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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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also, well, in principle, these are military operations , this is a team, it quickly unites, yes, against the backdrop of these extreme situations, people quickly converge, yes, they support each other like brothers, tell us about your talismans, you have cheburashkas hanging, well at one time they just gave me one of the cheburashkas, this big one, she basically galloped with me to all the combat positions, and this one from me ... they already gave it to me, as if they were saying that she ’s so lonely with you, here’s her friend i need it, they’re traveling with me, they’re waiting for a fighter at home mother, wife and two sons, he feels their support every day, he has no doubts about victory, after the end of the special operation, the grandfather plans to return to the brick factory, where he worked before the northern military district, the place is frozen, the bosses are waiting for me at work, they keep getting in touch, they are interested, when back, when back, when everything ends there and i come,
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what would you like to say to the people in the rear? well , help the guys, i don’t know, provide any kind of help, material, moral component, write i don’t know letters, gifts, as the children write, it’s quite pleasant to receive, and the organizations in which people work, provide assistance to those who were sent, well, everything should be one in fact, which means there’s no way without support, assault squads are special units. they face the most difficult tasks; they are the first to go into battle, liberating the populated areas of donbass. the storm fighters knocked the enemy out of many villages in the kupinsky direction and are ready at any time for an order to move forward. today is defender of the fatherland day. vladimir putin traditionally honored the memory of fallen soldiers at the grave unknown soldier. together with the supreme commander-in-chief , defense minister sergei came to the memorial. combat veterans
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, students of suvorov military schools.
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earlier, the president addressed congratulations to military personnel, veterans and their families, he noted: russia is proud of its army and navy, their persistent, undaunted character. the head of state assured the defenders of the fatherland that all russians believe in their strength and reliability, they know that they are always on duty, always guarding the interests of the security of the state. on the cutting edge today participants of the special. military operation, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery in defending russia. you are our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that it is difficult for you, and we will do everything possible so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty. for honest, selfless
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service to the fatherland. dear comrades, in the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore powerful. combat veterans, young army soldiers, cadets, students, representatives of law enforcement agencies, a military-patriotic festival of reconstruction, the birth of the red army is taking place in the sverdlovsk region. the main topic was the history of the creation of detachments of peasant workers and their first battles with german
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troops in 1918. in addition, there is an exhibition of ancient weapons and uniforms. now. advertising, and then we will continue, we will talk about the next package of european sanctions. what is the most important thing in business? this is love. sber presents the award for entrepreneurs who are in love with their business. the winners will receive a whole year of acquiring without commission and free account opening and maintenance for 5 years. and all participants receive bonuses from sber's partner company. participate in the favorite small business award. leave a request on the website. we have elected alexander and dmitry kushnin. i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry, and i calculated a model for a super-sensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science. develop an interest in
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a document on the eu website accuses them of circumventing trade restrictions. a ban has been introduced on the supply of electrical transformers and parts for drones to russia. will limit the import of iron and steel from our country to the uk. mike bence told how the american industry works to conduct information and political struggle in an interview with tucker carlson. he held office during the trump years. at the state department and oversaw cybersecurity issues. details in our joint project with the youtube channel carlson tv. the defining feature of the united states is freedom of speech. if there's one thing that makes our country truly exceptional, it's that we have a first amendment bill of rights. we have freedom of conscience. you can say what you think. there is no exception for inciting hatred just because. you don't like what anyone else thinks, you can't silence them because we are citizens, not slaves. but this
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right, this fundamental right that makes the country as we know it, the right that is primary to all others, is disappearing before our eyes in the face of censorship. modern censorship is nothing like what was practiced by past regimes in other countries, in other eras. our censorship is built on the basis of combating disinformation and dishonest information. and the main thing you need to know about them is that they are everywhere, and of course, they have nothing to do with whether you are telling the truth or not. in other words, you can say something factually consistent with your moral beliefs. and in previous versions of america, you had every right to say such things, but because someone didn't like them, or because they were inconvenient to implementation of the plans of people in power, they can be declared disinformation. and you may be...
