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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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[000:00:33;00] vladimir putin congratulated military personnel and other residents of the country on defender of the fatherland day in russia. patriotic events and promotions are taking place throughout the country. letters are flying to the front with words of love and support, as the holiday celebrates, on the front line and beyond. moscow is ready to
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cooperate with rio geneiro on everything. a large fire in valencia, spain, is burning a multi-storey building, dozens of injured and missing people, there may still be people in the building. games of the future in kazan, who entered the basketball floor and what happened presents digital martial arts. today in russia we celebrate defender of the fatherland day; it has long become a national holiday not only for those who serve or have served in the army. vladimir putin congratulated the residents on this significant date and noted: this is a symbol of the heroic history of our army and navy. military traditions are carefully preserved by current soldiers and officers. the supreme commander-in-chief thanked the participants in the military special operation for their valiant
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performance. dear comrades, friends, congratulations to the veterans, personnel, civilian personnel of the armed forces, everyone who completed military service, happy defender of the fatherland day. this holiday is one of the most revered in russia, it has long become popular and is always celebrated widely throughout the country, in
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all... battles, their loyalty to the russian military school, the testament of great commanders, the experience of many generations of russian soldiers. the defenders of the fatherland in our country are surrounded by genuine people's love, and devotion to the fatherland, the sacred duty to take care of it, to defend every five of our lands, have always been and remain our most important, indisputable values. on these holidays, we bow. heads before the feat of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers , who crushed nazism, we take out their military orders and medals, photographs and letters from front-line soldiers, we say heartfelt thanks, we tenderly hug our dear veterans, we will always remember that it was the soviet people who defended the freedom of our country throughout europe all over the world. russian soldiers and officers worthily continue
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the glorious military traditions. at the forefront today are members of the special military operations, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery in defending russia. you, our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that it is difficult for you, and we will do everything possible so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty, for your honest, selfless service to the fatherland. dear comrades, in the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore the powerful potential and high combat readiness of our army and navy - this is a guarantee of russia’s security, its free, sovereign development. taking into account real combat experience, we will continue
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worldwide. armed forces, ensure their constant technical re-equipment and modernization. today, the share of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces has already reached. 95%, and the maritime component of the nuclear triad - almost 100%. serial production of new zircon hypersonic missiles has begun, and tests of other strike systems are being completed. last december , the navy included new strategic submarines. just the other day in kazan, four tu-160m missile carriers were handed over to the armed forces. in the power of the common. we will also strive for the highest levels of equipment with modern weapons and equipment. this work, i repeat, is carried out systematically and consistently. in recent years , defense industry enterprises have multiplied
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the supply of the most popular weapons to the troops. first of all, high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles of various types, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery. and... also air defense systems, counter-battery warfare, communications and reconnaissance. next in line is the development and serial production of promising models and the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in the military sphere. among the priority tasks is increasing combat training, skill, and coherence of actions of our units and formations. training of commanders at all levels. solid support here, sergeants, officers who have proven themselves. in battle, fought heroically on land, in the air and at sea, real commanders, brave and decisive, they lead the soldiers behind them,
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they are the future of our army and navy, dear friends, the country, all citizens of russia believe in the strength and reliability of their defenders, and know that you are always on duty, always guarding their interests. and the safety of your homeland, i wish you good health and new successes for the benefit of your homeland, and of course, the warmest congratulations to your families, your loved ones, those who love and wait for you, who are a reliable support for you in life in the service, happy holiday to you, the head of the ministry of defense sergei shaigu presented it to the soldiers who especially distinguished themselves during the special... operation state awards. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the joint group of troops. for valor and determination, military worthy of orders of courage and medals for courage. shaigu , together with chief of the general staff valery gerasimov, congratulated the participants of the special operation on defender of the fatherland day
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and expressed confidence that these awards will not be their last. dear friends, colleagues, i sincerely congratulate you on these awards. i am sure this award will not be the last. at the memorial to fallen soldiers. veterans, military personnel, representatives of public organizations, authorities and city residents. flowers were laid at the eternal flame in memory of those who fell in battles for the freedom of our homeland, and moments of silence were observed. in vladivostok, events took place
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at the memorial to the military glory of the pacific fleet. military personnel, veterans and social activists laid flowers at the eternal flame in memory of the heroes of the great patriotic war and special operations. as noted by the participants. actions, russian soldiers, officers are the pride of the country, the personification of courage, spirit and honor. in kamchatka they dedicated the day of defender of the fatherland winter sports festival snowy path. guests were able to visit an exhibition of military equipment. in addition, there was a concert on courage, kindness and honor. the field kitchen was working, everyone signed greeting cards for our soldiers. on defender of the fatherland day, special attention is focused on the participants in the special military operation. every family is in a hurry to congratulate their hero; letters with words of love and support are flying to the front from all over the country. the fighters admit that the most important thing for them is to know that at home they believe and wait. the topic will be continued by alexandra perfilyeva. this is a horde of courage, this is a medal for
