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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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of the united states is freedom of speech, if there is one thing that makes our country truly exceptional, it is that we have the first amendment to the bill of rights, we have freedom of conscience, you can say what you think, for hate speech, there is no exception, just because you are disgusted by what someone else thinks, you cannot. silence him because we are citizens, not slaves, but this right , this fundamental right that makes the country what we know it, the right primary to all others, is melting away before our eyes in the face of censorship. modern censorship is completely different from what was practiced by past regimes in other countries in other eras. our censorship is built on the basis of combating disinformation and unfair information, and the main thing you need to know about them is that they are everywhere, and, of course, they do not
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correlate at all with whether you are telling the truth or not. in other words, you can say something that is factually correct to your moral beliefs, in previous versions of america you had every right to say such things, but because someone doesn't like them or because they are inconvenient for furthering the agenda of the people in power, they can be declared misinformation, you may be deprived of the right to express them, whether in person. or online, moreover, in such statements may be found to constitute a crime, which is what happens, and it is important to note that it is not only the private sector that is doing this, these efforts are led by the us government, for which you pay, at least in theory they are responsible to you, but they take away your rights at record speed, most people understand it intuitively, but they don't know how it happens, how censorship happens, what mechanisms are involved, mike bence is what we can confidently call: a
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world class expert on this subject. mike bence formerly worked in cybersecurity at the state department, he is now the executive director of the foundation for online freedom, and we will discuss with him one very specific type of censorship. by the way, we highly recommend that if you want to know how this happens, mike bence, benz, is the one to read. but today we want to talk about a special type of censorship, the censorship that is carried out by our military-industrial complex. our defense. industry, foreign policy establishment in washington - this is especially important now, because we are on the verge of a global war, so we can expect censorship to increase radically. so here's mike bence, executive director of the foundation for online freedom. mike, thanks so much for joining us. i simply cannot overstate to our audience how thorough and comprehensive your knowledge is on this topic. it's almost unbelievable. so, could you explain to us how the foreign policy establishment. defense
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contractors, the department of defense and this entire cluster of defense-related and government-funded agencies are depriving us freedom of speech. of course, one of the simplest. since free speech on the internet has been a tool of government almost from the very beginning of the privatization of the internet in 1991, we quickly discovered, thanks to the efforts of the department of defense, the state department and our intelligence agencies, that while using the internet people were gathering in blogs on forums and... promoting free speech the pentagon and the state department were primarily involved in this entire architecture of existing tsrunko facilities, as a way supporting dissident groups around the world to help them overthrow the authoritarian
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governments they were sold to us. in essence, freedom of speech on the internet allowed for a kind of instant regime change operation and provided the opportunity for external implementation. political agenda of the state department establishment. google is a great example of this. google's history began with a us department of defense grant awarded to larry page and sergey brin while they were graduate students at stanford. they received funding as part of a joint program between the cia and the nsa, according to research into how people of similar interests find each other online using search engine algorithms. and then a year later they launched google, which soon became a dod contractor. the history of google maps began with the acquisition of satellite software from the cia, the ability to track, the use of free speech on the internet as a way to circumvent government control over the media, in places like central asia and other parts of the world, was seen as a way
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to begin to do what what did you do before cia station staff of embassies and consulates, increasing the efficiency of such work. until 2014, when the stage of discussion began about how useful such freedom on the internet was, the highest point in the use of freedom of speech on
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the internet was the arab spring in 2011-2012, when, one after another, all governments unfriendly to the obama administration, egypt, tunisia, began to fall into organized... maintenance so iran's preferred opposition group can use twitter to win the elections, that is, freedom of speech was used from the very beginning as an instrument of political influence.
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you need to win battles to take control of central and eastern europe. all that is required is to control the media and the social media ecosystem, because they are the ones who determine the outcome of the elections, and if you bring the right people to power, they will have control over the military, that is, instead of conducting a war , it is infinitely cheaper to conduct an operation to
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exercise political influence through traditional social networks mass media. a whole industry that united the pentagon, the british ministry of defense and... the goal into an organization for conducting information and political warfare , an infrastructure was created initially located in germany in central and eastern europe to create. in 2016 brexit happened, this became that crisis moment when suddenly it turned out
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that we need to worry not only about central and eastern europe, it went to the west, this is the idea of ​​russia controlling the hearts and minds of people, and brexit was in june 2016, the very next month at a conference in warsaw, nato has formally amended its charter to explicitly commit to hybrid warfare, giving the alliance a new lease of life. quality, that is, they went from essentially 70 years of thinking in terms of tank platoons to creating tools to censor sources that were classified as russian proxies, again, we are not just talking about russian propaganda, these were also pro-brexit groups, or, for example, mateo salvinia in italy or in greece or in germany or in spain with the vox party. at that time, nato published a study where it was argued that the biggest threat. before nato - it's not a military invasion by russia, it's the loss of internal elections
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throughout europe, to all these right-wing populist groups who, since they represented mainly the interests of the working class, campaigned for cheap russian energy, while the us pushed policy of diversifying energy procurement, so they put forward the argument after brexit, the whole rules-based international order will collapse unless the military takes control of the media, because brexit will lead to brexit in france. to ispexit in spain with the vox party, to itolexit in italy, to grexit in germany, to grexit in greece. the european union will fall apart at the seams and nato will disappear completely without firing a single shot. and besides this, then, along with nato , the coercive levers of the international monetary fund and the world bank will disappear. large financiers, dependent on the battering ram, military-political structures, will have nothing to oppose to the governments of the world. from their point of view.
