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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 22, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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com. a solemn ceremony took place in kazan. opening of an international multi-sport tournament in the concept of figital, the game of the future. thousands of athletes from more than 100 countries take part in the large-scale event. at the ceremony, vladimir putin said that these large-scale competitions are free from any kind of discrimination and double standards. report by stas redikultsev. how far progress has come, both robots and humans are dancing, a bright, as if from the future, opening ceremony of the first people in history.
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welcome the pioneers of fitjitol to russia sports, a completely new innovative format, which determined the very name of the upcoming competitions, these are truly the games of the future, the interweaving of modern traditions, the harmony of physical perfection of high intelligence, the unity of sports and technology, the education of science, all this... is necessary for a person to comprehensively
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develop success in our an era of rapid change. the games of the future are our gift to the global sports family. more than 2.0 participants from 107 countries from australia, usa and uk to cameroon, brazil and china, hospitable russia again sets an example to the world of what sport can and should be. the games of the future are freedom from political conditions and all types of discrimination. and double standards, i am sure that genuine sport will reign at the games venues, virtuoso skill, perseverance, and the will to win will be demonstrated by 2,000 athletes from more than a hundred countries around the world. exciting and spectacular competitions of the games of the future in the final format, when the result is determined simultaneously on two platforms , virtual and real, so impressed the presidents of kazakhstan and uzbekistan that kasym zhamat takaev... and shavkat mirziyoyev
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decided right at the opening to compete for the right to host the next tournaments. let's hold the next games in kazakhstan. next time in kazakhstan, in 2026, we are ready to receive you in uzbekistan. the games of the future have already successfully launched in the arenas of kazan, with constant sold-out crowds in the stands and millions of spectators on online platforms, like a sign of quality confirming the enormous interest in the tournament. it's better to see once than a hundred times. hear, this is probably the principle, more effective than ever, more effective here than anywhere else it works, this is the relationship, the integration of, uh, real, real physical activity of classical sports and cyber disciplines, it, of course, seems promising to me. 21 disciplines, the games of the future cover almost all areas, from programming and pure e-sports to cybattles, robot battles, and of course, the amazing entertainment of fidzital disciplines of gaming sports.
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news from kazan: republic of tatarstan. well, earlier in kazan, vladimir putin held a series of bilateral negotiations with heads of state, the leaders of several countries arrived in tatarstan to participate in the opening of the multi-sport tournament of the game of the future. we had time to discuss. number of topics.
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in addition to sports, political issues were also in the spotlight. elizaveta khramtsova will tell you all the details of the president’s meetings. the first ever games of the future competition in kazan. this is a triumph of the unity of sports and technology, and the attention that is today focused on the events of the capital of tatarstan once again proves that the west’s plan to isolate russia in politics and sports has failed. several leaders arrived at the opening of the games of the future today, the russian president held bilateral meetings with each of them. kazakhstan is one of the countries that sent the largest number of participants to the competition in kazan. at a meeting with vladimir putin, the country's president kasym zhamar takaev said that the republic. is actively developing e-sports and also holds tournaments, the presidents of russia and kazakhstan are confident that such large humanitarian events as the games of the future will give impetus to development, and not only in the fields of sports and technology, sport should be outside of any politics, on the contrary, it should bring people together,
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we have many participants from more than 100 countries , 104 countries came from different continents, young people who are interested in... real sports, well, everything is real, let’s say traditional sports, let’s see how it will look in practice, the games of the future are a unique format, it is a symbiosis of it intelligence in combination with sports, which probably does not look quite usual, but on the other hand it is a unique format, i would like to propose that the next games of the future would be held in our country. uzbekistan, on the contrary, has just begun develop physzital, but president shovkat mirziyoyev expressed confidence that after the games of the future, the popularity of this area will only grow, and russia will become an example and
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support. the leaders of the two states noted that the level of relations is so high that there are absolutely no issues that could be called unresolved. in russia there are big political events, events, presidential elections, we are confident, and we believe that in uzbekistan we are very confident in your absolute victory, and as we agreed with you, that one of the first visits will be in uzbekistan. in a similar atmosphere
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, a meeting took place with the president of tajikistan, emali rahmon, moscow’s relations, dushan be is at its highest point, and the games of the future only strengthen ties between peoples. including thanks to our personal relationships, i think this is also such a serious factor, we are moving forward confidently, we will move at a good pace. i would like to congratulate you on organizing the international tournament, igor of the future, this is
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a unique event, and gave us more detailed discussions of our bilateral, we practically do not have any unresolved problems. there are some nuances, i think that today we will discuss and find an acceptable solution. the kyrgyz republic is also represented at the leadership level in kazan. in a conversation with adrom zhapparov, vladimir putin thanked his colleague for the warm welcome of the russian delegation last fall in bishkka. then the construction of three new schools was launched, where children will study in russian. and the competitions of the game of the future are another format that allows us to unite peoples. tried to make star was worthy, young people all over the world love these sports, and we were happy to create conditions for them to compete with each other. as for our bilateral relations, they are based on our
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fundamental agreement and are developing successfully, and in all directions, russia is and remains one of the main trade and economic partners. 35% of direct investments are also from russia in the kyrgyz economy, grateful for the invitation to the opening ceremony of the first multi-sport tournament game. future, i would like to wish the success of this unique event, and also express confidence that it will receive wide international recognition and win the hearts of sports fans. i take this opportunity to wish you success in your upcoming election campaign. and with the head of the republika srpska milorad dudik , vladimir putin discussed the international situation and the situation in the balkans. the leader of the bosnian serbs emphasized that his people have long been living under pressure from western countries and refuse to join nato, but russia -
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it is precisely the state that insists on the implementation of international agreements in this region, and the republic is grateful to moscow for this. and president vladimir putin recalled how important it is to maintain and develop bilateral ties. we know that the situation in the republic is not easy, and we are ready to talk about this too. we are grateful to you for the fact that you...
