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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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today, vladimir putin personally tested the updated strategic missile carrier 1-160 m. all that remains of the legendary soviet white swan is its recognizable external appearance - this. can carry nuclear weapons
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and is part of russia's nuclear triad. after a half-hour flight, the president shared his first impressions with reporters. so, the strategic missile carrier tu-160 m with vladimir putin on board takes off. together with you we are now watching this truly unique event. so, lift off the ground, take off. vladimir vladimirovich, well, let's put it this way, i definitely took part in the piloting, but i don’t know whether i piloted it or not, but this is not the first , not the first flight for the president, for the supreme commander-in-chief, so, half an hour , well, now what an impression, vladimir putin descends from the board of a strategic missile carrier.
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60m let's try to find out about the impressions, of course, you can take it as a whole in comparison with how it was 19 years ago, you know, this is a really new, new car, in many ways new, it handles better, can be seen with the naked eye, not just with a glance, the reliability is very high , but also energy uh.
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yes, it's already turned on, isn't it? yes, it's all -inclusive with the handbrake. i once dreamed all my life, when i drove a kamaz all over the country in the nineties, here on a good road, in a good car, that i never even dreamed of with the president, here it goes, here it goes, imagine, this is an event for life , this is something that will be remembered for a lifetime, thank you vladimirovich, thank you for your health. i don’t know, when
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we flew up on the plane, we didn’t see what kind of buildings there were around kazan, but in general it was great, yes, of course, and yesterday we flew in a helicopter, now you are looking at the city being transformed. vladimir putin stopped at a gas station, and it was there that our restless pavel zarubin found out what the president thought about the boorish statement of the us president. can i ask one more question, i don’t know whether they managed to report to you today or not, you are either treating or traveling, president biden, us president biden again with a boorish statement.
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domestic political point of view, and this reaction is absolutely adequate, which means i was right, and what i said, i said primarily for our audience, and not for american, you’re a russian journalist, that’s why you asked me what
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’s best for us, that’s what i said then, that’s what i think now, and i can repeat biden, thank you, thank you. so biden is better for us, and of course, now i simply have to show you biden. yes, biden, one might say , spoke directly here, no, no, you think that i ’m stammering, you haven’t seen biden yet, my father honestly said, jobs, a salary is something more than, a job is something more than a salary, it's about your dignity, it's about coming.
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god forbid, of course, i ask with all due respect, are you ready to step into the role of doing everything that the country needs, absolutely ready, but thank god, our president is in good shape.
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the united states of america, what do they all need in this carnival, which is happening in a funny way, yes, they all understand that this is nonsense, moreover, i will now say, probably, a terrible thing. that karin zhanpir also understands everything and also understands that she is talking nonsense, yes, but they cannot stop, and if they stop, what will happen next? this bicycle, american politics, which has always and the meaning of that political system that they have been building for many years, the meaning of this most unfortunate non-partisan...
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is capable of taking the united states of america to where we need it, in this sense absolutely. with andrei andreevich gromyk to say that he washington met with brezhnev, everything, yes, everything, already
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everything, he has permission to leave, yes, ah, but this is a joke, in general, yesterday i was very, yes him, one might say , stalin accepted the pioneer, yes, personally, yes, on the crust of george gave a recommendation, yes, you found out what year biden was born, biden, forty -two, in my opinion, 1800, i hope, well, judging by who is for him? but in general, yes, sorry, if someone thinks that i’m saying terrible things, this simply has to do with the fact that at the time of analyzing the voting of the selected lists, it turned out that the number of dead people with dates of birth 1800, 1800, and more voted for biden , politely speaking, it was very high, but in general i can tell you that it’s very high for me, in general i ’m... very impressed by yesterday broadcast at an evening with vladimir solovyov
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, where very key important issues were really discussed, and i’m still thinking about the question, we actually discussed issues of war and peace, under what conditions a nuclear war, a big war, is possible, and with all that it was quite there are many who disagree with the idea that the emergence of... interpreter, but nevertheless, but this is still a big war, a chain of wars around
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the world, a chain of local conflicts, together gives a big war and the deepest reformatting of our geo-economic a space where there will not be, by the way , such a macro-region as europe, there will not be such a large macro-region as the mediterranean, it has always been the mediterranean. it may be, this is the cradle of humanity, according to some versions , but it may not exist, in fact, i’m very impressed that everyone, even those who denied it, admitted it, and i’ll tell you this, that in reality, here’s my hypothesis after almost a day has passed after this broadcast, but all this can happen, well, as they say, because of...
