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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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since the beginning of this year it has become available. a new
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financial instrument, a long-term savings program, the state invests funds in the savings of citizens, how it works, irina matyushenko will tell you in the program instructions. a long-term savings program has begun to operate in russia; it helps to accumulate a significant increase in pension. how exactly everything works, what kind of money we are talking about and how to join the program, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. the essence of the long-term savings program is that the citizen contributes. money goes to a non-state pension fund, and the state adds its own to it. npf invests all this and ensures the safety of savings and income. what is the long-term savings program or lsp as we call it? and this is a new savings product aimed at the long term. its essence is that with incentive support from the state, citizens will be able to generate additional financial resources, which they subsequently direct for implementation. long-term goals,
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everyone’s goals may be different, of course, but we for ourselves, we highlight, first of all, probably the purchase of housing, payment for children’s education , and of course additional pension income, and here, what is also important to note, long-term savings have been formed and insured by the state in the amount of 2.8 million rubles, which, taking into account the long term of such savings is twice the maximum amount of insurance for bank deposits, and how much can... be received from the state. the maximum amount of co-financing per year is 36,000 rubles. the state will support program participants only for the first 3 years. so, total can add 108,000 to your investment. let's look at co-financing formulas. there are three of them in total. the first is one to one. this is when for every ruble of savings invested, another ruble is received from the state. a person’s income should not exceed 80,000 rubles. per month. the maximum additional payment of
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36,000 per year can be obtained if you invest the same amount, that is, 3,000 rubles each. per month. the second formula is 1:2. for a ruble investment you will get 50 kopecks on top. it will be applied to people with incomes from 80 to 150,000 rubles. to get the most from the state, they will have to invest at least 6,000 rubles. per month. and the third formula is 1:4. this is 25 kopecks from the state for... every ruble from a participant in the program, it will co-finance the savings of citizens who receive more than 150 thousand per month, to receive 36,000 from the state, they will need 12,000 rubles per month, in addition to incentive support from the state in the annual amount of 36,000 rubles. each citizen will also have access to a tax deduction in the amount of 52,000 rubles per year, for this they must pay. v
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long-term savings program of at least 400 thousand rubles per year, it turns out that by sending 400,000 rubles per year as contributions to the program, each citizen will be able to receive another 52 as a deduction. when can you start using your long-term savings? you will receive monthly payments 15 years from the date of conclusion of the contract, or if the age has reached 55 years for women and... 60 for men, withdrawing savings along with investment income ahead of time is allowed only in an emergency , citizens can withdraw their generated savings in full in the event of special situations, including the need to pay for expensive treatment, and the list of types of such treatment has already been approved by the government, as well as special ones.
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situation involves the loss of a program participant who is the breadwinner, in this case the same procedure applies, as for specific procedures, this is how it will be necessary to submit documents and receive payment, here this procedure will be approved next year by a separate act government. how to join the long-term savings program? this can be done through the bank's application on the website of the non-state pension fund or by coming there in person. each npf makes its own decision to participate in the program. at the moment , there is no compiled list, but all active npfs have declared it. and the desire to participate in the program, i will remind you that there are 37 npfs in total, so in order for each client to find out whether the npf has already joined the program or not, it is necessary to clarify this information either on the official website, or by calling the contact
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number, you can transfer your pension savings to the long-term savings program, if you have them in the same npf, just submit an application for the transfer of funds from a pension account through your personal account on the fund’s website, at its branch or at government services . the money will be transferred to the program the following year after submitting the application. if the savings are in another npf or in the sfr, first transfer them to the fund with which you entered into a long-term savings agreement. an application to change the fund can be submitted through government services, website or branch of a social fund. please note that once you transfer your savings to a long-term savings program, they cannot simply be transferred back to your retirement account. in general, from the pds. naturally, if you wish, you can leave without good reason, but not without losses. this will be income, as well as incentives. the money invested will not be given back to the states, and it will not be possible to receive a tax deduction. well, traditionally, as in the situation, for example, with bank deposits, in the case of early withdrawal of funds, penalties
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and fines are provided. so, the long-term program savings allows you to form an accumulation in a non-state pension fund and receive income from them. the state adds its funds to citizens' contributions. in pds it is possible. transfer existing pension savings by contributing 400,000 annually, you can get 52,000 back as a tax deduction. if the npf is unable to repay the savings, the state is guaranteed to return up to 2,800,000. still have questions, want to know how much income savings can provide? subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will talk with experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of the next releases of the instructions. now a short advertisement, then we’ll talk about how the issue of military spending became the main stumbling block in the united states before the presidential election. disputes over funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan have begun to threaten the existence of nato. let's watch in 3 minutes in the program america with valentin bogdanov. where else can dance become
