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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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paid tribute to the memory of the fallen soldiers at the tomb of the unknown soldier; together with the supreme commander-in-chief , defense minister sergei shaigu and combat veterans , students of the suvorov schools, came to the memorial.
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earlier, the president addressed congratulations to military personnel, veterans and their families. vladimir putin noted that russia is proud of its army and navy, their persistent, undaunted character. the head of state assured the defenders of the fatherland that all russians believe in their strength and reliability, know that they are always
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on duty, always guarding their interests and state security. at the forefront today are participants in a special military operation. you fight for truth and justice, show courage and bravery in defending russia. you are our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that it is difficult for you, and we will do everything. so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty, for your honest, selfless service to the fatherland. dear comrades, in the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore the powerful potential and high combat readiness of our army and navy are a guarantee of russia’s security, its free, sovereign development. sergei shaigu and sergei
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sobyanin checked the readiness of the moscow military district headquarters building after reconstruction. all work in the historical building was planned taking into account its status as a cultural heritage site. the builders preserved the interiors and installed modern equipment in them, which is simply necessary for command and control of troops. the placement of units in the building will begin already in march. in the combat control room, the mayor of the capital handed over the acceptance certificate to the minister of defense.
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will make 67 stops in cities and towns, each carriage has its own exhibition,
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there are even models of weapons from the second world war. the purpose of the action is to demonstrate the unity of the army and society, to counter the falsification of history, and to tell the story of the fighting.
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everything is fine with you there, i wish you to return, we are proud of you, give our deepest regards to all the guys who are on mission today, we will do everything so that on our part all questions are closed, no we doubt your courage, heroism, the sound of the metronome announced an air raid accompanied the leningraders throughout the blockade, on vosstaniya square in st. petersburg, the governor of the city alexander... beglov laid flowers at the obelisk of the city hero leningrad. acting commander of troops. donbass and novorossiya sing. the project is called let's light a smoke, a famous song based on the poems of the poet front-line soldier ilya frenkel, performed by musicians from new regions of russia.
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zenaida kurbatov to lead. on the day of the defender. the fatherland pays special attention to participants in a special military operation, every family is in a hurry to congratulate their hero, letters with words of love and support are flying to the front from all over the country, the soldiers admit that the most important thing for them is to know that at home they believe and are waiting, the topic will be continued by alexandra perfileva, this is an order of courage, this is a medal for military distinction, this is a gold star, even on his holiday, defender of the fatherland yuri bratchikov embarrassedly talks about his awards, the last gold star of the hero of the dpr was received by a marine of the pacific fleet for the liberation of the village of pavlovka. despite the wounded commander and his soldiers provided a springboard for further offensive. for myself , i cannot say that i am a certain super hero, that i have done something. he performed tasks
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just like all the other guys. today yuri is 26, he says that being a military man has been his dream since childhood. although no one was ever from the military, not even... there was no understanding about the service, well, the dream was in the zone of a special military operation as a marine from the first days, when he told his wife that he was leaving on a business trip, she tells me that and i’m pregnant, i say, well generally super, his wife tatyana was holding their one and a half year old son in her arms. tima still remembers their telephone conversation after 3 weeks without communication, hello, hello, hello, i found out, i found out what you’re doing, and you’re getting ready to go to bed, for tatyana her husband is a real hero, and he will see these frames of congratulations for the first time on our broadcast, my dear beloved man, i want to congratulate you on february 23, wish you
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great health, good health, or rather good health, i want to say that you are a real hero, that i am very proud of you, that i i love you... very much, that i will support you in any situation, and that i will always be by your side, and we love you very much, connections vladivostok, moscow, for me he is a hero, he is a hero for my daughter, i love you and i’m waiting
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, let’s come home soon, and this is alexey spesivtsev, a tankman , thanks to the coordinated work of his brigade, russian soldiers managed to take avdeevka, it was his subordinate who approached the president at the award ceremony in the kremlin and asked not only a new tank for the t-90 crew, but a reward for commander him after the award ceremony came up, that's all, champagne. a fierce battle in which the russian tank crews survived. aleksey, originally from donetsk,
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remembers how in 1914 the ukrainian military came knocking on his house. then i decided that i would join the militia detachment. now he answers the question of what he wants most. finish yours so that peace can finally come, so that there is no war. when real heroes are in a combat zone , they always receive support.
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that any hostile actions on the part of the collective west will not go unanswered, well and we will talk more about the thirteenth package of sanctions with our economic observer niko inkova. niko, greetings, please tell us what is included in this package of sanctions, what restrictions are we talking about? well, if we talk about the european union, the list of new restrictive measures includes about 200 individual legal entities. i’ll tell you in order right now. 194 individuals
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and legal entities, including 27 organizations, some of which are foreign. the eu council officially approved the thirteenth package of sanctions against russia, including the list expands to prohibited items that are said to contribute to the technological development of our defense and security sector, including components for the development and production of drones. so says the official message from... 27 organizations included the list for allegedly supporting the military-industrial complex of our country. it includes enterprises from india, sri lanka, china, serbia, kazakhstan, thailand and turkey. they will be subject to stricter export restrictions in relation to dual-use goods and technologies. the west is introducing more and more sanctions against russia, but it seems to me that the main sanctions would have already been introduced earlier. and this is, first of all, a ban on the import of russian energy resources; all other sanctions are
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of a residual nature and will not have any major impact on the russian economy; the new eu sanctions list does not include any big names of companies or industry measures. american president joe biden announced new sanctions that include more than 500 targets in russia. it's about both about the fezlitsa people and about russian finance.