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says that simply brainwashing is not enough, just propaganda
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is not enough, just russophobia is not enough, well, there is much more russophobia than in modern germany, and even then it has not yet been possible to push through this, and this is, i will say, a very serious signal , that first of all they need to raise the degree of tension that is inside, they need to raise the degree of tension, the degree... of hysteria within their countries, otherwise they will not be able to move their countries into a big european war, well, it’s not working, and how will they do it , they already...
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i think that they are ripe to turn western europe towards a big european war against russia, they need to break the remnants of pacifism in their societies, then it will be possible to return to your truly deep and underestimated in its time discussion spirit. so you need to shed blood on the tefton spirit, and not some untermensch, but your own german blood, they will shed it, and even i ’ll tell you this, don’t choke, they will be afraid to shed the blood of only two nations, they will be afraid to shed
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the blood of americans, therefore the american military bases in europe, they will not touch. and i think, just in case, they will be afraid to touch the british, but this is no longer certain, so , they will let their own people go under the knife without hesitation, and the very last thing, yes, a very serious and in many ways decisive stage of this phase of our confrontation has begun with the west, calm provision and conduct of the presidential elections of the russian federation in such a way
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that will not allow the slightest doubts to arise about its legitimacy. and i want to say.
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continue to provide not just an educational service, but an ideological impact on students, including setting part of the student body against the few, unfortunately, patriotically minded teachers, these cases exist, we cannot turn a blind eye to them, and we cannot pretend that we are postponing everything until after the elections, we may not have it,
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not germany tea, but our parents, our students, should know who influences their children, who determines youth, and this is not a sentence, this is not a ban on the profession, make decisions, including where to spend their money, more clearly , by the way, at the same time we find out what our staffing situation is,
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and they appoint some citizen immediately as the leader of the opposition in the west, and then that democratic procedures took place, that someone voted for her, she has been there for 2 years, besides, it’s unknown where she was hanging out with her husband she didn’t go to prison, it’s true, that is , continuous photographs from different parts of the world are wonderful, what makes her the leader of the democratic opposition of russia, the fact that she was his wife, of course. yes, sorry, this is not democracy, this is a totalitarian sect, and then the question is different, sorry, but this citizen of chichvarkin took part in the activities to collect information from the sbu, and why
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were no criminal cases brought against her? this citizen now heads, she also stated that she heads an opposition organization that is recognized as extremist in russia, which means a criminal case should be opened, and if a criminal case, then... how, that here, it doesn’t matter the tears, it doesn’t matter the assurances, it doesn’t matter. assurances are important, the law operates exactly like this, then there is no need to make popular or unpopular decisions, why do i
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i’m talking about the law, because we are now faced with an amazing situation in the world, when there is a feeling that if you declare yourself to be on the side of good, then you can go to as many horrific places as you like, this is true, well, that is , if biden says that he is for democracy, then he is absolutely...
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talking about women's rights? are you seriously? what women's rights are you talking about? this is genocide that is being committed in the united states by the government you represent. and now you are talking about cinema for the sake of peace? we are watching a movie of genocide. we live in a democratic country, and here everyone has the right to vote for the politicians they want. shame on you, freedom for palestine, your hands are in blood, freedom!
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you care about the fate of the palestinians, whose rights you deny and whose genocide you support, you talk about extrajudicial killings, you are responsible for the murder of hundreds of pakistanis, you supported the wars in afghanistan, in iraq, throughout the middle east, you are a war criminal, you are a hypocrite, shame on you , what is all this for, what the terrorists, hamas, did. the most terrible act of murder of jews after the tragedy of the holocaust, someone asked the question is, have so many palestinians ever been killed in history in recent months? has anyone looked at this situation from the other side, in the history of the palestinian people there were more terrible pages than the one now, not terrorists, hamas, terrorists must be destroyed, this is not even discussed. what
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did europe shout to us when we carried out an anti-terrorist operation in the caucasus? and close, the losses among the civilian population were not the same as now in the gas sector, they were not close to what europe shouted to us, having come up with buchi invented the tragedy, blaming us, it was a tragedy, only it was perpetrated by the ukrainian nazis, now we are talking about tens of thousands of people killed.
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advertising. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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