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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy, set the timer, alice, turn on the music, turn it on, she will like it too, louder, what you like , meet, new, spring colors, yandex stations midi with alice, buy on the yandex market and get cashback 1,500 plus points, panic, let’s do without panic, yes.
7:31 am
mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident could vote. how does it all work here? and the same as on a regular site? you present your passport and receive a ballot. you make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be kept in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station.
7:32 am
we'll skate cleanly on points, you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, we get together and win, nadyuh, kiss, dad, kiss, kiss already, well, it's beautiful to go out on the ice, this is a skill, come on, sank, on you all hope, well, old age is not a joy, yes, leaving gracefully is a whole art, well , we can’t lose you either, because irkutsk loves you.
7:33 am
let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is wrong with... it's scary, if there are instructions, does it really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee , she has special dates, who are you all looking at, well, girls, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, look, but without amateur performances, stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, medium.
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let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. a powerful thaw will arrive in moscow in the coming hours. how long will it last, vadim zavodchenkov will tell you. european russia welcomes spring. guys, look what a wonderful day is starting. the sun is bright. already today the thaw will cover the central regions of the country, where will they reach by the end of the week? how long will the spring temperature regime persist on the russian plain and how long will the snowdrifts settle in moscow? current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i’m vadim zavuchenkov, leading specialist at the phobos center. hello, in the central region on defender of the fatherland day, spring temperatures will be established. we've been monitoring the progress all week. across europe another
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atlantic cyclone and by thursday it finally delivered abnormal heat to russia. in moscow, for example, the temperature on thursday rose to +3° in st. petersburg. almost the same in bryansk, even in northern murmansk and arkhangelsk the temperature warmed to minus one, which is higher than even the march norm, and more more spring-like, the weather was in the south of the country, in crimea during the day the thermometer rose to +5-10°, there were more and more primroses on the city streets, in the center of the country the day before it was still relatively cool, but even there one could see... signs of an imminent onset spring, if you look very carefully, my friends, well, what does it mean about the approach of spring, this is the beginning of pruning trees, guys, spring, and summer are very , very close. today a cyclone, or rather a system
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of cyclones over the mediterranean and norwegian seas, will make its way even further into the interior of russia, the whirlwind is forced to overcome resistance from the horn of the siberian anticyclone. and because of it, the main flow of atlantic air will be directed to the northern latitudes, as a result the temperature regime will be surprisingly uniform in terms of latitudinal distribution, thaws will capture the entire western half of the region from the kola peninsula to the caspian sea, and, for example, in murmonsk there will be approximately the same as there is to hatch, and here and there there is a weak plus. in moscow there is still about minus one, in some areas of the city. snow accumulations are noted , but by noon the temperature will be positive, precipitation will begin to turn into rain, then by the evening rush hour it will stop, the sun will come out , the air will warm up to +2°, immediately another good news: in the next 24 hours
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the thermometer readings will be steadily positive, even at night it’s plus, so there will be no ice, and this cyclone has only just begun to influence... in the next few days , the atlantic air will begin to capture more and more areas of european russia and by the beginning next week the thaw will make its way even to the polar urals, and where it has already warmed up, it will become even warmer. in crimea, for example, not even march weather will come, but april weather. in simferopol today it’s +10, then until monday it’s +13.14. indicators are typical for mid-spring. in moscow on the weekend. it warms up to +3°, this is exactly the norm for march. on saturday, light rain is still possible, then it will become a little cooler, +1.2. in such a situation, the snow cover on the streets will melt, but not very quickly. the snowdrifts are more likely to cake and become compacted. in general
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difficulties, according to our forecasts, during the thaw period they will settle by 5-7 cm. that ’s all for me, goodbye. now a short advertisement. let's talk about how the issue of military spending became the main stumbling block for the united states before the presidential election. is the dispute over financing of ukraine israel and taiwan beginning to threaten the existence of nato? watch in 3 minutes in the america program with valentin bogdanov. siot can be accelerated. with yoto you can do everything to the max. 50 gigs in 2.0 minutes for 399 rubles you can yota buy osaga on the website sravniru and win a car. only until april 26, you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles. choose
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must be paid for, otherwise it will turn off collective security, was a bombshell. the republican candidate has not just opened a pandora's box; it seems that he has already started the process of oxidation of the north atlantic alliance. they tensed up inside america and outside its borders. these are the very words. the president of a large country once asked me: “sir, if we don’t pay for nato membership, and if russia attacks us, will you protect us?” i replied: "i won't have you protect, moreover, i will support the russians , let them do what they want with you , because you have to pay, you have to pay the bills." even during his first term, donald trump outlined his foreign policy priorities. the main one is “ isolationism, healthy, but very limited, in his opinion, american participation
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in security operations and in general in the contours of international security, as he , of course, understands it; the republican candidate advocates conducting targeted operations, which, of course, are in no way consistent with that the same international law, well, we remember very well the strike on the iranian general qassem sulaymaniyah, and yet, trump lowered precisely this idea: there is great support here within the united states, among those who are disappointed by decades of failed us expansionist policies, and how american authorities from administration to administration, regardless of whether it was a republican president or a president of a branch of the party, intervened and created conflicts around the world. i think that a bill will probably be put forward very soon,
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trump differs from the current trump 2:0, so to speak, in this matter, in that now trump has a very serious support group, i feel this danger, by the way, joe biden is even making this position of trump an element of his election campaign. for 75 years it was the most important military alliance in the world, on which america's security depended, thanks to nato.
