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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 24, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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even worse, the scoundrels beat him severely and also broke his arm. on this day we just walked on our own, i don’t even want to remember it, it was tough, but he and i walked with water, we were just going to our restaurant, we were attacked by a group of people who we couldn’t even guess that with this will happen to us, because since i’ve been here for 13 years, i haven’t had any problems, on that day they attacked us, and they broke my arm, and now i have another broken tooth.
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the deity unquestioningly carried out his orders , so they looked at david tronenko as for the execution of direct actions. one of them was aimed at chinese citizens. suntan and hauji-han, students of belgorod state technological university. studying at the faculty of economics.
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we were going to the grocery store when suddenly we were attacked by unknown people. severely beaten, sung, even lost consciousness. give gifts with a free vtb credit card. 20% cashback on
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video surveillance: the tables of members of the election commission, places of issuance, storage, movement of ballots into safe bags, cancellation of ballots, voting boxes and places of counting ballots. a completed ballots are sealed in safe bags and stored in separate safes or metal cabinets. i wonder who watches these videos? the broadcast can be watched by candidates, parties, public observers, and if necessary, the recording can be rewinded and watched again. everything is transparent and under control. to understand what david tronenko, nicknamed korpit, is like, we decided to talk to him ourselves, but first, while
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our requests were being considered, we met his family and went to visit the border village of nikhoteevka. it turned out that until 2015, the spouses oleg and svetlana otronenko, their three sons, david, andrey and daniil, lived in a village in the dnepropetrovsk region, ukraine. we lived very well, we lived very well, but the whole situation that arose in 1914, the dnieper battalion began to be based here, when i saw what kind of people they were, our children could not.
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there are elderly relatives left there who need constant help, so the eldest son david turned 18, he decided to move to the capital. david spent almost 2 years working in moscow, and upon returning home, he began completely different, somehow uncontrollable, he said, i won’t be the watchdog of the system, i don’t know, this is the first time such words were spoken, like this, well, did you explain to him or what was the conversation about, the conversation was going on all the time, i say, son, how can you , i say, you dreamed, no, he says, now i won’t serve anyone, that’s it, i’m a partisan, imagine, that’s what he said, that i’m a partisan, now...
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in army and in the future and at work, and practically, as i say, all my life i am accompanied by various interesting
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stories that come out of my impatience with servility. my father found a job in a construction company, the company deals with state tenders, that is, i worked as a builder in two positions, a concrete worker, a reinforcement worker and an assembler, a high-rise worker, but in last place was tronenko... korbit did not stay long, the work became hard for him unbearable, it turned out to be much easier to post on social networks, surround yourself with young boys who don’t understand anything and completely cloud their brains with the ideas of non-nazism. however, in theory tronenko turned out to be not very strong, he was confused about literally everything and he himself admitted it. about the ideology of national socialism, in fact, i would like to tell a lot, but... i was kept in solitary confinement for a year, i now have my eloquence skills and so on, a huge number of facts were
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forgotten, that is, i’m not talking about the fact that the representative a black man once or an asian worse than me, no, he is no worse than me, and i treat him well if he lives on his own land, but if he lives on my land, then he is a potential enemy, we talked with tronenko about so-called direct actions . corbid's explanations are more than strange, this is how he tried to justify the attack on the syrians. there are syrians in videos on the internet, on vkontakte , last year or the year before, near bilgu, near the university in an underpass , eight of them beat two russian guys, so we simply owe it to them.
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maybe he was in danger, they were going to continue their service somewhere there, for example in azov, i really wanted to leave the russian federation and continue my activities in ukraine, but...
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with those to whom he openly fooled people, hiding behind his own ideas for building peace. here is alexey kazantsev, in the group he was given the nickname “grif”, he was involved in heel sports,
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worked as a cook, when he took part in direct action, he was still a minor, now... having found himself under investigation, he quickly realized that he had fallen under the influence of an older comrade, he said that he adheres to the policy of national socialism, which was under nazi germany, that he finds guys like supporters, so is gradually developing, he offered to try himself in his business
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, trances, not so long ago i met with both syrians, i brought them my apologies, mm, it’s good that they forgave me, i really do, i’m really sorry that this happened, i i’m really glad that these people forgave me, that they understood that i made a mistake, somehow, well, somehow.
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remembers the day when the operatives came to them, it was a shocking moment for me, i didn’t understand why such people came for my son, to be honest, he i felt some kind of fear, i didn’t scream , on the contrary, to be honest, i felt some kind of relief, he says: ugh, mom, it’s good that it’s over, i say, vlad, why, what do you mean, i say, well, why, i say, are you a dangerous person, i say that such people have come for you? the investigation into the criminal case against david tronenko’s extremist community has been completed. all materials have been submitted to the court. members of the group are awaiting a verdict, the young man is haunted by the thought that he could spend several years behind bars
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lattice. at such moments, people try to come up with excuses for themselves, but i can’t find them for myself. no, it’s a pity, it’s a pity that i was like this, like this. because i know my character, i would not forgive my son for this, how long the court hearing will last is unknown, but now we can say with complete confidence that...
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that all this is growing into a cancerous tumor and this process is irreversible, the most important thing is, uncontrollable even by the neo-nazis themselves, for this reason this progressive process, it leads to the commission of more serious crimes up to and including murder. the danger of this community also lay in the fact that, as i already said, in principle , he involved good guys, normal young people in these actions, planning each of them who... fit the characteristics of a leader, over time to turn into such a leader, to give the opportunity to recruit his own groups and thus spread this
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activity not only throughout the region, but beyond its borders, meaning after a possible departure from the country, how did he plan to do this? groups like david tranenko has been identified frequently in our country over the past 2 years to the extremist community. in the rostov region, stavropol region , buryatia and dagestan, security officers detained members of afflicted organizations, dozens of citizens were interrogated, pistols, grenades, cartridges, bladed weapons and a lot of extremist materials were confiscated. parliamentarians and politicians have been talking about the danger of the spread of extremism in modern russia for a long time; there is an urgent need
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to systematize the resources of adherents of radical views. summer 2022 the state duma of russia adopted a bill on creating a data bank of extremist materials, this is a collection of all... materials in one in one place, in one in one database, this is an extremist film, these are speeches, these are articles, publications, books, and so on and so forth , that is, complete information is needed so that law enforcement officers, firstly, identify, suppress and not only extremist activities, but terrorist ones, as related to extremism, these are two - to say, interconnected events, phenomena, extremism, terrorism, this is what they say, they act, so this is very important, necessary and promising. unfortunately, in fact , extremism can develop into even more serious crimes, there are, unfortunately , plenty of examples of this in the modern history of russia,
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why, why does this phenomenon not leave us, well, by the way, including because of its such a decent spread on social networks, unfortunately, these slogans often quickly catch fragile minds, primarily young people, of course. some teenagers cannot express themselves in the adult world, although they have such a need, and often extremist ideas
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fill the void. they provide a point of reference in a world where it is not very clear what is possible and what is not. teachers, teachers and , first of all, parents need to constantly communicate with children and explain what a person can do for his people and his country. this is how we saw the story of the defeat of the extremist group of david tranenko , nicknamed corbit. this was our investigation from the belgorod region. draw conclusions only to you. see you on the russia-24 tv channel.
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modern ukraine does not have a european future, postpret russia vasili benzya stated this at a meeting of the un security council. according to the diplomat, ukraine has now become thoroughly corrupt and criminal, and the population is rapidly becoming impoverished. the diplomat emphasized that this situation is the result of the actions of the current puppet leadership that is operating. our special military operations are aimed at achieving these goals.


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