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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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the cavalrymen are leaving the encirclement in the area , now this is the city of petrovskoye, our positions were already there 2 km away, on february 23 it was just that, our divisions are making a breakthrough to withdraw the corps, shaimuratov calls fire on himself with a small group, thereby saving the corps itself dies heroically. the surviving soldiers, alone and in small groups , were able to cross the front line, the exact losses of the cavalry corps are still unknown, the division's combat log was not found, and major general sheimuratov remained in the archival documents short line, disappeared into obscurity. sheymuratov’s feat, he is still completely underestimated, is due to his audacity, courage, courage. the most valuable thing is. we have it, this is our
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life, and you know that at any moment you will lose it, yet you move forward, this is a feat. only in 1948 was a search party organized at the site of the battle of the cavalry corps, and only with the help of local residents was it possible to find the burial place of the general, using oral testimony to restore the picture of his last battle. this is the place where two people died generals, dutko and major general minigali mengazovich shaimuratov, here when local people found them in this place and wanted to bury them, but the germans did not allow them to bury their bodies, people still gained the courage to bury them, despite even risking their lives, they buried everyone fighters of the division, not only the general, for a long time they were not allowed to collect the corpses of our soldiers, well...
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fascist methods, the ones they use, unfortunately, today on our territory, in our donbass, almost the same thing is happening, in the spring of the twentieth year, the title of hero of russia was awarded to minigaliya minagazovich shaimuratov, a major general who died here on our territory. nomination for such a high award was immediately available even during the war years, but the fact that his body was not actually found was considered. formally missing, then this further did not produce any results, no one supported it, so they did not present him for the award of hero of the soviet union, but here we must pay tribute that vladimirovich putin awarded the title of hero of russia to major general sheymuratov, thereby i consider historical justice restored. by decree of the president of the russian federation, major general. i present to you the gold
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star medal of the hero of the russian federation for the eternal protection of the republic of bashkartastan. about this long-awaited event.
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on the same day when the southwestern front of the red army liberated varshilov, the southern front carried out an offensive operation and captured rostov on the don. 4 days after the liberation of rostov, soviet troops switched from offensive to defensive. the germans managed concentrating the necessary troops, striking the flanks and attacking the operation of the red army was unsuccessful. the german
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leadership drew a new border of the third reich on the map, the meus-fron became it. a whole line of defensive structures that was...
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the germans understood that the question of who would ultimately win the war was being decided at kursk. the kurdish operation, this is how events developed, then military operations were initially planned in such a way as to wear down the enemy in stubborn defense, then go into counter-offensive, in the wake of this counter-offensive, preventing the enemy from gaining a foothold on any lines, liberating donbass and a significant part of ukraine. on july 12 , after the largest tank battle in history at prokhorovka, the red army launched a counteroffensive. the battle of kursk was called the "arc of fire". over 50 days of fighting
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, the germans fired 500 thousand bomb shells at the red army, which is one and a half times more than in the battle of moscow and stalingrad combined . almost fought against german troops. every trench, every hill, every the bend in the terrain was actively defended, and if necessary, the red army did not hesitate to counterattack. the story of andrukhaev’s feat, which since forty-one has served as an example of incredible courage, has been continued. his classmate at the military school, nikolai ilyin, took part in the battle of kursk. together they were the founders of the sniper movement, which from the beginning of the war showed its relevance at the front. the sniper became a widespread military specialty, so to speak, during the great domestic. the snipers selected the
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healthiest, most morally stable, most resilient and young guys. from the memoirs of a sniper school cadet. those snipers who had huge combat accounts of 400, 500 germans each, these are people who were unique, these are literally fifty people for the army, for the armed forces of 33.5 million. in october 1942,
