has been appointed. final period liquidation of the bank will take about a year. so, earlier today vladimir putin awarded the military. and according to the supreme commander-in-chief, the military showed courage and bravery, thanks to their impeccable preparation and actions, our units were able to achieve a turning point in the most difficult sectors of the front. anastasia efimova watched the award ceremony. they showed courage and courage, flew thousands of combat missions, and proved their loyalty.
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state center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the russian ministry of defense, a unique base has been created here for military specialists , military tests of advanced aviation equipment are being conducted, organized by the center of a special helicopter group, which is on combat duty in the special operation zone, fulfilling its duty with honor, and the tactical developments of the center allow expanding the possibilities of using aerospace forces. the order of zhukov recognizes the military merits of the pilots of the fifteenth
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army aviation brigade. thanks to their heroic actions and impeccable preparation, it was possible to achieve a turning point in the most difficult sectors of the front. order of kutuzov awarded the 487th separate helicopter regiment. its pilots are an example of courage and professionalism. demonstrated the ability to act clearly in combat conditions and achieve goals. the head of state attached orders and ribbons to battle banners, after which the units demonstrated them in a solemn march. also , the president today handed over to the russian aerospace forces the icon of the savior not made by hands, which is traditionally of great importance for the russian military. may this icon continue to exist. preserves and protects our soldiers, strengthens them in service, in a fair
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fight for a just cause, for our people, for our russia. we treat our brothers , representatives of other traditional faiths of russia with the most attentiveness, they are next to us in battle formation, they are next to us, and spiritually, i congratulate you on accepting this image, and the commander of the russian aerospace forces, of course, thanked you for this the gift on
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february 20, 2014 is called the culmination of the events on the kiev maidan.
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it is symbolic that for donbass 2 years ago this period took on a completely different meaning. v in the most difficult conditions, escalating ukrainian shelling, the donetsk and lugansk people 's republics were recognized as independent states, a decision that was predetermined, but which was preceded by a long journey of 8 years, a string of agreements, the minsk format, the normandy disengagement of forces, ignoring its own promises, kiev increased concentration troops along the entire line of contact with the republics of donbass, a real genocide of donbass was being prepared, that is, a full-fledged special operation was being prepared. to clean up donbass and indeed, the west supported ukraine; at the last moment, russia intervened and saved the swami. by the beginning of 2022, the intensity of the shelling increased so much that denis pushelin was forced to announce the evacuation of the civilian population, then general mobilization. but without russia’s help
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, the republic could not cope with ukraine, pumped up with western weapons. on behalf of all the people of the donetsk people's republic, he asks.
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this will be a great help for our militia and it will really end quickly for everyone, victory, of course, is ours. we're glad of course, they all were, but well, each in their own way, probably, well, nevertheless, what is in russia, the fact that our land has returned to our homeland, yes. after the president signed decrees recognizing the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, people regained
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hope for a quick peace and victory, and confirmed sovereignty allowed them to make decisions.
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a bankruptcy filing for the site, after which , at the end of november, unknown persons filed , quotes collapsed by 35%. subsequently , it turned out that the exchange itself did not submit the application; it turned out to be fictitious. in him it was said about allegedly overdue debt to banks for 435 million rubles. china tripled purchases of russian sokol oil at refineries in february. fell by 168 thousand barley per day, bloomberg reports. according to the agency, the growth was mainly provided by private processors. the fact is that oil of this grade has become less actively purchased in india
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due to fear of sanctions. against this background, china increased purchases. in addition, sokol is sold at a discount of about 50 cents in relation to the reference brand. russia one and a half times increased supplies of fertilizers to india. during the year , 5,400 were sent in this direction. having caught up with china's share, with regard to supplies to europe, here russia retains first place; due to high gas prices, in the twenty-second year, fertilizer production in the eu fell and did not recover. it was economic news, briefly. global governance reform and international tensions will be key topics.
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safe area of ​​gloria, where, nevertheless , reinforced police squads have been on duty for the last two days. meeting, myself the meeting will begin literally within the next hour and a half, absolutely all representatives of foreign policy departments will gather at one table, where brazil will preside, this information is expected to be preliminary, sergei lavov’s neighbors will be representatives of mexico and saudi arabia, and the heads will sit opposite him.
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thank you, alice, there will be a number of other meetings, which we will definitely inform you about, and
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we are, of course, waiting for the start of the main thing. meeting, colleagues, natalya, thank you, in direct contact with brazil was our special correspondent, natalya solovyova, and we continue, the north caucasus district of the national guard was awarded the order of zhukov. by decree of the president, marriage and heroism demonstrated during a special military operation, as well as for high performance in combat training. on the territory of a separate brigade in grozny , 14 military personnel who distinguished themselves while performing tasks also received awards. current fighters and commanders of the russian guard demonstrate examples of exceptional military valor, confidently following in the footsteps generation of winners. together with the systems , awarding the north caucasus district with the order of zhukov objectively indicates its special role in the structure of the national guard troops, as well as in the system of ensuring state and public security
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of russia. there are a lot of people who want to serve, to defend our fatherland, we absolutely have enough patriots, and we will definitely defeat these devils with this, victory will be ours. the first patient with a neurolink implant implanted in the brain was able to control a computer mouse with with the help of the power of thought, and the poet said the american entrepreneur elon musk. let me remind you, a startup. was created by musk in july 2016, the businessman believes that such neural interfaces will allow a person to resist artificial intelligence, and will also help people directly control a computer using the power of thought. this device is primarily created for people who have lost the ability to use their limbs. for now, we are talking about what a person on his team can finally implement if he doesn’t know how move, cannot speak, he
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will be able to ... give commands to the synthesizer, which , the synthesizer with his voice will communicate with people, can also transmit mental commands to control the manipulator, which will be able to - well, expand the scope of its self-service, in the end take what - objects on the table, bring, bring a glass of water, a map, etc., this is the area that can be mastered, and it is very in demand for patients after a stroke, after. well, russian scientists are actively working on projects that help immobilized patients control gadgets and communicate with the power of thought. one such development appeared several years ago, the russian neurochat system, but today more than 500 complexes have been released, complexes that are in the hands of patients, as well as in hospitals. this device is designed to help people with cerebral. sclerosis,
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chronic cerebral ischemia, senile asthnia. russian scientists continue to amaze with their achievements; they already have a new project. we make systems for relieving pain that occurs during amputation, for example, what is called phantom pain. now development is underway just on this matter, and these are also neural interface technologies, but they may be associated with the life of electrodes not in...
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vladimir putin in kazania are holding a series of meetings with heads of state who arrived in the capital of tatarstan to participate in the opening ceremony of the multi-sport tournament game of the future. russia did everything to make the start worthy, the russian president stated this at a meeting with the leader of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov. we tried to make the start decent. young people all over the world love these sports and we are happy to create conditions for them to compete with each other. as for our bilateral relations, they are based on our fundamental agreement, and are developing successfully, and in all directions, russia is and remains one of the main trade and economic partners.


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