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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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we trained this morning, but it’s not working out very well, well, how do the pros evaluate it, well, it’s good that our guys are not pros, for us this is a new format, very unusual, we really want to try our hand, how can we fight with younger guys , daniil makhalin, alexander makridin, sergey kuznetsov, karen melikyan, conduct kazan.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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dad and i went here as children, we also lay like this, silent, figure skater, but i’m not just skating, focus on training, you dreamed of this cup, you can jump, but why don’t you believe in it yourself, i will cook it myself. the thirst for victory is in her blood , don’t look, further forward, why take such risks , don’t you understand this, i want to be like my mother, ice three, let’s talk about the development of healthcare in the kherson region, the task in the region.
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8:37 am
these people in white coats see every day many shrapnel and gunshot wounds, much more than their colleagues in other regions of russia far from the combat zone. now we are in the genichesk central district hospital for an operation , which is being carried out by specialists who came from russia...
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everything was so damaged due to the explosion, plus the amputation of several toes of the right foot, and the patient temporarily lost her sight from the shock of the wave. tatyana is from the village of new camps on the left bank of the dnieper. that day she was returning home along the highway from new kokhovka. instantly there was such a flash, as if a million oranges were flying in my eyes, and i heard the driver scream: help, people, help!
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well, i don’t know what kind of equipment they had, they gave me an injection and brought me to their place in the military, well, like a medical center, a center, a hospital, i don’t know, after providing first aid, tatyana was sent first to skadovsk, and then to the genetic central district hospital, her attending physician, a traumatologist from ufa, who a month ago specially came to the kherson region to help his colleagues, well i found out, a request came. our ministry of health said that it requires employees, it requires personnel, doctors, traumatologists, specifically that there is an acute shortage of specialists, i immediately responded to it, took a vacation at my own expense and decided to go, in principle it didn’t take long, i didn’t think,
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they were waiting for him at home wife, brothers and sisters, he says until recently he did not tell where he was going, so as not to worry, although in fact he had been to places much closer to the line of combat contact, in the twenty-second year he went to donetsk, to help... in a military hospital, in in principle, it was not scary, because - if we are scared, then what is it like for the people who are there, yes, uh, who are directly under the bombing, under these. daily, that is , there was no question here, we need help, as if brothers and sisters, they decided to go, they didn’t talk here for a long time. the eugenic traumatologist began work on the day of arrival. the first day we went to the operating room , with the doctors, there, i don’t remember, in my opinion there was just a minor injury, in principle, we immediately worked with him, on the operating table everything became clear, how they accepted it, received well. yeah, i mean calmly, what about the patients? patients are also calm, that is
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, many are glad that an outside doctor has come, that is, many ask questions, what about you, how about us, uh, what opportunities do you have there and what don’t here, well, we communicate with them, we talk, that is, many somehow warmly, always say with gratitude, thank you very much, there, because you start talking, it seems like you support the patient a little, he immediately...
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practically everything is there, but of course i would like to expand the bed capacity, well
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we need specialists, we really need them, we have already purchased new equipment, it was necessary, most of the modern medical base remained in kherson, after the evacuation of residents to the left bank of the dnieper, there are plans to build specialized medical centers, now there is a decent salary, after all, but always i want more, but i can live on this salary and save for something. how much did you receive in ukraine? well, our doctors had a minimum wage. about thousands of hryvnia at that time. how much do you earn today? well, somewhere around 90. salary, well, at the rate. 90.000 rub. yes. after reunification with russia, the salaries of doctors increased several times. many patients come to us for medical care, and we have been logging into the system since january 1st. this is single-channel financing using the funds of the compulsory medical insurance fund
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, which previously referred patients, they came with surprise and said that they could receive free medical care, since being in the past in the previous country, let’s say so, they could only get it on a paid basis , and accordingly the quality suffered from this. and timeliness help, because well, the main segment of the population, as if it is insolvent, and accordingly, patients are admitted or have already received extremely difficult ones, today, due to the fact that they do not yet know that they can receive this free help, they are admitted extremely difficult because they don’t go to clinics. over the past year, the kherson region has been actively developing and implementing measures that should promptly raise the level of provision of medical services.
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it’s already visible and people feel it. task, which president vladimir putin set - to conduct preventive and medical examinations of all residents of the region. this way you can prevent many diseases in advance. that year, we generally carried out a complete medical examination of children, which has never been done here, well, let’s say, has never happened at all in the history of ukraine. this is the first
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medical examination and, accordingly, now medical examination is also being carried out for adults. regional authorities have increased their fleet of vehicles . thanks to the support of federal and ambulance services, 86 were provided by the ministry of health russia, three - region chief krasnodar region. medical institutions also received more than 400 new beds. upon entering the russian federation, hospitals began to be retrofitted and equipped with quite
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serious large-sized equipment with equipment that can be used to perform. there is a shortage of specialized specialists, many have left the areas under fire, yes, today we have an acute shortage of specialists, these are surgeons, traumatologists, because a lot of patients are admitted as minors injuries, and accordingly, these are anesthesiologists, resuscitators to provide
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emergency medical care, these are our therapists, these are our cardiologists. pulmonologists and so on, the acting minister of health of the kherson region has been in his post for almost a year, a dentist by training, over the past decade and a half he has shown himself to be a responsible leader in various positions, previously headed the ministry of health, now there is a new challenge - to complete the staffing of medical institutions in a troubled region. we interacted with the russian ministry of health for the twenty-second year, the twenty-third year, and to this day i can say that... through the federal center for disaster medicine of the russian federation, the ministry of health of russia, they are landing us with working groups to provide practical medical assistance to our population, what are they, these are the specialists that we need, they are formed in groups
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throughout the year for a month or for 2 months, yes they are sent to... specialists and we distribute them to medical institutions according to need, so we are now planning to go to the intensive care unit at the skadovsk central district hospital in order to communicate with visiting doctors and anestheologists from kabardino, bulgaria. skadovsk is another city in the south of the kherson region, far from the contact line, but it is still a combat zone. in november, the allied forces of ukraine launched a missile strike on the city, but this did not affect barat kamutaev’s determination to come here to work, a resuscitator from kabardina balkaria has been on business here for three months now, family, children, wife,
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grandson, granddaughter are waiting at home, how did they react to the fact that you were leaving? surgeons cannot perform large operations, so naturally we wanted to come here right away.
