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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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i was lucky, he lost his leg during the shelling, and in february it turns out that i was wounded, i also flew to a new unit, after treatment i was demobilized, and returned to this position. here are the things of our mobilized people, the uniform that i handed over, the holey trouser leg where a shrapnel flew through me, these are the backpacks we had, and well... the maps that we took as trophies in the area where were fighting. these things, they simply dissolve in space, in time, because well, no one relates to this, some kind of artifact of history, although in the grand scheme of things, this is not history yet, we are still living in it. today, the coal industry is one
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of the foundations of the donbass economy; with the beginning of the northern military district, coal production in the lpr and dpr has sharply decreased, but many mines continue to operate. mining work has always been hard and remains to this day, and today, in general, it’s hard for a lot of people in connection with military operations. they gathered 140 people from us and went to defend their homeland, so we who are left have to work people, to work for those who protect us, we cope, not without difficulties, but we cope, by august 1941 the germans approached the dnieper, the goal was donbass.
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according to hitler, the soviet union was unable to fight a long war with germany without coal resources. mobilization begins in the donbass, many miners voluntarily join the people's militia to stop the advance of the germans, and urgently build defensive lines. the people's raki rose to the aid of the red army. they are building a fortification, preparing to fight back the fascist hordes. the main task was performed by an anti-tank ditch across an area of ​​about 300-400 km in length. in addition to this ditch , lines, barbed wire, and the construction of bunkers and pillboxes were planned. it was planned to build three lines of defensive structures at once from the sea of ​​azov to kharkov. for this, 250 thousand people were involved.
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in connection with the approach of the enemy, artillery duels began, the germans fired at our troops, ours in response fired artillery at the germans, and between them the workers dug, dug, some of the workers found themselves surrounded and then they they are starting to leave...
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the enterprises fell to them without much destruction, including a shipbuilding line, an airfield, and two huge metallurgical plants. the germans, planning a campaign in the soviet union, contacted their largest companies; there were already certain contacts with the wehrmacht regarding the fact that after occupying these territories , the largest german concerns would like to receive specific property of their own.
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and six open-hearth furnaces. with the outbreak of the war , work was stopped; most of the equipment was taken to the urals. powerful the industrial potential of mariupol made it possible for the germans to turn it into a supply base supplying troops with weapons and ammunition. therefore, it is no coincidence that the azovstal plant was transferred to the famous concern of alfred krupa. however, production will be fully launched.
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trick: they destroyed the policemen, they killed five people, on the sixth the gun misfired, the guys, the guys were captured, two were shot a little earlier, three were executed by hanging. as in all other
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occupied territories, from mariupol were forcibly sent to germany. according to the reich's plans , at least 15 million people were to be brought out of the ussr for forced labor. every resident knew this house in mariupol; it was here that lists of those who were stolen were formed. in memory of these terrible events after the war, a memorial plaque was installed here. it will be kept in the museum during restoration work. during the occupation of mariupol, 1941-43, the labor exchange was located in this building. from here they were taken into slavery. more than 60,000 mariupol residents came to germany, every tenth died in captivity, in 2014 there was a police department here, our police, who were, so to speak, supporters of the dpr, the ukrainian military shot and burned this
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building, a lot of people died. today , the event of spring 2014 in mariupol is regarded as one of the episodes of the war in donbass. then for the first time since. 1945 local residents again heard shooting on the streets, they found ukrainian tanks passing by, which shot up a fortress, in front of our museum, here is the main building of the museum, a tank stopped and pointed a gun at us, we realized that the lives of people were, in principle, of little value to that government it’s worth, moreover, after 14 years after the execution, rather shady personalities came to our museum,
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700 days and nights. the germans started publishing newspapers and leaflets, and back in '41 they began to stir up the interethnic issue. this is a demonstrative encouragement of ukrainian literature and language, the spread of russophobic sentiments of ideas. the russian language was strictly prohibited in all schools. teaching was conducted only in ukrainian, and starting from the third grade , compulsory study of the german language was introduced. and in some cases, propaganda of hatred towards russians took the form of pogrom calls.
