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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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in july 2014, a british citizen, journalist and blogger elliot higgins. on july 15, 2014, ellot higginsk raised the necessary amount of 47,000 pounds to launch this project. and suddenly, completely unexpectedly, 2 days after that. 777 over the donetsk region, and numerous subscribers, higgins’s associates, and not only them, asked an independent journalist to understand the tragedy, and i will draw your attention to one thing: an agency was created 2 days ago, which has not yet shown itself...
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after 2 days shoot down the plane and turn to to this agency so that it is he who can comment and analyze what happened. why? let's see why. based on their investigation, the project activists concluded that the anti-aircraft missile that shot down the plane was fired from a buk air defense system, and both the ministry of defense and specialists all unanimously explained, drew lines, that it could not have come from there along this trajectory, and so on and so on. so on, the evidence is complete, moreover, some pilot appeared who allegedly let it slip somewhere, in addition, there is assumption: that the plane was shot down by a military
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missile into the air, and not the ground, air, zero, nothing is discussed, if we go deeper and ask ourselves the question, for what, for what purpose were almost 300 people's lives exterminated? let's take a little look at what's happening right away: europe is joining the us sanctions, it was. the plan for the accelerated development of brix was thwarted, the refusal of the south stream, the threat to the implementation of the nord stream, as they say, look for who benefits, and you will understand why this is being done, that is, with one blow, with one rocket, it is suddenly carried out a huge number of geopolitical...
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these are also the journalists of the site insider comments, in contrast to one of the authors of this investigation, belinket morris rakuzhitsky, meanwhile, the bellinked research group , as part of a joint investigation with insider , came to an even more specific conclusion. and when a person reads or watches this information on tv and from the mouth of the host of a global, serious, large world channel, this becomes official information for him.
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linket. we, well, just wondering, we became interested in who these independent journalists were. we decided to conduct our own investigation. look, this is how our sheet turned out, of course, we will not talk about all the characters of this huge, as is now clear, network, we will dwell only on some of them. so, the founder and leader of the organization is eliot higgins. who it? he collaborated with a certain ngo, which... was accused of financing terrorists and trying to organize the sale of syrian oil from the occupied territories. next person eric toller, worked in the bank's intelligence department, bank of america meryl lynch, expert in
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russian-ukrainian relations. memeron cohoon is a senior analyst at the government center. nick vatters, a retired british armed forces officer, trained in london. dan casscheto, weapons of mass destruction specialist,
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us department of state. alberto fittaraily, danger and works closely with the defense head of the strategic intelligence group amsterdam. in addition, cameron kochman, christian triebert, nick vatters, passed training at king's college london, part of the training structure for british military intelligence. i... have already shown you this sheet, these are only a few people, i assure you that all the rest exist precisely in the intelligence and special units of the united states of america, and
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great britain, germany, norway, and so on and so forth. but what do you think of these independent journalists in uniform? independent journalists, okay, we have already found out, so to speak, who these people are, what tasks they perform, who assigns these tasks to them, we adults, after all, whoever pays calls the tune, it doesn’t happen for free, well , let’s look at this list, it’s quite impressive, look. us state department, uk ministry of defense , administration of germany, the netherlands, they donated half a million euros in march of the nineteenth year, the national endowment for the development of democracies, the atlantic council of
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nato, unesco, google, in november of the fourteenth they paid a grant of 5,000 pounds sterling, facebook, open.
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as proven people hear it and then propagate it as the real truth, from a drop, from a drop of fake lies. to get involved in certain events , honestly, there is no such desire, why not go
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to syria and talk to those people who have already admitted that this is a lie, why, but this is not necessary, they have never been to russia, by the way, there is no need, why, they have mouthpieces here in russia itself, this is russian-speaking. publications, internet portals, please, jellyfish, bbc russian service, radio liberty, echo of moscow, khodorkovsky's open russia, soros open society, insider, editor-in-chief roman dobrokhodov, well, okay, but what is the purpose of all this, well, why is it, why, mr. dobrokhotov very precisely defined this purpose. insider, independent media , that's what he writes, of all this, only the maidan makes sense
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, it's high time to do it, i personally am ready to actively participate, he writes, so i 'm wondering in what capacity, mr. dobrokhotov wants to participate in the maidan, if he has in view of the experience of the maidan on... he wants to be a provocateur who will push minor children into police batons, or he will be a sniper who will he shoot both of them, or maybe he wants to be the one who gets hit in the skull with a heavy object from those people who don’t want the maidan, who does he want? to be there, to take an active part, but it seems to me that
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if this, god forbid, happens, then the only place where it might be possible to force mr. dobrokhotov at that time is at passport control at heathrow airport in london, you think about why conscription, chaos, riot in a country with nuclear weapons, the same thing, so to speak, well, at least to bring it closer.
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with your ideology in our country, in your own , and what happens, but it turns out that
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the absence of ideology is also an ideology, this is exactly that, that clot of liberal ideology, everyone can do anything, i’m not against personal freedom, i’m against so that people do not understand what they are building, where they are going, so that people...... have an idea of ​​​​what kind of state they are building, but if russia is a ship, we understand that not one wind will be favorable to it a ship that doesn't know where.
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according to which they will live together in one country and move towards its well-being , this is an agreement about what is not allowed, not because it imposes a ban on the individual, no , it is not possible, because it does not fit into the cultural and historical root of human existence, a person living
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born here, but if we continue the thought about a certain... coloniality, here is another article, article 15, part four, generally accepted principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the russian federation are an integral part of its legal system, if an international treaty the russian federation establishes rules other than those provided by law, then the rules apply.
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this is all approved by the international community, international law defended the linguistic genocide in ukraine in the baltic states, was outraged by the fascist torchlight procession in ukraine, the parade of the forest brothers in the baltic states, who fought together with the hiderites, what did international law do, condemn anyone? no, where is international law that can protect us? let's remember the caricature of ukraineksov, who is 50 years old, yes? but there is one more thing, it seems to me, one argument that it would be good for us to remember what was happening in the country when the constitution was born? but look, if
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anyone has forgotten, i can remind you. yes, traveling abroad, free use of currencies , lack of censorship, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, great, but this is just the abolition of prohibitions, this is what was canceled, what was built, what was done for the people, that’s what happened, russia's population has decreased.
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through probable efforts, miraculously the country moved away from the abyss towards which it was moving with great speed is precisely this
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, it will still defeat the lie, but we see that this is not happening, but this cannot last long, today in the eyes of this civilized world we are becoming humiliated,
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armed outcasts, and this is the thought, and this desire is not new, look at this picture, russia is before the court of the spirit of civilization, thousands... 903, this says a lot, we should not disdain any methods in order to adequately resist the world’s lies with our truth, no methods, we need money, that means we need it, we need... a lot of money, that means we need a lot of money, but precisely so that our truth is heard in the world, because for losing this
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war, informational, there may be a loss, not even an external one, internal, this is a danger to russian statehood. small holidays, but we will not part with you, because during this period you will be able to watch several episodes of our
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11:59 am
today is defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin noted that this holiday is one of the most revered in russia and has long become
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folk the president addressed congratulations to military personnel, veterans and their families and emphasized: russia is proud of its army and navy, their persistent, undaunted character. according to the head of state, our country , taking into account combat experience, will continue to strengthen the armed forces, ensure their constant re-equipment and modernization. today, the share of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95%. and the maritime component of the nuclear triad is almost.
12:01 pm
we need weapons and equipment.


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