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even to the imposition by one german citizen, who was not appointed by a decision of the security council , was not a high representative, and if he had been given authority, he would definitely have canceled serbian republic. in the next 10 days, kazan can safely be called the world capital of fidgetal. however, even when there are competitions. end, russia will remain committed to their main idea: our country is open to everything new, and is glad to go into the future together with its allies. before flying to kazan, vladimir putin presented state awards to units of the aerospace forces at the chkalovsky airfield near moscow. sergei shaigu also took part in the ceremony. the president congratulated the military on the upcoming defender of the fatherland day with well-deserved state awards. the head of state attached orders and ribbons to the battle flags.
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the respect with which the people of russia treat their native army.
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without interest and receive a superkick in rubles every month, and also for free with it. high-profile banking story kibank was left without licenses, offices are closed, millions of clients could not access their wallets, the decision was made by the central bank, this is the first revocation of a financial organization’s license since 2022, why did they take such a step and most importantly, what to do now? the central bank revoked the license of the qiwi bank, it is clear that the central office does not work, and also today there are reports of problems with qiwi wallets, for example, it is impossible to replenish or withdraw funds from there. branches were closed in the capital, as well as in st. petersburg and kazan, during the day clients came to
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to the organization's central office in moscow, some called the police, unable to remove dozens, even hundreds. temporary problems with some transactions arose among third-party banks that used qiwi systems. according to the regulator, the organization’s license was revoked due to numerous violations. over the past year, five measures have been applied that limited some operations. the bank was not a significant lender to the real sector of the economy. his activities were characterized by involvement in high-risk operations aimed at ensuring settlements between individuals. blue business, including transfers of funds in favor of crypto exchangers, illegal online casinos, bookmakers and the like, as well as the search for new ways to circumvent the restrictions imposed by the regulator. among the fouls of organizations voiced by the regulator of the use of personal data of unknown owners to create qiwi wallets, there are also many questions about money laundering. information about operations carried out that have signs of being committed criminally
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punishable acts, sent by the bank of russia to law enforcement agencies. mainly with wallets. used by those people who tried in this way to divert the cash flow of funds from the attention of the tax inspectorate, that is, this is the transfer of funds for payment of services between citizens or the return of money from legal entities to citizens for cashing. according to some employees, the revocation of the bank’s license was a real surprise for them; many went to work, despite management’s call to work remotely in closed chats for employees. this morning cbrf. published information about the revocation of qiwi bank's banking license. the bank currently has a temporary administration. the qiwi business group, which is not associated with the activities of qiwi bank, operates as usual. we also ask moscow employees to spend their working day remotely, if possible. it is known that the bank participated in the deposit insurance program; clients can expect compensation of 1,400 thousand rubles.