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class, and we are going, third year, and you haven’t started saving yet, so open a vtb savings account, vtb, rate 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to... it will be even more profitable, let’s go to the bank, mountains, skis, speed, you saved up faster than you go down, vtb, together everything will work out. with iota you can accelerate, with iota you can do everything to the maximum, 50 gigs 200 minutes for 399 rubles, you can yota, my dad and i went here as children, i love you, nadyukha, kiss already, 3 are already at the cinema, it can help with constipation weak already in the morning. available in large, advantageous packaging , weakened, i know what will happen tomorrow, order
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to zdrav city, what is a good car for you, mileage, condition, comfort, and smells like new, everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, now it will appear, come on! well, what's there? a card that earns itself. gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. hello. donald trump's speech in south carolina about the fact that nato must be paid for, otherwise he will turn off
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collective security, produced the effect of a bomb exploding. republican candidate he didn’t just open a pandora’s box, it seems he has already started the process of oxidation of the north atlantic alliance, tensions inside america and beyond its borders. these are the very words. countries once asked me: sir, if we do not pay for nato membership, and if russia attacks us, will you protect us? i answered: i will not protect you, moreover, i will support the russians, let them do what they want with you, because you have to pay, you have to pay the bills. even during his first term, donald trump outlined his foreign political priorities. main of them is isolationism, healthy. but , in his opinion, america’s participation in power operations and in general in the contours
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of international security, as he, of course, understands it, is very limited. the republican candidate advocates conducting targeted operations , which, of course, are in no way consistent with the same international law, well, we well remember the strike on the iranian general qassem sulaymaniyah, and yet, trump with this idea has gained great support here inside connected. maybe even the senators will focus on us border security, i have never seen the nursing home, better known as
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the us senate, so diligently spend american money on wars abroad. you haven't heard the phrase american dream for a long time, because now it's an american nightmare. you were much better off under the trump administration than you are today. today our country is going to hell. how is trump different from the current trump?
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us security mayorka. who was impeached by the republicans literally on the eve of his departure in the house of representatives, then america has appeared before those it is trying to inspire - with its example from a very weak side, plus this, of course, was superimposed on the military defeats that zelensky has suffered recently. ukraine spends in a month what the united states produces in a year. we are discussing increasing the production of shells to 100 thousand per month by the end of next year, while
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the russians are producing almost 5000 shells per month right now. it's not that we want to leave europe alone. with its problems, is that we need to focus on east asia, and european allies to deal with problems in europe. it is also important to note that all this is happening in an anniversary year, that is, an extremely important year for the americans, this year is the anniversary of the north atlantic alliance, an anniversary summit is to be held in washington in the summer, and towards this summit, donald trump is making such statements that are dangerous for them . in general, if we talk about who...
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the balance of power has now swung within the republican party, the main losers are grouped in this case around the leader of the senate the majority of mitch mcconnoll, who personifies, well, this is also a bipartisan consensus on the need to give more money to the american defense-industrial complex, all this is mixed up with cool iaconian idealism, with the well-known ideas that america is the main judge, the main one. .. an arbiter in such matters, and america can still dictate something to someone. and the other group are realists who understand that the role of america has already changed, that the world has changed, and those who want to join them. here myself of course, the eloquent figure is that of senator lynsey graham. at one time , linsey graham was remembered for a number of completely wild
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anti-russian, russophobic statements. perhaps his most odious speech was the words he said during last year ’s visit to zelensky, when he said at a meeting with zelensky that american money was not being wasted, because it was being spent on killing russians, after which linsey graham himself began to say that his words were edited, that the ukrainians did it, and so on further, but the fact remains that lince graham was in any case not far from such positions, what is happening to him now, an amazing transformation is happening to him, firstly, he did not vote in the senate for...
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grab joe biden. joe biden , for whom, like solomenka, is still trying to sell military aid to ukraine, is trying to sell it to his voters under the premise that all this money will remain inside. u.s.a. although this money is intended for ukraine, it will be spent here in the united states. in arizona, where patriot missiles are produced, in alabama, where javelin missiles are manufactured in pennsylvania, ohio and texas, where artillery shells are produced. biden hoped that these words would help him gather a
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support group in the form of people like lince graham. but lince graham chose the side of donald trump and... this significantly, of course, undermines the positions of this bipartisan hawk wing, but strengthens the positions of those who oppose biden in the house of representatives. there are a number of problems with military assistance to ukraine, with voting on this issue, for example, one of these problems is the work calendar congress. great efforts were made to ensure that the military aid package passed by the senate was voted on by the house of representatives.