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the command of the red army decided to establish a rifle in memory about the hero of the soviet union, khusein andrukhaev. handed this rifle to the best sniper of the division at that time, nikolai ilyin, and he was an assistant to the political instructor too, and he was a friend of andrukhaev. and so the kurdish battle begins. what do snipers do? they, of course, are trying to act like a sniper, that is, with their fire, the fire of a sniper weapon, to destroy the enemy infantry. but this does not always work out. the germans too often get to the soviet trenches, the sniper from this man with a sniper rifle turns into just another infantryman, or there are two, three, maybe like, and he goes into battle,
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an indicative story of nikolai ilin, a renowned sniper with a simply fantastic combat record, by the middle of the war he had exterminated several hundred germans. even in the forty-fifth year, very few people could match him in combat effectiveness, the hero of the soviet union. ilyin received the title of hero in february 1943. battle for stalingrad. by that time, the sniper’s count already numbered 216 germans. the fifteenth guards division, in which nikolai ilyin fought, advanced with battles to the outskirts of belgorod. there was an order to go on the offensive. another battle broke out near the village yastorebova. ilyin took command of the platoon himself. forward to the attack. such a person, it’s not like he’s a platoon there. could raise both a company and battalions to attack. in open battle, he destroyed
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35 fascists, but he himself was killed by machine gun fire. the next day belgorod was liberated. lyin was forever included in the list of the unit in the sixty-fourth. he was awarded two orders of the red star and a medal for the defense of stalingrad, and
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he was a friend of nikolai ilyin. with this rifle, afanasy gordienko reached kharkov, where on august 18 he died in battle for the city from a shell fragment. the same fragments mutilated his signature rifle. it was no longer possible to fight with this rifle. the division's political department decided to send the weapons to the central one. museum of the red army for eternal burial in memory of three famous heroic snipers. on august 23, kharkov was liberated. as a result of the kurdish battle , the soviet union inflicted a crushing defeat on nazi troops and completed a radical turning point in the course of the war. the red army defeated 30 german divisions, including seven tank divisions. enemy losses amounted to 500,000 killed, wounded prisoners. it’s interesting to look at the german documents, even after the piece they believed that the red army was still
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weak, disdain for the enemy, you know , i think this is the influence of nazi propaganda, that how these untermenschs are subhuman, how they, how they always succeed there was an explanation, the simplest one, the weather there, that they could fight only in winter, yes, here they were defeated in the summer, it was a big surprise for them, but they thought that... these powerful fortifications that they created on the front, that they would hold out there they are nobody will never take it. while the decisive battles on the kursk bulge were unfolding, the southern front under the command of general tolbukhin received an order to cut off the enemy group from their rear on the mius front, together with parts of malinovsky’s southwestern front, to prevent the transfer of german troops to the khursk region. when. we were talking about planning a summer campaign, then the priority task was precisely the liberation of donbass,
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the entire donbass. in august 1943, the mius front already consisted of three lines of german defenses up to 50 km deep. the bank of the mius river, which the germans occupied, was very beneficial and convenient for them. they built such structures there, and bunkers, and bunkers, and underground structures, naturally, that goes with them. the approach was very complex. the red army advanced on a 180 km long defense line. she was opposed by three german army corps, army group south, under the overall command of manstein. general manstein received a direct order from hitler to hold the territory of the donbass region so that it would not become. and manstein, with whom dad is constantly met throughout the war.
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here was the headquarters and main command post of the sixth army of the wehrmacht, that is , by adjusting artillery fire from there, it is actually possible to stop any offensive on the way. main forces. it was here that the key to the entire mius front was located, the key to donbass. therefore, the fighting here was really incredibly fierce. we suffered enormous sweat as a result of these battles on the mius front. there are figures that go as far as
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to say that, in comparison with the kursk bulge, losses are over 800 thousand. memory of the dead immortalized in the memorial complex. this is how he looked until the summer of 2014. funds for its construction were collected by komsomol members near the surrounding towns and villages. at the top of the mound there was a thirty-six-meter granite obelisk, to which a staircase led. in 1975 , an eternal flame was lit at saur’s grave. and everyone knew that missing people were lying around in these fields. soldiers who are now being found by search parties and buried here in such simple graves, next to those who fought here already in the fourteenth year, that is, the grandfather sometimes lies next to his grandson, in the summer of 2014 they walked behind saur’s grave.
