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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 2:30pm-2:59pm MSK

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engulfed the entire building , firefighters for several hours could not take control of the situation, get inside, rescuers could not because of the threat of collapse, according to local media, the fire became the worst in the history of valencia, the mayor of the city declared three days of mourning. a major accident in the east of china, more than 100 cars collided on one of the expressways, it was all due to ice, cars crashed into each other in a chicken reaction, nine people were injured, now... traffic along the highway is blocked, emergency services are trying to separate cars. even after being seriously wounded, the participants of the special operation remain in the armed forces and continue to serve their homeland. hero of russia maxim sholomov lost both arms. previously, such people, with rare exceptions , had to leave the army, but now everything is different: people with combat experience are valued and are offered new positions. about the fate of the heroes in the report by daria gonieva, see.
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in a few minutes.
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hello, i am boris sakimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project of the free thought headquarters. together with experts we we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. replace foreign suppliers? give me the recipe
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in general, how to achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure? we just can't believe it, that's one and a half meters there, two meters away, shells are exploding, there are no shell shocks, no shrapnel on us , the fact that i was even wounded, i’ve come to terms with it, and as if i was the first one, as soon as i got it, i wasn’t a little upset right away, because it my choice, i made it myself voluntarily, so no one... forced me, didn’t call me, didn’t drag me, it
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was my choice, i signed up for a contract myself, graduated from the chelyabinsk military school, served in the army for 20 years, february 24 after the exercise from belarus, the command came, it was delivered task, we were entering the chernigov direction, and of course, seeing what the enemy had been preparing for more than one year. he managed to fight in different directions in september of the twenty-second year , sholomov’s units were transferred from the zaporozhye region to the border of kharkov and the lpr. that battle has already
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gone down in the history of the northern military district. for 7 days, sholomov and his colleagues held a strategically important intersection. it was used for supplies and evacuation. if you take my last fight, then...
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he hit me in the left hand, that’s when i fell, made a few turns, and then left with fields of fire behind the trees, after which, having come to his senses within 5-10 seconds, he called out to a comrade who helped me, after which he continued to move along... that is , the very fact of accepting that there was no hand, it happened quite quickly, the second hand was already, when the evacuation took place, and the infantry fighting vehicle with the wounded was leaving, the infantry fighting vehicle was stormed, they purposefully beat the wounded, and the right hand burned in the hospital. maxim sholomov
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spent 9 months, but despite the amputation of both hands, he remained to serve in the armed forces. i am very glad that today the ministry defense shows such concern for its military personnel, especially those who are seriously wounded, and they give the opportunity to continue serving until retirement, for whom, if necessary, they can even build some sort of career, this never happened before, but if we take previous wars, then nothing there was no such thing, but now from our own, but apparently up there at the top of the defense they reviewed a lot of things and decided this... such, i don’t know, maybe some kind of action, but this is very important for us, because today not everyone may still find to recover and fully , here with such support, it would be pleasant for yourself , everything will be fine in the family, you will know that you will be
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in the future, as if insured, junior sergeant sergei tanygin from bataysk in the northern military district lost his leg, before such people, for there were rare exceptions, like the heroic story of the pilot maresyev. to withdraw from the army, but now everything is different: people with combat experience are valued and they are offered new positions. they suggested to us that, guys, if you doubt something else, no one will quit, that is, you will find places to continue your service, in the military registration and enlistment offices or in your own units you can continue, well, i agreed, i say, well, why not, after returning from the front line, sergei tanygin serves in the military registration and enlistment office of the city of bataysk. i think we will continue to grow. to work for the benefit of the younger generation, to raise, now, of course , i’m at home or i communicate like this, i’m drawn to those guys, to that environment, but before the start of the special military operation, having served in the army for 15 years, he was going to retire, a scout, a grenade launcher , sniper,
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sapper, he was in the elite special forces, but their units were disbanded, sergei went into civilian life and began to wait for an order, i quit within a year, it was all over, he would return home, his pension was at home there, well, i have dreams there - to work on the land, there - fishing , of course i was worried, i always honestly say, this was the place where i didn’t want to let him go, anywhere, but i wasn’t ready to go there, but
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uh, as he himself said, i signed an oath at the office, not a document about marriage, so... i can’t argue. tanygin - a military man with a wealth of experience, but the current conflict is radically different in both the weapons and mentality of the enemy. they are just like us. stormed, moved little by little, slowly but surely, house by house, walked and walked, in general,