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the united states, according to intelligence received, russia plans to place weapons, possibly nuclear, in low-earth orbit, which pose a threat to the american satellite. russia is threatening america's national security with something so terrible that our government can't even tell us what it is. we generally leave aside the extent to which the definition can, in principle, be applied to space threats to national security, because in space no country has sovereignty, but it appeared in general. information that the americans themselves are thinking about placing this type of weapons in space, several conclusions can be drawn here, on the one hand, they inspire those who
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disagree to vote on the military assistance project they need, and number two, they think what to do next after ukraine, they are thinking about how to further develop huge budgets, because every subsequent defense budget of the united states states exceeds the previous one, the american military-industrial one. the complex has been accustomed to the fact that it is not on a starvation diet at all in recent years, and if ukraine does not exist, then what will happen in return, here you go, one of the ideas, how the idea was implemented at one time, for example, spro, all this gave work and provided enormous finances. the american military-industrial complex is a private business, it is private business that wants to make sure that the white house's tactics in relation to... will not change in the very near future, precisely for this reason from joe biden is so persistently required to voice this strategy, because so far everything resembles
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a situational decision. the pentagon has to save weapons; it is not clear how to replenish the reserves that have been used up, transfer them from some regions in order to help ukraine, and how this will be replenished. during this fiscal year, the us army spent. more than $430 million, including for training ukrainian troops and moving equipment to poland and ukraine, according to army officials, if congress does not approve new funding for ukraine, not only will u.s. military operations in europe be affected, but difficult decisions will have to be made in africa, such as not building new barracks or reducing military recruitment. if we talk in general about the attitude of the party wings to... the tribe of ukraine, then we can state that both sides of the american, so to speak, political spectrum are, by and large , tired of ukraine, ukraine
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is being thrown to biden like a hot potato, trump and biden, each of them wants ukraine to become synonymous with the defeat of the opposite wing, this is a very interesting trend, and if this is really the case, then this is very bad news, of course, for... and of course, for anyone who is trying to understand the essence of the positions of the two american parties, the arena and the confrontation that foreign policy has now become , probably the first american elections where the foreign policy factor is so strong, any of our spectators, any person from the outside might be wondering whether there are forces in the united states at all that are aimed at dialogue, what needs to happen in order for... .reduce this tension, in in this sense, of course, the opinion of our ambassador in washington anatoly antonov is very interesting and authoritative, we specifically talked
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with him, and we asked him the question: are there those in america with whom it is still possible to build a dialogue, and if such people exist, such there is strength, what this dialogue could be about in principle, there are wonderful people here who consider it abnormal. the state of russian-american relations when two great powers, two permanent members of the security council, do not talk to each other, do not discuss pressing problems. is there such a thing an opportunity to normalize relations between the russian federation and the united states of america. there is such a possibility, but there must be a clear and clear understanding that this is possible only with a fundamental change in the foreign policy of the united states of america. it is very important that here they finally understand that the russian federation has its own national interests, and until they learn here, they will not understand, they will not recognize russian
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national ones. there is no compromise option for the senate hawks in the lower house. proposed, therefore, in the lower house the centrists, fitzpatrick from the republicans and golden from the democrats proposed a bill , which they called a bill to protect the borders of democracy, firstly, the amount has been reduced, we are talking already... ukraine, accordingly , should receive under this bill not 61 billion , and 47, but the most important thing, which of course will not absolutely suit the dem party, is the tightening of migration policy, well , in particular, it should be written there that all applicants to get into
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the united states must... avoid a so-called shutdown, because already on march 8, if a temporary funding package is not accepted, american government programs will once again face the threat of cessation of funding, that is, ukraine will again be short-changed. this was america, all the best to you. it turns out that we are now moving
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towards the enemy, yes, but we can’t relax here, we can’t, this is a border territory, we have a classic positional defense here, of course, what happened on december thirtieth, it was a disaster, then i had the feeling that it was burning all year long, well, that is, it was a czech production, but what she did, apparently yes. this is just our reality, we always think about what we can do to make it safer.
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today is the day of defender of the fatherland vladimir. putin traditionally paid tribute to the fallen soldiers at the tomb of the unknown soldier. together with the supreme commander-in-chief , defense minister sergei shaigu and combat veterans and students of suvorov military schools came to the memorial.


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