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anything that exceeds the limit can be obtained during liquidation procedures. applications for payment of insurance compensation may be submitted by depositors during the entire period of bank liquidation. the total amount of payments will tentatively amount to 4.6 billion rubles. payments should receive more. thousands of depositors of individuals and legal entities. to apply for insurance compensation, depositors must contact an authorized agent bank or dia office with an application. funds will be transferred to the account specified in this application. funds from wallets will be reimbursed through the sale of kiwibank assets. and according to the central bank, what the organization has at its disposal should be enough. we receive a large number of questions regarding funds in the qiwi wallet. these funds are electronic funds, according to the law on deposit insurance, and are not subject to insurance ; however, owners of electronic wallets have the right to submit an application to the temporary
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administration, attaching documents that confirm the availability of funds in kiwibank. within 30 working days , the applicant will be notified of results of the consideration, payments on approved claims will be made during the liquidation procedures. you in. note that payments of insurance claims on deposits will begin no later than march 6. evgenia nipot, nadezhda nefedova and anna pogonina, lead. he approves of terrorist attacks in russia, is ready to donate fees to the armed forces of ukraine, dreams, but for some reason is in no hurry to move to ukraine. all this was the revelation of foreign agent viktor shenderovich, who thought he was talking with the head of the office of the president of ukraine, in fact, well, of course, with the pranksters vavan and lexus. details of the conversation with evgenia petrukhina. foreign agent viktor shanderovich is holed up overseas in houston, he first of all intends to translate the book of his aphorisms into ukrainian, but
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apparently he has not yet decided to switch to language in his lectures, he probably hasn’t learned it yet, while the offer to come on tour to nezalezhnaya is clearly happy to present a new book, especially in kiev and odessa, he is even ready to give his fees to the ukrainian army, the fugitive writer confessed how he thought with the head of zelensky’s office andrey yarmak, ingratiated himself so that performances in kiev and odessa take place? shanderovich is ready not to criticize bandera, but what about his israeli citizenship and israeli roots? his grandfather, for example, would have approved of this. viktor shenderrovich even agrees to learn a neutral answer to
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possible questions from journalists from square about the writer’s attitude towards bandera. a real nod to agent shandurovich. is he really hoping to drop off the list of peacemakers? the situation is really potentially, acute in the sense that they might ask me a question, i can try prepare. just some wording that is as streamlined as possible, my answer, i can prepare it a little more formally, that is, write it and learn it, somehow i will make the most streamlined formulations so as not to offend anyone, i think, by the way, if really he would have come to ukraine and come up with something, these uh strange shapes, designs, so as not to offend anyone, i think it would still have ended in such a way that they would have doused him with green paint and thrown garbage there. shanderovich does not hide his positions on crimea and donbass, they say that ukraine will return them, and russia, quote, will be put face down, he immediately stipulates that he is ready to personally tune the russian population to
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a new political wave. russia will be carefully pushed to the periphery, put face down, yes , the next question, the next question is what about those 130-140 million that have been poured into their heads for 20 years, so what? the west wants defeat, and ukraine is the enemy, they’ve been fighting for 20 years , they’re not going anywhere, they’re just, yes, they ’ll be in a gloomy, state of defeat, we need to talk to them, we need to explain to them who’s in this is to blame, that neither the west nor ukraine is to blame, we need to tell them, and they will, someone will talk to them, and if we talk, if by this time we are legitimate in our forces, someone? must explain to the gloomy population that the west and ukraine are not to blame for anything, and that means we,
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people like shandarovich, should do this. for help, that you will save us somehow, support us, because in russia no one needs us in the west, as it turned out, by the way, bykov set him up, it was he who waited for us with his contact and told us how since shandarovich said that yarmak wants to talk to him, so shandarovich should thank his friend, well, apparently in their midst it is normal to eliminate competitors as competitors in the political arena?
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nationality, but nevertheless he does not think it is very good in connection with him that ukraine can use them for its own purposes, including killing our military personnel; moreover, he approves of this. in this prank of vavan and lexus, foreign agent shanderovich completely talked about another book aphorisms that are criminally punishable.
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including the creation of temporary polling stations, let me remind you that in this case we are talking about the donetsk republic, the lugansk republic, the election commissions of the belgorod region, the zaporozhye region and the election commission of the kurzh region. the supreme court of russia recognized the decision of the central election commission to refuse registration
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as a presidential candidate as legal. operations, so the candidate from the liberal democrats presented his election program in moscow, it is like the quintessence of the work of the ldpr for 35 years, since its founding. with on the one hand, it does not betray the behest of founder vladimir zhirinovsky, on the other, it relies on the appeal of millions of russians, taking into account the most sensitive social and economic issues. the presentation day was not chosen by chance,
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february 21st. the date is historical for the country, the second anniversary of the recognition of the independence of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics. today our sacred duty is to protect them, which means, as soon as possible, to complete a special military operation, achieving a historic victory, to talk on the other side, alas. no with anyone, need to be with them to sort it out once and for all, and to put an end to this nazi pack once and for all. the schedule is planned to the minute; in omsk, the head of the election headquarters of the new people party managed to visit the famous eighteen-year-old long-term construction project in one day to talk with shareholders, tested public transport, taking a ride along one of the city’s trolleybus routes.


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