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for a week we, this assault continued with us, walked, reached the place where we should have already started, at one fine moment, they themselves didn’t even understand how it happened, they just threw petals at us, in general, in the evening i moved with my partner, a gunner, we came out at dusk, flashlights too... recovery , perhaps, and therefore he quickly got down to it, now he is already mastering sports prostheses and even when signing the contract he knew what it was like to prepare for triathlon competitions, sergei has three sons, champions in takwandoa, and he is used to being an example for them. well, here you read about space, sit down, what
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is it, you saw, come on, one, op, two, three, come on again, only you’re falling, that’s it, tired, no, i don’t have the mass, here’s the anatolian from st. petersburg , all the time upon return. starts studying with his seven-year-old son, well why is the satellite, mother, spinning around the earth, well, because it’s always with him, yes , well, yes, well, everything is correct, anatoly walks with crutches, his left leg does not work, but he specifically chooses the most difficult routes with stairs and obstacles in order to move like as much as possible, he believes that one day sensitivity will return, as soon as mobilization was announced, a summons came, i... my father called me, he said that so and so, the summons came, i went to the military registration and enlistment office,
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took the documents with me there, the first things, the military registration and enlistment office arrived, they tell me what you leaving for preparations, they gave me three or four hours to get ready, probably, so i called my wife, i said, this way and that, i’m leaving, pack my things, in fact, i kind of initially understood that i would most likely go. in principle, i was completely there and mentally and physically ready for it. his parents are both military men, and his brother followed this path. anatoly himself served in the army and studied at the st. petersburg university of the ministry of emergency situations. he served as a senior firefighter for 4 and a half years, risked his life more than once, extinguished hangars with engine oil, saved houses from explosion of gas cylinders. then he was an entrepreneur, making a video blog about cars. yes, even lada and vesta no longer allow themselves to do this. basically, this is it. scary, but ugly, and after mobilization he took the call sign pioneer and became a sniper. in
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principle, from childhood i was already involved with weapons, i had the opportunity to shoot, participated in various competitions related to shooting, and it was as if the theoretical good and practical preparation was good, specifically related to sniper business, then when it started svo, began to expand his horizons and knowledge even more, and in... in the sniper business, so as if the sniper went, he speaks not for a minute, does not regret that he was on the front line, thanks to this he gained the value of life, family, time and friendship, i received my first wound at the position , the task was to go out into the forest belt to collect intelligence data, the surf was not that long, then, unfortunately, it was twilight, already in the morning there was practically a bird with a thermal imager, unfortunately it spotted it, so they started on me first with mortar fire ski polivog then started i was already pulling closer to the field and there my mine
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found me, one fragment hit me in my helmet , it turns out that it kind of hurt me, that is, plexopathy occurred in the right upper limb. several months of resolution, then a return to the front, the kherson direction in august 23 , the hardest battle on the dnieper, together with a partner on the same boat, they crossed to a river island. the task was to prevent the enemy from occupying it, to prevent a breakthrough, but they were spotted. they probably thought that we didn’t expect what we had there near the platoon the fact that we are practically alone there. here. they started attacking us and basically covering everything that they had flying, it exploded, everything was flying at us, that ’s when they just used cluster munitions, the first time in all my business trips i met with it, i didn’t like it, that’s when maxim was hit by a shrapnel it turns out that he flew out into the shoulder through the elbow, that is , maxim said that 300 and literally there
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a moment later , it came to me again, that’s when he got me... quite concussed, that is, i didn’t really understand much, it turned out like this, then that i was lying under the crown of a tree, and maxim , roughly speaking, was lying there, near my feet, every bird that flew up to throw something at us, threw it off and along the crown of the tree it rolled under my head, then max and i laughed at the fact that i was there i’m chatting, chatting, since there’s an explosion, i’m not there again for about 20 minutes, i’m sleeping, resting, because of the intense fire they couldn’t be evacuated. 5 o'clock at the moment when the russian boat managed to approach, anatoly was already unconscious, the blast wave threw him into the water, he almost drowned, he was pulled out of the river partner, these shots from the ukrainian armed forces drone were later shown on ukrainian television, they reported that they destroyed russian fighters, but they survived. i had a fracture of the cervical spine with damage to the spinal cord and
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brain, that is, i had a mine, one of which ended up hitting my helmet with the shank. struck the stern and exploded under me, and from this blow my neck was broken. waking up in the hospital, he already knew what to do; several years before , the young man managed to recover from a stroke, so literally 2 weeks later after being wounded, he already began to try to get up, and at the same time he started his own telegram channel and began to collect, when he was able to walk, to take humanitarian aid, drones, turnips, thermal imagers to his fellow soldiers on the front lines, to continue helping his country. in general, this is what the cape looks like. the sniper dresses himself in a square with a hood in the forest, he is not visible, and we are trying to order more and more of these in order to save the guys. this is how alexander nisterenko and his colleagues were greeted at the moscow airport. during one of his combat missions, alexander lost contact.
