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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:29pm MSK

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in just a week, 37 strikes were carried out on military infrastructure in ukraine. during the period from february 17 to 23, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 37 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including long-range airborne weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, against military-industrial complex facilities, military airfield infrastructure, arsenals and fuel bases. the points were also amazed. vladimir putin today, on defender of the fatherland day, laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier of the kremlin wall. the president honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. minister of defense sergei shaigu and combat veterans studying at suvorov military schools also laid flowers at the eternal flame. the ceremony ended with the solemn march of the honor guard company.
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russia believes in the strength of the reliability of its defenders, who guard its interests, vladimir putin stated this in a festive address to military personnel. our soldiers and officers, the president said, continue military traditions with dignity. words of special gratitude were addressed to those who is on the front line. at the forefront today are participants in a special military operation, you are fighting for truth and justice, showing courage and bravery. russia, you, our true national heroes, we are proud of you, we admire your courage, we honor your exploits. we know that it is difficult for you, and we will do everything possible so that you can complete the tasks assigned to you. thank you for your valiant performance of military duty, for your honest, selfless service to the fatherland. dear comrades. in
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the modern world there are many alarming challenges and risks, therefore the powerful potential and high combat readiness of our army and navy are a guarantee of russia’s security, its free, sovereign development. vladimir putin called defender of the fatherland day one of the most revered in russia, and, according to the president, it is always celebrated with great respect for everyone who stands for their homeland. about the ceremonial events that are taking place today in different cities of the country, material by zinaida kurbata. in verkhny pyshma, on the territory of patriot park , a grandiose reconstruction dedicated to education day took place, worker of the peasant red army. it was the fourth year of the bloody first world war. on february 23, 1918, the troops of the young soviet republic stopped the offensive of the kaiser's interventionist troops of the german imperial army near pskov. more than 2,500 kuzbass residents laid flowers and wreaths at the memorial.
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warrior-liberator. in the afternoon , the theme train “strength in truth” departed from the kiev station in moscow. the action was organized by the russian ministry of defense. in 77 days it will travel to vladivostok and back, cover 3400 km, make 67 stops in populated cities points, each carriage has its own exhibition, there are even models of weapons from the second world war. the purpose of the action is to demonstrate the unity of the army and society, to counter the falsification of history, to tell a story about everyday life in combat, and the pirate exploits of servicemen of the russian armed forces. chairman.
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we have no doubt about your courage and heroism. the sound of a metronome announced the air trumpet
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and accompanied the leningraders throughout the blockade. on vosstaniya square in st. petersburg , city governor alexander beglov laid flowers at the obelisk of the heroic city of leningrad. perform musicians from new regions of russia. let's have a smoke, dear comrade. let's light a cigarette and lead zenaida kurbatova. sergei shaigu and sergei sobyanin. checked the readiness of the headquarters building of the moscow military district after reconstruction. all work in the historical building was planned taking into account its status as a cultural heritage site. the builders preserved the interiors and installed modern equipment necessary for command and control of troops. the placement of units in the building will begin in march. in the combat
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control room, the mayor of the capital handed over to the minister defense act receivers. on instructions from the president , a building was prepared for the moscow one. solyak, your colleagues, we are at the end of the restoration, reconstruction of the building, transfer, historical event, now a short advertisement after about anti-russian sanctions, divide in half, prices on the yandex market, discounts up to 50%, when paying with an alfa bank card. if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card and buy it at half price. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together. and everyone danced and sang in the updated
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house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zoevo, and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. wake up, sing, i see someone needs energy, fly in, where it comes from, from bashkiria, where nature itself fills the milk with energy, this is where they make belebeevsky, and where so much energy comes from, from cheese, belebeevsky cheese, this is how it begins, good day , hmm, smiled, it means they recognized him, he smiled, it means he’s real, they will recognize him. they love, remember, appreciate, truly, psb is a bank for real, i love you, nadyukha, i love you, i love you, go to the end, i love you,
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nadyukha, 3 years already in the cinema, antibiotic, remove and disorder, enterum, enterrassorbent. the new generation removes toxins while preserving nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. where else can you turn tane. world heritage. sports, an invincible car. let's go, go into space and send mom a star from the sky. to be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world. turn the department into applications. knowledge is a vocation. technologies. live communication, dream work, traditions and
