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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 23, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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difficult, i would say, somewhere sad , because the ties are severed, it is very difficult , so to speak, in general today to be a representative of russian culture, so i think we will wait until something has to change, some people think that it will last for a long time, some think that...
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fundamental in the artistic aesthetics of shimyakin. in sixty-nine , the first foreign exhibition took place in one of the galleries in new york; in seventy-one, after forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital, the artist was deprived of soviet citizenship expelled from the ussr. shimyakin settled.
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in the central house of the artist for the first time a retrospective exhibition of his works was held, among the famous sculptures of mikhail shemyakin, monuments to film actor sovely kramarov in san francisco, a monument to vladimir vysotsky in samara, in the interest of giacoma casanova in venice, sculptural compositions, a dialogue between plato and socrates in new york, children victims of adult vices in moscow. people of art, the french i meet or the americans, they were, so to speak, friendly towards russian art, with great respect and to many manifestations of russian art in the past and today with admiration, so to speak in general, which they do not hide, but they cannot say, so to speak, that you will allow gergiev to come with... with his ballet or
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with his orchestra in the states or somewhere , you know, his contracts were terminated, in fact , today, imagine that the marinsky theater will suddenly dance, so to speak, in general, they will go to the ballets of the marinsky theater in paris, this is for today not incarnate, russian art , which is... a huge phenomenon on the world stage, so to speak, in general it existed, will exist, and everything, everything must be restored, restored, we must wait out some difficult moment, but also not take advantage of it , because i’m a little worried, when i watch the news, by this questing patriotism, you know, this is the one thing... required in you, it
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is laid down from birth, this is love for your homeland, love for your people, love for that great what he did, did everything, skill forgive some absurdities , which, so to speak, are generally inherent in every nation, so, but the most important thing, so to speak, is not to fall into this pseudo-patriotic, so to speak, general hysteria, in general , today it is...
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there must be victory , so to speak, in general , behind the mind, art, so to speak , which is the main indicator, so to speak, in general and the main profile of any era, it will still exist, so to speak , will be called russian art, great, therefore, forgive me for my
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optimism, after advertising we’ll talk about the middle east. look, desires are not fulfilled by yourself, but by you, those who move forward and help others, those who are far away but are ready to overcome any.
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israel continues to insist on the need for a complete military clearance of the city of rafah on the egyptian border. even washington is already against it. biden, as eyewitnesses say, and netanyahu speaks obscenely. however, these are emotions of practical steps to stop the israeli one.
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security in the region. i recently spoke to the egyptian journalists' union.
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so, every time i talked about peace, not even about the peace process, because that's what now swear words. i heard the audience's outrage: people no longer believe that peace is possible. when i spoke about the west, listeners agreed that it had double standards. the principle of the rule of law has no meaning for the west today. all that matters is force and coercion. the only way to turn the situation around is to use force ourselves to advance our interests. if we want to avoid new wars, we need to change the environment, which is becoming more and more aggressive. i don't want to dramatize, but the events of october 7 did not give rise to, but rather intensified, the desire for retribution, which will be realized by individuals on both sides. and no one can criticize either the israelis or the palestinians for this natural desire. you mentioned that people have lost faith in peace, but
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on the other hand, isn’t there a reason to lose faith in war as a way to resolve the conflict, any war brings only destruction, you are absolutely right, in the entire history of its existence, and this is a little bit 7.0 years, egypt participated in hundreds of wars, we understand that the price of war is higher than the price of defeat. and trying to bring it to the rest of the world. however, when it comes to palestinians whose loved ones are killed in their homes or died in hospitals, one must understand that there will be no rationality in their actions, the desire for retribution will overshadow all other motives, the same is true for the israelis. we need to restore people's faith in the world in the fairness of the international system and in the rule of law. otherwise, the israelis and palestinians will take the initiative.
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the problem of the arab spring was that everything happened too quickly; if society had gradually increased pressure on government structures with demands to modernize the institution of power and improve the governance of the country, perhaps something would have happened. political institutions have weakened greatly over the years, when the arab spring broke out, everyone expressed a desire
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to lead the country without any political base. in the political space. they won the elections. what did the west want? turn the course of events in a favorable direction to him? if the west were smarter, it
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would be building development potential and creating new opportunities in the region. gradual changes, the desire for change does not go away; every 15-20 years it results in explosive situations leading to instability. let’s take for example lebanon, which i respect, a unique country in many respects. for
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the past 40 years , there has been a civil war in lebanon at intervals of 15 years. there is no understanding of how the country should develop, because people here are not used to gradual changes. i would i really wanted egyptian solutions that called for order, the involvement of their own population in solving regional problems, and not europeans or asians. at the same time, we must be connected to the rest of the world. unfortunately, this is often forgotten, including by the egyptians. they mistakenly believe that egypt needs to go into strategic hibernation, but if egypt goes into hibernation, who will provide it with resources? for us, this is not
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a working, even erroneous strategy; on the contrary, the leaders of the middle eastern countries should strive to act. we can compete with the us or with russia, but on a regional scale, at home, we are able to outperform both the us and russia, we have already done this. egypt, let me remind you, has been a member of brix since january, so you will have to listen, as well as another new member of the association, iran. our regular author, yusef jalali, visited the iranian city of reshd, and it is famous not only for its cuisine, but also for what it involves.
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dishes that are associated with russia. for example, the recipe for ragu vaivishka appeared here in the forties of the last century. the thing is, that the soviet union and britain together temporarily
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occupied iran, where pro-german sentiment was strong. operation concord was supposed to prevent a coup in the country in favor of nazi germany. the stew and potatoes reminded the soldiers of the food they would get at home, like at grandma's, they said. the soldiers left after the end of the war, but vavishka remained. we have tried to preserve artifacts from world war ii. this museum displays uniforms of soldiers from all over the world. soviet, american, british, iranian, there are also german and french. a also military equipment, weapons and documents. gillan is one of the oldest regions of ancient persia. it appeared more than 250 thousand years ago, as if sandwiched between the city by the albors ridge and the caspian sea. gillan is also famous for its incredible natural beaches. authorities say the site is popular among iranians and plans are now underway to attract foreign tourists, especially from cis countries that are geographically close to gillan. gilan
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is located in the strategic transit corridor, north-south, which connects russia, india and the persian gulf. now iran and russia are working to develop the infrastructure of the trade network to turn it into an alternative to the traditional route of the suede canal, where there is an escalation. suede canal and an even more convenient route. it is symbolic, because thousands of years ago gilan was a key stop on the ancient
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silk road, which connected china with it and can become a full-fledged alternative to europe. in the past , trade routes passed through iran. for example, this caravanserai is called shah abasi. he was used traders and travelers. they came here on camels and rested, exchanging their goods. with mouth-watering dishes, stunning landscapes and a strategic location, gillan is a land of countless possibilities. iranian officials are now negotiating with russia to expand cooperation in cultural exchange tourism, believing that this will strengthen trade ties. it was an international review.
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11:59 pm
hello, yakimov, and i am oleg stepanov and we... of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about
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money, amounts. there is a clear and clear signal in russia; is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe, in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, you got up, dusted yourself off and went. is russia ready to change? does evolution occur in any structure?
12:01 am
a year ago at western


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