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accountable to you, but they are taking away your rights at record speed, most people understand this intuitively, but they don't know how it happens, how censorship happens, what mechanisms are involved. bence is someone who can confidently be called a world- class expert on this subject. mike bence previously worked in cybersecurity at the state department and is now the executive director of the foundation for online freedom, and we will discuss one very specific type with him. censorship. by the way, we highly recommend that if you want to know how this happens, mike bend b is the one to read. but today we want to talk about a special type of censorship, about the censorship that is carried out by our military. industrial complex. our defense industry, foreign policy establishment in washington - this is especially important
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now because we are on the verge of a global war, so we can expect censorship to radically increase. so here's mike bence, executive director of the foundation for online freedom. mike, thank you so much for joined us. i simply cannot overstate to our audience how comprehensive and all-encompassing your knowledge is on this topic, it's almost unbelievable. so, can you explain to us how... the foreign policy establishment, the defense contractors, the department of defense, and this whole constellation of defense-related, government-funded agencies, are denying us free speech. of course, one of the easiest ways to start the story is by reviewing the history of internet freedom and the transition from this freedom to internet censorship, since freedom speech on the internet has been a tool of government almost from the very beginning of the privatization of the internet in... in 1991 , we quickly discovered, thanks to the efforts of the department of defense, the state
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department and our intelligence agencies, that using the internet, people gathered in blogs on forums, promoting freedom of speech first of all, the pentagon, the state department, all this architecture of existing tsrunko funds, as a way of supporting dissident groups around the world in order... to help them overthrow authoritarian governments, as they were presented to us. in essence, freedom of speech on the internet has enabled a kind of overnight regime change operation. provided an opportunity to implement the foreign policy agenda of the state department establishment. google is a great example of this. google's history began with a us department of defense grant awarded to larry page and sergey brin while they were graduate students at stanford. they received funding as part of a joint cia-nsa program to study how people of similar interests
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find each other online using search engine algorithms and then a year later they launched google. who soon became a contractor for the ministry of defense. the history of google maps began with the acquisition of software for ucru satellites. and the ability to monitor the use of free speech on the internet, as a way to bypass government controls over the media, in places like central asia and other parts of the world, was seen as a way to begin to do what cia station officers had previously done at embassies and consulates. in the effectiveness of such work in dozens of times, all technologies for freedom of speech on the internet were originally created by our state security services. vpns (virtual private networks that allow you to hide your ip address), tor, darknet to buy and sell goods anonymously, end-to-end encrypted chats, all of these things began as pentagon projects or as joint projects
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of the cia and the nsa to facilitate groups supported by the intelligence community. overthrowing governments that created problems for the clinton administration and then the bush and obama administrations, and this plan worked wonderfully from about 1991 to 2014, when the stage of discussion began about how useful such freedom on the internet was, the high point of the use of freedom of speech on the internet was the arab spring in 2011-2012, when one after another all the governments unfriendly to the obama administration, egypt. .. and the state department then worked very closely with social networks to keep them operational during these critical moments. there was the famous phone call from google's jared cohen on twitter asking them not to do a planned maintenance so that iran's preferred opposition group
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can use twitter to win elections, i.e. freedom of speech from the start. used as a tool of political influence by state security structures. this whole architecture, all the ngos, the relationship between technology companies and state security initially supported such freedom. in 2014, after a coup d'etat in ukraine , an unexpected counter-coup took place, as a result of which crimea and donbass. and they broke away using military support, for which nato was completely unprepared at that time. the last desperate attempt was made during the accession vote. to the russian federation, this was the last straw for the concept of freedom of speech on the internet in the eyes of nato. from their point of view, at that moment the fundamental nature of war changed, then nato announced what they first called the gerasimov doctrine,
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named after the russian general who was said to have made a speech about the fundamental nature of war changed. you don't need to win battles to take control of central and eastern europe. all that is required is to control the media and the social media ecosystem, because they are the ones who determine the outcome of the elections. and if you put the right people in power, they will have control over the military. that is, instead of conducting a war , it is infinitely cheaper to conduct an operation to exercise political influence through social networks and traditional media. an entire industry was created that united the pentagon. british ministry of defense and brussels into the organization to conduct information and political warfare, an infrastructure was created, initially located in germany and in central and eastern europe, to create psychological buffer zones to create conditions for the military to work on social networks and media to censor russian propaganda or
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censorship of right-wing populist groups in europe, which at that time, they were gaining political weight from... the migration crisis, there were systematic campaigns organized by the state department, our intelligence community and the pentagon, against groups such as the german adh, alternative for germany and various groups in estonia, latvia and lithuania. when brexit happened in 2016, it became that crisis moment when suddenly it turned out that it was not only central and eastern europe that we had to worry about, it had gone west, this idea of ​​russia controlling the hearts and minds of people. brexit happened in june 2016, the very next month at a conference in warsaw. nato formally amended its charter to explicitly commit itself. 70 years of thinking in terms of tank platoons, to creating tools for censoring sources,
