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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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regarding a specific initiative, this is what the battle for votes looks like from their point of view, when finally a bunch of populist groups decide that they like the truck driver who went viral on tiktok more than the carefully constructed consensus of the nato military leadership. well, from their point of view, this obviously represents an attack on democracy, which is why such a substitution of concepts was needed, and of course, democracy has a magical property.
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in general, speaking frankly about this, the state department financed thugs from right sector and 5 billion dollars for the development of civil society were invested in overthrowing a democratically elected government in the name of democracy, and they brought all the experience gained to their homeland, and now we have all this, it is possible that for a very long time, and this is fundamentally has changed the nature of american governance due to the threat that someone's words could gain...
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hello, i'm boris akimov, and i'm oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project, the headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. and
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evolution occurs, let's return to the news: a major international multi-sport tournament is in full swing in kazan, the games of the future, the basis of which is fidital sports, a mixture of cyberspace and real physical activity. our correspondent danilo makhalina is following the competition, he is now at...
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the competition ended a little earlier, specifically the match between the tomsk team and the team from serbia in the ks2 + laser discipline. so, we visited the first part, everything looks approximately the same, but the site is much larger, there is also a lot of excitement , but so what, there are practically no empty seats here, given that today is still a day off, and many schoolchildren came with their parents with pleasure to watch what is connected,
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competitions at the games of the future will soon move to kibo athletics, what is it? we'll tell you in the next inclusion, the studio's word. we are waiting, our sports correspondent, danilo makhalin, was in direct communication from kazan. usa, the issue of military spending has become perhaps the main issue before the elections. debate over whether to continue
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funding from ukraine, taiwan, and israel have reached the point where the threat now looms over the north atlantic alliance. donald trump threatened to withdraw the united states from nato if he wins the election. from a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on everything, and 200 days without interest. are your items faded after washing? use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color. things look like new three times longer. new ones, no, i wash them with affection.
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oxidation of the north atlantic alliance, tense inside america, outside its borders, these are the very words. the president of a large country once asked me: sir, if we do not pay for nato membership, and if russia attacks us, will you protect us? i replied: “i will not protect you.” moreover . “i will support the russians, let them do what they want with you, because you have to pay, you have to pay the bills. even during his first term, donald trump outlined his foreign policy priorities, the main one being isolationism, healthy, but very limited, in his opinion, american participation in military operations and in general in the contours of international security, as he , of course, understands it, the candidate advocates conducting targeted operations, which, of course, are in no way consistent with the same
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international law, well, we we remember very well the attack on the iranian general qassem sulaymaniyah, and yet trump, with this idea , has gained great support here within the united states, among those who are disappointed with decades of failed, expansionist us policies, and how american authorities. you haven't heard the phrase american dream for a long time, because now it's
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an american nightmare. you were much better off under the trump administration than you are today. today our country is going to hell. how does trump differ from the current trump 2.0 , so to speak, in this matter, in that now trump has a very serious support group, i feel this danger, by the way, on which the security of america depended, thanks to nato we won the cold war, we defeated the soviet union. every president since truman has been a strong supporter of nato, everyone except donald trump. and of course, the fact that all these words he said could not help but strengthen trump’s rhetoric could not help but play on the eve of the munich
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security conference. this year a delegation went there. ukraine spends in a month what the united states produces in a year. we are discussing increasing the production of shells to 100 thousand per month by the end of next year, while the russians are producing almost 5000 right now shells per month. it's not that we want to leave europe alone with its problems, it's that we need to focus on east asia and let european allies
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take care of the problems in europe. it is also important to note that all this is happening. americans year, this year is the anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, in washington, in the summer there is to be an anniversary summit, this is the anniversary summit, that is, extremely important for this summit, donald trump is making such statements that are dangerous for them. in general, if we talk about who supports trump’s ideas regarding the minimization of america’s role in foreign policy processes in general, here you can pay attention to several at once. on the one hand, these are new wave politicians who came to power, including representatives in the senate and the house of representatives already under trump or thanks to trump, these are people who can be called trumpists and opportunists, people who understand in which direction the situation has now swung there is a balance
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of power within the republican party, the main losers are grouped in this case around the leader of the senate the majority of mitch mcconnoll, who... personifies, well, this is also a bipartisan consensus on the need to give more money to the american military-industrial complex, all this is mixed up with cool iaconian idealism, with the well-known ideas that america is the main judge , the main arbiter in such matters, and america can still dictate something to someone, and the other group are realists who understand that america’s role has already changed, that the world has changed, and well... everyone who wants join them, myself here, of course, the eloquent figure is the figure of senator linsey graham. at one time, linsey graham was remembered for a number of completely wild anti-russian, russophobic statements; probably his most odious speech was the words he said during last year’s visit to zelensky, when at a meeting with
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zelensky he said , that american money is not wasted, because it is spent on... killing russians, after which linsey graham himself began to say that his words were edited, that the ukrainians did it and so on, but the fact remains that lince grem, in any case, was not far from such positions, what is happening to him now, an amazing transformation is happening to him, firstly, he did not vote in the senate for the very defense law that involves the allocation 61 billion dollars to ukraine, he focused on the fact that first of all the american administration should deal with the situation on the border, that is, repeating exactly the same thoughts that donald trump voices. moreover, lince grem is already talking about that if you give money to ukraine , you need to give it on credit, and these loans can be secured, well, for example, with ukrainian lands or minerals, ukraine has something to pay for military assistance, and this,