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fierce fighting between the dpr militia and the ukrainian armed forces. the memorial complex received significant damage. the obelisk collapsed and the pylons and bas-reliefs were badly damaged. only by the end of august was the height finally occupied by donetsk militias. these are the easterners who died here, who caused the fire. when the ukrainians came here, yes. they adjusted their fire, it was ukrainian shells and missiles that destroyed this national monument from the soldier who points to the donbass, to the free donbass, only his boot remained, the soldier’s parts lay here,
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the dead militiamen lay nearby, and this place, of course, was filled. both in 2014 and in 1943, august was a particularly difficult month for the troops of the red army, the soldiers tried to take this height, the germans brought up more and more reserves. and only on the night of august 29-30 , junior lieutenant shevchenko’s scouts were able to penetrate the german battle formations.
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after all, during the day they were able to capture saur-mogila, a symbol of the liberation of saur-mogila, in fact is the bloody shirt of junior lieutenant shevchenko, which he raised here like a red banner. the capture of saur mogila symbolized that donbass was free, and if you look at the chronology of liberation, every day a large populated area was taken. the red army turned into such a huge grinding machine, it simply destroyed the enemy, like a bulldozer, and it was very difficult to do anything about it. during the first half of september 1943, every day a large number of
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cities, so from september 3 to 6 , kramatorsk, inakieva, slavyansk were liberated. makeevka and many others. on september 7 , battles began to liberate the city of stalin. we managed to drive the germans out of donetsk. and september 8 is considered the day of liberation of the capital of donbass. by the way, in moscow, on the occasion of liberation, a salute was given, which marked a very important stage in the cleansing of the territory of the nazi invaders. moscow september 8. the day of liberation of donbass is celebrated; there were still germans in mariupol. during during the offensive operation, the red army broke through the german defenses in several
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directions; the germans were driven out of mariupol thanks to the well-coordinated work of aviation, naval artillery and marines. 5 days - the battle for mariupol lasted from september 5 to 10, 1943. retreating. the nazis destroyed block after block, special detachments of german torchbearers burned and blew up all public and private buildings, schools, hospitals, kindergartens. the azovstal ilcha plant was badly damaged, and the tanker grozny was sunk. 80 years later, painting repeated: the city was destroyed by the ukrainian military. those places that were the scene of fierce battles of our ancestors, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers during the great patriotic war, they have to be liberated again, and well, let’s just say, that feat of our ancestors, yes, it is for us some kind of
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historical material from which we need learn certain lessons. if in 1943 mariupol was liberated quickly in 5 days, then in the 22nd the fighting lasted for a long 3 months. the kiev regime declared mariupol the temporary capital back in 2014. region, in 8 years, turning it into a powerful fortified area, but even the walls of the workshops of the famous asustal plant did not help the ukrainian nationalists, the civilians who suffered the most, of course, we changed the basements several times, where we will not go, everywhere on the line of fire, where they won’t take us, everywhere we are on the line of fire, like the germans, during the great patriotic war, the armed forces of ukraine used the tactics of live counting, covering. civilians and using living houses as firing points. death, mass death of people, after all , it is counted in tens of thousands of dead,
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civilians. i should have died three times, once a shell fell next to us , but did not explode, the second time right above us, a direct hit on the second floor, you know, everything jumped, the furniture jumped from the impact, they flew.
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peaceful life is being established, here it is written that hundreds sat down at their desks in schools , which says that quickly children, which of course pleases, since the children sat down at their desks after essentially a two-year break, donbass itself liberated a little more than 1 million, million approximately 60 thousand people, as a result of the liberation of donbass , another major defeat was inflicted. the german army defeated 13 divisions, this was a very great success, great damage for the germans, excellent conditions were created for crossing to
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another in front of the dnieper and the complete liberation of ukraine. the successful donbass operation showed the whole world the strength and power of the red army from 1943 until the capture of berlin, our troops were only advancing victoriously. my ladies, i’m not hinting at anything, but the holidays are coming, there’s 3% cashback on sbp for everything, no matter what you want to give, this, or even this. the main thing is that the gift
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11:00 pm
hello, international review is on air, fyodor lukyanov studio. today on the program is an international review. events of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. diplomacy. split, the high art of communication in hostile conditions. the abolition of russia and new sanctions, a good try, but no. materials of our program. escalation of the conflict in gaza. why doesn't anyone want a sequel? threat to peace in the middle east.


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