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us internal security mayorkas, who was impeached by the republicans literally on the eve of his departure in the house of representatives, that is, america appeared in front of those whom... she is trying to inspire with her example from a very weak side, plus this, of course, was superimposed on the military defeats that zelensky has suffered recently. ukraine spends in a month what the united states produces in a year. we are discussing increasing the production of shells to 100 thousand
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per month by the end of next year, while the russians are producing almost 5000 shells per month right now. not that we want to leave europe alone with its problems, that we need to focus on east asia, but the european allies, deal with problems in europe. it is also important to note that all this is happening in an anniversary year, that is, an extremely important year for the americans, this year is the anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, an anniversary summit is to be held in washington in the summer, and donald trump is making such statements that are dangerous for them towards this summit. in general, if we talk about who supports trump’s ideas regarding minimizing america’s role in foreign policy processes in general, then we can pay attention to several groups at once: on the one hand, these are new wave politicians who came to power, including in the senate and in the house of representatives already
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under trump or thanks to trump, these are people who can be called trumpists, opportunists, people who... understand in which direction now the balance of power within the republican party has swung, the main losers are grouped in this case around senate majority leader mitch mcconnoll, who personifies, well, this is also a bipartisan consensus on the need to give more money to the american military-industrial complex, all this is mixed up with cool neocon idealism, with the eternal ideas that... is the main judge, the main arbiter in such matters, and america can still dictate something to someone, and another group - these are realists who understand that the role of america has already changed, that the world has changed , and those who want to join them, the most eloquent figure here, of course, is the figure of senator linsey graham, at one time
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linsey graham was remembered for a number of completely wild anti-russian, russophobic statements, probably the most... his odious speech was the words he said during last year’s visit to zelensky, when at a meeting with zelensky he said that american money is not wasted, because it is spent on killing russians, after that linsey graham himself began to say that his words were edited, that the ukrainians did it, and so on, but the fact remains: linsey graham, in any case, was not far from such positions, what is happening to him now is happening to it's an amazing transformation. firstly, he did not vote in the senate for the same defense law, which involves the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, he focused on the fact that first of all the american administration should deal with the situation on the border, that is, he repeats exactly the same thoughts that he voices donald trump.
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moreover, linsey graham is already saying that if ukraine is given money, it should be given on credit, but what about providing it? these loans can, well, for example, ukrainian lands or minerals, ukraine has something to pay for military aid, this, of course, is an absolute change of rhetoric, an absolute change of approaches, it does not suit the white house at all, it destroys, in general, the idea that, like a straw, it is still trying to grab onto joe biden. joe biden is trying to sell military aid to ukraine to his voters under the guise that that’s all.