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innovations, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. 40 million clients in the largest country in the world, it’s just space, the taste of ham from ham,
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well, what a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. vladimir putin discussed issues of the socio-economic development of the chechen republic and its contribution to the special military operation with ramzan kadyr. the message from the working meeting between the president and the head of the region was published on the website kremlin. the european union has introduced another thirteenth package of sanctions against russia. it included 106 individuals and 88 legal entities. among them are the governors of the tula, penza and ryazan belgogorod regions, the khantemansky autonomous okrug, as well as the chairman of the people's council of the dpr artyom zhogo. among other things, restrictive measures have been introduced against a number of russian enterprises producing cartridge powder. also. 27 organizations have been added to the list, which, according to brussels, support the russian
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military-industrial complex. it's about allegedly including facilities located in india, sri lanka, china, serbia, kazakhstan, thailand and turkey. in a document on the eu website, they are accused of circumventing trade restrictions. a ban has been introduced on the supply of electrical transformers and parts for drones to russia, and the import of iron and steel from our country to the uk has been limited. another package of sanctions. the united states also introduced measures against russia. export restrictions affected 93 foreign companies, including enterprises from turkey, china and the united arab emirates. according to a statement from the american the ministry of finance, these companies - quote, act contrary to the interests of us national security. in other words, they help russia bypass numerous sanctions. in addition, several russian banks were included in the list. kart mir operator, developer peak, car manufacturer aurus and many others. well, more about the new ones. nika yankovaya will tell you about the restrictions. 194 individuals and legal
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entities, including 27 organizations, some of which are foreign. the eu council officially approved the thirteenth package of sanctions against russia. he also expands the list prohibited goods that are said to have the potential to contribute to the technological development of our defense and security sector, including components for the development and production of drones, the eu said in an official statement. 27 organizations included the list for allegedly supporting our country's military-industrial complex. the list, among others, includes such enterprises as aviatek, mgflot, sofrakh, the all-russian scientific research institute of radio engineering, and the ulyanovsk mechanical plant and their leaders. found in list of locations and for businesses from india, sri lanka, china, serbia, kazakhstan, thailand and turkey. they will be subject to tighter export restrictions on dual products and technologies.
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american president joe biden announced new sanctions that include more than 500 targets in russia. we are talking about both individuals and the russian financial sector and defense industrial base.
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military-industrial complexes, as well as equipment importers, as well as oil traders, are included in the list in general complexity of more than 50 individuals and legal entities. foreign firms, including those from turkey and china, were also included in the restrictive list. beijing reacted immediately. in a statement , the chinese embassy in london emphasized that the british measures are unilateral, and beijing is firmly opposed. the sanctions
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imposed by the british side against the relevant enterprises are unilateral. actions absolutely unjustified by international law. china will take the necessary measures, we will resolutely protect the legitimate rights and interests of our companies. despite western pressure, the domestic economy is successfully coping with the restrictions, as the initiators of the sanctions themselves admit. russia was able to surprise with strong economic growth, as julie kozak, director of communications at the international monetary fund, recently said. at the same time, it is western business that suffers primarily from sanctions. according to the un, if russia's losses from the restrictions could amount to 50-52 billion dollars, then those states that introduced these same restrictions had twice as much. ukraine will not be able to win russia is in conflict, no matter how many weapons the west gives it. this was stated by hungarian prime minister viktor orban. in washington, such warnings seem to
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be falling on deaf ears. joe biden again called on congress to approve new military tranches for ukraine. he complained that the armed forces of ukraine were running out of ammunition, and whether the white house had a chance to push through a bill to help kiev, dmitry melnikov found out. the six-hour silence on the air is the largest disruption to cellular networks in the united states. waking up in the morning, the residents of america discovered that they were left no connection at all. we're following the latest news this morning. cellular communications have been disrupted throughout the country. tens of thousands of subscribers suffered from a massive outage of the mobile operator. at 30 am, all major operators in the country fell silent, police rescue services urged citizens to seek help through social networks, experts tried to explain the failure by solar flares, and provider companies remained silent, in the absence of information they started talking about possible cyber attacks and even anti-satellite weapons. russia quickly found itself again in the very the epicenter of the us election campaign.