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military distinction, this is a gold star. even on his holiday, defender of the fatherland yuri bratchikov shyly talks about his awards, the last one - the gold star of the hero of the dpr, was received by a marine of the pacific fleet. did something, carried out tasks just like all the other guys, today yuri is 26, he says, to be a military man, it was a dream since childhood, although no one was ever from the military, there was not even an understanding of service, well, there was a dream, in special military operation zone, marine from the first days, when he told his wife that he was leaving on a business trip, she tells me that i’m pregnant, i say, well, absolutely
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super, his wife tatyana. tatiana’s husband is a real hero, and he will see these congratulations for the first time on our broadcast, my dear beloved man, i want to congratulate you on february 23. i wish you great health, good health, or rather good health, i want to say that you are a real hero, that i am very proud of you, that i love you very much, that i will support you in any situation, that i will always i’ll be nearby, and we love you very much, that you’re on speakerphone and my whole office can hear you, i understand, i’m just wondering
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what’s there... i’m sure he’ll return to the front. for anastasia and their daughter, her husband and father are a hero. of course, i congratulate him, for me he is a hero, he is a hero for my daughter. i love you and i'm waiting for you, let's come home soon. and this is alexey spesivtsev, a tanker. thanks to the coordinated work of his brigade, russian soldiers managed to take avdeevka. it was his subordinate who approached the award ceremony in the kremlin the president was asked not only for a new tank for the t-90 crew, but also for a reward. for the commander
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, comrade, youth, he came up after the award ceremony, everything was there, champagne, he came up, can i ask a question, a man, a real one, they gave me thanks, i say, why is the commander worse, just like me god, vladimir putin will note , that such a military brotherhood is typical only for russia, they initially knew that the entire crew had awarded us, introduced us, or rather, that’s it, but for the award ceremony, they left earlier and... were awarded on the ninth on hero’s day, the president was very, very impressed by this act, these shots of a fierce battle in which the russian tank crews survived. alexey , originally from donetsk, remembers how the ukrainian military knocked on his house in 1914, and then he decided that he would join the militia detachment. now he answers the question of what he wants most. finish yours,
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finish yours, so that on...
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moscow is ready to cooperate with brazil on all international issues, the words of vladimir putin were quoted by foreign minister sergei lavrov during negotiations with the brazilian president. in addition, the minister conveyed warm greetings from the russian leader. before this, in rio de neiro, lavrov took part in a meeting of the heads of the g20. natalya solovyova will tell you what statements were made. great latin american tour. its culmination ends in brazil, it was here that the meetings of the foreign ministers of the g20 countries took place, and for two days riogenero became the center of world politics. economics, not geopolitics, but it was not possible to bypass brazil’s call to focus on sensitive topics, too closely they are connected. the current situation in the world
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economy is grossly distorted by the methods the west uses to
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punish. i would wish that with such appetites, our american colleagues would not choke at their democratic table. the meeting in rio denero took place exactly on the eve of the second anniversary of the special operation in ukraine, but perhaps for the first time this topic did not become a key topic. attempts by some of our western colleagues at the g20 ministerial meetings to divert the discussion from consideration of this key issue at topic of supporting kyiv. regime to baselessly accuse the russian federation and in every possible way to ukrainize the agenda, these attempts by developing countries, the majority of countries in the global south, are not supported. for 2 days the intrigue lingered as to whether sergei lavrov and anthony blinken would talk on their feet.
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they sat opposite each other in the plenary hall, but did not exchange glances. there were no contacts, the head of russian diplomacy confirmed, but moscow is always open to conversation. for example, on strategic stability. serious there were no proposals from the americans when russia was openly declared a hostile state, an immediate threat that must be destroyed to cause a strategic defeat. president putin meant that we are open to talking about strategic stability, but taking into account all, without exception, aspects that influence it, he has now added to those aspects that existed before. aspect of the aggressive, hostile policy of the united states against the russian federation. on the sidelines of the ministerial twenty , sergei lavrov held several more bilateral meetings with the turkish colleague and head of diplomacy legal. the key issue was bilateral cooperation. natalya solovyova, vadim prosov, lead. rio denero,
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brazil. at least 40 civilians have been killed in israeli shelling in the gaza strip. this was reported by an arabic tv channel. according to journalists, airstrikes hit residential buildings in the central part of the enclave. footage taken in the affected area shows how doctors carry the dead out of the destroyed building. about 100 more people were injured. main hospital in the region overcrowded. this was stated by the palestinian red crescent. meanwhile, the israeli army recorded numerous rocket launches from hezbollah positions in southern lebanon. in response, the military launched an air strike on the traffic infrastructure and eliminated the source of fire. at least four people have died in a fire in the spanish city of valencia, local authorities said. according to media reports , at least 14 people were injured, about twenty residents are listed as missing. the fire started the night before in one of the apartments multi-storey residential building, due to strong winds, the fire quickly spread to the neighboring building. people ran out onto the balconies; with the help
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of a service crane, firefighters were able to save those who were reached through the curtain of the house; some had to jump onto a special stretcher. and a mattress. the fire is still ongoing. 20 teams were involved in the extinguishing, but rescuers cannot enter the building, it is almost burnt out. the possibility of a collapse cannot be ruled out. there is fear that there are still people inside. the victims are placed in hotels in a specially deployed field
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hospital. the cause of the fire is being investigated. where does the path to the top begin, from a point on the map, from the horizon line, with movement. with the delight of drive from you jqj7 - it ’s for real, it’s so ready, mistress, take the job, ours are doing it, but already... come in, i ’ll prepare my signature pastiches with pistiques and pickles, and with your abilities, it’s time for you to become a culinary blogger
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plus points, how... where else can you turn a dance into a world heritage, a sport, an invincible car, let's go, send it into space. mother, a star from the sky, to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into living things communication, dream work, traditions into innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. tinkov.