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side of donald trump, and this significantly, of course, undermines the positions of this bipartisan hawk wing, but strengthens the positions of those who oppose biden in the house of representatives. there are a number of problems with military assistance to ukraine and the vote on this issue, well, for example, one of these problems is the calendar of the congress, very great efforts were made to ensure that the military assistance package passed by the senate was. voted by the house of representatives, without this money will not be allocated. biden waged a very persistent campaign, and apparently in order to inspire or somehow push him. in the house of representatives for a correct vote, ipso was carried out, as they now say, an information and psychological operation to influence the minds of those same republicans in
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the lower house, it was reported that russia is allegedly trying to place nuclear weapons in space, and this is a very big problem and a threat to the national security of the united states, at a minimum. a new threat to us national security, according to intelligence received, russia plans to place weapons in low-earth orbit, possibly nuclear weapons, which pose a threat to american satellites. russia threatens america's national security something so terrible that our government can't even tell us what it is. we generally leave aside the extent to which the definition of a threat to national security can, in principle, be applied to outer space, because there is no sovereignty in outer space. not from one of the countries, but information has generally appeared that the americans themselves are thinking about placing this type of weapons in space, several conclusions can be drawn here: on the one hand,
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they inspire those who disagree to vote on the project they need military assistance, and number two, they are thinking about what to do next after ukraine, they are thinking about how to further develop huge budgets, because each subsequent defense budget of the united states exceeds... the previous one, the american military-industrial complex has been accustomed to the fact that it he hasn’t been on a starvation diet in recent years, and if ukraine doesn’t exist, then what will happen in return, here you go, one of the ideas, how the idea, for example, spro, was implemented at one time, all this gave work and provided colossal finances. american military-industrial complex is a private business, this private business wants to be sure that... the white house tactics towards ukraine will not change in the very near future, it is for this reason that adjo biden so persistently demands to voice this
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strategy, because for now everything reminiscent of situational decisions, the pentagon has to save weapons, it is not clear how to replenish reserves that have been used up, transfer them from some regions in order to help ukraine, how this will be replenished. during this fiscal year, the u.s. army spent more than $430 million, including on training ukrainian troops and transferring equipment to poland and ukraine. if congress doesn't approve new funding for ukraine, u.s. military operations not only in europe but in africa will suffer, forcing difficult decisions such as not building new barracks or reducing military enlistment, army officials say. if we talk about attitude in general.
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very bad news, of course, for zelensky, and of course, for anyone who is trying to understand the essence of the positions of the two american parties, the arena of confrontation of which has now become foreign policy , probably the first american elections, where the foreign policy factor is so strong, any of our spectators, any person from the outside, may be wondering whether there are forces in the united states at all that are aimed at dialogue? what should happen in order to reduce this tension, in this sense, of course, the opinion of our ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, is very interesting and authoritative
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, we specifically talked with him, and we asked his question is, are there those in america with whom it is still possible to build a dialogue, and if such people exist, such forces exist, then what could this dialogue be about in principle? there are wonderful people here who... consider it abnormal , and even this just yesterday we met, they called me the word wild, the state of russian-american relations, when two great powers, two permanent members of the security council, do not talk to each other, do not discuss pressing problems, is there such a possibility of normalizing relations between russian federation and the united states of america, there is such a possibility, but there must be a clear and clear understanding that this is possible only with a radical... change in the foreign policy of the united states of america, it is very important that here they finally understand that the russian federation has its own national interests, and until
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they learn here, they will not understand. if they don’t recognize russian national interests, nothing will work out. in the meantime, the fate of military assistance to ukraine still remains vague, there is no compromise option. hawks from the senate was not offered to the lower house, so in the lower house the centrists, fitzpatrick from the republicans and goldon from the democrats, proposed a bill that they called the bill to protect the borders of democracy, first with...
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to get into the united states, they must wait for a decision not inside the united states, on the territory of mexico, that is, we will also have to negotiate with mexico. congress will return from recess on february 28, in theory, probably, as these authors of this bill want, they probably would like it immediately put it to a vote, but this will also not be possible, because the main issue on the agenda will be the question of... temporarily extending the american budget, avoiding the so-called shutdown, because it’s already march 8, if the package is not accepted temporary funding, american government programs will again face the threat of cessation of funding, that is, there will again be a shortage of ukraine. this was america, all the best to you.
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in russia, defender of the fatherland day is celebrated on the significant date of military personnel and other vladimir putin congratulated the residents of the country. patriotic events and promotions are taking place throughout the country. letters with words of love and support are flying to the front, as the holiday is celebrated on the front line and beyond.


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