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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 22, 2024 1:00am-1:30am MSK

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to think about what we can do and protect, a solemn ceremony took place in kazan... games of the future. thousands of athletes from more than 100 countries take part in the large-scale event. at the ceremony, vladimir putin said that these large-scale competitions are free from any kind of discrimination and double standards. report by stas ridekultsev. both robots and humans dance about how progress has come. bright, as if from the future , the opening ceremony of the first in the history of mankind.
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in itself a presentation of a new phenomenon in world sports, both in sports arenas, the organizers achieved harmony by combining the virtual and real worlds; the firebird of the world, woven from light, soared from the real dimension to the digital one. the start of the first games of the future was given by russian president vladimir putin, addressing fidzital athletes, putin called them pioneers, and a pioneer, as you know, is an example to everyone. i'm glad to welcome you.
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other standards, i am sure that genuine sport will reign on the games grounds, virtuoso skill, perseverance, and the will to win will be demonstrated by 2.0 athletes from more than a hundred countries of the world. exciting and spectacular competitions of games of the future in the final format, when the result is determined simultaneously on two platforms, virtual and real, so impressed the presidents of kazakhstan and uzbekistan that kasym zhamat takaev and shavkat... merziyoyev decided right at the opening
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to compete for the right to host the next tournaments. let's hold the next games in kazakhstan. next time in kazakhstan, in 2026, we are ready to receive you in uzbekistan. the games of the future have already successfully started in the arenas of kazan, with constant sold-out crowds in the stands and millions of spectators in online platforms, like a sign of quality confirming the enormous interest in the tournament. it's better to see once than to hear 100 times. this principle, probably , works here more effectively than ever, like nowhere else, this interconnection, integration, uh, real, real physical activity of classical sports and cyber disciplines, it, of course, seems promising to me. 21 disciplines, the games of the future cover almost all areas, from programming and pure e-sports, to cybattles, robot battles, and of course, amazing entertainment in the disciplines of team sports, even... conservative classical
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sports are being watched, these are games of the future, games of the present, perhaps some games can be arranged between current players, and in the summer, because there is interest and there is an interesting format -3 on a small platform, where there are a lot of goals, where there is a lot of aggression, where people just enjoy, spectacular, innovative, our games of the future are official. are open and this is not even a new chapter, but a whole volume in the history of world sports. russia confirms again that our the country was and remains a leading sports power. one hundred sredikultsev, ivan lavrikov and karen melikyan, news from kazan, republic of tatarstan. but earlier in kazan, vladimir putin held a series of bilateral negotiations with heads of state; the leaders of several countries arrived in tatarstan to participate in the opening of the future games multi-sport tournament. we managed to discuss a large number.
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in order to continue this tradition, an initiative that was expressed in a timely manner by the russian federation. uzbekistan , on the contrary, has just begun to develop fitital, but president shavkat mirziyoyev expressed confidence that after the games of the future, the popularity of this area will only grow, and russia will become an example and support. the leaders of the two
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states noted that the level of relations is so high that there are absolutely no issues that could be called unresolved. we are developing very intensively economically.
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as for our bilateral relations, we of course use the opportunity to communicate within the framework of this event in order to discuss bilateral relations, i would like to note that they are developing very successfully, i don’t know a single problem that we wouldn’t solve after, especially after our meetings, we will move in all directions, first of all, of course, it concerns this economy, i won’t go into details, but in general... including thanks to our personal relationships, i think this is also such a serious factor, we are moving forward confidently, we will move at a good pace, i would like to congratulate you on organizing an international tournament, the game of the future, this is a unique event, i added
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that our bilateral relations, practically we do not have any unresolved ones, there are some... the kyrgyz republic is also represented in kazan. in a conversation with ader japarov, vladimir putin thanked his colleague for the warm welcome of the russian delegation last fall in bishkka. then the construction of three new schools was launched, where children will study in russian. and the competition of the game of the future is another format that allows people to unite. we tried to... make a decent start, young people all over the world love these sports and we we were pleased to create conditions for them so that they could compete with each other. as for our bilateral relations, they are based on our
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fundamental agreement, and are developing successfully, and in all directions, russia is and remains one of the main trade and economic partners, 35% of direct investments are also from russia in the kyrgyz economy, grateful for the invitation at the opening ceremony of the first multi-sport tournament, the game of the future. i would like to wish you a successful this unique event, and also express confidence that it will receive wide international recognition and win the hearts of sports fans. i take this opportunity to wish you success in your upcoming election campaign. and with the head of the republika srpska melorad dudik, vladimir putin discussed the international situation and the situation in the balkans. the bosnian serb leader stressed that his people are already.