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40 million customers in the largest country in the world. cherry tiga 7 pro max. the unique design of the sporty character will set your heart on fire, and all-wheel drive and intelligent systems will ensure comfort and safety on any trip. cherry tiga 7 pro max cherry. let's talk about sports. ilya, greetings. the ministry of education proposed adding new modules to physical education lessons. what are we talking about? vera, good morning. in particular, we are talking about golf, biathlon and computer sports. in addition , a dance sport module has been developed, where schoolchildren will get acquainted with folk dances. artemi panarin's three assists helped his rangers beat visiting new jersey 5-1 this morning. the derby victory was the ninth in a row for the... non -shirtmen, which is the third longest winning streak in the club's history. and washington also managed to beat tampaubey 5:3. alexander
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ovechkin scored an assist. the russians gain points in the tenth match to row. he became the first nhl player in 10 years at age 38, 38 years older, to have a ten-game points streak. the captain of the capital also reduced the gap from bolo coffee in the list of the best scorers of all time in the nhl to four points.
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in this rating. after the same number of games has a point less. anna kalinskaya reached the semi-finals of the tennis tournament in dubai. in the quarterfinals , the russian woman defeated the third racket of the world, cori gauff from the usa. their meeting ended with a score of 2-6 64 62 in favor of kalinskaya, who made her way into the main draw of the tournament through qualification. gau was seeded third. in the semi-finals, kalinskaya will play against the first racket of the world, poland's iga świątok. kolinskaya is 25 years old and ranks fortieth in the ranking. the wta account of the athlete does not yet have victories in tournaments under this organization in singles. the dubai tournament belongs to the wta thousand category, it is held on a hard surface, will end tomorrow, the total prize fund is more than $3 million. koren khachanov's match with finn emila rus vori in the quarterfinals of the tennis players association tournament professionals in doha ended with fin's refusal to continue the fight with the score 3:0 in favor of khachanov. in the semi-finals, karyn will play against
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the representative of australia alexey popyrin. and here. andrey rublev sensationally lost his quadruple match, losing to recent junior 116th world racket jacob menshik. the tournament in doha will end on sunday, this tournament is of the tp-250 category, the match is also held on the hard surface, it costs about one and a half million dollars. last year the tournament was won by daniil medvedev, who refused participation in the current drawing. the international multi-sport tournament, the games of the future, continues in kazan. new disciplines start every day. you can call this even more mixed martial arts, where physical strength alone may not be enough to win, the case when you need to be able to fight not only for yourself, but for your virtual character, one of the most non-standard stories at the games of the future, two
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fighters, being in in the octagon before the start of the fight they take it in their hands. guests are playing mortal combat, neglecting the virtual battle is not an option, because thanks to this, a truck is created already in real battle, in our hall, we hung up a tv , took a console, i don’t remember from whom, but we took the console and we played, we played , we didn’t have to choose much, we usually took, well, scorpio sabzira is the very first parts of these two players, they played, studied the techniques, the full stands confirm that this format and... the rules only add variety, when we conducted test games, there were a lot of questions, how was it that mortal combat had mixed shortfalls, but nevertheless less it seems to me that today people are directly impressed by all this, the logistics schedule of the games of the future allows viewers to catch several events and before mma, for example, get to fidzital hockey. in general, everything is very good, really cool, i really like everything,
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really, well, this is the first such competition. that in general in the world i really like the scale, that’s all, but it was in vain that i didn’t get in yesterday, so i wanted to get in too yesterday , everyone bought up the tickets, and this is the holy of holies fidgetal hockey, the place where athletes play consoles, passions boil here no less, because the score with which they finish here will be saved before entering the real ice rink, the first draw in the tournament, which was preceded by drama in the game of local akbars and legitim, a shot on an empty goal, a post and a goal in return attack for. 4 seconds before the end, despite such a dramatic ending, the akbars hockey players were able to equalize a few seconds before the end, but still lost on shootouts, the all-star match immersed even olympic champions in the computer world, even if it’s not easy for them, how do you like this new format in general, i don’t know, i can’t even say right now why not, he ’ll play hockey with the guys, and playstation,
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it’s probably also interesting to compete. we don’t know how to play yet, but it’s okay, i think we’ll learn, but you haven’t tried it yourself in the last few days, we trained this morning, but it’s not working out very well, well, as the pros estimate, it’s good that our guys are not pros, for us this is a new format, very unusual, i’m very eager to try my hand like we we will be able to fight with younger guys, daniil makhalin, alexander makridin, sergey
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kuznetsov, karen melikyan, vesti kazan.


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