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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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today, on defender of the fatherland day, vladimir putin laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. the president honored the memory of the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. minister of defense sergei shaigu and combat veterans studying at suvorov military schools also laid flowers at the eternal flame. the ceremony ended with a solemn march of the honor guard company.
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russia. believes in the strength and reliability of its
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defenders, who stand guard over its interests. vladimir putin stated this in a festive address to all those who serve served. the powerful potential of the army and navy is a guarantee of the country's security. the state will continue to strengthen the armed forces, ensure their technical re-equipment and modernization, the president said. today , the share of modern weapons and equipment in the strategic nuclear forces has already reached 95%. and sea. component of the nuclear triad is almost 100%. serial production of new zircon hypersonic missiles has begun. testing of other strike systems is being completed. last december , new strategic submarines joined the navy. just the other day in kazan , four tu-160 m missile carriers were transferred to the armed forces. in general-purpose forces, we will also strive for the most.
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there are also very young fighters in the hall, who distinguished themselves in a special military operation and are wise with experience. army generals like viktor ermakov. guys, in battle, the strongest one wins, who knows how to see the enemy, because battle is a mutual process, if you are less prepared than he will hurt you, kill you, if you are better, you will achieve victory over him. this award was given to me for taking one of the inhabited points on the territory of ukraine. in a populated area he simply destroyed it in an ambush. the victory museum on poklonnaya hill has traditionally prepared a special program. the musical marathon, russia, my motherland, brought together more than 600 musicians from various brass bands and vocal groups. young visitors to the museum took part in master classes on weaving camouflage nets; at the world of tanks exhibition
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, nine models of armored vehicles from the great patriotic war are shown; an interactive tyroshilov shooter provides an opportunity to try out firearms historical weapons entrance. free for men, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier at the kremlin wall. patriarch kirill of moscow and all russia also laid flowers at the eternal flame. dear warriors, defenders of the fatherland in your person, i mentally appeal to all the soldiers who guard the security of our fatherland. honored the memory of the fallen soldiers at the eternal flame.
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happy birthday to your son, good health to you, success in such a difficult year. hi dad, how are you doing there? you probably have everything there ok, i wish you to come back, we are proud of you, to all the guys who are on mission today, convey our deepest regards, we will do everything to ensure that all questions are closed on our part, we have no doubt in your courage. heroism. the sound of a metronome announcing an air raid accompanied the leningraders throughout the blockade. on vosstaniya square in st. petersburg, city governor alexander beglov laid flowers at the obelisk of the city of hero of leningrad. acting
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commander of troops. donbass and novorossiya sing. the project is called "let's smoke." the famous song based on the poems of the poet front-line soldier ily frenkel is performed by musicians from new regions. russia, let's have a smoke, my comrade , let's have a smoke, my comrade, festive fireworks took place in moscow, volgograd, kerch, murmonsk, novorossiysk, st. petersburg, sevastopol, smolensk and tuli, and fireworks were also seen by residents of the cities in which the headquarters of the military districts were stationed , fleets, combined arms, armies and the caspian flotilla. over the past week, russian troops took control of three settlements at once: novdeevka and the village of pobeda in the donetsk people’s republic republic, as well as crimea in the kherson region. this was reported to the ministry of defense. in addition, the missile forces hit a launcher, a tractor, and an ammunition
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transport-loading vehicle of the american patriot complex. in just a week , 37 strikes were carried out on military infrastructure in ukraine. during the period from february 17 to 23 , the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 37 group strikes with high-precision weapons, including long-range airborne weapons, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles on targets military-industrial complex, military airfield infrastructure, arsenal and fuel bases, the deployment points of units of the armed forces of ukraine, and the formation of nationalist foreign mercenaries were also affected.
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it’s almost impossible to hide here, it’s practically impossible to see everything , it’s under fire, from the dugout borya manages to send a short video of himself walking through the endless zaporozhye steppes, he doesn’t want to go home, he wants to, who doesn’t want to, why is it like this here, the homeland must be defended, a point was born took me on vacation, yes we went, i held it in my arms and back, that’s right, we are standing in the trench where i personally dug the tv. everything is, in principle, so not detached, as they say, from the world, the guys who are here at the moment, they are writing
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history 15 km from us, these are the lines of combat contact, but we are approaching the position, the russian ministry of emergency situations warns, protect your house, install a fire alarm. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. voting at home. eh, no
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time, i'm sick, i'll have to miss it elections. why? will you vote at home? how is it? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home. to do this you need to submit an application. voting uses sealed mobile boxes. that's good, and i'll vote.