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even to the imposition of one german citizen who was not appointed by a decision of the security council as high he was not a representative, and if he had been given powers, he would definitely have abolished the serbian republic. in the next 10 days, kazan can safely be called the world capital of fidgetal, however, even after the competition is over. russia will remain committed to their main idea, our country is open to everything new and is happy to go into the future together with its allies. global governance reform and international tensions will be key topics at the group of 20 foreign ministers' council in rio deneiro. our the country is represented at the negotiations by sergei lavrov. our special correspondent natalia solovyova has all the details. sunny riodara hosts the heads of the twenty countries. a place for boat trips and recreation for townspeople, but
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even it is crowded with police at this time. brazil was preparing for this event, everything was thought out, even the seating of the guests at the table, sergei lavrov’s neighbors, representatives of mexico and saudi arabia, almost opposite the uk and the usa. the head of the russian diplomat is punctual, despite his busy schedule. at night the minister flew in from venezuela, in the morning there is a marathon of bilateral meetings. with colleagues from brazil, mexico, bolivia, paraguay, the egyptian foreign minister joked in a city where the ocean is literally visible from every window; diplomats do not have time to admire it. i arrived at 3 in the morning, didn’t have time to do anything, i wanted to go to the ocean to see, i’ve never been to the ocean. glad to see you. among the european diplomats, the first to appear was the recently appointed head of the french foreign ministry, stephane sijournet, and the german foreign minister berbak, the new head.
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at the g20 site, special attention should be paid to focused on the conflict in ukraine and palestine. the multilateral commissions that currently exist cannot cope with what is happening in the world. in particular, the un security council is ill-equipped to deal with the current crises. brazil does not accept. a world in which contradictions are resolved through military force, we call for the world to resolve problems peacefully. any conflict ends at the negotiating table, but it was ukraine that forbade itself to negotiate, as sergei lavrov once again reminded. at work of the heads of foreign policy departments of the twenty countries are monitored by dozens of our colleagues. journalistic luck to get an exclusive interview. the globe publication succeeded. they spoke with foreign minister sergei lavrov. the main topic is included in the title. west and kyiv. has the political will to resolve the conflict. the current g20 meeting is taking place on the eve of the second anniversary
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of the special military operation in ukraine, and relations between russia and western countries are in deep crisis. russia is open to resolving the conflict peacefully, however our opponents in kiev and the west are fixated on promoting the zelensky formula, which represents an unacceptable ultimatum to russia and categorically rejects other initiatives, including the brazilian one. first , kiev will have to lift the ban on dialogue with moscow that it introduced. for myself. about 350 journalists from all over the world came to brazil. there are no sensations, but the intrigue remains whether lavrov and blinken will communicate, at least as diplomats say, on their feet. seems to be irreconcilable positions.
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we will use temporary points, this keeping animals, dogs, we will make a decision based on the decision of the commission, that is, there will be relevant specialists and ash defenders. the law also provides for the implementation of various measures to prevent infectious diseases in stray animals, especially rabies;
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similar measures were approved in the trans-baikal territory, the altai republic in chukotka. there, local parliamentarians, during their speeches, repeatedly emphasized that a pack of stray dogs are occupying local areas, children's playgrounds are being attacked of people. the document prescribes the capture of animals without owners, their transportation and transfer to temporary holding centers or animal shelters. at the same time, employees of the authorized institution must return lost animals to their owners and organize a search for new owners for such animals. days the dog will not find an owner, it will be euthanized, since keeping such animals in shelters is too expensive. regions in accordance with federal legislation has the right to independently establish the procedure for carrying out activities related to the treatment of stray animals. the decision was made after the tragedy in orenburg. in april last year, a pack of stray dogs attacked
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two schoolchildren near a garage cooperative. an eight-year-old boy was killed by a dog. to death, i was playing with friends, not far from the garages, i heard dogs started barking very loudly, someone started shouting: “help, help, here dogs often bark, the boy who died, thanks to his life, he gave life to others, one of the first regions where they started talking about the euthanasia of stray dogs was buryatia, approval of such an initiative.
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decided to temporarily ban the euthanasia of stray animals recognized as unclaimed; according to advocates, dogs should not be euthanized, but caught, sterilized, vaccinated and released into the wild. it is necessary to sterilize 60% of the population on average per year, this has been the case for 3 years, after which the number of stray dogs in cities with a population of over a million is halved, the city zerzhinsko, nizhny novgorod region , population 230,000, now is the eighth year that we have been working there, we cannot catch more than 170 slovak dogs. the osvv program has already shown its effectiveness in many cities, in nizhny novgorod, st. petersburg, kazan, vologda; specialists have observed that the number of stray dogs in these regions has decreased significantly over the past 10 years, as has the number of attacks on people. maria valieva and olga prokanova, lead. well, now about the list of allegedly
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banned books, the story that dostoevsky, prus, oscar wilde and other classics may be removed from sale due to the low morality of the compilers of the list.