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which were classified as russian proxies, again, we are not just talking about russian propaganda, these were also groups of brexiteers or, for example, mateo salvinia in italy or in greece or in germany or in spain with the vox party. at the time, nato published a study arguing that the biggest threat facing nato was not a military invasion from russia, it was the loss of internal elections across europe to all these right-wing populist groups who, because they represented mainly working-class interests, were holding campaigns for cheap russian energy, while the us was pushing for a policy of diversifying energy purchases, so they put forward the argument after brexit that the entire rules-based international order would collapse if the military did not take control of the media. the european union will fall apart at the seams and nato
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will disappear completely without firing a single shot; in addition, then, along with nato , the coercive levers of the international monetary fund and the world bank will disappear. large financiers dependent on the ramming of military-political structures will have nothing contrast. governments of the world , from their point of view, if the military had not taken over the censorship of the internet, then all the democratic institutions and infrastructure that gave birth to the modern world after world war ii would have collapsed, so imagine the reaction when, five months later, donald trump won the election , you spoke about incredibly important things, and i have never heard anyone explain it as clearly and clearly as you just did, but at least someone in nato or the state department stopped for a second and said: wait a minute. we have just determined that our new enemy has become democracy within our own countries, as i understand from your words, they were afraid that the citizens of their countries would get their way, they
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decided to fight against it. yes, you know, all of this has a rich history going back to the cold war. the cold war in europe was essentially a similar struggle for the hearts and minds of the people, especially in central and eastern europe, yes, in these sort of soviet buffer zones, and somewhere in the... legitimation, in which there is some ratification of the state of affairs people inside
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country, this often involved the use of puppet politicians through the political process, whom our gasdep prepared for leadership positions, but the battle for the hearts and minds was something in which we allowed ourselves broad moral freedom, so to speak, in 1948, in in forty -eight, one of... “listen, the world is cruel and unfair, we at the cia just rigged elections in italy, we had to, because if they had won the communist, it could have been the last elections in italy. this is very effectively, folks, we need a department that carries out these types of shenanigans all over the world, this is essentially a new social contract that we are making with the american people. we didn't do diplomacy like that before, but now we are prohibited from using the war department. in 1948, the war department renamed
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the ministry of defense, again as one of the measures to create the appearance that in foreign policy diplomacy was given a larger role than open military intervention.but in the end we created a kind of a firewall that separated external and internal affairs. let us have a department of dirty tricks that... will be able to rig elections, control the media, be able to interfere in the internal affairs of the soil of other countries, but there is sacred ground on which our homeland stands, where they are not allowed to operate, the state department, the department of defense and the cia are strictly prohibited from operating on the territory of the united states, of course, this is so far from the truth that it’s not even funny, due to a number of methods of legalizing activities, which they developed over the 70 years of their existence, but essentially at the beginning... there were no moral difficulties regarding the creation of the censorship industry when it began in germany, in lithuania, in latvia, in estonia, in sweden and in finland.
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this began to be more actively discussed in diplomatic circles after brexit, then this flywheel spun to full speed when trump was elected, and what little resistance there was then was eclipsed by the hysteria around rush gate, which gave them the indulgence not to be tormented by doubts about the morality of the plant censorship for his own people, because if trump was an agent of russia, then it was no longer about the problem. security, the fbi, the cia, the department of defense, the ministry of defense, as well as thousands of government-funded censors covering the department of the interior. to the defense
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of democracy, saying that disinformation is not only a threat when it comes from the russians, it is a threat to democracy at its core, and thus they were able to launch on home soil all this toolkit for promoting democracy and regime change, just in time for the elections of the twentieth year, what you you describe, not democracy, in a country like this there is democracy. impossible, i am describing essentially a military dictatorship, because what came with the rise of the censorship industry is a complete inversion of the very idea of ​​democracy, democracy, one might say, derives its legitimacy from the idea that it is rule by the consent of the people who are governed, that is the country is not ruled by autocrats, because the government is a reflection of our will, expressed by our approval through voting. all these measures
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after the elections of the sixteenth year, after brexit and after a couple of other social media-influenced elections that didn't go according to the state department script like the 2016 philippine elections, their goal was to completely upend our entire understanding of the foundations of a democratic society in order to combat the threat from free speech on the internet, to what they essentially came to is that it is necessary to shift the emphasis in the idea of ​​democracy from the will of the voters to the fact that it...
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brothers, our magic word to justify the lightning of governments from the grassroots, in the style of color revolutions, overthrowing democratically government elected by the efforts of society from within, for example, as was the case in ukraine, viktor yanukovych was democratically elected by the ukrainian people, no matter how you feel about him, this is essentially not about him, but the fact is that we...


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