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this whole new world order, built from various international institutions, and also in 1948, the un declaration of human rights was adopted, which prohibited the acquisition of territories by military force, that is , it was no longer possible to establish a traditional military occupation government the way we were able to do in 1898, for example, when we ... philippines, now everything had to be done through a process of political legitimation, in which there is some ratification of the state of affairs by people within the country. often this involved the use of puppet politicians who were trained for leadership positions by our gas department. but the battle for hearts and minds was something in which we allowed ourselves broad moral freedom, so to speak, in 1948. in '48, one of the godfathers of the cia, george cannan, through. 12 days after we rigged the elections in italy, in '48, by stuffing ballots and working with
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the mafia, he published a memorandum inauguration of an organized political war, where he wrote: "listen, the world is cruel and unfair, we in the cia just rigged the elections in italy, we had to, because if we had won communists, this could be the last elections in italy. this is very effective, folks, we need a department that carries out these types of shenanigans around the world, this is essentially a new social contract that we enter into with the american people. we didn't do diplomacy like that before, but now we are prohibited from using the war department. in 1948 the ministry of war was renamed the ministry of defense. again, as one of the measures to create the appearance that diplomacy is given a large role in foreign policy, than open military intervention, but ultimately we created a kind of firewall that separated foreign and domestic affairs, let us have a department of dirty machinations that can rig elections, control the media, be able to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, but there is the sacred land
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on which our homeland stands, where they are not allowed to act as a state... which is not even funny, due to a number of methods of legalizing activities that they have developed over the 70 years of their existence, but in fact, at first there were no moral difficulties regarding the creation of the us industry, of course, this is so far from the truth, censorship, when it arose in germany, in lithuania in latvia and in estonia, in sweden and in finland, it began to be more active. discussed in diplomatic circles after brexit, then this flywheel spun into full swing when trump was elected, and what little resistance there was then was eclipsed by the hysteria around rush gate, which gave them the indulgence not to be tormented by doubts about the morality of the plant censorship for his own people, because
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if trump was an agent of russia, then it was no longer about the issue of freedom of speech, it was a problem on... the only danger was the exposure of the effectiveness of rush gate in july 2019, when robert mueller, in fact, squeezed out words on the stand, revealed that they found absolutely nothing. after 2 and a half years of investigation, this transition happened where they took over this entire censorship architecture spanning the department of homeland security, the fbi, the cia, the department of defense, the department of justice, and there are also thousands of government-funded ngos and government-contracted private companies. they all essentially moved from an agenda of foreign interference and russian disinformation to defending democracy, saying that disinformation is not only a threat when it comes from the russians, it is a threat to democracy at its core, and thus they were able to launch this whole thing on home soil. tools for promoting democracy and regime change just in time for the elections of the twentieth year.
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what you are describing is not democracy. democracy is impossible in such a country. i i'm describing it, basically.
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largely funded by the state department and the intelligence community. essentially, all of these elite institutions, threatened by the rise of populism at home, proclaimed their own consensus as a new definition of democracy, because if defined. democracy as the strength of democratic institutions, and not as a focus on the will of voters, then it turns out that democracy is simply an architecture for building consensus within the democratic institutions themselves, from their point of view in terms of this, it requires a lot of work, in terms of the amount of work that these people do, for example, the atlantic council, one
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of the large coordination mechanisms for the oil and gas industry in the region. in the field of finance, these are jp morgan, black rock and so on. all ngos and media in the region, they all must come to a consensus. and this process takes a long time, requires a lot of work and negotiations. from their point of view, this is democracy. democracy is when ngos come to an agreement with black rock, with wall street journal, they come to agreement with the community and activist groups about a particular initiative. that's what it represents.
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we have all this, it is possible that for a very long time, and this has fundamentally changed the nature of american governance, due to the threat
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that someone’s words can gain popularity on social networks, i have said this five times already, but this is one of the most some of the most amazing stories i 've ever heard, and i thank you for sharing them with us. mike benz, executive director of the foundation for online freedom, i hope see you again, thanks tucker. now she will appear, come on! well, what's there? a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%. riya loves the sun very much, but life is spent among ice floes, a sore throat is a minus, one of the pluses is mirestin, it is logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, what mood are you
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i didn’t want to see it coming to this, that again our tanks with crosses would be burning here 80 years later. donbass was a fundamental region; first of all, it had enormous industrial significance for the soviet union. 60% of all coal was mined there. by the beginning of 1941 in the region more than 300 mines and 1,680 small mining enterprises operated. miners managed to extract an average of 85 million tons of
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coal per year. but the war changed everything. attention, listen to moscow speak. brothers and sisters. i address you. after the war, our country entered into a mortal battle with its local and spoken work. irish fascism. the military courage of the red army is unparalleled. our selection of the enemy is strengthening and growing. all the forces of the people to disperse the enemy forward for our victory. during the first months of the war, miners continued actively mine coal. production plans were not reduced, and many male workers were replaced by women, old people and teenagers. only in september, when the germans captured kiev, did the urgent evacuation of donbass workers and enterprises to the east begin. the history of this region is closely connected with the great
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patriotic war. she was mobilized on february 19 and left , he and i ended up in the same unit, i was summoned on february 18, me and my employee, we are a grenade operator, he is a shooter, this is in the frunz area and the village of zhilobok, there is such a positional there was a war, ours were constantly advancing, this was just february-march, unfortunately, the employee was unlucky, he lost his leg during the shelling, and
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in february it turns out i was... wounded, i also received shrapnel in my leg, after treatment i was demobilized , returned to this position, here are the things of our mobilized people, the uniform that i handed over, the hole in my trouser leg where a shrapnel flew through, these are the backpacks we had, and the maps that we took as trophies at that area where... history, we are still living in it.


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