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he was considered dead and his relatives were informed about this, but he returned with his life and even. from a single scratch, he believes only thanks to the prayers of people close to him. we have a group that has left to complete the task , the group is mine, it turns out that i started with it, and the group commander is my very good friend, and i’ll call him panamar, and it so happens that at the radio station we hear what’s going on there battle, that the enemy attempted to break through, then a strong mortar shelling, artillery shelling began, and... i wrote to my girlfriend, i i say, it’s very difficult for us, panamar is there, his group, very heavy shelling, pray, it’s very difficult, we, accordingly, who the guys are also orthodox, pray for them , there is a report that everyone is alive, there are not two dry, thirty-year-old alexandra is from
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bashkir city ​​of belebey, after finishing school he went to a technical school, then to the army after a military service... to his homeland, that is, he was always interested in the armed forces, i always liked people in uniform. in 2019, nisterenko left the service and went to work for the northern oil and gas industry. deposit, but when the northern military district began, being in touch with former colleagues, he could not stay away and volunteered for the akhmat battalion, along with four fellow countrymen from belebey. when, i see what is happening
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over the course of... this time since 2014, that a veteran of this very bloody terrible war of mankind cannot go out into the street, dressed in his homeland, when he shed blood for this for for this land in general, how to explain it, the st. george ribbons are being torn off him there, how can they faith, how they destroy churches, that is, it ’s natural for me... as a citizen, as just a man, this was unacceptable to me. after studying at the russian special forces university in chechnya, alexander went to the lpr. the tasks were different. basically this is active defense, that is, accordingly, they were in forest regiments, in forest plantations, occupied, and so such measures kept them, in his phone there are a lot of
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shots from the city of popasnoe lpr, which was almost completely turned into ruins. when we came directly to the village, that is, the outskirts of the city, and they saw such signs that on the gates there were written peaceful people, children, and ukrainian ... artillery with western shells, that is, which were supplied by the west, they simply compared, residential buildings, residential sectors, well, you see for yourself, he recalls difficult moments of their death of battle brothers and countrymen and wants their feat not to be forgotten. i would like to tell you about one of my comrades, about an older comrade, this is fyodor tsyganenko, he is a gypsy ambassador, so he was at the time when he went... well, with us on a business trip, he was 45 years old at that time, his son was 5 years old, and his eldest daughter
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was in the eleventh grade, when we went to the eleventh grade, he was good in our detachment, he was like a foreman, like a rear man, such a rear man, he had all the fighters were always dressed, shod, fed, that is, everything was always in reserve, that is, this is just a real dad. and he went after the new year holidays in april , he himself went on one business trip, fought for literally 2 weeks, on april 17 he left and on may 1 he died, died, they came under mortar shelling near marinka, there on the front line he was side by side with people of dozens of nationalities, the warmest and most personal memory is a common prayer for his comrades on a mission, together with people from various faiths, in the trenches on...
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one abbess, here she is she gave me a small rosary like this, read a prayer , i went there, there are only eight novices and you know the one you always know so that no one sees, i still have these rosary with me, now alexander lives in the moscow region and works in the center, who conducts courses military training, together with his beloved irina, collects humanitarian aid for his colleagues, please go through the museum. the school one was inherited from the previous owners of this building, it was a musical boarding school; for the arrival of the hero of russia maxim sholomov, mytishchi school number 12 opened
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its own military museum. you and i are in the new exhibition of our museum, it is called “we won then, we will win now.” this name was not invented in vain, because in this exhibition we combined exhibits that relate to. to the great patriotic war war, exhibits that we received from the north military district zone, and of course, those items that we associate with volunteer help. parents of students set up a workshop right at school for sewing camouflage nets, suits and backpacks. in the kitchen they prepare sets of freeze-dried soups for soldiers; you just need to add hot water. in one of the classes there is a workshop for making drones. they need to be assembled, checked, flashed and sent. eighth grader. stands in the youth army, his father volunteered for the northern military district in the twenty-second year, his mother created a volunteer detachment charge help, from what we make ourselves, here are sapper quivers, chips for sappers
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, like this, that is, you sew it yourself, we sew it ourselves, and these are printed for - container fuses, the drone was given to us by the guys on our network , he was caught with... thank god, the boys survived, now an enemy drone, a museum exhibit along with tank shells. these are all the exhibits, well, almost everything, and my husband, while volunteering there, about six months, more than six months ago, brought the north military district zones, that is, he went with humanitarian aid to guys, this flag is a confirmation, but here he was with this flag traveling to different units, that is, the guys, as if for their part, were... peeing, that is, this was done specifically so that a piece of history would remain in our museum , first
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tank battalion, yes, i have a husband. traveled traveled, in general, decided to move to the zone cfo until the end of the special military operation, became a participant in the special military operation, signed a contract, signed a contract, this is her husband, andrei, in the famous touching video, which spread across many telegram channels, the fighter specially came secretly from the ied zone to surprise his twelve-year-old daughter, right during the ceremony of her initiation into cadets. therefore, at the meeting with the hero of russia, cadet varya listens with special attention to the story about what is happening in the north military district zone. maxim sholomov himself, despite his injuries, asked to return to the front line. the authorities refused. as a result, of all the positions offered, i chose work with conscripts at the military registration and enlistment office and patriotic education of youth.
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today is defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin traditionally honored the memory of fallen soldiers at the tomb of the unknown soldier, together with


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