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after treatment, he was transported, his condition is extremely serious, coma, we are carrying out the necessary treatment, that he had shrapnel, yes, he had shrapnel, against the background of a shrapnel wound to the head , there was a cerebral hematoma inside, bleeding, that is, this also happened near the new one.
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will do everything possible to save lives, as and his colleague, he is a full-time specialist at kabordino. we kind of traveled around the north caucasus , we always have some kind of business trips like this, the first time we came here, uh, as such
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there was no intensive care anesthetology service at all, that is, not a single doctor was here, we just arrived and they started - they launched a surgery, a maternity hospital, all this began to function with us, we were greeted, well , everyone was different, naturally, that is... some with wariness, some immediately greeted us kindly, well, little by little we are used to it and we already seem to know who we are working with, what doctors are capable of, we began to work as if in collaboration, provide assistance to both the wounded and... somatic patients, very large flows of people are coming, the patients are very neglected, with a lot of accompanying
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pathologies, so everyone needs to be treated individually. the set of measures to integrate the healthcare system includes management and quality control of the provision of medical services, the introduction of modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation, federal consultations, as well as educational events. lyoshkovsky, goloprisonsky, kokhovsky, novokakhovsky, kolonchatsky, skadovsky districts, mainly in our country it is an urgent pathology. which also intersect with mine-explosive injuries, let’s say, received from various types, either strike
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drones, or... artillery shelling. surgeon sharak matsekanyan, originally from armenia, but since 2010 he lived and worked in alyoshki, kherson region. he is a forced migrant. i would like peace faster. this is probably the only thing that everyone would want and i always say that everyone let's go home. each has its own house, because i have a house in alyosha, which no longer exists. unfortunately, they broke it, well, almost yes, so let’s go. i won’t be able to anymore, but still in my dreams i will still return to the lands where i lived, where i worked and where i want, i would like to continue working and living. for skadovskaya, as well as for the genetic hospital, a new x-ray diagnostic complex was purchased. we are finishing our stay in skadovsk, at the central regional hospital, talked with the surgeon, talked with anesthesiologists and skardin of balkaria, of course note that there is a great need for
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specialists, therefore specialists. from all over our large country are invited to skadovsk, since this hospital is today the key hospital in the region, since it is the only hospital that operates in such a full mode for as many as six large districts of the kherson region. we are going to the same long-suffering city of alyosha, which is constantly under fire from the ukrainian armed forces, and in the summer. last year was still almost completely flooded after the destruction of kokhovskaya ges. oleshkinsky district hospital, the city itself is located in a five-kilometer zone from kherson and is considered a suburb of kherson, and lyoshka and kherson are connected by the antonovsky bridge. now we will talk with the chief doctor of this hospital. there is no water, the sewage system does not work, and mobile communications are disabled. doctors who work in alyosha are actually on the front line risking their lives every day. cars with a red
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cross often become targets and are hit. concept to tell, we’re all working. vladimir kharlan from kherson, but at the moment evacuation already worked in neighboring alyoshki in a hospital. he doesn’t know what’s going on with his housing now, but he doesn’t regret his choice to live in russia. he jokes that he has the quote “bad heredity.” his father, a pilot, fought in the great patriotic war; there is a monument to his regiment in kerch. tell me, what problems do patients mostly come to you with?
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chronic diseases, injuries. let's talk about such a complex conglomeration of the loneliness of these people, the hopelessness of these people, it all falls on our shoulders, so everything is serious, this is all, it is known that since this is such a zone as close as possible to re-combat contact, that you have a lot of patients with explosive herbs, but they are lying on the bed today. i have 88 people in the hospital, so all this is done in departments, in nosologies, as expected, we do everything, local doctors who work in this dangerous fifteen-kilometer shelling zone have been instructed to raise wages, and mobile diagnostic complexes are also sent here to provide medical care to everyone residents, especially those who cannot or for various reasons do not wants to go to a safer place.
9:00 am
we watch, to spend time with children, russian cartoons and children's programs, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website, today is defenders of the fatherland day, this is one holiday. the most revered in our country. vladimir putin addressed congratulations to military personnel, veterans and their families. russia is proud of its army and navy. military traditions are carefully preserved by current soldiers and officers. the supreme commander-in-chief thanked the participants in the military special operation for their valiant fulfillment of duty. dear comrades, friends. congratulations to the veterans.


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