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of course, is an absolute change in rhetoric , an absolute change of approach, she. the white house is not at all happy with it and it basically destroys the idea that joe biden is still trying to grab hold of as solomenka. joe biden is trying to sell military aid to ukraine to his voters on the basis that all these the money will remain within the united states. although this money is intended for ukraine, it will be spent here in the united states, in arizona, where patriot missiles are produced, in alabay. support in the person of such people, but lincegram chose the side of donald trump, and this, of course, significantly undermines the positions
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of this bipartisan hawk wing, but also strengthens the positions of those who oppose biden in the house of representatives. there are a number of problems with military assistance to ukraine, with voting on this issue, for example, one of these problems - the calendar of work of congress, very great efforts were made to ensure that ... so that the military aid package adopted by the senate was voted on by the house of representatives, without this it will not be possible to allocate money. biden waged a very persistent campaign, and apparently, in order to inspire or somehow push members of the house of representatives to vote correctly, ipso carried out, as they now say, an information and psychological operation to influence the minds of those same republicans in the lower house. it was reported that russia is allegedly trying to place nuclear weapons in space, and this is a very
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big problem and a threat to the national security of the united states, at a minimum. a new threat to us national security. according to intelligence received, russia plans to place weapons, possibly nuclear, in low-earth orbit, which pose a threat to american satellites. we generally leave aside the extent to which the definition of a threat to national security can, in principle, be applied to outer space, because in outer space no country has sovereignty, but in general information has appeared that the americans themselves are thinking about placing this type of weapons in space, several conclusions can be drawn here, on the one hand , they inspire those who disagree to... so that they still vote on the military assistance project they need, and number two , they are thinking about what to do next after ukraine, they are thinking about
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how to further develop huge budgets, because each subsequent defense budget of the united states exceeds the previous one, the american military-industrial complex has been accustomed to that he has not been on a starvation diet at all in recent years, and if ukraine does not exist, then what will happen in return, here you go, one of... the idea, for example, spro, all this gave work and from ideas, as it was at one time implemented provided colossal finances, the american military-industrial complex is a private business, this private business wants to be sure that the white house’s tactics towards ukraine will not change in the very near future, which is why it so persistently demands that joe biden voice this strategy, because so far everything... knows situational decisions, the pentagon has to save weapons, it is not clear how to replenish the reserves that have been used up, transfer them from some regions in order
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to help ukraine, how will this be replenished? the u.s. army has spent more than $430 million this fiscal year, including on training ukrainian troops and moving equipment to poland and ukraine. unless congress approves new ones, army officials said. funding for ukraine, us military operations will suffer not only in europe, but in africa, will have to make difficult decisions, such as not building new barracks or reducing military recruitment. if we talk in general about the attitude of party wings to the problem of ukraine, then we can state that both sides of the american, so to speak, political spectrum are, by and large, tired of ukraine. ukraine is hot.
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states forces that are aimed at dialogue about what needs to happen in order to reduce this tension, in this sense, of course, the authoritative opinion of our ambassador in washington, anatoly antonov, we specifically talked to him. and we asked him a question: are there those in america with whom we can still build a dialogue, and if there are such people,
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there are such forces, then what could it be about? when two great powers, two permanent states of russian-american relations, members of the security council do not talk to each other, do not discuss pressing problems, is there such a possibility of normalizing relations between the russian federation and the united states of america, there is such a possibility, but there should be clearly... and a clear understanding that this is only possible with a fundamental change in the foreign policy of the united states of america. it is very important that here they finally understand that the russian federation has its own national interests, and until they learn, understand, and recognize russian national interests, nothing will work out. in the meantime, the fate of military assistance to ukraine still remains vague, there is no compromise option for the hawks. from
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the senate were not offered to the lower house, so there are centrists in the lower house, fitzpatrick from republicans and goldon from democrats proposed a bill, which they called the bill on protecting the borders of democracy, firstly, the amount was reduced, we are no longer talking about 95 billion, but about 6. ukraine, accordingly , should receive under this bill not 61 billion, but... but the most important thing, which of course will no longer suit the dem party absolutely, is the tightening of migration policy, well , in particular, it should be written there that all applicants to get into the united states must wait for a decision not inside the united states, on the territory of mexico, that is, they will also have to negotiate with mexico, congress will return from recess
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on february 28..., in theory, probably, as these authors of this bill want, they would probably like to immediately put it to a vote, but this will also not be possible, because the main issue on the agenda will be the issue of temporarily extending the american budget, avoiding the so-called shutdown, because already on march 8, if the temporary financing package is not accepted, the american government programs. will again face the threat of cessation of funding, that is, again there will be no time for ukraine. this was america, all the best to you. sasha, turn on the morning playlist. i turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? stay warm and get some zones. what time is
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my meeting? 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, what’s the best way to get there? i've built a route, turn left, you've arrived. sasha, who should i vote for? and you must decide this for yourself. together - we are force. let's vote for russia. today is defender of the fatherland day. vladimir
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putin paid tribute as usual. in memory of the fallen soldiers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, together with the supreme commander-in-chief , defense minister sergei shaigu and combat veterans, students of suvorov schools, came to the memorial.


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