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every election the republicans seem to ally with. uses russian intelligence to interfere in elections. remember how in 2016 donald trump said: “hey russia, if you can hear me, find hillary clinton’s emails, after 5 hours they found her email was hacked.” relations with moscow and further support for kiev are now the main fault line of the american elites. after ukraine’s failure at the front, the mood in washington is panicky, and president biden doesn’t even follow his speech. the american press on... as the second anniversary of the russian invasion of ukraine approaches and congress has frozen the latest aid package for ukraine, we must be clear about the future, ukraine has no chance of winning this war, american support will not change this reality. the russian threat on all fronts is whipping up hysteria among democrats. will
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president biden talk about russia in his annual state of the union address if congress does not approve a bailout package ? and if biden can do it at all give this long speech, mr. president, have you delayed your address on the state of affairs in the country in order to win the election again? today, joe biden promises to introduce another package of sanctions against russia, the meaning of which is no longer even explained to us citizens, although washington admits that they still have not achieved their stated goals. the american press writes about the growth of the russian economy and export revenues. russia's inherent strength is based. on huge reserves of oil and natural gas provides financial political stability that can survive western opposition. those to blame for the failure of the ukrainian project are now being sought among their enemies. the usa itself, there is nothing new here. witch hunters have already labeled the republicans led by trump as communists; they have found a secret pro-russian group in the party itself,
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which is allegedly blocking aid to kiev. they surrendered to the communists, they surrendered, mike johnson surrendered to the communists, the ex -communists, the wannabes have again raised doubts about the entire american lunar program. how to now perceive the seven previous, supposedly... successful landings astronauts, if only now the united states is mastering the basics of space technology. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. world champions in rhythmic gymnastics, russians dina and arina overina , have completed their sports careers. this was announced by the president of the all-russian federation of rhythmic gymnastics irina winner at the gala concert of sports stars dedicated to defender of the fatherland day. she told me today. i'm sure they won't perform again, i love them very much, we all love them very much we love them, we have come a long way with them,
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thank you, dina and arina overen themselves called their decision completely conscious and said that they might continue to perform in various shows. the overen sisters were born in the nizhny novgorod region and are 25 years old. they received their first awards at the moscow rhythmic gymnastics championships in 2014. then dina won gold, and arina became second. now dina has a silver medal at the olympic games and 18 gold medals at the world championships. she is also a ten-time european champion and three-time winner of the european games. arina overena became world champion five times and european champion nine times. it is also threefold. winner of the world games, both athletes were awarded the title of honored master of sports of russia. dina overena was awarded the order of friendship in 2021, arina overena was awarded the medal of the order
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of merit for the fatherland. the super final of the fifth competition of russian managers and leaders is taking place in moscow. more than 300 people from 63 russian regions and four foreign countries. among the main prizes is a grant of one million rubles for training. the opportunity to meet mentors from among leading russian managers, as well as career consultations and support. how is the competition going? alexandra perfileva. i'm in the super final, mom. with these words , the opening ceremony of the main competition in our country for managers, leaders of russia, began. kherson region. moscow, lugansk. republic of crimea. zaporozhye region. gelendzhik. krasnodar. republic of crimea. like crimea, krasnodar. in the moscow arena the super final brought together more than 300 participants from 63 regions of russia. super finalists also arrived from new regions. yulia left for the zaporozhye
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region in 1922, shares her experience, and says: now, more than ever, our country needs strong managers. i’ve been thinking about participating in the competition for a long time, but now the motivation is such that i wanted to test myself, to understand, that’s it. this is already the fifth anniversary competition, it is held on the basis of the presidential platform russia is a land of opportunities, the opening speech was made by first deputy head of the presidential administration sergei kiriyenka. each of you has become the best out of 160. it is important, i want to wish you, in relation to the people who are now sitting at the tables with you, to feel that these are not only competitors.
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there are 302 of you here, very strong, already quite experienced, promising managers. 8 minutes 23 seconds, there is a stopwatch on the screen, thanks to which participants understand how much time they have been given for a particular task: how to improve the environment, get rid of unemployment. and preserve historical values, on throughout the day, the super finalists come up with solutions to these problems and problems. how did you like the tasks you just completed? yes, difficult, the tasks are all like that with an asterisk from the organizers. nikolai from moscow is one of the youngest super finalists, he is only 23. i initially became the winner of the russian student leaders track in 2021, for me to be on the same level with... with such venerable managers was really cool. albino from nizhny novgorod is participating in the competition for the first time. for the first time, and in the competition for the leader of russia, my dad told me, he saw in
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news albina said. the leaders of russia are definitely about you, you have to go, for sure, yes, yes , someone has been trying himself for 30 years in a row, but for me it’s probably more of a tradition, in the super final it was the first time i was announced on the list of finalists, well of course, this is primarily joy. this year, there are innovations within the competition; a regional stage has been added, where participants solve problems set by the heads of regions. we received very good feedback from the governors that this was not just a competitive procedure, but something real. there were interesting real solutions, proposals that quite possibly will be implemented. all 302 super finalists are already owners of 1 million rubles. when asked where the money will be spent, everyone answers training. in the last days of the super final, participants will meet with the competition mentors, the best managers in the country. are you determined to win? certainly. why else did i come here to win? well, the names of the winners of the anniversary season will be known on february 25th.
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alexandra perfileva, vladimir shabalin, andrey melnikov and anna nikulaesh. news. let's skate cleanly and pass on points. you remember everything, you know everything, we calm down, get together and win. kadyukh. yes, kiss already, well, beautifully. getting on the ice is a skill, come on sank, all the hope is in you , that old age is not a joy, yes, it’s a whole art to leave gracefully, well, we can’t lose you either, because irka loves you, you’re so disgusting, i became a coach , we are now colleagues, i don’t want to do this, how else can i explain it to you, don’t look, don’t look
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around... let’s translate from clerical to understandable, it’s still not it’s so scary if there are instructions, does she really read minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special gifts, everything.
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look first in the application or on the website.


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