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on april 10 last year, the twenty-second, i was able to come here for the first time, because there were military operations. here i never expected that this would happen to the museum, almost everything burned down, you know, when i entered the museum, i just sobbed as if over a dead person, because well, everything was burned, it was just ashes, ashes and nothing more, the state it was practically the same, now they just nailed the doors, because the doors were swinging so that they wouldn’t climb in, because climbed, were already looking for something to profit from, good afternoon. before the outbreak of hostilities in 2022, andrey ladkin worked as a senior restorer at
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the regional museum of mariupol. you see, the polovetsky statues were damaged, several were completely broken, the guns with the help of which, one might say, were liberated donbass 80 years ago. here, let's go inside. a very sad view, be careful, look under your feet, a lot of broken glass from shop windows, after two hits, the ukrainian soldiers who were here set the museum on fire and fled, the third floor burned down, the second floor, the first floor, like you see, the ceiling collapsed down, just when there was a strong draft. and now what i’m trying to sift through flies into my eyes. andrey
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goes to the ashes every day as if he were going to work. every day he sorts through the rubble, trying to find fragments of exhibits in them. so, 20-25 times a day. this is our great patriotic war, be careful here , you see the hole in the floor, it’s better not to go there, heroes, what’s left of the busts, in this case we see a mortar from the times of the great patriotic war, at least it remained, i heard how people passed by they looked at the museum and said: history has been reset, i think, what are you guys talking about, history
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cannot be reset. autumn of 1941, the most critical moment during the great patriotic war. the germans are rapidly advancing towards moscow and leningrad, kiev has already captured most of ukraine. at the end of october, the first german tank army occupied stalin, not donetsk, almost. dozens of concentration camps appear immediately on the territory of donbass. in stalin alone , the occupiers created three death camps in which they systematically exterminated prisoners of war and civilians. residents. the kalinovka mine, even before the start of the great patriotic war, was flooded and unsuitable for coal mining. therefore, the nazis found another use. a modest monument in one of the districts of donetsk, a terrible place. executions, a mass grave, thousands and thousands killed by the germans, some were shot here, others
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were thrown into the pit alive. the entire shaft of the mine, which is 365 m, was littered with corpses. the nazis , with their occupation policy, their cruelty, made the people so angry that there was a desire to inflict a massive defeat to the germans, there was such anger, and this can be seen even, you know, from the letters of the soldiers, in relation to the enemy, from the letter of the junior political instructor khussen andrukhaev: my dears, i always remember your instructions to justify the great trust of my people, my native country, the pressure of the enemy is unprecedented, heavily armed fastas are rushing towards our positions like hunted beasts of prey, but... the failures of the first battles, we will definitely come to bright days of victory. october 1941. the first
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strategic counteroffensive at the beginning of the war was launched by the red army precisely on donbass. the 733rd regiment was tasked with holding off the enemy's onslaught in the area of ​​the village of dyakovo. the nazis surrounded part of our troops, and the commander of the second company died in the battle. and junior political instructor khusen andrukhaev took command. the rifle company under his command was attacked by over two fascist companies. to prevent the entire company from being captured, he ordered those who remained alive to retreat
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from the heights and make their way to their own, and he himself lay down behind the machine gun. to cover their retreat, a young boy, a political instructor, just before the war he graduated from a pedagogical college in maikop, the capital of the adyghe republic, he is an adyghe, he worked in the newspaper socialist adygea, he wrote good poetry for journalists. the cartridges ran out, andrukhaev allowed the germans to approach him, he had two grenades in his hands, there was an explosion, everything went quiet,
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our landing party was soon recaptured and the teletruck was found. for 8 months the germans failed to capture donbass. it is written in our school textbooks that we initially retreated, then advanced, and then won. that's not how it was. when they retreated, they took back the same village seven times. this
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there was a very difficult, painful retreat. in july 1942, the wehrmacht finally captured the territory of donbass ; an occupation regime was established in the region, which lasted in some areas until february 1943, and somewhere until mid-september 1943. krasnodon was one of the last cities occupied by the nazis and the famous underground organization young guard operated here. average age of underground workers. 16-17 years old, the youngest was only 14, these are their direct leaflets, which they wrote, handwritten, distributed, and interestingly, there are such certificates in lexm on plain paper, which they found with difficulty in printed font, and handwritten, this is bors, yes, this is her id, we
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told the population about what to do about the soviet union, we told the whole truth , we wrote leaflets, we...
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after a lot of time, yes, we returned to this story, all the documents that related to the young guard were raised, where tretikevich was mentioned at all, they simply restored it bit by bit, not only that , what his biography, well, we tried to look at his military path and find out what really happened, why, in 2022, he was awarded the hero of russia, justice has triumphed, we have been moving towards this date for 80 years. for 80 years we tried not to overshadow the feat of our young guardsmen, finally justice has triumphed,
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the award has found its hero, we will always remember our heroes, our krasnodon boys and girls, we will always look up to them, i always think about this, that perhaps when they were at shurf, when they... and voroshivgrad, now lugansk. on the southern part of the front, the twenty-eighth army occupied rostov-nanu.
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the cavalry made a huge contribution to the liberation of donbass. on february 10, her corps went on a raid to the ddebaltsevo station, and they managed to cut off the germans from supplies by rail. the cavalrymen in this raid, as a rule, use, well, german captured weapons. as a result of this raid , the germans could not fully supply warshavrat. here is general german, who headed the defense of varshlagrad, decided that it was necessary to withdraw, because the city turned out to be such a certain protrusion, our units were operating in its rear, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, receive super cashback every month, simply profitable, alpha profitable! i help with liver problems. i am forte n essentials . tested and ready for action in 24 hours,
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flown by the colonel. this is the commander of the regiment of the 279th infantry division, which liberated the city. on february 14, it was raised above the destroyed lenin monument in the center of lugansk, on the central square. and at this time, accordingly, on february 14, the eighth cavalry corps dropped an order from the people's commissariat of defense on their liaison plane to appropriate they have the rank of guards. there was the 112th bashkir division, in general it was...
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advancing towards stalin was no longer possible, the order came to leave behind enemy lines, the cavalrymen waited until the snowstorm began, and the local residents, like guides along the gullies, led our units out, there was a moment recorded when the germans, in a snowstorm, were fighting among themselves. the february cavalry raid was very difficult, there was a catastrophic shortage of ammunition, and we had to fight with sabers. it was authority, he was respected, he was valued, they loved him when they went on the attack, shaimurato raised his fighters, saying that solovat’s descendants do not know how to retreat, this salavat
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is also a national hero. the cavalrymen are leaving the encirclement in the area, now this is the city of petrovskoye, our positions were already 2 km away, on february 23, that’s exactly what happened, our divisions are making a breakthrough to withdraw the corps, shaimuratov calls fire on himself with a small group, thereby saving corps a... sheymuratov’s feat is still completely underestimated, because of his audacity,
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courage, courage. the most valuable thing you have


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