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, to our new release of the besagon tv author's program. we called her independent in uniform. i think you will understand why our program is called that. today i would like
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to talk about information reality. in which we find ourselves today, we exist, here remember how it used to be, who remembers , in soviet times, when we practically received the same information, when in the speeches of our leaders, be it khrushchev or brezhnev, congresses or plenums, we... looked between the lines for the hidden meaning of , what does this leader want to say, everyone thought so , we even had a joke, there was such a song, we say lenin, we mean the party, we say the party, we mean lenin, that is , we say one thing, but mean something completely different, it really was like that,
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it was always hotly discussed in intellectual circles. so to speak, what i wanted, what, what to expect , well, besides, of course, those radio stations that were jammed here, and radio liberty, and the voice of america, and the bbc, we all know how we were looking for a place where they jam less, how they caught every word, then radio and television were state-owned and a step to the left, a step to the right was impossible, now... everything has changed, a mass of private radio stations, independent tv channels have appeared that broadcast whatever they please, discuss all problems, there is no censorship , there are different opinions, great,
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this is very good, but time has passed, the internet appeared, a completely different matter , the instant dissemination of information, any, today, in principle, advanced people consider it their dignity, saying that i don’t watch tv at all, and this is true, and young people, in particular, they are all on the internet, they get from there what interests them, television in this sense has lost quite a lot, but what is interesting is that you will agree, this is really true, everything that happened under soviet rule according to television, radio,... one way or another, with a greater measure of truth or not, it still existed with the goal of consolidating society, we were told what successes we were achieving in space, in the fields of the country, how the bam was built, how the millionth tractor was produced and so on and so forth, it set our teeth on edge, but still we heard
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some information that at least gave a feeling of some kind of stability, what happened next, what happened next... there is some kind of opposite thing here, this is very interesting the opinion of one dissident from eastern europe, when the berlin wall collapsed, he said a brilliant phrase: everything that socialist propaganda told us about socialism was a complete lie, but what socialist propaganda told us about capitalism, unfortunately...
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is configured to create fear in a person, uncertainty, doubt , condemnation.
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the prestige of the airport, and the dispatchers, everyone sat down with a twinkle, what comes next, the breakdown of all those who and so on, it turned out that it’s not so, it’s not true, but it’s already worked, there’s already a drop in the cerebellum, this is poison, it’s already got there, someone read that this was not true, someone remained unconvinced, cursing the controllers...
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gozman, when writing an article about what happened, writes, for example, in the article about the plane there are seven points, of which two points, and he writes about plane, about canceling the parade on may 9, cancel the parade on may 9, at least pretend that people are more important to you than meaningless show-offs, that is, we understand that any news, be it a plane crash or an unsuccessful rocket take-off, in any case is sent immediately for things like the victory parade, for things like that like an immortal regiment, on such things as
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the mass laying of wreaths on the tomb of the unknown soldier, why, what is special about this, but how does this interfere with mr. gozman and other opposition forces, that this is happening, consolidation, if we see the parade on may 9, we feel. .. and a national, healthy thing, whether
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the olympic games or the world cup are brilliantly organized or something else, it causes irritation and an instant reaction, instantly this healthy impulse. you need to poison some fake one, and heartbreaking news. it’s interesting what roman nosikov writes. fear and grief have great virtues. first of all, these are powerful motivators. they are capable of forcing a person to act actively, to create and destroy, to take revenge, to save, to protect and to kill. also, human grief and fear. interfere with thinking, therefore, those who are afraid and grieving are extremely vulnerable, amazingly, precisely, a person gripped by fear, grief and...
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and what to do, this is where those who tell you what to do appear, and this information, it like a virus, it can pick up and take over a person’s mind for some time. this mental virus for this time it turns a person, even a thinking one, it can turn into part of an absolutely controllable crowd, and this is already serious, this is already power, this is already one way or another more or less successful, but an attempt to take over the minds of a huge number of people, let’s just so...
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let’s go over the events that were covered in a certain way by these independent media, for example, the 2008 war in georgia, the beginning of shelling of our peacekeepers in abkhazia, the world media did not notice at all, they are silent, as if this does not exist, immediately all the channels turn on as soon as ours begin to respond to this. twelve year old girl on fox.
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let's just remember that this test of colin paul with washing powder, which he passed off as a poisonous substance, is worth, and this is how it ended. cost gaddafi.
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milosevic paid for the truth that he dared to express out loud, for this phrase. russians, look at us, remember, they will do the same to you when you disunite and give me some slack. the west is a chained mad dog, clinging to your throat. brothers, remember the fate of yugoslavia, do not let the same thing happen to you. he died in prison. and what is this fake attack of the white helmets worth, a terrible attack on civilians, who besides us, besides rt, a companion, who showed a boy who honestly admitted that he was asked to play a poisoned child for dates, and he played, we were sitting in the basement of our at home, mom
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said that we ran out of food and see you tomorrow. there will be nothing, i heard a noise outside, someone shouted that we urgently need to hospital, we're so...


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