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in the direction it moves. the day before , great britain introduced new sanctions against our country. the restrictions affected companies that london considers to be associated with the russian military-industrial complex, as well as equipment importers and oil traders. the list includes a total of more than 50 individuals and legal entities. foreign companies, including those from turkey and china, were also included in the restrictive list. beijing reacted immediately. in a statement , the chinese embassy in london emphasized that the british measures are unilateral, and beijing is strongly opposed. the sanctions imposed by the british side against the relevant enterprises are unilateral actions that are completely unjustified by international law. china will take the necessary measures, and we will resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of our companies. despite western pressure,
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the domestic economy is successfully coping with the restrictions, as the initiators of the sanctions themselves admit. which the usa and the european union introduced against our country. meanwhile, in sochi they stay delegation of volunteers to participate in the world youth festival. it will begin on the federal territory of sirius in early march. 20 thousand people will take part in the festival program, half of them are foreigners. with details, pavel melnik. let's start the future
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together. energy that will unite tens of thousands of young and active volunteers around the world. youth festivals are arriving in sirius, it’s much warmer here, and emotionally, emotionally in general, it’s super, the mood is fire, we’re really looking forward to the start of the events, it’s like dress rehearsal for a large-scale and international event this spring, several thousand volunteers who need to be met, accommodated with everyone - says janet kkhitlyanova, to come to mutual understanding, this is one of the main goals of the entire festival, but everything is 100% easy, i am a very sociable and sociable person, right on the podium there are warm welcoming... hugs, in many ways it is the volunteers who set the friendly tone for the upcoming festival. 4.00 people came directly, coming from february 22 to 26 here in sochi, and a thousand volunteers works in the capital, carloads of volunteers from all over the country, tatyana from the tomsk region. i really want to give the participants only positive emotions, a positive experience, and so that everyone leaves
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the festival with only one realization that we are together and ready to change this world for the better. on the eve of the festival, greater sochi is also changing for the better: the air gates of the resort capital, the airport are decorated, and the street and road network is being transformed. the latest preparations and these bright artistic images will become part of the urban space, youth enthusiasm for which there are no barriers. for the coming weeks, sochi and sirius are entire cities and territories of youth. photo zones with colorful decor throughout the city. volunteers are the first to see the renovated resort like this. we are all friends and will be.
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sochi and the federal territory sirius digital services, elections are coming, and where to vote? let's look at the website of the central election commission of russia, they have convenient services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on... the portal public services. download the application from bp,
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pictures that the client will melt, honeys, download the new yandex browser, be surprised by your neuropower, they told me you’ll dance with this... culture , well, let's dance together and everyone danced and sang in the renovated cultural center in the city of orekhovo-zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new cultural centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sports, invincible. car, let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and
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not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream. tradition in innovation, only here in the country, above where the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. in the ssu, three districts of the belgorod region were attacked more than 40 times per day, about this. said governor vyacheslav glodkov. according to him , the villages of sereda, new tavolzhanka and maryana huter were under fire. read more about the situation in the front zone. igor pikhanov.
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you can even see how old the metal is and it’s broken through. a resident of the village of new tavolzhanka, bordering ukraine, marina voluyskaya, shows her private garden. fences, walls houses and windows are damaged by shell fragments. the woman says: militants in the ssu attack populated areas almost every day. here everything was in small holes, shells, warheads were lying in the yard, there were these pieces of metal, flying, everything was here, well, it was visible either from a tank or something, but here everything was torn apart, it was only a stone's throw from residential buildings to the border 3 km, militants are hitting civilians with guns, tanks and hail, people are being hunted by drones, the house of the eighty-year-old zinoida besportochnaya was twice subjected to mortar strikes, the great patriotic war war with zinoida... my bed
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was lying and so cracked, i thought that ours was beaten in the huts, ours, no, we only had glass, the glass was broken, they sealed the veranda with salakhvan, there, there, despite the danger in all the settlements that suffered from shelling, builders are working , they are restoring damaged housing, now cold weather has arrived in the region, so the teams are working in reverse mode, some houses due to repeated attacks... are being installed more than once, the men say that you need to always be here check to carefully monitor the sky, by the sound , if a copter is flying, of course, it’s better to leave , hide, the last time a copter flew in, my bus crashed into a flight, fresh baked goods and dairy products were delivered to the grocery store, now this is a vital facility, food delivery is not stops even during attacks on the armed forces of ukraine, a lot of people left,
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that’s how it is... a lot of 70 percent, people still live here, we work here, we travel, well , where can we go, well, it was scary at first, now you get used to everything, on defense in front-line settlements there is a unit of the ministry of defense, reconnaissance officers go out on combat missions, in the kupinsky direction uav operators monitor the line of contact, even in a snowstorm , drones comb the area and track down the enemy who is preparing to attack peaceful villages. in order to hinder our fighters, electronic warfare units are working on that side of the front. in order to deceive the enemy, our specialists carry out special firmware for the copters, now they can fly large distance, a drone of russian fighters is carrying shells, scouts detect a so-called nomadic mortar, the target is mobile, you need to act quickly, in a matter of minutes the enemy is neutralized, for detection we constantly hang in the sky, we are on duty both during the day and at night and do not let the enemy drive up, they consist of four or three people
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per... reconnaissance officers work in close contact with other units of the ministry of defense, when militants are detected, information is immediately sent to specialists, tactical aviation works against the enemy and long-range artillery, enemy missiles and drones are shot down by russian air defense, every destroyed mortar and rocket means lives saved. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region.
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since the beginning of this year it has become available.


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