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rotikov, the idiotic list can be expanded indefinitely, if now someone is trying to make excuses, it still doesn’t add clarity, of course, because... today they ban one book, tomorrow another, the day after tomorrow a third, and if we follow exactly the logic of the banners, then of course, it is necessary
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to ban a significant part of the classics, and tolstoy, and dostoevsky, and pushkin, and maikovsky, and not only under the well-known law, but also under a whole series of articles of the same anti-extremist legislation, but really, why is the list only about lgbt propaganda? also extremism, chauvinism, sexism, contempt for women in society, sober people are against any ban on books and writers. the phenomenon of fascism, which is prohibited, is one thing, quite rightly, another thing is the designation of the phenomenon, these are different things, different things, and of course, these are the people who do it, incompetent, not those versed in literature are not included in this list by your inaccuracy, but what is the advantage, but what does it have to do with it? to this problem, there, there are little girls, emotional, sensual, they are children, what the curators are thinking about won’t even come to mind. similar bans have already existed in our history
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, dostoevsky was not published in soviet times, pushkin was censored and his lines were changed immediately after the poet’s death, who has the right to decide what can be read and what not, and this applies not only to the greats, like dostoevsky, but also literature of the second and third shelon, a story by lydia charskaya made of enamel from soviet libraries. in the 1990s they began to print in huge quantities again , the position of the megamarket is puzzling, i spoke today with the head of this structure, with their representative for relations with the government agency, who confirmed to me that this black list does not exist, that there is no relevance of the old one, not even document, and a certain questionnaire does not exist, why did the press service confirm to journalists a deliberate lie, now they will deal with... their internal investigation has already begun, and i can’t help but it should be noted that this list appeared online through the efforts of an agent who
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left russia with the start of a special military operation. it is clear that this list was compiled in an unclear way, it is not known under what sauce it was distributed and what goals the autoideas pursued, but it personally seems to me that he wanted to harm our country and undermine the authority of its institutions. i hope this will receive proper public assessment; such excesses or provocations will happen in our lives. as rarely as possible, recently lists of prohibited or unwanted musicians, while the art managers of these performers assured that they had not received any lists. zenaida kurbatova, anna pogonina, lead. let's return to the games of the future competition, which opened in kazan on wednesday evening, where more and more new sports and e-sports disciplines are being presented to the audience. our colleague danilo makhalin closely monitors all the diversity. this is what the world of tanks looks like, a tournament that... may interest you literally from the doorstep, a large bright area, two teams on both sides and a central view with a perspective on the action itself, where
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the main events develop. this can be compared to a large cinema or some kind of performance on the podium or in the stalls, everyone listens attentively, looks at the main screen, intently receives this information from commentators who explain the rules of tank battles and immerse them in the world of strategy. interesting experience to watch. the rules are simple to understand: two teams alternately attack and defend for 10 minutes of each round, the task is to either destroy all enemy tanks or capture the flag. this is generally a large-scale event, which in general i like to watch 7 on se, this is the most interesting format in tanks that you can watch, in contrast to 15 on 15, which is boring. some tactics are required here, the world of tanks has its own intrigue , and everything can be decided only by the details, i think what was more decisive here was that we had a more closed level of training, we did not
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train with... many teams that participate in games of the future, so as not to just show our chips, show our new meta, our chips, what we learned, what we haven’t learned, we have our own preparations, each team has its own preparations, i’m more than sure that, to the extent possible, everyone shows them during this tournament. the process in the it park is organized very skillfully, it is an extremely modern space, here in the lobby, during the break between matches, spectators come out to immerse themselves in these games, some prefer fifa or dancing, for example, others choose tanks. on a remote control to go through the maze, but the third location, the most atmospheric in my opinion, is a retro game where everyone can try your hand at denzi, sega or nintendo, but figital hockey is the online part of the most modern platform, the result of the battle, which is transferred to real ice, so kazan akbars, which organized itself a comfortable advantage against the phoenix team in
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the cyber part, was able to maintain. not just parquet, but an installed kiberled screen that instantly reacts to movement, it is symbolic that in the very first game the founders of classical basketball, teams from the states, formally clashed against the creators of the idea of ​​phygital, our guys, kazan unix, who were stronger in both types of programs, a completely different game, what many people tell me there, and that you are a professional player, now you will come there bam-bang, but no, it doesn’t work like that at all, there is much more dynamics here,
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there is much more ... there are more variables , everything is very fast, that is, you don’t have time to think about the advantages there, over the glorious countries of your opponent, you need to do it quickly and accurately. everyone has the opportunity to attend any discipline until march 3, when the closing ceremony will take place. daniel makhalin, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, alexander stalmashevsky, vesti kazan.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has a special yes. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still,
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don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna medium, watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats.


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